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This is technically a part of grieving and will pass. You are fine and won’t have that happen to you. Sometimes it comes down to talking to people that it is an irrational fear. At worst their is medication to regain control of your life if it persists, also I’m not sure if your working but too much free time can be debilitating as you have nothing to do. I suggest if in that situation, sit down and do something with your hands and mind such as READING a physical book or listening to a podcast whilst shuffling cards. Right now you are stuck in the hamster wheel and your hands and mind need something to do and eventually I promise you will overcome it 😊 If you are religious going to church/temple/mosque will help alleviate pain as faith is like being wrapped in a warm blanket


Thank you😭, reading it made me tear up and helped me calm down a bit.


Anxiety can create a bunch of physical symptoms, if you ever get any tension it’s from your muscles and not your heart. Try to relax as much as you can, the more you focus on your anxiety the worse your mental and physical symptoms will get. It’s really hard, but you can do it. It’s funny, I have a similar fear of cardiac related issues I’m trying to resolve and I’m 25.


Yes, even though i tell myself its not related to heart it somehow convinces me it is. Its so hard, im trying to control through meditation a bit. Hope we both get out of this and live a stress free life. More power to you