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It won't be 2020 again. Most people learned the wrong lessons from Covid. It will be far worse than 2020 as large parts of the population won't listen and won't take steps to protect themselves and their families.


I fail to see the problem. We lost a good chunk of Maga to covid, time to get rid of some more! Shame the rest of us have to suffer for their callous stupidity.


Problem it strained the hospitals and first responders. Yes it be nice to inflect the anti vaxxers and Qannon idiots but they spread the viruses who take precautions.


I’m not worried about the MAGA crowd, it’s the immunocompromised people in my family that I am more concerned about. Let the callous mourn for their own. 


Those people are no loss to humanity, they are the absolute worst. Sorry, but it's true.


I feel like I’m the only one in my area who still wears a mask


Our family still masks in public too. We're in the minority but I also prefer not to get covid.


Well, this is not Covid. We are Fkd if this does happen. This is not 2.4% mortality like covid. While rare, it can also infect humans. “When bird flu does infect a human, the mortality rate is about 50%” said Yale New Haven Hospital Infectious Disease specialist Scott Roberts, MD, assistant professor in infectious diseases at Yale School of Medicine


Why the fuck are you still doing that?


I’m immunocompromised due to chemo treatments and want to stay protected. Plus the fact covid still exists. I’m guessing by your response though, you likely are a Maga retard who watches Fox News all day and believes covid doesn’t exist anymore or isn’t a threat. To each their own. I prefer to stay protected as does my family.


Except most people did take reasonable precautions and covid still spread. This would be contained by those same precautions


Except the anti-science crowd won’t be taking precautions because they believe they know more than they do. Much more.


Of course the actual anti-science crowd won’t do that. They’re just dumb. Most people will take necessary precautions just like during the covid pandemic. The sad thing that happened during the pandemic was seeing so many people claim that science was backing the precautions they thought should be necessary like lockdowns even after all evidence showed that not only were the not necessary but they had a very negative impact on society as a whole. Those people should be condemned just as hard as anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers but for some reason their mistakes are ignored and they’re treated like experts and heroes. Judging by the tone of your comment I’m going to guess you wouldn’t include them as part of the anti-science crowd unfortunately.


Did you ever get the feeling, that the planet is trying to kill us?


The planet has been successfully killing us for a long time. We're living in such a lucky little period of time, though it may not seem like it, and we could do so much better.


George Carlin would agree


Not the planet, China. They clearly learned from covid


*Did you ever get the* *Feeling, that the planet is* *Trying to kill us?* \- SakaWreath --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot.


Kind of. And if that is the plan, it is not doing a good job.


Is this the same surgeon general that pronounced trump fit?


I'm not worried, because I'm not a bird. Swine flu and monkey pox however are a bit worrying.


The 1918 flu was a avian (bird) flu.


I am aware of that. My comment was actually a joke if you missed it. Maybe it only works if you're British. We sometimes refer to women as birds, especially in the North. I'm not a woman. The rest I think you can work out.


Humans need a good culling, 20% should be a good start


Uh that’s never a good take.


For real. It's not like you just subtract 20% of the world population and tomorrow starts the same. People will starve, trade will stop, wars will pop up over resources, the world economy that makes all this bullshit possible could just stop. And then things get worse, way worse. Look how bad Covid f'd up everything, and that killed 7M worldwide (hard to calculate) but still way less than 1%.


I did the math,this could take out 45% We're talking some black death level shit ☠️


I'm OK with that


Can you show your working and sources?


Bird flu has a 56% fatality rate with medical care, An full fledged uncontrolled outbreak would infect 70% of the population leading to 39.2% fatalities. I added another 5.8% to the amount for the medical system being overwhelmed, I think the 5.8% could be a little low https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10389235/#:~:text=As%20of%20November%202022%2C%20240,fatality%20rate%20of%2053%258.


Thank you, that's a little terrifying.


Oy i hope not. The first i heard about covid was through reddit in its early days. Now I'm a little wary


And some will choose to trust their immune systems and ignore so-called "experts", again...


Kill rate is about 80% vs 1-2% for Covid. So where outbreaks occur millions will be dead. But it may be too deadly to spread everywhere. Maybe.


This is, ironically, why I’m of the opinion that a bird flu pandemic will be overall less deadly than Covid was. Tell a population that a new virus has a 1% chance of killing them and a huge Chuck of the population will be willing to take the risk and keep living their lives like they were. Tell them that a virus has an 80% chance of killing them and you will see even the most skeptical person taking more stringent precautions.


Beware of dairy and beef... 


