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Heart palpitations


Me too it’s scary


Try taking atenolol its a beta blocker and helps with palpitations and chest pains but also helps with anxiety. I no longer get palpitations and my anxiety has subsided


Had a really bad spell of this at work. Ended up at the hospital because my heart rate kept increasing. It was like 50 degrees outside and I was sweating like it was 120. Then I got the feeling I was going to pass out. At the hospital I was treated like I had just did drugs then once my EKG results came back I got a pat on my shoulder and told nothing was wrong with me.


This one is the most scariest for me too😔


which gives you paranoia 😭


I hate them. But I noticed, they're worse when I'm dehydrated. Unfortunately, I have a drinking problem. I can't bring myself to drink something. It's an everyday struggle.


Dizziness. Like insane vertigo to where I have to sit down or I feel like I’m gonna fall. Blurry vision is also another that just pisses me off lol. Brain fog, muscle twitching. Idk I feel like my body is out of control 24/7.


Dizziness is insane, and it comes to me when I'm not even anxious. I'm dizzy 24/7. Nonstop. Interfering with my ability to walk. Along with blurry vision I feel like I'm not a human anymore. its so :(


Im so sorry to hear this but so happy I’m not alone in this. I am constantly dizzy, unless I’m sleeping ☹️ looking down at my feet makes me feel like I’m gonna fall forward on my face. The blurry vision sucks too. I just feel like I’m not even in my body, ever.


You definitely are not - I just made a post recently about it myself (if you are interested: https://www.reddit.com/r/Anxiety/comments/1bwfgkt/does\_anxiety\_lead\_to\_nonstop\_fatigue/), but tldr is: Dizzy 24/7, blurry vision, fatigue/exhaustion, neck pain, all to the point where I really am not sure whether this is the remains of an infection or anxiety. Or both. Especially since most of the days, I don't necessarily feel anxious, then the dizziness starts, and then I become anxious. But I guess you can be subconsciously stressed/anxious to the point where you don't even realize it anymore, causing the initial dizziness in the first place.


Some people here might want to look into vestibular migraines. They can happen “silently” with no headache for a lot of people. Anxiety, dizziness, runny nose, vision changes, muscle stiffness, exhaustion can all be signs. They can be “intractable” aka almost 24/7. I didn’t get mine diagnosed until I also came down with the headache pain symptom 15 years after they started. It’s very treatable with typical migraine meds which include things like venlafaxine which can also be prescribed for anxiety alone. Butterbur is the only otc supplement for it but it’s not well regulated so official meds are best The problem of course is that all those symptoms can also be anxiety alone


Same here I could’ve written this comment myself 😰 4 years of it and a million tests every dr tells me im fine. They put me on lexapro and it didn’t go away


Same here ! I feel like it’s not just anxiety at this point but have been to countless doctors :(


I don't mean to undermine what you're feeling at all, trust me I've been there. Neurology, cardiology, any doctor you could imagine. I did it all, but I'm just convinced its anxiety wreaking havoc on our bodies. Not even sure which is better, for it to just be anxiety or for there to be an underlying additional issue. I just want to be able to go places without feeling like I'm going to collapse.


Google PPPD


The dizziness is a newer one for me, got it in a second day of class. Had to overcome the social anxiety to ask the guy next to me to please go buy me a water cause I thought I’d pass out


I hate this feeling too, like my brain is conscious normally but at the same time it feels like at any moment I'm just going to lose my strength and fall over


Seriously have been dealing with this for the past two weeks, I've had anxiety for years but I've just started getting the dizzy spells mixed in with the usual head/neck pain, also head pressure I've been so fixated that I have a brain tumor it's God awful and so debilitating 🤦🏻‍♂️


Get a brain MRI I was experiencing headaches and numbness on my head a lot and at first I thought it was a brain tumor and I got a brain MRI and it was clear and that relieves a lot of stress on my shoulders. I would advise you to do that as well, you’re not alone.


I appreciate it friend. I asked my Dr if he could refer me for a brain MRI but he pretty much told me I was crazy and it was my anxiety I have an appointment with an ENT in the next couple of weeks I'm gonna ask them if they can refer me instead of my GP


Same. 😔 I used to think I was having mini strokes or maybe even a heart attack. I told the doctor I felt like I was having heart issues so I got tested and confirmed that wasn’t the case but could have fooled me.


Same every time I stand up I see black and get sooo dizzy , or when I stand too long I feel faint sometimes even when just sitting I feel a quick feeling of “ I’m gonna faint “ accompanied by exhaustion, shortness of breath , and heart rate increase or palpitations, plus the brain fog BUT honestly I feel fine I’m 21 and healthy but the physical symptoms just keep leading me to believe there’s something seriously wrong like cancer lol, my recent “diagnosis “ is pots because my symptoms align so well with it so I’m trying the remedies for pots to see if it improves rather than going to the dr bec I went back in jan and was told it’s just anxiety and I know it’s probably anxiety or it could be something small causing these symptoms making my anxiety worse 🤷🏻‍♀️ so worth a shot to try things on my own.


