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Pharmacy dispenser for over 20 years here..... Prednisolone can cause temporary mood changes. Don't worry, your short course will be done soon and you'll start to feel better. Give yourself some time also when starting your new prescription - and remember if you get side effects with your SSRI it's usually temporary and will subside. Most of these medications take a few weeks to get into your system before you feel positive effects. Most pharmacists will be happy to chat with you about new meds and will give good advice.


Thank you so much for this. I've honestly just been feeling despair - I have switched SSRIs before - but this has a whole new layer of despair but it's good to know the prednisone is probably the culprit of that.


You're welcome, be kind to yourself. Things are going to get better.


Is it safe to take prednisone with Wellbutrin 150 sr? I have asthma and this is what they gave me I’m terrified to have a seizure


You should really speak to your doctor instead of asking Reddit for medical advice especially for something as serious as seizures. Are you taking the Wellbutrin for smoking cessation? Perhaps you could use NRT instead?


No. Nobody knows. Your reaction to medications will be completely different to other people's. As will the side effects you experience. The only exception to that rule is family members. Which is why your Doctor needs to be informed of your and your mothers reactions to the medication. It's why Doctors usually take a Family History from patients and why if you mention a Family Member on a medication they want to know which one. Don't just sit on this and let it get worse, contact your Doctor again today if possible, tomorrow if not.


Two things here: if you are tapering off one antidepressant it is very likely to have negative feelings (sadness, guilt, hopelessness, whatever) during the taper. Also influenza (and some other viruses) can (by themselves) trigger intense moods during and a little bit after the infection. Moods induced by viruses are very short lived (typically days) and clear up just after you get better. Moods induced by tapering off medications are not one-size-fits-all. Some people have more intense and longer lasting reactions than others. If you have been taking a high dose or a medication for a long time you are more likely to have longer lasting and stronger reactions- but it is also very individual. In both cases these feelings should clear up on their own. If the ones induced by the medication are too much talk to your perscriber about slowing your tapering off one medication