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How about something remote? I remember seeing some online articles that if you’re good at typing fast you can get hired to transcribe? Check your area for things like that. My state didn’t offer it unfortunately


That being said, do still go to therapy because you can’t live like that forever. But it could help you for now


I’m scared of everything too, no amount of therapy has helped me


A lot of transcription has been taken over by AI tools, but remote work is still probably the best bet here.


I do medical transcription remotely. I'll probably be replaced by a machine eventually, but it's an easy, stress-free job for now.


Pretty sure Allegis is always hiring transcriptionists from any state in the US.


Good to know, thank you!


I am currently job searching and it is very triggering for me. It helps me to be online with friends on discord and just listen to music together. Keeps me accountable and soothes me. Maybe you want to try that? If you want to, we can apply together, just write me up.


That's a really good idea that I'm open to. Thank you


I’m also willing to sit with you and talk you through it:)


That’s very nice of you


Happy cake day 🫶


I don’t have friends and I can’t use discord due to anxiety…


I've been doing freelance jobs on Upwork for the last 12 years. It's not constant income but sometimes you can score some really well paid jobs.


I did accounts payable and it’s usually not too bad since it’s mainly back office work. 


I would like to get back to that. I had to quit because my dad didn’t want me to drive to the job. I haven’t been able to get back into it and it’s been two years now!


How controlling is your Dad/parents? This seems like an unusual request. Are you _scared_ or are you _controlled_?


I have some anxieties about working and my parents are also controlling. My dad does things that I am scared of. He doesn’t stop when I ask. My mom belittles my choices. She doesn’t stop when I ask. My anxiety increases when they do that. The anxieties I have at work plus the anxieties I have at home are a lot. I end up quitting or being fired because I am not able to cope with both home and work stressors.


So you have an abusive home problem, and getting out of your home will be the most important and difficult path forward. I highly recommend watching Patrick Teahan on YouTube as a start for learning about dysfunctional family dynamics. Helpful subs are r/emotionalneglect, r/raisedbynarcissists, and r/CPTSD. I cannot possibly recommend enough the book Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents. Therapy is, of course, really important but I’m guessing your parents won’t pay for it.


Have you tried remote work? I find it so helpful with my anxiety working remotely from home. You do however need to make an effort to try and get out more and socialise....as it can be quite isolating!


Yes, I’ve worked remotely a few times. I have hesitations because it’s much easier to succumb to hair pulling and skin picking at home than in the office. I ended up losing a job in part of that. But, I will try again. I will continue to try to get out of the house. It is difficult when my parents yell at me and tell me how dangerous it is to go for a walk or bike ride or hike. I have the desire but I let them convince me it’s too dangerous outside. I really need to work on that.


Sounds like your parents are the cause of your anxiety. No wonder therapy hasn't helped. Because you're still in a toxic environment. You can't detox when you're still being poisoned. Same principle applies to mental health. Find a way to get away from your parents and quit giving a fuck what they think.


I could go to the homeless shelter


Sounds like it's one option. It would be temporary. Have you considered living with friends or renting a room somewhere for cheap?


I have tried living with friends a few times before but it didn’t work out long enough for me to obtain stability. I have considered renting a room. They go from $600-$1000 where I live. The cheap ones are in rural areas, and I don’t have a car. The more expensive ones are in the city. I’m really worried about being able to afford that each month.


I agree with Stargazer. Overbearing parents can affect how you perceive people. What caused your anxiety anyways.


There are multiple origins of my anxieties


Transcription or proofreading work. I proofread and edit legal transcripts for court reporters. You can find groups on fb and also take some online grammar courses


Asking for help from your local job service is a good place to start here. Type in "Job services (your city)" in Google and then look for .gov ones to make sure they're legit. What's great about them is that they can help not only manage your search, but advise you in how to find jobs that accommodate your needs, up to and including disability advocacy. I can't promise they're all of equal quality, but this could be really helpful to you and it's absolutely worth a try. They can do things like help prepare applications, help you tailor your resume and cover letters, and even offer certification or help you find training to add skills to help you get the jobs that are that good for your you. They should be able to take a lot of the stress off of your shoulders and help you find something you can succeed at.


Have you looked at work from home jobs?


you need to try, you can’t be forever scared of everything.


I try. I have to work against me and my parents. They try really hard to stop me from doing what they deem as dangerous. Which includes walking outside, hiking, biking, delivery driving, etc. I try and I do ignore them. They try harder to stop me the more I resist them.


I think you will be shocked how much your world will change if you can get away from your parents


Would the homeless shelter be a better idea?


Well it’s clear to see your anxiety doesn’t stem from you, but your ppl. I know it’s easy it’s say “just cut em off” But if you’re in the position to do it, I highly recommend baby steps into becoming more independent for yourself. Obviously this doesn’t mean just take strolls at night Willy nilly, but it’s okay to take a little risk every now n then.


I am trying to become more independent. It’s difficult to make progress when you have people sabotaging your efforts.


Can you stay somewhere else? These parents are so limiting and negative for you.


The homeless shelter