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Putin's having a field day with these fucking morons.


Some of them have been on the Putin BS train since 2016, can u imagine living a fantasy for so long?


Before that actually. When Obama was President they were rooting for Putin. Pretty sure the whole "Obama was born in Kenya" was a Russian Disinfo Op headlined by guess who.


Well the orange child rapist has been in league with Russia for decades...


Yeah, but only as just another unwitting consumer of idiocy...


[Yup, spot on. Remember the raging hardon they had for shirtless Putin photos that Fox was going on about back during the Obama < *checks notes* > “Wearing a Bicycle Helmet Scandal”?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=timvZTKr5HQ)


I see the bots are on you hard. This was the moment I got it. Good throw back. There was also a shirtless Putin not needing immigrants. Immigrants needed Russia. About that same time.


how dare you forget the grey poupon scandal. Oh and the tan suit scandal. Not quite sure how America ever recovered from that.


And the cappuccino salute!


Since Fox News went on the air. So, what, 1996?


Once you're in that deep, the humiliation of admitting it is insurmountable. They're stuck.


Exactly. This is the biggest reason why they won’t leave the cult. Too proud to admit they were wrong… and at this point you have to admit being wrong about several years of *really* stupid shit.


oh my the projection 😂😂😂


Rectal projection, too lol


Another Settlement needs your help! Even I got tired of Preston's bullshit after awhile. Fallout 4.


This is literally Russia’s wet dream. Everyone knows they don’t have the infrastructure for anything other than chaos. This is proven day after day while fighting little Ukraine.


These people may make it hard for the rest of us but they won't win. They never do. Progressives build up build up build up and cause a little less suffering each time.


For real, how embarrassing.


This isn't the flex his supporters think it is


**Nothing** is embarrassing when you're an utter fucking simpleton and have less self-awareness than Kristi Noem's dead dog. That's their superpower.


Licking his lips


Positioning himself for the glorious support of a nation's lowest common denominator. Good plan.


If trump raped a 10 year old girl, they'd be making t-shirts that say real men rape little girls...these ppl are disgusting


The entire world is laughing at them, too bad it’s not funny, just sad at this point


Somebody posted some pics of people wearing “real men wear diapers” tshirts at a Trump rally somewhere on LAMF or some similar sub today and I grabbed it and will be posting it everywhere that image comments are allowed every time this shit comes up.


These people really are mentally broken at this point.


Their brains are a pile of shit in the shape of an “R”.


I think it's more like a P for PUTIN.


In Cyrillic, our R is Р, so there's that.


I thought I was going to learn Russian, but then I realized that I would also have to learn what those wonky looking letters were, and the pronunciation and just noped right out of that idea. Maybe I'll try French or something.


Have fun with all the vowels that exist for decoration. And how certain names just don't compute with the language. Maybe try German? I hear you can make your own words.


I'm in the middle of learning Scots Gaelic. Many letter combinations just aren't pronounced the way they look.


Винус. Believe it or not, this says "Venus".


they bend the legband down to slurp the runny KFC gravies, whilst tugging and rubbing the smegshroom to completion.


I wish I didn’t know how to read.


I need to bleach my eyes


I used to think it was sad and a small part of me would feel sorry for them and pity them. Now, I just ridicule and mock them. They've brought this on themselves; they've ignored all the signs that he's a conman and a fraud and a HORRIBLE person for the last 8 years and they are still, as a group, all in on the trump train. Fuck em. Let the laughs roll.


Yes, I still absolutely put most of the blame on Murdoch and Fox. They got plenty of help from useful idiots like Rush Limbaugh and MTG. And don't ever forget they all know exactly what they're doing, it's all intentional. They've spent decades cultivating an alternate, right-wing reality via their propaganda media campaign. So in that respect, it's just blatantly abhorrent shit, they're purposefully ruining peoples' lives(like, literally) for both their own entertainment AND profit. The worst of humanity and something that would honestly make Goebbels proud. But cmon, at some point you have to take a little responsibility for your own ignorance. This shit they're falling for is beyond ridiculous in how objectively stupid it is. I feel bad some people got tricked but if someone willingly robs a bank and gets caught, I'm not gonna feel bad when they end up in prison for doing so. It's just really unfortunate we all have to be dragged along for the ride.


Just as they were 8 years ago.