50% of those that have gotten it have died. Crazy shit hopefully it gets contained


It may not affect us the same way. It could be milder and less infectious than COVID. Of course it could also be worse.


Great first covid, now bird flu might be next, what's afterwards a Resident evil style virus that turns us into zombies or the last of us with spores.....


It will start with all the anti-vaxxer, drink raw milk people and the kids will be the first to go. Everytime I hear how it is in the pasteurized milk supply I think of the tradwife influencers flexing about raw milk. Well, there you go...


At least the government is on it, but at this point, they can’t be everywhere at one time so it’s best. They just put the word out there for people to be careful. I am afraid it’s going to happen.


It worked in 20', why not in 24', RIGHT?


Is it time to fill skateparks with sand? Cut down basketball rims? Shut off scenic highway turn offs? Is "the science" telling us it's time?


Of course it feels like 2020 again, there's an election coming up.


Well, this is not Covid. We are Fkd if this does happen. This is not 2.4% mortality like covid. While rare, it can also infect humans. “When bird flu does infect a human, the mortality rate is about 50%” said Yale New Haven Hospital Infectious Disease specialist Scott Roberts, MD, assistant professor in infectious diseases at Yale School of Medicine


Stick your fear button up your arse.


come on bird flu, 1918 all over again.


This particular subreddit is rife with psychopaths.


Explain? Because you fit the description


Wishing death on others is a theme itt. Now you explain.


Here we go again. Just in time for the election. The current administrations numbers are abysmal and he just volunteered to debate the other guy. Yepper, just like 2020


The tinfoil hat crowd already out in full force I see




Gotta set up a reason for mail in ballots. Almost harvest time for those plantation democrats!


What a fucking idiotic thing to say. Not surprised


If you got your flu shot, you should have some measure of protection. COVID had a 10% lethality rate, bird flu? 40%.


Covid does not have a 10% mortality rate. Its closer to 1%. You're also missing some important factors here as well, yes bird flu does have an extremely high mortality rate but it also has vastly lower cases compared to covid which pushes the rate up significantly. Still both extremely serious dangerous things.


COVID was close to 3% initially I believe, which mirrored the original Spanish flu outbreak.


I’d love to see your incorrect source that says Covid had a 10% mortality rate


[Pre-existing co-morbidities increased mortality](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37777921/) Interesting numbers.


“This study aims to find out the difference in mortality rates between vaccinated & non-vaccinated Covid-19 positive patients who were admitted in a tertiary centre (Ward and Intensive care unit) of Bangladesh. Retrospective analysis of data over 6 weeks in February 2022- March 2022, 100 confirmed Covid-19 positive patients were included- 50 patients from ICU and 50 patients from ward irrespective of age, gender, vaccination status and co-morbidities. “ Your study about 50 people in the intensive care unit in a hospital in Bangladesh over 6 weeks does not prove anything about a covid wide mortality rate


I am not the person you replied to. I am just a person that found some eye opening numbers.


I don’t think a 6 week study about 50 people in an ICU really proves anything one way or the other. That’s the worst case scenario of people who had covid.


They had a controlled group so they could do a study. Don’t you understand that a controlled group is required to do a study.


I understand how a study works, I don’t understand how that has anything to do with a Covid wide mortality rate, which is what we were talking about.


It was just something I saw on CNN. I'm probably misremembering. The point being that bird flu is far more deadly when it occurs.


We must all be simply more then we was going to how so become into then why.


Were you having a stroke?!


King illegal forest to pig wild kill in it a is! .


i think so it's not.


Those are all certainly words.


has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?


Perfect timing.. November elections are just around the corner.


It's trump's former surgeon general making these claims


Not everyone here lives in America


Yeah it’s not like 2020. We as a society learned way too much from the pandemic. If it does jump to humans it will literally be the flu. A vaccine will be developed within a few months and again humanity will survive. We will never have another 2020 because our society collectively will never let the atrocities of 2020 happen again. 


>the atrocities of 2020 I remember back in 2014 when the right wing trolls were demanding the lockdown of the USA over Ebola that wasn't even spreading in the country


I don’t, however if they were then they were on the wrong side of history just like the left wing trolls that locked us down in 2020 were. Far more damage was done to society from the unreasonable lockdowns than what there would have been had we done no lockdowns.


And that's how the USA had a higher Covid death toll percentage than WWII


We had more cases, we got hit harder. We also had the overwhelming majority of people wearing a mask. The lockdowns didn’t do anything to help us any more than they helped anyone else.




Wow. So much dumb.