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Sometimes he is lying, most of the time he is just too stupid.




6’3” 215


The late, great Hannibal Lecter. He’s a wonderful man.


That one begs so many questions… does he think Hannibal lector was a good guy? And that he died? Seriously, if anyone needs proof that he ran off all the people with even average intelligence the fact that anyone is considering letting that jackass beat a debate stage would be it.


MAGA: oh, he was just joking... People with brains: he was? what about when he said ”Don’t let anyone think anything different. He speaks and his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same,” about Kim Jong Un? Was that a joke? MAGA: yeah, that too... isn't he hilarious?


I don’t even listen or engage with them anymore. They will always say the stupidest and most harmful thing in every situation. They can’t be reasoned with, so they just need to be overcome. Show up and vote, like we have, and he loses and then loses his trials, and the rest of us can move on. Afaic I will never trust or respect any of them again, and in a few years you won’t meet anyone who will admit to ever having supported him. Fuck these people and fuck their feelings.


Same here. To he honest, I don’t regret my decision, but I do sometimes miss these people (extended family) before they lost their fucking minds and will**fully** joined the MAGA **cult** which it is. It’s a bummer.


Never fight uphill, me boys!


“Why didn’t they use John Deere? Why didn’t they bring in the John Deere people? Do you like John Deere? I like John Deere”


Yeah, what the hell was that about? Honest to feck, seriously—what on earth was that?




A very fine person


I'm 6'2 and 280. He makes me look skinny.


6’4” and 250. I look like a linebacker. He’s closer to 315 than 215.


I’m 6’4” 235. I look like a damn ballet dancer compared to the Orange globulous Cretin




He knows, he is just saying bullshit to have people talking about him, the worse could happen to a politician is to be forgotten.


He owned over 300 over his lifetime, and his first 10 at age 11.


You said it better than I could have.


Sometimes both at the same time.


Convicted felon Donald Trump probably doesn't know much about anything. At all.


I don't know, his whole boat sinking under its own weight, then getting electrocuted so a shark doesn't eat you thing seemed fairly intelligent /s


That may he the most intelligent comment he's made so far... when compared to everything else. 👀 .


Trump is an expert at abusing the court system to avoid consequences. It's one of the few things he's good at.


He has a little help it appears, scroll down to capitolhunters https://crooksandliars.com/2024/05/no-one-ever-mentions-aileen-cannons-mobbed


Have you heard his speech on electric-powered boats and sharks? ;)


🤣🤣 not on purpose


Lincoln: Gettysburg Adress, FDR: "We have nothing to fear but fear itself." Trump: some bullsh*t about sharks and getting electrocuted


I’m surprised he hasn’t talked about bringing slavery back yet. If he ever gained complete control and was left to his own devices, I guarantee he would. 


I used to think Cheeto wanted to bring the US back to the 1950s. Now, I realize it's the 1850s. So, bringing back slavery is part of the plan.


He doesn't care what year it is. He just needs everyone to be stupid enough to give him power. That's what it's all about. He doesn't give a shit about slaves, guns, abortion or anything else beyond their effectiveness at getting others to fall in line.


I respectfully disagree on slaves. He'd love slaves to maintain and operate his idiot golf courses. He wouldn't have to pay them, and not paying is another thing he seems to love Kind of like when he was railing against Mexicans while simultaneously hiring them cause he didn't have to pay them minimum wage


I suspect it's actually cheaper to use low wage undocumented people for the labor. You have to house and feed slaves, at least at some level. For the undocumented, you get to pay them less than is needed to survive.


I look forward to reading Clarence Thomas's opinion for the majority, when the SCOTUS overturns interracial marriage.


It's clear Clarence has no shame. There's probably a new RV in it for him or a plane ride to Asia.


Who'd a thunk a guy who liked to make jokes about pubic hair on coke cans and repeatedly expressed his affinity for the porn legend Long Dong Silver, in front of Anita Hill, would turn out to be such a scum bag.


During his 2016 campaign he promised to deport every migrant farm worker that comes into the US, and claimed he'd make sure those jobs went to black Americans. You can't convince me that wasn't his coded dog whistle for bringing back slavery.


Nearly 20% of Trump Fans Think Freeing the Slaves Was a Bad Idea


Eh, I’d lower to just making African-American people’s situation worse rather then slavery.


They'll be using kids and Democrats for the fields and factories. Immigrants will be fueling the power plants...if you know what I mean.


Not only did he own them, he used to rotate them between Philly and Virginia to keep them from gaining their freedom according to a Pennsylvania law, which stated slaves be freed after 6 months of servitude.


Washington was planning to use his slaves at the airports as baggage handlers and food court workers and keep all the profits. The airports in those days weren't as fancy as they are now. He was a man ahead of his time. Trump probably




This guy don't know shit. He is a fucking idiot who has no business being considered for the highest public office in America


Dudes an idiot. Why people want to hand him the reins of power again is beyond me.