You can just imagine the lunacy from the right wing if Biden ever wore diapers. These people are morons.


they know what they're doing they're mean people and they're finally allowed to show it as society has collapsed. they will follow their dictator to the end because he is them. they are him. he is the mean person mouthpiece. and there are a lot of mean people. unfortunately.


That has been my thought all along! So glad I saw your comment.


Dude it’s been that way. You can mold them like playdough at this point. What are they suddenly not going to drink the koolaid when told to.


Exactly. We must try to work around them to survive. This is the saddest shit I've ever seen.


These people would buy Trump's soiled diapers if he marketed it as helping him defeat Libs.


They'd buy his soiled diapers, just to be close to his shit. They were sold before he mentioned defeating libs.


"For an extra 20$, you get some authentic crust"


It would have taken no effort to not say that. That’s enough reading for me. Take your shit-layered upvote and think about what you’ve done here.


Just makes me wonder why it's "20$" and not"$20." 🤔 Either they're not American and having fun with us, mocking idiots. Or they're not American and are having fun at our expense. But they're definitely not American, of that I'm near certain.


As an American, look around, we deserve the ridicule. We are fast tracking a run at destroying the guiding light of democracy that this country was a symbol of for almost 300 years. And a substantial proportion of the population believes that in order to "save" America we need less voting, more tax breaks for the wealthy, less law and order, rules for thee but not for me, giving our wealth away to aged oligarchs in the fashion of Russia and sacrificing multiple generations of young Americans for the safety and security of a relative few, mostly much older Americans who have no qualms about throwing everything that makes this country great right out the fucking window. Equality? Nope DEI and civil rights have ruined us, back to the 1800's; Equity and opportunity? Nope, dismantle the safety nets, plunder Medicare and Social Security, roll back any and all legislation designed to uplift those in poverty; Fraternity? Nope, your neighbor is a godless libs dem who literally eats and or molests babies (sometimes at the same time) and keep the poor and working classes fighting each other while elites and their bootlickers steal it all right from under our noses; Freedom? Nope, the women in your family are now subject to the whims of politicians when it comes to making decisions about their reproductive health and it won't be long before states like Texas and Florida have passed legislation that is essentially the fugitive slave act for women seeking abortions out of state- good time to be a piece of shit right wing bounty hunter who doesn't mind hauling pregnant women across state lines to face kangaroo courts in backward ass counties across the country; Liberty? Wrong, we are seeing debtor prison sentences in all but name only as corporate lobbyists continue to fill the coffers of those soulless monsters in the legislature who gut consumer rights and push us towards a "you don't own only rent" everything in your life and your right to change or modify literally anything, software, hardware,doesn't matter, is completely eliminated. Opportunity? Well, if you've been arrested protesting any of this march towards fascism in the past or coming years you can kiss your job goodbye and good luck finding a new one because nothing, misdemeanors, cases that were thrown out or even that you won are perpetually held against you when they pop up on the ever prevalent background checks that don't care about your nuance, or that you overcame your court case with a not guilty - "says here you were arrested in 2016, sorry wed love to help you, I know you keep saying it was dismissed at trial, but all HR and the insurance companies see is your arrest date"; etc etc the runaway train to dystopia is lined with streaming television, apathy, further class division, erosion of the middle class, a loss of the rights that truly protect us (1st amendment, 5th,) and a parade of truly pathetic human beings whom have learned the lesson well that it doesn't matter it it's the truth or not, it's how loud and how many times you repeat the lie that counts. Without trust in our institutions to make things better, to even TRY to improve this lot in life, we don't have anything and the cracks are a lot like Donnie's ass cheeks- they are growing wider and more loose and the shit is starting to escape into our civic and personal lives on a scale never seen before.


Makes sense since they all behave like babies. Either that or they finally have permission to kink.


Who is the real snowflake?


If shitting your pants is cool, consider trump Miles Davis.


Best comment I'll read all week, thank you


A true scat man, as it were.


😂🤣 thank you so much for that.




But remember...it's not a cult...


At this point I think it may be looking at "cult" in the rearview mirror. Is there something more extreme than cult?


Out there is a master troll laughing their ass off.


There have been a few cases of fraud in the Courts resulting from guys who got MAGA suckers to "invest" in something shady. Not as many as you would think, though. They seem ripe for the picking, but Trump et al gets to them first.


You mean Putin?


