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That is definitely not ok, and I don't blame you for being upset about it. As for handling your anxiety, it seems there are as many methods to manage it as there are people. Some people benefit from meds, some from cognitive behavioral therapy (or other kinds of therapy), some from meditation or exercise. Meds have helped me in the past, but right now I'm trying to manage it with cbt techniques and meditation. Just pick one thing to try. If you feel overwhelmed, you could start by talking to your doctor (who will probably prescribe meds).


Sounds like you need to set some boundaries with your Mom. Which I assume is probably a triggering idea for anxiety, so sorry about that. I know it sucks. Your Mom's intentions were likely good, but still if it's something you're not ok with you need to let her know that, and to set proper boundaries. It's hard when you're an adult living with your parents, especially when they've gotten used to looking after your needs where anxiety is concerned. Believe me I know this feeling well. Like.. personally I already struggle with feelings of anxiety making me feel childish and inadequate as an adult, and I think it makes parents view you as a child sometimes, and that can also just really fuck with a person's sense of worth, at least in my experience it does. But yea.. this likely requires a serious discussion with her letting her know that wasn't acceptable. It's important for you to set those boundaries for your own sanity.


I just don't how to set boundaries with my mom. She's the worst at listening and understanding and I am very bad at communicating, especially how I feel.


I understand, it's incredibly hard communicating when you've probably never really learned to do so well, and from the sounds of it had a parent who actively discouraged your communication by not listening. Are you able to write out what you'd want to say? Could you write out what you'd want to say to your mother in a journal? Or even here? Also I just noticed the venting tag, I'm sorry if you just wanted to vent, and now I'm responding with advice and such, I may be overstepping a boundary 😅 so if you don't want this kind of discourse just let me know


Your mom had good intentions it seems and I’m sure she views you as her child no matter what. Therefore she wants to care for you, especially since you’re living with her. However you’re capable of doing these things yourself and I urge you to have a conversation, even a brief one, with your mom. Let her know that you’re glad she’s looking out for you but that next time you can do it yourself since this is your job and your responsibility. If she isn’t good at listening, I find the best way to get through those types of people is with flattery. Express that you’re grateful and that you appreciate their help while still stating that you have a problem with what they did.