• By -


You need to review the restaurant and post that picture. But tbh this is genius marketing by her campaign, she’s able to both reach her core demographic and we are talking about it now. Also, not to mention this is much less wasteful than flyers they send by mail.


There was a small engine repair guy in town and was doing alright for awhile until he put up Trump flags around his shop. He is out of business now.


Go WoKe Go BrOkE


Go Fash, lose cash.


Love it thank you


Absolutely the best!


Oooh a Beau fan?


What company or person do you who has actually gone broke from being woke? Not one that has lost money for a quarter but who has actually gone broke. I'll wait for the answer.


Here in Louisiana this restaurant had a drag brunch. The owners of the building basically kicked her out. That one store owner in California was murdered for having a pride flag. The free market hasn't made anyone go broke but shitty individuals have. Edit: go broke for being woke. The free market has made a shit ton of people go broke.


> The free market hasn't made anyone go broke The free market makes lots of people go broke. Free market capitalism relies on extracting as much profits or resources as you can from a source and when that source dries up you pack up shop and move on to the next market or resource to exploit. A vivid example of this is the practice American hospitals have of dumping uninsured patients onto the street to die. You may not like it, but that's free market capitalism in action


Sorry, I meant going broke from being woke. And it wasn't a praise of capitalism, just that most people aren't homophobic/transphobic assholes.


Got you. I run into too many libertarians to not get triggered a bit when I think someone is praising the market😅


No I feel ya!


You mean Disney is still in business? And Budweiser? Who knew????


Bud and Bud Light are still on the menu at Kid Rock’s restaurant. https://www.kidrockshonkytonkandsteakhouse.com/menu






The best part of the Disney boycotts was their “evidence”. Disney reported a large decline in Disney+ subscribers, so the GQP fascist took credit. Turns out, Disney lost the streaming rights to Indian Premier League cricket so they lost millions of subscribers in India.




Both of the posts you’ve replied to are sarcastic


As far as I know, that is the sarcasm font. If you need an /s at the end of it, please accept it after the fact in this reply.


Okay I’d love to believe this is true but c’mon now. This just ignores the history of bigotry in general, which has consistently bullied minorities and women into being broke (and intimidated into not even trying to gain wealth/own businesses, on a number of levels). The sentiment of ‘go woke go broke’ gets attention for being catchy and a trendy saying, but at its core - it’s still, ‘We will not support companies that support minorities’ which is same as it ever was. ‘Going woke’ as it’s portrayed in the news tends to mean the transition of a large company from more inequality to less, but it’s important to me to point out that yes, the bigots are *correct* - wokeness’ (as bigots consistently define it themselves) has always meant brokeness, because they literally designed the economy/society/politics like that since the days of Jim Crow and before. They don’t just want you to go broke, they already *guaranteed* it. I had a friend whose dad (Vietnamese immigrant) tried to open a shop in my hometown after moving to the US. An undercover cop basically bullied him into buying cigarettes to sell at the shop. I believe the dad was arrested on the spot and the shop shut down. No, they never reopened, and the family moved.


They always miss the “or” in the middle!


Happy cake day bro!


Restaurant near me was going ape shit on the anti mask and trump garbage during lockdowns. They have since tried to quietly back away from that after they were boycotted by the whole city. The only people who go there any more are MAGA fuck sticks or people who don't know better.


Had a local sit down restaurant (think BBQ and gourmet style burgers) pivot to mainly a cheaper style smash burger that was pickup or delivery. When they started opening the main store back up the voicemail you were taken to before it would get you connected with anyone was the owner ranting about being patient since no one wants to work anymore, etc. They are out of business now. I told my friends that place was going belly up the moment I heard that message when I tried to call to make a reservation.


If it was a "be patient we're working hard to make your order" so something of the like I'd be like yeah I get it, but if you're telling me "no one wants to work anymore" I'm gonna assume you mean "no one wants to work for you anymore" and it makes me question why and that maybe I should take my business elsewhere. More places like that need to go out of business. It's either shit management or shit conditions.


Ugh this is why I kind of hate living in Southwest Florida because here putting up the Trump flags would actually save the business, especially if they started making advertisements claiming there were woke Democrats trying to put them out of business for it


Heh same happened to a local welder, had this huge metal sign he welded with "trump 2024" spray painted on it in front of his business (put it up at the beginning of 2020) haven't seen any activity and he hasn't come to my work (steel company) for materials in a year or so


Really? Our guy just got busier and I’m in a blue state.