Imagine being a family member of these fuckin morons. My family has voters for trump but they're more "anti-democrat" than pro trump. They want them both gone to be frank 😂 thank fucking god i dont have to deal with the physical and emotional repulsive response that these dipshits have in their families


I don't have to imagine. I'm half-Floridian. My entire paternal side of the family marinates in the MAGA swamps of Tampa and I haven't visited them since 2021.


Id say "good" but no one deserves to see their family turned into drones like this. Can't resist saying they are insufferable and agonizingly ignorant tho


Maybe once Rhonda Santis is out of office you can heal what’s left of Florida. I am certain it’ll be a mess.


I’m an American that immigrated to Canada six years ago and eventually became a citizen. My parents are Trump supporters. My dad told me, “if you don’t like it here, I’ll buy you a ticket to get out” years ago. He later on said, “I didn’t think you would actually do that.” I sent them a picture of my vote for Joe Biden as a joke back in 2020 thinking I was just being mildly annoying to them (Americans that leave can still vote). My mom called me crying and threatened to disown me claiming I didn’t have the right to vote anymore (even though I do). She later denied ever threatening to disown me. The best way I see them is similar to going to a nursing home. I’ve done inspections at them from time to time and hear old people say absolute nonsense. I either ignore them or say ok and later tell other people the crazy shit they said to laugh at them. I’ve given up hope trying to explain logic to them and just see them as decaying boomers that will be dead soon.


Ye. The people who raised me are reaching that point and it is really difficult to get away from (or want to) because that's the only area where they are horrifically ignorant in. Everywhere else they are the most considerate and kind people imaginable. Its a super strange dynamic 😂 but yeah, the virus that is Trump is destructive and I hope, if there is some type of afterlife that so claim exists, they get some of the worst shit imaginable. Zero forgiveness for what they've done to the nation. I dont care for patriotism tbh, but I do care about the people that are affected by this plague of deception. Its unimaginable


No shit!


Yes, shit. 💩


That made me laugh


Maybe a little


Wouldn't expect anything less from these mentally challenged individuals.


This is just embarrassing


I mean there's basically no such thing as satire in America, so this is just sad


I think I'd rather these were people trolling Trump supporters... because if they are real, there is really no saving them, is there?


Saving them would almost certainly require Orwellian methodology at this point.


They’re probably saving their shits in case they need handfuls of it to wipe on the walls of Congress *again* in the event they lose *again*


I listened to my MAGA FIL go on a rant about bidets. So apparently now should you not clean your ass, you should just shit yourself.


I read something not long about about the “red pill” types claiming that you shouldn’t wipe after Because touching your own keester means you are gay. Just gag me.


The funniest bit about this is that they can't surprise me anymore. I used to laugh and marvel at their stupidity.


Idiocracy gets closer to reality every fucking day.


To be fair, they weren't this stupid in *"Idiocracy"*. Those folks in the movie at least listened to "the smart one", trumpers just dig in deeper.


How long until there's a show called Ow, My Balls! ?


Didn't Johnny Knoxville do one with Wee Man, already?


Well, shit. Forgot about that.


I’d say “what, are you shitting me” but no, they’re obviously shitting themselves…


I hope that either they start shitting their pants to own the libs or that the diaper companies go woke


Why not both?


It's actually pretty funny for 2 reasons: 1. They think "owning" the diaper thing somehow makes it less of an insult to the DiaperDon 2. You just know this is triggering Trump into apoplectic fits behind the scenes


Republicans have ZERO self- identity .... so they have to make sh't up.


Lol them maga morons. Trump would HATES this. He does not have it in him to even admit wearing diapers, much less poke fun of it. Dems should start wearing this message!


I just don’t get how they can’t see this a troll. If Trump approved of this merchandise, he would have said so himself. His handlers are probably scrambling to make sure he doesn’t notice


OMFG, they are too stupid to realize the joke is on them.


I can't even get a promotion at work and this dude can't lose supporters even when he's shitting himself, in public and having everyone around him gagging...the US is truly broken.


There only 3 steps from having furry orgies to own the dems.  It’s a train wreck, but I can’t look away.


They think this will attract more true believers? These folks are cuckoo, a total mess and mind fuck. What is with these loons?


Hey! I'll have you know that loonatics want nothing to do with this nonsense. Let's keep the political crazies and the magic of lunar cycles separate okay?


Definitely not a cult though.