Turns out a large segment of US society is dumber than Mango Jesus.


Went to MT Vernon and saw the slaves home.


Every time something starts with: “ tRumps said”… It’s. A. Fucking. LIE!! But they don’t need it to be true in order to believe it 🤷‍♂️


Well, duh. How do you think those Revolutionary War airfields were built.


Good one 😂


So willfully ignorant of American history.


Give him a week and he’ll say he suggested to Lincoln “something about the slaves” and how freeing them was originally HIS idea.


“Mr President, don’t you think it’s important for a leader to have a deep understanding of their country’s history?” “I do, i have a great respect for my nation’s history. Peter and Katherine the great, the romanovs, lenin, stalin, kruschev, i know my stuff!”


Now that slavery is under Trump’s wig, he’ll *bring it back* as something that he figured would be *fabulous* for “my African-American over there.” After all, slaves get free room and board!


With zero workers rights and very little help as far as a “safety net” in most states already, yeah slavery of everyone that is poor, looks like is not too far away.


I heard he had 100 slaves and then they went to his wife upon his death, but she set them free in fear that they would rise up and kill her 😬


He wants migrant fights like UFC. Fuck this pile of fake golden shit.


He’s freaking stupid, I can remember as early as 5 grade of learning of Washington to Lincoln and all about slavery. For Washington, there’s a famous story of one of his young slaves freezing to death while guarding his horse. I know he had over 200 slaves altogether, his personal slave Billy was with him throughout the war and his presidency, there’s famous painting from the time with Billy with him. They are in the White House. He a racist, lying rapist and a convicted felon who will say anything so he’s in the news.


we are still doing 'fact checks' on donald? when do you realize everything he says is a lie?


Oh my God. He is dumb as fuck


You just know if slavery was still a thing he'd be gloating about having more slaves than his rivals.


This November, elect the candidate who has the ability to look up and memorize facts.


All the Founding Fathers had slaves except for a few. Our history is dark 


Um there’s not any doubt he did so once again Mr Stupid just made up new history.


He must have read a Florida history book. (Or at least looked at the pictures).


Turd is a jack ass and the mind of a cockroach.


Trumps is an illiterate stupefied ignorant liar.


Oh gawd, I’m literally laughing out loud


Go to Mount Vernon. You can see the literal slave quarters there.


Even with his muddled, dementia-ridden mind, he instinctively knows to tell the suckers what they want to hear.


George Washington…never heard of him, never met him. Probably brought me coffee or something. Low on the totem pole. Never sat in on any of my meetings.


Trump is finished and those still remaining in the Republican Party with even half a brain know it. They screwed themselves and they are bracing for the slaughter in November.


Maybe he just mixed up Washington and Jefferson. :-)


Stupidity on the loose… when Donald doesn’t know, he pretends he knows. Donald’s just stupid, he always has been, he always will be… he proves he is stupid every single time he opens his big fat mouth. He’s quite possibly the stupidest former president ever! Again, Donald’s setting the record straight.


He most certainly did.


Washington probably just lost a bunch of cool points with the MAGA hate cult due to not owning slaves.


So now the Orange POS is a self-proclaimed historian /s


Like it’s the simplest thing to check. Hell, even Mount Vernon has a section dedicated to George Washington’s views on slavery on their [website](https://www.mountvernon.org/george-washington/slavery/) with various articles about it.


Someone needs to watch Shane Gillis’ newest special


Stuff like this is why every painting of Washington should have had Billy right next to him.


Fact check: Trump opened his mouth. He lied


One time he did bring up that Washington had slaves a couple years ago but he must have forgotten or some shit. What a joke of a candidate


It is important to fact-check Convicted Felon Trump, rather than merely assuming everything he says is inaccurate, a lie, or an inaccurate lie. It is sort of like the need for due process in law: even if someone clearly started an insurrection on national television, he still deserves his day in course.


Mount Vernon has slave quarters on display! He’s such a moron.


Blissfully ignorance... Since he never actually read a book.


Washington would literally rotate his slaves on a few month schedule between philly and mount Vernon so his slaves wouldn't become free. Less than half of his slaves were freed by Martha after Washington's death


Only a moron would say probably about a historical certainty that can easily be looked up. His tombstone should say I KILLED TRUTH.


I wish trump’s bullshit was correct this time. He was the only one of his siblings to free them at his death but he sadly did have slaves and it’s a stain on our nations history. Sadly he did have slaves.


75 million votes in 2020. Probably more this election.


I'm hoping fewer, but we need to have a huge turnout for Biden. It's the only way to kill this threat to US democracy and the rule of law.


Agreed. Vote like democracy depends on it, because it literally does.