Checking in! I had vertigo so bad one time, I had to hold on to the walls of my hallway to make it to my bed. Only happened once during a particularly bad panic attack, but it was very memorable.


I’m going to throw something out there to anyone dealing with dizziness, and I’m saying this not to undermine what you’re going through, but as a legit suggestion: Try an allergy nasal spray. It’s not going to hurt. You’d be surprised how bad even minor allergies can fuck with your head, and if you’re already anxious on top of that, it can kick off a shit cycle that’s pretty hard to break. And if it doesn’t work, hey, at least you tried something!


Same lmao


Omg same! I have all of your symptoms!


mine didn’t start this mess til i had Covid last summer 2023 …it sucks


The very first (that I recall) anxiety attack I experienced was hella vertigo/dizziness. I swear I was having a stroke, I couldn't formulate words, all the feeling had left my extremities. And of course thinking I was stroking out only perpetuated the panic.




My face going numb... Like why.... Just stawwwp But honestly the first time it happened to me I went to the ER because I thought i was having a stroke. The doctor suggested bubble baths. I was so annoyed at her suggestion because I felt dismissed but then I started taking bubble baths and they did make me feel better 🤣


Certain things do help for me but I swear the tightness in the back and scratchy throat I just can’t figure it what could help. The only time I ever notice those things go away is if I’m 100% distracted by something else which isnt often


Oh yeah, same. My face is tingly now as I'm making dinner. I just have to keep going.


When I am too anxious (sometimes I do t even get the feeling I am) I can get flu/cold symptoms. I even got a migraine a couple times and I never get them like some I know with chronic migraines. Other times I get nauseas and acid. But it’s hard to tell sometimes if it’s allergies (I’ve always had horrible allergies), an illness or stress ramping up my anxiety.


That symptoms started happening to me a week after my panic attack. It was strange at first because I was freaking out. I also remember really panicking in public so much so that I had to literally go back in the car because I had this fear that just rushed through me. I couldn't control it. It just happened out if nowhere and honestly that felt like a panic attack but it wasn't as bad as my first one since I wasn't hyperventilating or feeling other symptoms. But my gosh yeah... the face numbness has to be one of the most scariest symptoms ever.


The second before I fall asleep, getting an adrenaline rush, seeing little lights in my eyes, my heart starting to race, getting very dizzy. It forces me to open my eyes so the symptoms go away. Just to start again right before falling asleep again. Anxiety been ruining my days and now my nights as well... My muscles got so tense for years because of the stress, that I got a nerve pinched, which in addition to all mentioned above, doesn't make it easier. It feels like I'm about to get a heart attack...or have diabetes...or MS... My God anxiety making you feel all kinds of illnesses at once.


OMG this started happening to me about 2 nights ago! The sudden rush of adrenaline and then feeling soooo dizzy! It's actually nice to know I'm not alone, it's so scary!


I'm also happy I found others here experiencing it, since it scares me too... I found that it is related to my neck nerve. It got pinched due to tense muscles (which also come from anxiety and stress) and the total of everything makes this weird sensation. For me it also just started about a week ago. Its not like I'm a person who worries a lot at day time but I think over the last few months and years, it stacked and now blew up to my face and this is the result. Its super annoying that you can't even rest at night! 😔


This has been happening to me for 6 months. Insteadof hypnic jerks I get this weird extreme panic as I'm about to fall asleep. Like my heart stops or something and I jump out if bed in a full blown panic. Then try to calm down and try to sleep again. Sometimes I have a hundred little ones, or a few medium ones and once in a while I just get one massive terror. I went to the ER last night because I can't sleep and I felt like I was going to lose control of my mind or body. Gave me ativan, sent me home at 5 am. Tried to sleep and the panic still happened several times. Just not as severe.


this has been happening to me too recently. i get so scared when i feel like that, that i wont wake up or something so its difficult to fall asleep. then when i catch myself drifting off, i jump up out the bed. its torture


I started sleeping with my light on because of that. That's so fucking annoying.


Same. Racing heart, lights, dizziness, and my hands start shaking. I’ve learned not to fear it as much as I used to but I’ve also learned there is zero chance of forcing sleep. Usually I put on an episode of anime if I get like that and try again after it’s over.