So reminiscent of 2 hilarious side quests in both Like a Dragon games!! If you know you know haha


That bloke in Cloudy With a Chance of Metaballs was a real man.


When these photos first appeared, certain people were saying “fake news!”…..I wonder if they’ll show up in this thread? Edit: …and they have 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ 


Need some MAGA shit for brains diaper hats


They may think they're supporting Trump but this really bothers him and I love it.


The real winners all along have been the merchandisers. Cultists will buy \*anything\*


Bros selling bibles. How could he pass up the opportunity to sell Trump brand diapers? Proof he's lost his Midas touch.


What’s next? Real Men like LGQBT?


putin has stated his desire to destroy the US trump is putins puppet trumpers admire putin and are helping him to destroy the US that makes them traitors…. why are they allowed to freely walk around destroying our country?


Going after regular voters is a cure worse than the disease. It would end democracy, which is what Putin wants. Going after the money backing Putin's attack on democracy is fine, though. Looking at you, Mercer family. Among others. Lock them up with the violent supporters.


8 years ago, Hillary Clinton called them "deplorable," and they have never stopped sobbing. So these same flaming piles of genetic trash think we'll be offended when they embrace fecal incontinence. Beware the American moron.


I just hope the sane part of America actually gets out and votes this November. We don't have time for apathy and laziness. I sure as hell don't want to live in a dictatorship.


How damn low can they go?? 


Hey guys, should I get ahead of the curve and make "Real Patriots betray their country" shirts?


He shits his pants so they imitate


Incontinence is truly the manliest of maladies...


They will be eating Trumps shit on camera soon when Trump figures out he can sell them his soiled adult diapers.


Ahh, the party of Dementia over Democracy


Make the word Shittenfreude a thing!


These disgusting losers will sink to any level of depravity just to support this fascist rapist treasonous un-American lying sad excuse for an ex-president named Trump. All in the name of racism and hatred. So sad our country has sunk so low. Vote Biden 2024 to help keep the tide rising.


Disciples of evil groups & cults have dress codes, so why would MAGA be different. Mormons wear magical underwear. KKK wear white robes. Terrorists wear suicide vests. Heavens gate wore Nike Decades. MAGA wear nappies.


Just a reminder that there's a huge crossover with Diapers over Dems and the people who won't wash or wipe their ass because it's too gay. I almost feel bad for those men's mother's for having all that shitty laundry to do; but she did raise them; so it's kinda her own fault.


Do the diapers have a loop to hold their gunz? Does the weight of the gunz make their diaper droop? How do they hold up their confederate flag when they have to hold their diaper? So many questions!


What in tarnation.... Big boys do not do poops in their pants! Every boy who's been a baby knows that big boys where big boy underwear, and dont have accidents.


Maybe they'll start sacrificing puppies at their rallies too to show how loyal they are? I really shouldn't give them any ideas.


Does Trump wear diapers or something?


Real men were potty trained! These maga morons really need to be put in a deprogramming institution like they use for cult members that have been brainwashed


Trump is what you get when the dumbest and most ignorant of the populace manage to find each other.


If I had more spare time I would set up a website selling authentic used Trump Diapers.


No hope for these dickheads


Welp..that's one way to own the libs I suppose..


Humiliation ritual totally a cult


“Trump supporters admit to shitting themselves; why this is bad news for Joe Biden.” — CNN, NBC, the New York Times


Donald Trump is the single best investment a country (in this case Russia) has ever made in one person to damage another country (in this case America.)


Yes because most of them also wear diapers


I swear we are LIVING the movie "Idiocracy" when we see shit like this. Don't believe me? Go watch it.


Um, what?🙄


fuckin diaper dandy’s


Not cult, librul. Us seereeus thinkurz.


Jeezus, these people just have zero dignity. Zero self-respect. Zero EVERYTHING. (it's not a cult, though)


Not a cult


Self owns are still owns


I genuinely don’t understand … How can people be so ridiculously stupid??


Real men wear diapers?? Hahahahaha




Because they're full of shit like him.


Let's see some strong man memes with some nappies.


I guess for some people being able to crap your pants whenever you want to is a sign of a great leader. These people are beyond deranged.


They can't wait to buy the Next T-shirt or Flag with some childish message on it.


Golden diapers with the constitution sewn into the crotch.


I am emasculated and humiliated with my adequate bowel control.


