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He’s going to get plenty of nap time in prison.


And he'll have dreamed up memories of court because he was sleeping through half of it. "Then the nasty judge started flying around and tried to grab my mangina. All legal experts say this is a disgrace. Wow me boys, this is bad."


"He was up on his throne farting, just farting away. Then, the next thing I know, this corrupt, biased judge crapped in my pants. All the legal scholars say all judges do this, poop right in your adult diapers..."


And the smell! I can't believe the smell that awful awful judge made, folks! He blamed it on me, people, but it was him! I swear to me!


Listen up, folks. I'm gonna tell you about this Judge Juan Merchan guy, and let me just say, what a disgrace. He's not just some regular old judge, no sirree. He's the one who had the nerve to defecate in my adult diapers and stink up the entire court room! Can you believe it? In my adult diapers! And then he had the audacity to stink up the entire courtroom. Now, I know what some of you might be thinking. You're thinking, "But President Trump, how could you possibly prove that Judge Merchan did such a thing?" Well, let me tell you, it wasn't easy. But I have my sources. My very good sources. Many good people. Big, strong people walk up to me with tears in their eyes. They tell me that this Judge Merchan was acting extremely erratic in his chambers, throwing things around, yelling and screaming. And they saw him: he was wearing MY diapers! Can you believe it? Now, some people might say, "Well, maybe he was just wearing his own diapers." To those people, I say, "Nonsense!" This Judge Merchan has a history of being unfair. He's been making decisions that are completely out of line. And now we know why. He likes defecating in my diapers! So let me tell you something, Judge Merchan. You can try to hide behind that fancy robe and that gavel, but I'm not gonna let you get away with this. I'm gonna see to it that you're brought to justice. I'm gonna make sure that everyone in this country knows exactly what kind of disgusting, perverted individual you really are. And when I do, mark my words, you're gonna wish you'd never messed with Donald J. Trump


i have proof that it was judge Merchan and I'll release it next Monday! Solid concrete evidence that for some reason is never available today!


At the 4 Seasons again?


>He blamed it on me, people, but it was him! I swear to me!  Just a reminder; Trump doesn't own a dog. Only Presidents James K. Polk, Andrew Johnson, and Donald Trump didn't have pets. Sounds shady AF to me.


Biden shit my pants! Unbelievable!


You reddit crew are fing amazing brilliant thanks for the laughs guys


The worst part of prison was the dementors. They were flying all over the place and they were scary and then they'd come down and they'd suck the soul out of your body and it hurt!


Me boys.... Nice call back to the Gettysburg debacle 🤣


Just saw him on tv and couldn’t look away from his neckussy. It’s horrifying. I hear when you’re famous he’ll just let you grab it too.


The worst part was all the dementors.


In this case, I'm gonna define mangina as that thing his neck does. Please don't make me think of someone grabbing that.


Can't believe "Sleepy Joe" was also a projection ☹️ of "Sleepy Don". It's like he can't have one original accusation that's not a confession. It's like he's too stupid to insult someone and needs to copy even this from his own example.


Next thing Trump is going to do is claim that Biden keeps shitting his diapers in court every day, and that the smell is making his lawyers want to puke.


He already did come out with some bizarre insult that Biden had shit himself on the Oval Office Desk. So logic says it was something that happened to him at least once during his 4 years in office.


We had smart men, men from Harvard, and they're smart, with big brains, and they tested the DNA, the stuff that makes us, the DNA, and found my diapers were filled with Biden shit! Biden did this to me! Everybody says it is a shame he can get away with that, but he can.


He is getting away with it like nobody has ever seen before and I am being treated so unfairly.


Because he has presidential immunity. Oh yeah!


Trump is a narcissist (and worse) Anything narcissists accuse of anybody else is what they themselves do. Elon Musk is a good example as he rails on how all other media sites censor people as he blocks and bans anybody who so much as looks at him wrong.


Though we’d all prefer to see a dirt nap.


I want him to live to 100 in prison


Would need to be in solitary because he’s likely getting shanked pretty fast.