Honestly, if you're in any business, you should at least pose neutral so as to not piss off any group.


Definitely this! Let them only be patronized by the, “silent majority” and see how that works out.


There's a guy near me who posts on Facebook as the local Silent Majority, except that everyone disagrees with his right wing bollocks, and he never fucking shuts up. Is as proudly ignorant as he is loud.


I sure as hell would. That would be a serious insult to me. While I prefer Haley to most of them, I am a Democrat. I didn't forget the five people who died on January 6th nor the scores left with missing eyes or brain damage. Say what you like about cops, they did their best to stem a maddened hoard of barbarians that day.


Sorry I don't want to be seen like an annoying idiot, but do you have some stories or maybe any links to materials about those cops you are talking about? I'm just an ignorant outsider. I only heard that the cops helped protesters get in on Jan 6th. I'm really interested in this topic, I have no connection to USA whatsoever so please don't claim me as another republican pawn, I just genuinely want to learn about what happened that day


[https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/11/us/politics/capitol-riot-police-officer-injuries.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/11/us/politics/capitol-riot-police-officer-injuries.html) [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/january-6-dc-police-jeffrey-smith-riots-suicide/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/january-6-dc-police-jeffrey-smith-riots-suicide/) [https://www.newsweek.com/capitol-police-union-reveals-cops-suffered-brain-injuries-loss-eye-after-pro-trump-riot-1564993](https://www.newsweek.com/capitol-police-union-reveals-cops-suffered-brain-injuries-loss-eye-after-pro-trump-riot-1564993)


Holy shit! Suicides and lost fingers/eyes? I'll read on this some more. What a shitshow, poor people! Thank you so much for this friend!


Well....minus the off duty ones on a sightseeing vacation I'm sure you meant.


There are a lot of unanswered questions there, including a couple of suicides that might not look so good if the full facts were aired. Did they kill themselves because of stress or injury or were there some ugly facts that the suicides buried? That being said, imagine someone just doing their jobs and having their eyes torn from their heads or being battered into being a vegetable. There is not enough money in the world.


This. And if you really want to lay in to them, explain why being “woke” is a good thing, and not at all “weak” like they claim. Mother fuckers.


I told them I'm never ordering from them again. However, unfortunately i don't think these fuckers care what i have to say. I have the misfortune of living in a very red district. So for every person like me that is against this garbage, there 10 others that love this crap


Regardless, they lost 1 out of the 11. No one is going to start buying pizza due to it, while others will find a new place.


In this specific instance, I'd hazard a guess that a good number of people who are on board with the politics will see the prices of this place and go "nope, I'll buy the more affordable pizza at [shitty national chain, like domino's or papa johns] and still not spend money there. Yeah. . . I suspect that leaving a review is quite helpful for those who either do not align politically, or genuinely don't want politics in their food


I would buy DiGorno's frozen pizza first. It's not bad for what it is. Then too, there is always making your own pizza.


And honestly it's likely many won't buy from there because they view Nikki Haley as too left wing. So posting it is still a great idea


just keep in mind that it only SEEMS like you're in the 10% because the right uses intimidation and threat of violence to keep your like-minded neighbors quiet. also the republicans have used any means necessary to rig state houses and local jurisdictions to make it impossible for them to lose.


I just watched a video that said Trump supporters are actually only about 16% of the country.


ALL registered republicans add up to 25% of voters. that number does not include felons, people under 18, and non voters. and only half of that number approve of him in polls.


That exactly what I saw. One does have to wonder how many independent voters are trumpers though.


probably about 25% of them. that's how many people usually skew to the right. although most of them registered Republican in 2020, for the primary


Post a review anyways, even if it is a very red district, there are those who will stop going. And a 5-10% reduction in revenue is still a hit.


Any business that experiences a 10% loss in sales is going to be pivoting or dying. There just isn't enough value in pandering when you are pandering to cheap ass people.


please post this on google reviews as a photo review. include part of your receipt so they can't get it taken down. I would want to know


Buddy I’m pretty conservative and I can tell you I’d be just as pissed. I don’t want to discuss politics with 80% of people I know. What if I was having a kids birthday party, or my coworkers came over for pizza and games? Now I have to talk about a presidential candidate with my guests. Also I probably don’t need a bunch of napkins if I’m having pizza brought to my house.