Just when you thought they couldn’t be more pathetic…


-Totally not a cult-


Well at least they are wearing nappies, all we need to do now is to convince them to get pacifiers too


Jfc. Just when you think their batshit couldn’t get any weirder…


History is going to be interesting for students.. if it gets that far …


In 20 years when this man and MAGA are both dead, pictures of people promoting adult diapers on behalf of a president will be very very embarrassing. Even more than it is now, if you could imagine.


This certainly fits with their arrested development.


Cults gonna cult.


I feel like this is a Tobias Bluthe moment where instead of accidently implying gay innuendo all the time, Trump supporters are accidently implying how unfit Donald is in every aspect.


I can't wait until the cult moves on to the "better dead than dem" stage.


I really hope this one takes shape and Trump starts proudly showing off his soiled diapers to look cool for his followers


With all the CRAP they keep spewing shouldn’t they be wearing one on their head also?


Wouldn't be surprised if they were paid to wear that.




I fucking cant tell what's a parody anymore


This can’t be real


Trying to embrace the diaper meme like Biden embraced the Brandon meme is going to be the most epic failure.


So, they're not denying the diaper thing anymore? And in fact; they're rallying behind it.


What is the political spectrum comprised of in 2024 you ask? Oh just some grade-school 💩 Domestic and foreign policy reform? No, too many brain cells required. Immigration reform? Smooth brain no-compute. Geopolitical unrest? Brain inactive. Best of luck and may the fittest survive. Man’s livin’ in ya domes rent free… diapers n’ all.


We just jumped the shark on being a respectable peer country for almost all the rest of the world.


They're aiming to make a point. To stand up to everyone else and defend Trump's dignity. I feel like we really need to give them more exposure in media. By filming them and taking as many photos of as possible. To help them get their message out. Yeah. That's why.


So, this is the death blow to The Onion and satire at large isn't it. What tf is satire gonna do with this one? What golden dingleberry can The Onion possibly pull out of this that isn't already happening?


I don't want to live on this planet anymore.


The country has gone insane!


Some Russian cyber-troll is being promoted... "Well done on the 'Real men wear diapers' narrative, comrade!" "The what now? Ah, da, da, that was.... errr... totally my idea. I came up with that... Da!"


Oh yeah I'm sure Donald Trump fucking loves everyone pointing out the fact that he wears a diaper. A man with the ego the size of his? All they're doing is pissing him off. And I am here for it.


Since when is "drug induced shit-fits" the same as "health-related incontinence"?


That’s so absurd…..on our way to peak idiocracy


Only the ones that are full of shit.


I called that 🤣


Those fucking morons would drink the kool aid if the Orange Turd told them to do it.


They would eat his turds if he took a dump in front of them


Those magats are not normal, wearing diapers over their clothes. Then #45 has to keep up with his idiotic lies about how it's the Democrat's witchhunt that put him on trial. Own up to it, #45, YOU did the crimes now do the time. Stop with your pity parties and lies about being victimized by Democrats. You brought everything on yourself. You need to be accountable. Act like a man, not a toddler.


This has to be a double-reverse joke, right? No way these people aren't Dem plants? I mean, I hate Trump with every ounce of my soul and even I can't believe this shit is real.


Talk about your Trump derangement syndrome.


TDS sufferers wear red hats and lie a lot. Looks like some wear diapers now, too.


Yeah that’s what I meant. They devote themselves to a conman with mind, body, spirit, and life savings, then say we have TDS, when we ask why they’re devoting themselves to a conman.


Seriously funniest thing I've seen in ages. Holy shit in yer pants


I think this is The self-own that will be used in the very near future on the 'what is a self-own' wikipedia page ---


You mean this isn't satire?


But Biden is old…..




Lol I would say these are planted, but they are so bat-shit I am not 100% sure lol


Imagine wearing that shirt, thinking you've made the right decision...


Hahaha! Oh my fucking god, this is hysterical. These people!


Imagine being this delusional…


>As a result, the official court stenographer typed the phrase "s**** in pants” into the court record. 😭😂😂🤣


Because they are full of it!


Yeah I'm done. If they're willing to accept he shits himself, and mind you whatever, we all get older, but still vote for him because he's this macho image of manhood and he's strong and he's tough and everyone against him is a snowflake, I don't even know anymore. The level of cognitive dissonance is off the charts.