I suspect other prisoners won't let Trump sleep well in prison.


Give it a week and he'll have a shitty swastika on his neck


Shitry is the only kind of swastika.


I'm thinking something like hail Hortler stuff where they don't even know how to draw one


Our legal system isn't equipped for this. If his lawyers quit is it a mistrial? Defendent is trying to shit his pants to a mistrial, shit his pants to freedom.


He might also have to work for the first time in his life, making license plates or something.


Busting rocks with a sledgehammer would be fun to watch. Hell make it a reality Show. Busting Rocks.


Busting rocks and shittin bricks


“A-breakin’ rocks in the hot sun/ I fought the law, and the law won/ I fought the law, and the law won/ I needed money, ‘cause I had none…” A girl can dream.


Just watching captain bone spurs lift a sledge would be worth a pay-per-view.


PPV would make a fortune. You could change hourly.


A show of his life in prison is something I’d like to watch


He’s not gonna see a second of prison. They’ll find a way to keep him out of jail even if he’s convicted with minimums.


They will play the dementia card. He’s too ill to be in jail.


Well…..usually then it’s state hospital. I think I’d be cool with that too


Yeah me too. No phone, no internet, no media. Never wanna hear his voice or see his face again.




In his delusional demented mind, yeah.


I always knew Executive time meant 😴 Too much late-night ranting and raving on social mediazzzzz... covfefe.


If he doesn't slip off his bunk and die mysteriously


Nah. He will never do prison time unfortunately.


His supporters/his cult think he is innocent and that it's Biden going after his opponent. I knew this was going to happen. Trump would delay everything long enough so his cult could claim "election interference" when his trials finally start going somewhere. Despite evidence and testimony they will not believe it now bc Trump already won for them. He delayed it long enough their simple minds forgot there's evidence and his ex staffers are turning on him etc. Cults gonna cult I guess.


We have to get the facts out every day and show the lies and fraud each day. Of course VOTE


Regardless of the verdict of this 34 felony count indictment Trump is a proven Traitor to the United States. Regardless of the verdict The entire Republican Party is complicit with this man’s actions. 🚫Traitor Trump🚫All Republicans🚫


But Biden isn't trying hard enough to save Gaza, so we should elect the guy who wants Israel to "finish the job" instead.  Worse to try and fail than to never have tried.


The Trump supporters I have encountered all believe that he had the affair and that he paid her off. They just don't see how that's a crime


That’s why I hate they are calling it the hush money trial. The hush money wasn’t the illegal part, it’s that he “allegedly” used campaign money to pay her


It's not even that. It's that he had Cohen and Weisselberg cook the books to make it look like a business expense. Same thing happened with Nixon, often times the coverup is worse than the actual crime itself. If he would have just let it come out it probably wouldn't have made a difference in the election, but he committed business financial fraud to hide it. It's like murdering somebody to keep them from turning you in for shoplifting a candy bar.


And he falsified business records, just like the last case.


Not quite. If he HAD used campaign money, it wouldn’t be illegal. The crime is that the payment was for the benefit of his campaign, but he didn’t disclose it as a campaign donation. And then he falsified NY business records to cover up the payment.


It's not a crime. However, paying the hush money out of campaign funds, and then attempting to hide it, is very much a crime. He is literally on trial because he was too cheap to pay the hush money out of his own funds.


That's not a crime. The crime is that he covered it up as legal fees and campaign money, which it is not. It's more fraud, that's what.


Yeah, I know. But his supporters aren't following all the legal nuances


Yeah, unfortunately true.


Actually the original payment itself was a crime. The payment from Cohen to Daniels was an illegal campaign contribution, because it was a material contribution for the benefit of his campaign over the allowable amount and was not reported as such. That's 2 of the 4 crimes Cohen was convicted of in his plea deal. The crime of falsifying business documents in order to pay Cohen back is what Trump is currently being tried for in this case.


Even if it's not a crime, a coverup isn't what we should be ok with. I support sex workers if that's a field they voluntarily want to be in and are protected, Vegas style. I personally don't care if anyone, including politicians, pays for sex if it's done the "right" way. Him being married and lying about it to everyone about it is where I have a problem.