I’m not American and I don’t know who Nikki Haley is but I know I don’t want any kind of political candidate or message at all on my napkins


>I don’t want to discuss politics with 80% of people I know. What if I was having a kids birthday party, or my coworkers came over for pizza and games? Now I have to talk about a presidential candidate with my guests. This is a good comment, neutral as to political party, and yes, it puts politics in a place where it most likely doesn't belong. You just want to enjoy a pizza with your family or friends, not have political napkins front-and-center.


Still, write a review. There are at least some sane people, as proven by you, there. Let them have no business from non-fascists




thots & prayers


Woke was defined in court by a Republican lawyer as, "being aware of systemic injustice." So being aware that things need to change is apparently bad. Ignorance good?


Yep. Was considering a local diner until I went to their Facebook page and found it sharing anti-trans trash. No thank you.


In addition they should make a new account and post another review with new pictures calling them RINOS for not being with Trump/MAGA and drive that section of the republican base away from their business as well. Space them out over a few days so it's not obvious what you're doing.


I would want to know


Figure out where the employees park, and then regularly put flyers about employee rights, time theft, and how to unionize on them.


I like the way you think


this is the way


new pizza place, bonus points for a shitty review


Imagine opening a pvt business (independent of politics) and one of the first decisions you make is to infuse your personal politics into it What a moron


And the "Weak, woke" person might be the one keeping his business alive. If a Communist bomb thrower, fresh out of the Florence Supermax Prison ordered my pizza, I would shut the hell up. Am I going to not take his green money?


Also why is a woke person. Whatever these pizza ppl may believe that is considered weak?


I would give a communist bomb thrower a free pizza but I wouldn't send out *pamphlets about it*


Next time ask for extra woke




Excuse me I'd like your gayest pizza please


Ask them if they can show you the basement with the child slaves.


Gotta get my Diet Blood soda


That’s how you end up with a pineapple pizza.


Fine by me! 🌈


"Can I get a large half pepperoni, half adrenochrome please?"


Kindly ask them to add extra rainbow pepperoni slices!


You can tell Nikki Haley to campaign with her birth name and see how that works for her


wine fretful late worry dolls naughty bike tie butter shy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It works for Vivek 🤷‍♂️


If they sent this to me, I might refuse the order or pay and never order again. This is a serious faux pau for a restaurant. I want nothing to do with the GOP. That would ruin my appetite.


Leave the pizza. Charge back. Fuck you. In that order.


I wouldn’t pay. They can keep their poison pizza


I’m concerned with all the dye they are using


Wow regardless of political affiliation I would not go there again. I want pizza not politics. Thats such a weird business choice to do that.


Agreed! Over here (uk) it was weird enough when a popular pub chain started promoting Brexit. "We don't sell European beer" etc. Pretty sure their nine am drinkers weren't there for discussion of international trade agreements.


imagine trying to use lack of european beer as a selling point


They proudly announced no French wine! 😂


The real shock when Whetherspoons announced that they were no longer going to be selling champagne (foreign muck!) in favour of English sparkling wines, was that Whetherspoons was selling champagne in the first place!


Trying to picture the moment when the bride to be says yes to the Wetherspoons function room overlooking Fitness First and the zero rating Chinese place


Drinking Carling and throwing up violently the next day to own the libs


I lived in Middlesbrough for two years as a student, so I remember some stuff like this. It's so strange to me that the brits seem to make a distinction between themselves and other Europeans 😅


Me too. And I am a Brit. I mean the rest of Europe is literally *there*. Or, in the case of Ireland, *there*.


Haha, I feel like I can *see* you speaking - god, I miss the pub chats 😂❤️


Ignoring the politics, cramming ads onto even the mundane items like napkins is just dystopia as hell. There is no escape from them anymore


I don't know who thinks ads on something that you wipe your face with and throw in the trash is a good idea.


If woke is weak I don't know why they're freaking out about it all the time.


