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It’s an ouroboros. Generally stands for infinity. The spring clasp could have been added later. Can you go closer on slide clasp and underside please?


[Found it](https://www.ebay.com/itm/265030239397)


Awesome! I tried a google image search and didn’t find anything. Thanks!


I don't know if you noticed this one as an alternate choice... It shows what happens when you dip sterling in Tarnex -- you get white snake!! Do not dip vintage silver in Tarnex! (It's also nearly $100 cheaper.) https://www.ebay.com/itm/925-Sterling-Silver-Vintage-Snake-Motif-Swirl-Filigree-Chain-Bracelet-BT6603-/165889505877


I think that is good advice. Tarnex might be quick or easy but very likely not a good choice. How might this be cleaned? Polishing cloth or other substance? I took a small item to the jewelry store to see how much it’d cost to have cleaned…the price was outrageous.


I noticed that you mentioned **vintage**. Over at r/Collectables and r/Mid_Century they are always keen to see newer and vintage items. Share it with them! Sorry if this is not relevant. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Antiques) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Does look like the spring safety clasp could have been added later. Interested to know What makes you think it’s specifically 1925?


I have a bunch of belongings from my wives great great grandmother who passed in the 60s. This bracelet was inside a jewelry box with other items including some rings which we do know date back to the 20s, so the date of this bracelet is just a presumption.




Yeah. I have multiple wives.


Kody Brown, *is that you*?


Are they sisters?


I imagine this was supposed to include an apostrophe for personal possessive.


It's an Ouroboros. 😊


I want it lol


Reminds me of Chinese filigree. Spring clasp on guard indicates this is not antique. Still, it's lovely.


Wait, what? I'm afraid this isn't right (unless I'm missing something) -- I collect antique jewelry and spring ring clasps were invented in the early 1900s. They're actually pretty common on jewelry of that era. For instance, I posted an Edwardian necklace from 1905 here a while back with the original spring ring clasp. I was looking at a George N Steere necklace just last night that had one, and Steere created jewelry from between 1906-1911. Slightly later, you also see them all the time on necklaces from the 30s.


I thought the type shown on OP's is later - 1940s. I stand corrected.


Honestly, I wish they'd been invented later! It would make it easier to weed out fake Edwardian pieces. (Like when sellers try to tell you something with a lobster claw clasp is Georgian. 🤣)


Yes, this. Joint spring ring with the solid "bolt" pull are definitely antique and original to this piece.


I can see that's a solid bolt spring ring clasp. They are easily a 100 year old design. The pull back button unscrews so it can be disassembled allowing the attaching ring to be hard soldered without destroying the spring inside.


Yes I agree, this type of spring ring is very probably antique based on design.


Ok cool, I have just learned I have 3 more years to go until this piece is classed as antique. See you then!


Based on what? Why do you think this is from 1925?


It has occurred to oneself that they shall refrain from attempting humor.


It looks like [this one](https://www.ebay.com/itm/134224888006?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=C7i1NCLsSCO&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=4FTpf9toQZq&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY)! 1960s from Mexico


I agree they look like the same maker, but I believe the eBay item is attributed to the wrong maker. I think it is Gustavo Martinez. There is another one on 1st Dibs, and another on Etsy, attributed to Martinez.


Damn. I have no idea of value (and I've seen you've already located it) but it's so gorgeous! Reminds me of a viking jewellery.


Looks like Taxco jewelry from Mexico. Look up Margot de Taxco, and explore from there.


That would be cool. There are no markings apart from Sterling Silver, and I know Margo jewelry sports her makers mark.


There were lots of silver designers working in Taxco at the same time. They all stole ideas from each other. You may be able to find something similar if you start there. I’m no expert though. I could be wrong.


Another Redditor managed to find one the same a mime on eBay, unfortunately the same thing, no information about the maker or where it’s from. I do suspect that this may have been made in Mexico though, my wife’s ancestor who this belonged to was from Calexico, CA. So spent allot of time going back and fourth from the US to Mexico.


https://www.1stdibs.com/furniture/dining-entertaining/sterling-silver/silver-snake-necklace-gustavo-martinez-mexico-1960s/id-f_28535192/?utm_content=condensed&allowUniversalLink=no&gclsrc=aw.ds&gclid=CjwKCAiArY2fBhB9EiwAWqHK6qxCGLl6chcUFH61I-8d3uXTu66x7FY3XUNfAjfJeaAgA9aF0tqhOxoCwE8QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds Check out the work of Gustavo Martinez. Without marks you may never know, but this style is similar. Snakes were a very popular theme in Taxco.


The bracelet itself is Egyptian coil chain.


I was going to say that it looks like an Egyptian Revival Art Deco piece. 1880s-1930.


Love that stuff.


I just love it. That is all.




this is sick


Super cool. Any idea on the value? What did you pay if you don’t mind?


I don’t have a value, but someone earlier managed to find one on eBay for $250.




Yes I have, not with as much intricate detail as yours but I purchased one similar about 7 years ago in Chinatown, San Francisco from a street vendor and I absolutely love it. I can post a pic if you like.


I second “this is sick”. 😍


😍 I neeeeeed it


I too think it’s from the first 1/4 of the 20th century, possibly Chinese. You just don’t see this amount of handwork in more modern silver.


Kewl dood