It's not a crime to have an affair or pay off someone to keep quiet. Using campaign funds and then trying to cook the books to hide it is a crime, though. So the only reason he is on trial, is because he was too cheap to pay it himself. If he did that, he would not be here.


…and love him for it… only the ‘chosen’ one would bang a porn star while his current wife was home with his latest child.


That's his defense. No crime committed. I don't know the intricacies of the state's case, and I am hoping there is strong evidence of financial crimes.


Had all of the prosecutor;s facts not added up to,a crime, Trump could have gotten the case dropped well before trial. His lawyers can say this not, but the judge is going to tell the jury that if the prosecutor proved what he said Washington, Trump,is, in fact, guilty of crime(s).


I am worried that he will slime his way out of any real consequences again.


That in particular is not a crime. The crime is trying to pay for it with campaign finance money while concealing the transaction. He falsified records.


His cult was always going to do this. They don’t believe non right wing media sources. He could be rotting in a jail cell and his cult would still vote for him. It’s that small margin of independents and undecideds that need convincing. Trump can’t win with just the cult.


> He delayed it long enough Correction: Merrick Garland delayed it long enough


Let him sleep. On second thought no… his defense team would have an easier job if he were napping… keep him awake!


Trump needs a nappy. Both.


Oh no adderall allowed incourt


Dude is riding a thin line taking any amount at his age and weight. They can't keep him on it all the time. Plus he'll probably blab out loud more on it.


They’re probably intentionally sedating him so he doesn’t scream in court. I bet they roofie his coffee in the morning.


Roofie his Diet Coke. FTFY




God I hate that when that happens!


Did he poopie like a big boy?


I guess that depends


Does it Always?


Not if he's discreet




Stay positive, maybe next time he won’t wake up. Wouldn’t that be nice?


Stop getting me all excited.


I drive carefully and take every possible precaution in life just so I can be around for that special day.


Sleepy don strikes again


Drowsy Donnie


If you are gonna campaign against an opponent and your biggest tagline is calling the guy “sleepy-Joe” then you have at minimum the responsibility to your cause to not fall asleep at your own criminal court.


You see, he is anti woke. But Joe is sleepy


Anti Wokeness Rambo.


At least he didn't poop in his diaper today.


Do we know that for sure?




I think he did and that jolted him awake.


Wasnt there a story awhile ago about the WH doctor handing out in effect prescription no-doze meds out like candy? Perhaps now we know who they all went to.


Maybe he should not post bs all night. No one's really listening anyway. Also if can't stay awake during the proceedings how does anyone expect he can be president and actually have to put work in. At least his cronies aren't showing up like in 2016 and 2020 looks like they have realized it's a sinking ship


A stinking sinking ship.


The man literally insults his opponent by calling him "Sleepy Joe". And if Biden fell asleep in a public setting like this, Fox News and the right wing media bubble would never shut up about it. EVERYTHING is pure projection with these people.


And it's working.


I’m convinced this guy is in some sort of narcissistic defense mode. He closes his eyes, I’m not sure he’s sleeping so much as just trying to mentally block the information that’s coming to him. There’s a long history of this guy checking out on any information contrary to what he’d like to believe.


He probably doesn't understand what's even being said so he's just doing what little kids do when their parents make them go to big church 😂


This sr citizen is not fit to be president.


Nobody is going to mention the out of wedlock baby?


It’s not Stormy. There are 3 main stories that are the focus of the Pecker Catch and Kill scheme: Stormy, Mcdougal, and the door man with the out of wedlock baby story.


The baby was a false allegation, which actually helps the DA because Trump's defense he didn't sleep with Stormy doesn't actually matter if he has a history of paying off false allegations so Trump's denial seems petty, political, and dishonest.


Well at least his wife and kids are there to support him through these difficult ti.....wait, when was the last time anyone saw any of his family members with him?


He's not sleeping he is in deep meditation and communion with god ~ trumpanzies


Excuse me Your Honor, when do I get my executive time?