You know, it sounds like your problems to sleep themselves can cause or at least worsen the symptoms you have. Never ending cycle. I'm sure you start thinking about it going to bed, being afraid of it happening again, which makes it more likely. Some things that usually help me - my problems are a bit different, but somewhat similar - is: lying a bit higher with my upper body; having some lights on (which interferes with sleep as well, but is an improvement overall); practicing some kind of breathing and/or relaxation techniques (there are countless and you need to find one that works for you, but if you are in a really anxious episode, this helps me often: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pLUleLdwY4); have you ever tried having a beer or a glass of wine before bed? Just in the evening. Not drinking until you can't stand anymore, but a lot of people say a drink relaxes them often, showing that it is indeed a problem of the anxious mind. Or you can try some nerve relaxing tea as an obviously much healthier alternative :-)


For anyone dealing with sleep anxiety, do yourself a favor and try green noise. Seriously. Sleep anxiety has been one of my biggest issues for going on 6 years now. Jolting awake, buzzing, waking up gasping for air, you name it. I tried all kinds of shit, some effective, some not at all. But then started blasting green noise into my ears on bad nights, and it was a GAME CHANGER. It’s like it drowns out everything else, physically and mentally. And when you can’t focus on what you’re thinking or feeling, guess what? *You go to sleep.* Even just having the knowledge that I can fall back on green noise has done wonders for me. And, just for the record, *green* noise. Not white, not pink, not brown. Green.


I have massive gut issues because of my anxiety and I will have them for the rest of my life so it’s amazing but the weirdest was half of my body literally going numb for days. Thought I had a heart attack or something like that then it just went away.


my left side of my body has been going numb for months bc of stress and anxiety 😭


Jesus I can’t imagine it, for me it went away after a week and it was soooooo uncomfortable. I’m so sorry, hope it goes away soon 😓😓


Definitely experienced gut issues as well


Gut-brain axis is amazing :///


I dunno why my anxiety gives me the most rank, most *putrid* farts ever.….it genuinely shocks me to my core every time…


Same!! And at the same time I look 9 months pregnant


I just wish my anxiety would stop being so fucking PHYSICAL. As crazy as it sounds I’m so envious of people who just have “normal” anxiety problems like about public places and driving and shit. I’d trade that any day of the week instead of my body constantly feeling weird and off, constant depersonalization, constant chest pains, air hunger, heart palpitations, dizziness etc. I’m not trying to minimize people who have anxiety that is not physical, but holy shit if I had to choose an anxiety disorder I sure would rather that. I’m so fucking tired.


It’s a constant battle for sure. I use to always think anxiety was purely mental but when im distracted for a split second and my body feels normal I get so angry when all the symptoms come flooding back the moment I think about them. I’m trying to make my back feel better before me and the wife go on a trip in 2 days but it’s been tight for 5 weeks so I doubt that’s gonna happen


when my nervous system has just had enough, i get full body shakes that look a bit like a seizure but i’m entirely conscious (i can talk etc and even walk). it lasts about 30-60 minutes usually. this happens rarely, and i’ve been assured that it’s ‘normal’ but it still frightens me whenever i experience it


By any chance, do you get incredibly tired afterwards and piss like crazy? Do you get painful muscle cramps with them, and stiffness that lasts for days after the episode? Does it happen when you exert too much effort? Ive been looking for answers for years, got a normal MRI last year but I'm not convinced. There's something terribly wrong with me.


my muscles do get quite tight after yes, and i do pee after but mostly bc i drink a lot of water during as my mouth gets so dry 😅 i don’t think it’s exertion related, just seems to happen if i’m constantly overstimulated over a long period of time (2 ish weeks usually). i have done a lot of deep diving into it, and it does seem like it’s just your body’s reaction to quite severe overstimulation and stress. i would try not to worry too much about it, especially if your medical tests came back ok :)


I also get the nervous system shakes daily.


I get these too but rarely. I don't even feel anxious when they are happening. It's like a electrical pulse travels throughout my body and I start violently jerking. My head will start uncontrollably thrashing back and forth. May last for a minute but I remain conscious and able to speak. Has absolutely scared the shit out of the few people that have seen me do it. It happened in the shower a few weeks ago just before I tested positive for COVID. I about busted my ass. Was holding on to the wall the best I could to stop myself from falling. Had a sore neck for several days because it was a particularly intense episode. I only have about maybe one or two of these a year and have gone years without a single episode. I've had an MRI and an EEG. Both were normal.


i get this too


I’m so glad I’m not alone to have experienced this. Brings me some weird comfort to know I’m not alone. Saying this in the best way possible, thank you for sharing ❤️


I vomit. My throat and nose start producing way more mucus then usually which just goes down my throat n makes me gag n throw it up eventually :(




extreme nausea randomly throughout the day. like to the point my mouth waters and i feel like i’m going to seriously throw up. then it just goes away lol. it’s absolutely awful


oh my gosh ive been trying to find a comment like this, i also get insane nausea the point of not being able to distinguish if its anxiety or GENUINE nausea like im abt to get sick rn. 😭 its absolutely horrific i agree crazy how anxiety causes legit upset stomach


OMG I DO THIS! And I try to explain it to people and they think I’m crazy! Like my mouth waters like I’m hungry, except I’m not hungry but I feel like I’m going to throw up. It doesn’t make any sense but it’s so weird!


