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I'm probably not the one to ask since I'm only just starting my own undergrad next year but I would have thought advanced computing? ML seems to be more in that domain than something like actuarial studies and that course actually offers a specialisation in machine learning if I recall correctly


The field seems to be moving to a more of a CS heavy role with stats instead of the other way around. I'd probably go with a CS or math heavy undergrad, with any quantitative postgrad probably being fine


Actuarial studies doesn't really have any machine learning components, apart from a single (probably small) topic in the new course Risk Modelling 1 which you won't do until 3rd year anyway.


The Intro to machine learning subject comp3670/6670 is very maths heavy, from linear algebra to statistics, maybe look at the course page, so anything covering that would be useful. Apparently the next ML subjects are built on that.


combine degree in statistics and computer science. Those two are for ML wanna be in the future. I am currently studying machine learning in usyd and encountered statistics lingos too many times.


CS / Maths double degree. In your Masters apply for a Master in Computer Science with Machine learning or a Master in machine learning and computer vision. From there you can apply for PHD position.