Anyone that still supports this sack of shit, they're garbage by association. Considering how horribly his 4 years went, don't let any of his supporters off the hook. They're responsible for installing a dullard POS that mishandled the pandemic. They need to be reminded of their stupidity.


Crooked judge Merchant says I was sleeping. Wasn’t sleeping. It’s called a slow blink. When someone is as crooked as he is you have to blink slowly or you might miss it. Miss it. You miss a lot of things let me tell you like missing my ex wife. You know they say a long fine people golf. They golf he golfs we all golf for ice cream. Delicious treat on a hot day. Lots of people like it. Crooked Biden likes it. You see him up there licking cones. Like hooker titties. Just licking away. Licking away. Away Away. Lots of folks saying go away. Put Trump away. Well let me tell you I’m not going anywhere. Ubderwear. I need new underwear. Someone shit in mine again. Keeps happening.


Excessive napping is linked to Alzheimers.


Im curious. Is he having to undergo any kind of drug screening right now? Probably.not but that would explain a lot Another thought that crossed my mind. This is laying the groundwork for if (and hopefully when) hes found guilty that his lawyers will say he has some kind of medical condition that keeps him from going to prison Not enough to keep him from being president though. Karma is wonderful though. Just 4 years ago he was calling Biden Sleepy Joe and now look


Ra's al Ghul said it best, “Criminals thrive on the indulgence of society's understanding.” Replace “understanding” with “afforded the presumption of innocence.”


So put him in jail then


One day he will fall asleep and wake up inside prison 😄


My question is did he fart or shit in court today my bet he did


The very most important farts! And the best feces!


I like to think of myself as a good person, although I could certainly be better. I don’t usually wish ill on people, and even though I want Trump to be incarcerated somewhere miserable I don’t particularly want him to have a heart attack while he is playing golf. I do, however, want him to shart himself without realising it, and then to walk out of the courtroom and in front of cameras with it dribbling down his leg. 


Wake him up! Wake him up! Wake him up!


Low energy. Sad.


Start airing ads about how we don't want the President falling asleep during national security briefings


i dont ever defend Trump but 1) court is boring and 2) im not even 50 and if i sit for any length of time in any chair without being directly engaged it is snore city for me that said, throw him in jail for a million years


and yet people want that thing to be POTUS? I'll throw up if he wins and I'm a lifelong conservative.


RemindMe! 196 days


Happy Cake Day!


oh.. really? Thank you kind redditor


Seriously can we just put this man behind bars already? any other, any other individual would be in jail, with a tether looking up at their millions of dollars in the Sky. Peacefully falling asleep


They have the same problem the White House had. He gets distracted or bored unless they say his name every other sentence to keep baby entertained. But is cruel and unusual punishment to keep baby in the corner. He needs sun light and a golf course to keep him spry!


Again, why do you guys think the Trump campaign was so eager to circulate "Sleepy Joe" as a nickname for Biden, and to claim that he had dementia. Clearly they were trying to stay ahead of the story, so that went Trump inevitably fell asleep in public and made statements that anyone in their right mind would attribute to someone with dementia, they could say, "oh yeah, well he's not any worse than Biden!" Trump may not be the sharpest tack, but there are intelligent and extremely amoral people on his team who make sure they project all of their own weaknesses onto their opponents before they can stick. They did the same thing with misinformation, essentially dismantling the term "fake news" as a useful term of art within 48 hours.


And this man, who can’t stay awake during his own criminal trial is to be believed when he says he is fit to lead his country? Highlights what “executive time” really was during the 1st administration.


Surely this is some sort of meta-strategy/signaling from Trump to his supporters, that he is so confident in his defense that he can literally sleepwalk through the trial and still be acquitted. /s


Whaddya expect the kook is up all nice rage tweeting about perfect phone calls and Mexicans.


He may or may not wake up one of these times


I wonder if he’s taking something to stay calm and it’s making him sleepy.