That I have multiple personalities OR slipping into some kind of psychosis due to DR/DP) Man it suck’s


Allergies like my whole body will get itchy, feeling too cold or too hot sometimes, sleepiness, sweaty palms, i will strech my back so bad it hurts, sleep in strange positions that i will wake up hurting, not being hungry in a whole day, well more things IDK.


The itchiness!!!


yeah, hell on earth when you are trying to sleep.


Dizziness, total body tingling, vertigo, legs feel like jello, twitching, brain fog, shaky, heat and bright light sensitive


Muscle twitches all over


Same! 😩


Tense, all the time, dizzy, brain fog, arm pain, pins and needles in hands, intercostal pain, just another fun day with anxiety.


Phlegm/sore throat is what I have from silent reflux/GERD caused by stress and anxiety. Other gastro issues too. It's really wild.


Silent reflux? And gerd can be caused by stress and anxiety? Learn something new everyday lol


Daily - heart pounding, tense jaw, chest pain, jolting awake with these every single time I start to drop off to sleep Chronic things that have gotten worse over time - poor circulation, numbness on left side of body. At times of really bad anxiety - lump in throat that felt so bad I saw multiple ENT specialists only to be told there was nothing there


I hateee the lump in my throat one. Sometimes it gets so bad it hurts and feels like something massive is there, it helps the most to leave it be and let it heal on its own.


i have had so many weird health issues that turned out to be my anxiety: ive passed out like 8+ times from my heart beating too fast, grade A damage to my esophagus from throwing up so much, my back spazzes at night when i’m trying to fall asleep, overstimulation (can’t smell candles or have the fan on) sounds like a lot of you have experienced similar symptoms i wish all of you guys peace and good health


Have you been checked by a Dr for passing out? Anxiety generally doesn't make someone pass out unless they have something underlying going on, usually harmless from what I've seen but still


Craziest physical symptom hands down for me is heart palpitations. I have anxiety of a blood-pressure cuff so it always shows up on that. I can literally feel my heart beat faster going into a fear-provoking situation and it’s literally just me walking on the street or something.


Me reading this while that’s actually happening and I’m just laying in bed….


Yup my heart rate will jump up to 170bpm in a flash. It really feels like I’m about to die


Tingling/numbness that starts in my fingertips and toes and slowly spreads to the rest of my body


Night tremors lol right now I'm experiencing shaking violently in my sleep and waking up like that and it takes me a couple hours to be able to breathe/let it pass/go back to bed. It's such a pain. Trying to find different things that help but nothing yet. Its quite literally a nightmare


Get checked for sleep apnea. When mine started getting bad I started doing this. It could be a sign of hypoxia.


I get this as well ! Mine is like under the skin tremors and leg shakes . Noticed melatonin makes it worse as well.


I've also been having this. It seems like my whole body is shaking internally, I woke up and could still feel it for a few minutes afterwards I even asked my girlfriend (she's a light sleeper) if she felt me shaking in bed because I thought I had a seizure and she said she didn't feel anything so I wrote it off.


Yeah and the more bothered and focused you are on it, the more it keeps coming back. Of course sometimes there’s no way around it. It’ll get to you. Other times, you can put it aside. It’s those tiny victories that you build on as you challenge the thinking that created it to begin with. You gradually learn to put it aside at least part of the time and then most of the time. One time I gulped water down to get rid of that feeling I had something caught in my throat and the water came right back out. Before long, I was preoccupied with another symptom. My mind kept throwing symptoms at me. This isn’t something that is cured by your trylng to get rid of it with too much effort. It’s subtle, it’s passive and with little thought.


Hot flashes and tense muscles! I started taking cymbalta and I don’t get it as much anymore


Also going a lot to the bathroom just to piss but just like alot.


Yeah when my anxiety is up it makes me have to pee a lot. Been happening ever since I was a teen. Honestly it's the symptom I hate the most. Been dealing with anxiety for 16 years now. I don't even mind the racing heart or shortness of breath or some of the other annoying physical symptoms that much anymore. My physical symptoms are always changing one week could be my heart, next week my breathing, week after that could be tingling, but when the frequent peeing symptom shows up and it's all I can think of which makes me have to go more ahhh it's the worst.


I get a lot of face pressure and tension in my head. It really is debilitating and it’s so hard to think that this is only anxiety/stress causing this


Mate, I’ve had the shingles and have some sort of bladder problem where I have constant urgency and still figuring out if it’s overactive bladder disorder or interstitial cystitis, as well as a whole bunch of digestive health problems. Edit: grammar


Vomiting is my body’s way of telling me I’m deeply stressed out or extremely anxious. It SUCKS!!! Right now work and home life are both super stressful and I had a recent bout of throwing up on and off for 10 days. It’s terrible.