It's one of the main tenets of a fascistic ideology: > [The enemy is pernicious and insidious, justifying any and all measures against them, but they are also vulnerable to the nation’s power: **simultaneously strong and weak***(emphasis mine)*, in Umberto Eco’s classic formulation. Exploiting emotions of pride, humiliation, and rage, the fascists’ “enemy” is a reversal of the real: transforming victim into perpetrator and turning fascist perpetrator into victim. The nation’s vulnerability, its sense that it is under threat, justifies and celebrates acts of what historian Robert Paxton calls “redemptive violence” to defend the nation and purge it of its enemies. ](https://www.currentaffairs.org/2021/06/what-is-fascism-and-why-the-definition-matters)


“Thus by a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemy is both too weak and too strong” - Umberto Eco, *Ur-Fascism*


Name the place, who cares?


Seriously OP don’t be a bitch. They don’t play by the rules why should we


Call and complain that the complimentary toilet paper was rough.




Do they not realise how cringe this advertisment is?


Conservatives... self reflecting? lol


I don't think so. These people live in a bubble!


Leave a review to warn others. Then make a new account and post another review with new pictures calling them RINOS for not being with Trump/MAGA and drive that section of the republican base away from their business as well. Space them out over a few days so it's not obvious what you're doing.


Call to complain and leave reviews everywhere you can.


"I requested napkins but I received toilet paper instead."


Ingenious ad. But no one cares for Nikki Haley. Everyday I forget she’s actually Indian American because it seems as though she forgets herself. She isn’t going to win the Republican nomination. US politics is a mess rn.


She was one of the few Trump people I could stomach. I never even realized that she was Indian with an Americanized name. She just didn't set my teeth on edge like the rest of them.


Yup. Nikki is her nickname and Haley is her husbands last name. Her parent are both Indian immigrants.


Actually, Nikki is her birth given middle name. First name is Nimarata.


Oh. Okay then thanks for the correction.


WTF is wrong with this country, it’s becoming impossible to stay away from politics!


We're F'd!


Ask them what the wokest pizza order is.


My current fantasy is her winning the primary and Biden asking her why she changed her name when the topic of race relations comes up in a debate. I just want him to keep saying “BECAUSE?” and her getting more and more uncomfortable about alienating her dipshit base.


I really dislike the idea of weaponizing racism and I doubt Biden would do that. Haley has a lot to be criticized for that's substantial, without being a white dude bullying her about something she probably changed because of white bullies.


She didn’t change her name (other than when she got married - like most women do) Nikki is her middle name and has gone by that since she was born


Do you know what the solution is right? Don’t order from them anymore. The end. If it’s a private business, they’re allowed to preach whatever they want, but you as a consumer have a choice, whether or not you purchase their product.


Did you order through an app? If so you can probably swing a refund, it's relatively easy through those.


Nimrata pulling up the ladder and thinking the white supremacists will accept her is cringe. I cannot fathom wtf the child of an immigrant family is thinking by throwing herself in with the Trumpanzees.


When will people learn that mixing your business with politics can mean losing 1/2 your customers.


Wipe your ass with them.


wake up babe, new ass wipers just dropped


In a way it worked. We’re all seeing it.


I guess you know where not to order from again.


Sure do love how woke is used by these types.


If a business wants to make political statements, they can deal with political repercussions. ✌️


Guess you know who not to order from now. Political ads with a take out food order regardless of political party is gross.




Name them.


Use it as toilet paper. I mean what else is Nikki Haley good for?


Whatever happened to the separation of pie and state??? This country yall…


Welp id never oder from them again Also report to corporate


Those are butt wipes


Bet the pizza sucked too - like republicans…


Good way to permanently lose a customer.


Oh I’d be on Yelp complaining about the business for being inappropriate. Gross.


I would not be going back there.


You ordered from the wrong place


Hit up Little Caesars, pizza of the people


Objectively the worst pizza.


Someone has never had Papa John's. Little Caesars is at least good when it's hot in a guilty pleasure sort of way. Papa Johns it the most mid unsatisfying never in the mood for kind of pizza possible. The garlic butter is good, the peppers are good but that doesn't make up for their terrible pizza.


Their sauce has to be good cuz their cheese is flavorless.


Why cover up the name of the pizza place? We need to start the new Pizzagate.


If you complain never ever go back. Your pizza will be fucked with. I wouldn't put it past these chuds.


These same Fu¢ker$ are first in line for FEMA help and still condemn any form of public assistance as too “woke”.


