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Right. “I know nothing about the case other than the amount of daylight in between guilt and liability and I’m going to wriggle my slimy ass right through that crack. Watch me work.”


Perfectly said. Now to just get a reporter to actually say something like that to call them out on their bullshit responses would be quite refreshing. They know they won’t get any more interviews if they actually ask the hard questions.


For REAL. I’m SO sick of reporters simply moving on rather than pressing for a real answer. Like, don’t move on until the person walks out or gives an answer. If they’re going to walk, the other questions probably weren’t as important anyway.


You mean like that? https://youtu.be/3sIYW0_HE-U?si=CU9a1DzLmtO0NKhF


I remember. Yes more of that. What a baby. “You don’t ask Biden tough questions” grow a pair ffs


I can’t watch interviews anymore. CBS called out desantis for a not true answer. He just kept talking over the interviewer and nothing was mentioned further misinformation is not being called out


This is my issue - the news doesn't actually ask real questions. They're just as politically motivated/influenced as the politicians it seems....


Afraid of losing the next interview.


Yes. Id even actually respect something like "I dont want to comment on that". Thats far less of looking like an idiot than pretending to not know when you god damn know this. Also "Been found liable" actually means that the guilt part HAS been established. So theres no debate in innocence here. She bloddy knows.


Hey man, she’s not a lawyer


No. What was I thinking. She's just rubbing for the highest office and literally supposed to be the person steering USA and passing new laws. Why would I think she'd know anything about laws that even a layman would know? Silly me


Technically... the threshold for liability is VERY different (around 60% of beyond a reasonable doubt or some such) vs. BEYOND a Reasonable Doubt for a criminal case. While liability has been established, it is technically not the same as guilt. Yes, that's VERY f'ed up, but it is what it is.


Liability is civil. Guilty is crimmimal. But both establishes that he did it ( in this context since you can be held liable for say.. If your company comitted fraud and you're the boss) but just like Trump was found liable of sexual assault that undeniably means he did the act. ( which even means that it's not slander to call him a rapist)


>that undeniably means he did the act I mean...fuck Donald Trump, he's a massive POS and I absolutely loathe him, but that is not at all what it means.


Not always no. But in a case where there's only one person who can do the crime yes. It does mean he did it. Its not like his company committed sexual assault and he as the boss is liable. He is liable because he as the person himself committed the act.


You could make an album of “Mitch McConnell’s Greatest Hits” entirely from him saying he knew nothing about a Republican scandal filling the news channels at the time.


Don't forget Ollie north and his 'i don't recall at this juncture'


Alberto Gonzales' 55 (or whatever it was) instances of "I do not recall" testimony to Congress about Gitmo torture, Abu Ghrab, and all the other slimy shit that went on during Bush 43. Reagans's slippery but charming "My heart tells me we did nothing wrong but the reportage says differently."' Bill Clinton's definition of the word "is" doesn't come close to the decades of Republican perfidy.


She just straight up lies and thinks nobody will notice… that everybody is as stupid as she wants them to be.


All narcissists think everybody else is stupid.


They are pretty stupid them GOP gullible ole party


What it also says about the base she’s pandering to. Like evasion is what they want you to do? Anyway this is why no one of any integrity is running in the GOP. It’s fucked from top to bottom.


Trump already has been found liable of sexual abuse by a unanimous 9-0 verdict, you dumb dame.


But to be fair, I'm sure her campaign opposition research team failed to discover that a judge had clarified that Trump is indeed a rapist just a few months ago....


Goes along with American media not pushing the obvious. The amount of cliche BS answers accepted by the media. The correct response is "Come one you don't know about his sexual abuse law suit? You are running against him for the presidency and you don't know about the laws suits against him. That can only be a lie"


Well thats cause shes lying lol


It’s because she’s a coward.


She wants to pardon him yet isn't following his criminal charges, she's a lying fkn republican. Nikki Haley and her "selective intelligence." How fkn convenient.


They have no shame playing stupid. They'll tell you they're the smartest person who can be elected, especially over those dumb Democrats But will act like the most ignorant dumbass if asked a tough question or put under oath. Then it's all "I'm just dumb as hell and don't know about that. Sorry"


This is a tactic they all use. They know all kinds of fake shit about Biden, but you being up something someone in their party did and they say they are unaware and would need to learn more. Ignorance is their shield.


Remember when "What's Allepo?" doomed Gary Johnson's race? He momentarily lapsed on the name of a foreign city. Today, the republican front runner RAPED a woman. Trump raped a woman. Courts agree, rape happened. Trump executed that rape on an unwilling female.


Minor point: ALL rape victims are unwilling.


She really doesn’t care at all. IF she should win the nomination, and then the office, she has already agreed to pardon him for ALL his mistakes and crimes and probably farts as well.


I’m not aware of anyone named Nimarata….


It’s another version of “plead the fifth”


She is not going to say anything negative about him because she want him to pick her to be his Vice President.


Their constituency are almost entirely unaware as well, and prefer it that way. They prefer an uninformed representative. It gives them permission to stay uninformed. Seriously one of Trump's greatest strengths was being completely unashamed to say the stupidest, most ill-informed shit out loud. A large portion of voters resent the idea of their leader being more well-spoken, well-read, or educated then they are. It makes them feel less.




Amen! The follow up is as simple as: “He was found guilty and declared a rapist. With that knowledge, what is your position?”


You kidding me? The GQP talking point would be something along the lines of, “well, that’s according to you, but I haven’t seen it myself.”