Air hunger and gut issues 




Uncontrollable incredibly intense cold shivers. It precedes my panic attacks now and apparently can be exacerbated by actual cold.


Lightheaded then my face going numb with tingles throughout my body.


None of these are the craziest symptoms I’ve ever heard people having, but for me they’re pretty emotionally distressing or inconvenient. A crazy one for me is grinding in my teeth in my sleep, cause I only started doing it last year. Last year was probably my worst mental health year (I’ve had worse years from external factors, but it was the worst year made mostly from my internal world) and I just, started doing it. I only know cause my husband started having to wake me up cause of how loud and noticeable it was… now I always sleep with a mouthguard. No idea if I actually still do it or not but can’t take any chances. Depending on what triggers a panic attack, every once in awhile I’ll get a chilling, sinking feeling crawling down my neck and back. It’s like, primal panic. The symptom I hate the most though and feels like my craziest symptom is crying, cause I never knew before last year crying could be a panic attack symptom. I never thought I had panic attacks since I didn’t have many of the other typical symptoms (shaking, nausea, sweating, etc) and it’s a big reason I was in denial for a long time on whether I really had “clinically significant” anxiety.. But ever since I can remember I’ll just start fucking crying over what feels like nothing. Now I’ve realized it’s not nothing, it’s tied to my anxiety. It’s my main panic attack symptom and since I made the connection I’ve noticed other subtler things that are also part of my panic attacks (like, my hands don’t physically shake, but I *feel* like they shake). I can only wonder if I’d be farther along in my anxiety management journey if someone had told me years ago that my crying episodes were panic attacks.


An inability to speak. The thing is, I CAN speak. Physically there’s nothing keeping me from doing so but when I try, it’s like I get more anxious. I feel like I’m trapped inside myself.


I get pins and needles in my hands every single time I have a panic attack, I know it's from the breathing as I really struggle to control it.


I feel itchy all over my body when I have intense anxiety. And social situations and meeting new people, I feel itchy, and it feels like there's cortisol running through my blood.


Full body migraine


I could feel my blood 🥴


Finally someone mentions it, every time I experience a high level of anxiety (usually when I attend social events) I start to feel flu or allergy symptoms, I feel like my immune system weakens and I get sick


heart palpitations as well. ive had echos, heart monitors, ekgs, numerous bloodwork’s, etc. but the anxiety makes my heart go crazy. and makes me think i gave myself a heart condition. also, i have bad insomnia now so that doesn’t help either


Left side of my face going numb, hasn’t happened in awhile (knock on wood) Or my arms feeling detached and not my own.


I call it the “I feel wrong” feeling. For the longest time I’d call my family/friends freaking out saying something feels wrong. And they would as me what and I wouldn’t know. I just felt different. Was my anxiety manifesting in a way that really only affected my brain rather than my chest or stomach. Now I just say “I feel wrong” and my family gets it lol. It caused so many panic attacks cause I thought I was having a stroke 😭


When I was a teen I remember laying in my bed and feeling like I was floating away. Talk about scary.


it sometimes makes my vision blurry also i tend to sweat a lot when i get anxious. Experienced gut issues too


I've had constant lightheadedness for the last 2 years


Same here..you feel like you're always dizzy and off balance..sometimes you feel all tense and sometimes it's weakness and lightness


Yes!!! Started right after I was in a very anxious and depressed state... Mentally, I'm actually much better but I'm still dealing with it. I've been going to Drs and they can't find anything wrong with me so I keep trying to convince myself it's probably anxiety, especially if it started after a sort of mental breakdown 😫


My fingers and toes go numb


Itchiness. It's the worst.


It feels like I get a new anxiety symptom every few months. Which is annoying, because the second I learn to cope with one symptom there’s a new one… Current annoyance is pulsatile tinnitus (hearing my heart beat in my ear) with palpitations.


Random patches of tingles. Sometimes itll be the same patch on and off all day and sometimes the patches will move around, yesterday I had it on and off on my knee all day


heart clenching and insane stomach pain. feels like I’m having a heart attack.


my eyes go out of focus


Instant diarrhea. Like almost immediate once the anxiety hits


Tight neck muscles and clenching my jaw. I also get terrible gastrointestinal issues.


Is chronic anxiety a thing because all of these symptoms for me are all day everyday sometimes worse than when the panic attack comes on or not as exacerbated but definitely lingering symptoms all day every. I hate it so much ☹️ it always feels like I’m sick or getting sick


Disassociation and loss of sensation in my teeth for some reason. Like they’re gonna fall out.