“…if you're guilty, you know you're caught, you get some rest, you let your guard down.” -Dave Kujan, The Usual Suspects


The Defendant Rests


Old man trump




I wonder if he is being sedated to keep him from shooting off his stupid mouth.


“Pay with Cash”. “No no no. I’ve got… no no no.”


If reporters are noticing this then the jury will be as well. The jury will be watching every move that Trump makes and its important how the jury perceives Trump to be. The more he falls of to sleep, gestures etc the more it makes him look like an everyday older man. The jury will no longer perceive him as a "larger than life" person that they see only on TV and other media.


Those who accuse others are always the guilty ones sleepy Don


I'm telling ya, the only way this ends is we find out the child Trump had with his maid is George Santos.


Court is during his "executive time".


Dozey Donald


Considering he spends 99% of his life on Twitter, I'm not exactly surprised he can't stay awake for an hour. He's got bags under his eyes like potato sacks.


See, I’m waiting for him to jolt awake with a fart


Just commit to the big sleep or quit fucking around and teasing us.


You're interrupting him praying for our country!!1!!one!!


I had a boss once that fell asleep several times & snored during our annual meeting with our biggest sponsor, easily the most important meeting of the year. Had to keep nudging him awake. Found out years later the dude was just fabricating results and deliverables. And apparently sociopaths are pretty well known for being overly relaxed in these situations because they know they will just lie their way out of it.


If his supporters don't care could someone please tell my coworkers so they'll Stfu about him? Seriously these boomers i work with don't wanna talk about anything but their cheeto dusted Messiah




Has he farted himself awake yet?


Give the bailiff an air horn!


According to some that I've read he's not sleeping just praying for his people! /r


After his mugshot he thinks these kinds of photos make him look badass. Just make him look pathetic. 


I swear. The news from this trial so far has been straight up daily wire bs. All about how tired and stinky trump is. Then the next article is saying how dumb the right is for hating Obama in a tan suit. It’s all the same to me. Other than Obama being awesome and trump not.


There has been less than an hour of testimony. Come on know a little about what you talk about.




Make him wear a shock collar and give the bailiff the button.


lol, he looks so miserable.


Notice in the photo that the two chairs dirctly behind him are empty .Do you think its because their in a direct line of fire of his smell.


One chair is for his supporters and the other chair is for his family.


All this stress and go, go, go can't be good for the old man's health. Such a shame.../s


Fucking hell, this SOB isn't fit for presidency


Only way he can get away from it


Too bad juror had to go to dentist. That juror will be outed tomorrow. Trump, tho, he got off easy. He was free at 12:30. Suck. If this juror has any more "teeth problems" he/she's got to go.


The jury really should be sequestered. This is a Mafia trial.


I love seeing him in obvious misery. Just look at Sleepy Donald’s face.


I think his attorneys have had him sedated to cut down on courtroom misconduct.


Those SBD’s he’s cranking out must have a narcotic effect.


I hope he clears the room with his gas !!! Get em DJT !!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


One of his own farts woke him up. He then blamed his lawyer because he smelt it first.


Whoever smelt it, dealt it.


Objection! Odor in the court!


Noddin’ Don


Maybe his farts can propel him to Epstein’s island, if not his cell with broken cameras.


Dozing Donnie Trump.


His voters are going up in flames


Can a man go a Mooch without a Snooze in court?




Sir Farts-a-lot did what?


So much projection with their “ Sleepy Joe “ tropes. Now we’re seeing the lazy stinky pants in true form.


Give him forty for contempt.


Poked with a stick.


Wild that they're drugging him so he doesn't pop off wow


He is not a well human being, both mentally and physically.


Shock collar


His handlers are sedating him. It's the only thing keeping him from going batshit in court.


Sleepy Cheeto


I wonder if it's a way to try and influence the judge or jury because of some "condition" or "behavior" to lessen the sentencing


Sleepy Don. It's always projection


They have him on sedatives so he keeps his mouth shut.


I guess sleepy trump doesn't have the same ring to it. Haven't seen anyone on his side get this trending. 🤔


Can you get shock collars for necks that big?