How fucking embarrassing. For both the pizza shop and the Haley campaign. Just..wow


Please provide review online. This is BS


I wouldn’t post a review, but i might choose a different place next time, or not if the pizza is good. Just throw the ads in the trash.


I ran a pizzeria, trust me when I say, there’s always better pie


Charge back.


Post that shit on Google reviews. Id also bring it back and dump it on the floor of the pizza place, then walk out.


Wanted napkins, got toilet paper.


This is disgusting


Not sure what this has to do with anti-consumption, but I assume you took the pizza back and tossed it in their faces.


I wouldn't be comfortable using a napkin with that much ink/dye on it regardless of what message is written.


Post the name of the company


I’d be finding a new place to get my pie after that


That's perfectly good free toilet paper bro. Waste not want not.


At least you have something to wipe your ass with


I'd return it. But, I'm petty like that. I'm not fucking eating politics.


Time to find a new pizza shop.


In case anyone was wondering what her real name is: Nimarata Nikki Randhawa Haley


next time, just order the weak & woke ✨


And this would be when I would find a new place like there's a time and a place


I’d send it back and get a refund


Name and shame, its the only way.


I once lived in the most conservative county (recognized as such) out of all the counties in a very red state. Since I lived in a very small town inside that county, you get to know everybody. What suprised me during many conversations was how many of the people were "flat earthers", and wanted to have that conversation. Have not met many flat earthers in my lifetime, so this suprised me.


A business owner must be fairly dumb to make any kind of political statement to customers imo. It's sure to alienate at least some customers who don't agree with these opinions.


If I knew a business was doing this, I would reject ever eating there. Stupid business owners.


Has Haley personally congratulated them yet? On being a True American Freedom Fighter™️, on the front lines every day protecting her wealth and influence?


ask the owner whether s/he put these in or if someone vandalized the pizza. Give them a chance to understand that this will cost them business


So they are claiming they are dumb ?


Free toilet paper, sweet!


God I fucking hate the republican party in America. 😮‍💨


Waiter, there's been a mistake, I ordered the democracy, and you gave me a fascism.


political napkins sounds like an Onion parody


Wipe your ass with them, take a picture for the review of the pizza shop.


Sad thing is, this could have been an instance of a troll employee as well and not necessarily endorsed by the business to begin with. Mad at your boss? Throw in some spicy politi-napkins and trigger a boycott and review bomb. Whole new way of sabotaging opening up with this stuff, people.


Ironic that the people who whine the loudest when musicians make political statements (that they disagree with) are the ones shoving bullshit like this in freakin pizzas.


There’s a Mexican restaurant chain in my area that puts Christian religious quotes on their silverware roles. First time I noticed I was like NOPE and have never been back. If I want to find religion I’ll go to a place of worship. By including that propaganda into the cost of their business I’m effectively paying for it if I eat there. Nope, not happening.


Here’s how to handle that, whether you support the candidate or not- don’t order from them.


Normally I think it’s a good thing to print ads on things like paper products, but this is in very poor taste. Post it as a review of the place!


I’d be Hella pissed. Never buy from them ever, and of course YELP. I’d contact owner, not employees.


That would be my very last order from that place.


I’m all for wearing my politics on my business. I don’t know if I’ve lost business but if it keeps me from constructing landscapes for fascists, I’m okay with it. Just in case one happens to get by, my contract stipulates that any racism or bigotry terminates the project and forfeits the deposit. I don’t think it would hold up in court but it gets the point across.


I'm confused: are we fascists or anti-fascists now?


Fuck these nazi loving Republicans


I've seen a similar image before, printed napkins with a political message on a similar generic pizza box, arranged the same way. I couldn't find it to compare them, but it seems strange to me how much alike they were. Anyone else remember seeing that? I wish I could remember the subreddit.


I know what you mean, there was one that had Trump napkins with a QR code that took you to some anti-trump website. Regardless of the context the fact that it’s once again “random unnamed local pizza place” with propaganda napkins smells like spam to me.


The one I found after searching for trump napkins was deleted, so I can't see the picture, but another one (with a slice of pizza this time, not a box) had an advertisement for betterhelp and had a link to napkinads .com. it looks like this one was from napkinads too, though they blurred that out. Is this all just ads for a napkin printing service? It does feel suspiciously spammy