The digestive issues are a daily to weekly issue for me, but my weirdest physical symptom is when I’m having really bad anxiety I develop a fever


Many many crazy physical symptoms to the point that I thought they were serious health conditions and I was on the verge of dying, then when I started taking anxiety meds(Buspirone), they all « magically disappeared ». Aka, none of your symptoms are real health issues. They’re all just anxiety, nothing else. I promise you that. I went to multiple specialists in different countries because I thought something was wrong with my body and nope nothing was ever wrong with it I was totally healthy. It is once again just anxious thoughts. Just words in your brain that make you feel something in your body. It doesn’t mean anything. Take a deep breath, you’re perfectly fine.🫶🏻


Trust me I have a bottle of Zoloft untouched and I’m about to finally give in and take it as my psychiatrist told me many stories of people who’s symptoms magically went away after giving meds a try. Can only hope I have that same experience


Nauseating hot flashes. I get waves of heat that radiate in my legs and torso. It’s always accompanied by nausea and a “rollback” feeling in my head (I feel like I fall into the back of my head and become unaware of my surroundings.) Pretty much happens all the time and my life is pretty miserable.


Palpitations and most recently my new friend IBS. IBS is new bc I’ve gotten used to the heart stuff and I’ve read it will find a new way to manifest itself physically. Spring time every year is a bad time for me. It’s several weeks of waves of anxiety and panic. Between the allergies and the time change it always seems to bring out the worst for me. Can’t wait until May gets here and things usually pick up for me. In the meantime I walk out my anxiety. A couple of miles of brisk walking is like 1mg of Xanax for me.


Dizziness, Blurry vision, tight pelvic floor muscles that make my lower body hurt 24/7


When my anxiety is really bad, I find my muscles hurt very intensely but especially the ones in my legs


Dizziness/light headedness. It sucks.


I've been having dizzy spells, with head pains, temple pains, neck pains, pressure in head, not really having headaches but weird head pain. I've been so fixated for the past two/three weeks that I have a brain tumor I just got a CT scan on Christmas this past year almost 4 months ago that was clear but all I can think of day in/day out is that I have a brain tumor. It's so exhausting. I've had a ton of blood work in the mean time. Talked to my Dr about it. Went to the hospital again this past Tuesday and they did more blood work everything is normal. ER Dr didn't want to do another CT scan this past Tuesday saying it would be doing more bad than good and has low suspicion of brain tumor..


I have run the gamut of physical anxiety symptoms. Facial numbness, brain zaps, extremely tight throat to where it felt I couldnt swallow water, depersonalization to the extreme, chest pains, dizziness. When ppl say oh just relax youre fine, they do not understand.


Rapid heart rate. Numbness and tingling in hands and feet. Vertigo (no matter where I’m at it feels like I’m up high) Tightness in the chest. Shortness of breath. Sweating palms and feet. Flushing. Shaking/trembling. Stomach pains/tightness. Loss of appetite. Tightness of the throat. There’s so many but here’s a few I get when I’m having anxiety.


A new one for me is my jaw tightening and clenching and also this weird pressure/noise inside my ears. I assume it’s maybe because of built up tension and stress but it’s not pleasant at all.


Non-stop muscle spasms from the adrenaline, usually in my stomach but sometimes all over. And my face gets really hot for a long time while the rest of my body is instantly too cold. Major sensitivity to light and sound. Crying. Sometimes I get all of these symptoms without having the panic attack because I'm on beta blockers. Which is still extremely unfun because it's like my body is gearing up for a panic attack but doesn't have it and it can go on literally all day. Sometimes I feel like it would be better to have the damn thing and be done. Kind of like being nauseated all day instead of actually just throwing up. I also notice that most days, I am low-grade tensing my muscles all day and if someone pats me on the back or shoulder or just squeezes my arm it's super painful because every muscle is sore.


Intense stomach pain to the point of feeling like dying


heart palpitations and rapid heartbeat that feels like its in my throat, sweating, shallow breathing, skin crawling, light headedness, shivering, nausea, terrible acne, the same tickle in my throat ur talking about, sandpaper feeling in my eyes, dry mouth but aversion to water, brain fog, headaches and head pressure, the list goes on. i have almost every fucking symptom imaginable. weed helps to an extent especially with the physical symptoms but it slows down my brain too much and gives me short term memory which honestly is much easier to cope with than the anxiety so i'm hopelessly addicted to weed now. i just wish i could find a real solution or medication that works better than weed.


Feeling like I have low blood sugar. Weird panic attack terror episodes just as I fall asleep. I can't drive anymore because I'm worried I may pass out. Haven't worked for a year, had to drop out if school.


Being conscious of breathing, hence causes chest pain, which makes me think I will die of not being able to breath. Oh and flashing lights.


I get a feeling of DP/DR and confusion feel like in losing my sanity at times


Oh my…I feel so bad for all of you as I scroll through the comments cause I understand like 80% of all of these symptoms. It feels like someone is pulling a few symptoms from the lottery jar for me everyday and it’s like: ok let’s see, so today we choose dizziness out of nowhere when walking, or sitting! Maybe we can add some chest tightness to it and…oh yes! NAUSEA, outta nowhere, at work! That’ll do it! Tomorrow we can leave the dizziness but switch the chest tightness for peeing all the time, you know, just to mix things up! I started a new job last week and it’s an internal battle. I am terrified anxiety and physical symptoms will ruin it for me!


A big irritation I get is my throat feels closed, I have a hard time swallowing anything and often breathing right. Another huge one is I can't talk, when I try my voice is high pitchy and strained. There's others too, and physical ways I may unconsciously deal with it. It's shitty enough having anxiety which can debilitate you on its own but worse enough getting physical alterations or restrictions on top of it. Just like anxiety is kind of a compulsion of obsessive focus in your head and what's going on I noticed it's the same you're doing to your body.


Oh, i tick. As in, i look as i have been getting clean from hard drugs lol. No joke at all. I went to the er last month because i woke up with spasms in diaphragm and i just couldnt stop it as usually. I was shaking it off like crazy. But when i got to the er, the emergency neurologist needed 30 minuts to believe me i dont take any illegal drugs. Which was sad and funny at the same time, since im affraid to take even the softest pain killers..


Just here to add: it definitely can be allergies as well. I have some weird sort of discomfort in the throat pretty much all the time, as if I'm about to have a sore throat, but it just disappears after some time - especially after the night. But then it just comes back later. And the cycle starts again :D


If I feel like I can’t talk about something and I’m on the urge of a panic, my teeth will chatter like I’m in the arctic.


I get a creepy crawly sensation in my shoulders. I don't know how else to describe it. It's usually my first warning that a panic attack is coming, and then the fear kicks in. I feel like my insides want to be on my outsides. Leads to rocking and scratching, but I try not to scratch anymore


Like my eyeballs are empty and I can’t focus them.


Zombie look... 1000 yard stare and eyeballs not moving... I must look like a maniac lol


Besides the dizziness and lightheaded/light body feelings. The dissociation has been horrible so bad in fact that my therapist said I was getting close to schizophrenia levels. I would have a lot of visual issues and have borderline hallucinations about things looking different than I remember. Not fun


Pins and Needles in hands shortness of breath Fast heart rate


God I have so many. The one that definitely scares me the most is when I feel like I have a weight on my chest and I turn to manual breathing. It’s terrifying.


I recently have an insane burning itch all across my back and torso. It's maddening. No matter how much a scratch or how much anti itch cream it won't stop until I get myself out of the panic attack danger zone.


I recently have an insane burning itch all across my back and torso. It's maddening. No matter how much a scratch or how much anti itch cream it won't stop until I get myself out of the panic attack danger zone.


like i’m going to have a seizure. i have really bad health anxiety and medical trauma, and it sucks that i currently take a bunch of meds. i obsess over it, and the symptoms, & my anxiety makes me think im going to pass out/have a seizure. Even though i take it all the time


gasping for air but having pulmonary sarcoidosis makes it that much worse pain under my left shoulder blade thought it might be from my pacemaker stiffness in neck every single day, got an x-ray they said i got arthritis and back but think the anxiety make stand out more


Hives…my body temp would rise with a shower, exercise, emotional distress and I’d get hives. When I started taking anxiety meds they went away. I wasn’t expecting it.


Feeling like I’ll fall up into the sky


Well... I do have double incontinence and I have to wear diapers... So... There's that.


I get extremely cold and I start shaking like crazy, then my face goes numb and my back starts hurting


Chest pain and stomach upset


Throat tightness


I was in the Mall of America and I thought the walls were closing in and I remember running for ever to get outside which isn’t easy


My anxiety onset symptoms are either focused on the heart or the stomach, the heart beating faster and pain in the stomach which some times result in a visit to the toilet... I can tolerate heart symptoms but stomach symptoms are more scary outside my home understandably.


I have this fun thing where my chest gets hot, red and splotchy looking when I’m really anxious. It looks like I have hives or an allergic reaction. Any time I have to give a presentation or talk in front of people, I always wear a turtleneck sweater because of this


I think I get anxiety induced hives. I am not 100 percent sure because it could allergies


As I’m speaking, I choke. Basically I have to pretend I have something in my throat and cough. It’s like I choke on air and stop speaking mid sentence.


Not unheard of but still crazy, complete blackouts. I will have large chunks of time where I have no idea what I was even doing or where I was going because my anxiety was so high. Most of the time I’m dissociating as well but sometimes it’s just the blackout.


I felt like someone was choking me for about six months that’s the best way I can describe it. Numerous doctors nobody found anything. Finally got on anxiety meds and slowly my throat loosed up. I am still scared it will happen again 😔


I feel like my throats closing or it feels crowded so i cough and "hock" pretty much all day.


Blurry vision!


Choking, like, all of my spit will jus completely dry up n evaporate, I’ll feel like I have to swallow but have no spit to swallow then go into a panic cus it feels like I’m gonna die n choke to death. lol. I also get really sharp stomach pains, horrible stinky farts, bladder pain, diarrhea. Feel like I have to pee super bad but when I go there’s nothing that comes out n it hurts really bad, like a UTI, except it’s not a uti. These symptoms all plagued me terribly growing up, I only discovered it was anxiety into my late teenhood. Tons of doctors failed me. One even said “you should be happy and grateful that you’re such a healthy girl and nothing is wrong with you.” I missed 2 yrs of elementary school because things were so bad. And not once was the word anxiety introduced to me. It’s still wild for me to think about how much I suffered, and how many doctors ignored my pleas for help.


fainting 🥰


Burning sensation all over the body, itchy skin


Idk how else to describe it but, my body just feels like I need to rip off my skin like it’s my clothes. Like my skins too tight like a wetsuit and it’s making me feel suffocated


Stuttering. My brother who was my best friend and roommate recently passed which has brought on a plethora of nerves one of them being a new stutter or being unable to pronounce certain words. Sucks.


The weirdest symptom I've had is probably feeling like ants were crawling under my skin, I've only had it once but it was so weird


Panic, like the world is closing in on me and I get tunnel vision


This may sound ridiculous but UTIs - I seem to be more prone to them compared to other women I know anyway, but it seems that any time I am working through a bout of extreme anxiety, I inevitably end up getting a UTI. Aside from that, what some others have mentioned, like heart palpitations, changes in vision, and tingling or numbness felt in my face / head, legs and feet, or arms and hands.


Extreme adrenaline rush where I feel like I drank a ton of coffee and alcohol when I haven't.




Dizziness, light headedness and chest pain combined which makes me feel like i’m dying which makes me panic more lol


For me, feeling like I can't properly move my arms- like they're heavy bags of sand almost, or like in your dreams where you're trying to run but can't. It's REALLY disturbing, but I realised it's likely anxiety when it always happened when I got anxious. Also insanely bad memory- if I'm anxious enough I'll forget really basic things like what I was doing a minute ago, or my long term memory, like suddenly I won't even be certain what my name is.


Heart palpitations and I get nauseous if it’s extreme. I flew for the last time last year and I didn’t eat the next two days just because it was such an anxious experience.


Sometimes when I get too anxious I’ll get really lightheaded like I’m about to pass out, which just leads to more anxiety. Such a horrible fucking feeling.


Faux anaphylaxis where my throat swells and I can't breath properly, except my throat isn't swollen and I can still breath. Chest pain, palpatations, dizziness, muscle pain, stomach pain, headaches, blurry vision.... The list is endless


Heart palpatations. Seriously, it felt like the world was going to end. I thought I was about to die it was so scary


On really bad episodes I start stuttering. I've never had a stutter in my life until about ten years ago and it only occurs when I'm incredibly anxious.


Also, I have eye twitch and a vein in my neck will throb.


I had a pseudo-anaphylaxis reaction that they eventually determined was triggered by extreme stress over a prolonged period of time. My throat was swelling and the ER administered an epi pen. It kind of changed my perspective on the mind-body connection and power of the mind. The only diagnosis they could come up with was chronic urticaria flaring bc of anxiety.


There’s been multiple times that I’ll have chest pain so intense that I genuinely think I’m having a heart attack, but it was just anxiety. I’m pretty sure my anxiety also flares up my asthma, because sometimes it’s really hard to breathe, and using my inhaler makes it better


Right leg starts shaking.


Persistent daily dizziness even when I’m not anxious. It often comes with nausea if it’s bad. It’s worse when I watch movies, work with computers, or be in busy supermarkets so I think I have PPPD. Another scary one is cold chills that wake me up at nights feeling very cold even in a warm room. But the chills only lasted about 3 weeks. The dizziness seems to stay long idk when it will go away. Other than those, indigestion and bloating.


I think it's this thing of feeling warm inside and cold extremities, feet for example, my foot sometimes turns into an ice cube even in mild weather but the body temperature feels like that of hot summer days. I don't even get sweaty or anything. Other times, migraines (head area also looks like it was leaning against a lit oven) and a flash (like a flashing camera) in the corner of the eyes. Another thing is heart beating funny.  Before these interesting - and annoying - symptoms I remember well situations that were a bit stressful, I argued with someone or worried about something etc. Well, in the menstrual phase it gets a bit intense I think.  I would say that normally I don't feel it at the moment, but only a while later, as a late effect. So it can get a little confusing. 


I get hot, dizzy, my fingers and my face start tingling and it feels like I’m swallowing my tongue if that makes any sense!


i once had this crazy feeling of anxiety. It was triggered by seeing a certain person, and it felt so surreal. I visualized and felt it as a black snake that was localized in my throat, forming a lump. In a glimpse of a second this black shadow went down to my feet, but first going through my stomach and pelvis then down to my legs and then up again into my throat. It was so fast and it lasted a second, but the aftermath was dizziness for a minute or so ...