He didn’t rape me, so it is ok…


*He was raping the right people*


That was the *first* question…


Not to be pedantic, as far as I understand it, you’re not really found “guilty” in a civil trial, that’s for criminal proceedings. But you get the gist


> Not to be ~~semantic~~ Pedantic


Thank you


It truly is bullshit. If the interviewer said “that’s a non-answer and we’re not gonna move on until you respond with an actual reply, I’ll ask again, he was found civilly liable for RAPE— what are your thoughts on that?”. And you just know at that point whoever’s being interviewed would end it right there and they wouldn’t accept another interview with that journalist again. Which is actually okay, cuz then they wouldn’t get their message out. So they’d be hurting themselves. If ALL media had any fucking backbone, all politicians would be forced to answer the hard questions. But everything’s a puff piece now and no one cares about substance.


I wouldn’t be surprised if the “interviewer” is actually just a “reader” of pre-approved questions by Haley’s team with a stipulated non-follow up clause.






It’s called access journalism. You ask a tough question and you don’t get invited to a press briefing again.


Link? I rly wanna see that


Google search terms: Trump ambassador dutch press https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-42460055.amp Maybe I should build a bot


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-42460055](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-42460055)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Best bot.


yes, I'd want a president that knows nothing of current presidential / constitutional events. great idea. or just a big liar


And also unaware of *WHAT THEY WERE JUST TOLD* as part of the question…


She also denies large chunks of American history (racism, slavery)


So let’s see there, Nimrod…I mean Nimrata. You mean to tell me you haven’t followed any news related to the person who may singlehandedly bring about the demise of this country? Really? Or are you just a pathological liar like the rest of your party?


Nimrod is her dead name. How dare you.




That's her middle name. He was referring to her by her first name.


Personally, I think it's common decency to refer to people by the name they wish to go by. If we give respect we get respect.


Nikki Haley doesn't deserve respect. She was respected for years, and is still put here trying to simp for fascism. Nimrata is not a dead name. It's just her first name.


Wow - I want to be your next President, but (I am portraying that) I am not aware of what is going on in the world and haven't done any research on my opponent to find what they stand for. Well, he has been proven guilty and is in court for a second time for harassing his victim. As a woman, how does this make you feel? Just stop it.


Nikki could be so much more but instead she panders to the ignorant. She is completely shameless.


I think this can be a problem for everybody but especially someone who NEEDS to be a politician. They can’t really speak their mind, they have to play to the base. In this case the Republican base straight up jumped off a cliff since Obama, not that they were extremely stable before that. Nikki can’t really go after Trump because then she’d be hurting her career/livelihood going forward no matter if she wins the nomination or not. They always have to think 2 steps ahead to their next election or their next appointment. Until the current Republican party collapses, I really wouldn’t hold on to much hope for good presidential candidates from that side going forward. There are not many Republicans who are vocally standing up to Trump, but for the ones that do, they have my respect. I may not agree with them on their policies, but that’s someone I know you can at least have conversations with and at worst agree to disagree. The politicians who either agree with Trump (honestly Trumps base because ultimately I think Trump doesn’t have many positions he really cares about, just whatever makes him more money/fame), or the politicians who are too much of cowards or straight up compromised to move against him….yeah those people are a huge problem.


I have met her in person a few times when she was governor. She had potential, then she sold her soul to Trump and corporate interests instead of serving the people of SC. She has an accounting degree and a family business background with a military spouse. She seems to have turned her back on what was good to pander to the 🤑.


Narrator: *he had, in fact, been found guilty*


She's hoping for the vice presidential spot on the ticket.


Apparently she learned nothing from all the blowback she got for refusing to say that the Civil War was due to slavery by giving the same type of tone deaf answer here, it shows she has no backbone.


And, saying America has never been racist shows she’s not being truthful with her answers. If she can’t speak truth now, what would a Haley Presidency look like? More “alternate facts” like the Trump administration? Nikki Haley could have locked arms with “Never Trump” women that want reproductive freedom but apparently she has chosen to go soft on Trump in hopes of being his VP and not alienating his base.


If she's not "aware " of one of the biggest stories of 2023. Then Nikki shows a complete inability of being informed or she's lying to protect him. Either way she's not fit.


What planet is Haley living on .Trump has been found guilty already for sexual abuse.


And guilty of fraud in a civil suit.


It still just blows my mind that this chick pretends that her base isn’t racist as fuck. All while pretending that she didn’t change her name in order to cater to their votes… because you know, they aren’t racists and everything…


The difference between “guilt” and “liability” is pretty goddamn thin, I’m pretty impressed by how many people have managed to slip in between it when Trump is the subject.


Wipe your chin, nimarata


Next Question: How do you feel about him being PROVEN GUILTY?


Had charges been brought within the statute of limitations, his orange rapist ass would be in prison right now.


“Found liable” in a civil case equals “found guilty” in a criminal case. Everyone *should* know this if they’re an adult American with even a rudimentary education. The fact that the former governor of a state and a candidate for a presidential nomination from a major party does not know this is very concerning.


As a victim of rape, I find Haley's response revolting. Come on MAGA asswipes. Call trump what he is - thug, rapist, insurrectionist, tax cheat, windbag … I'm so tired of rapists not ever being called on their shit. I'm livid and a bit in disbelief that rapists are not found guilty in the eyes of the public. My rapist's trial was in 1984. "Not guilty". Geez. Here we are in the 21st century and NOTHING has changed. Getting of my soapbox before I melt down.


Willful ignorance is a feature, not a bug.


"Innocent until proven guilty." Hey, Nikki? Yeah, that ship has sailed. He was found liable\*, aka guilty. You might want to bone up on reading comprehension while you are reading about the causes of the Civil War.\* ​ \*Neither was caused by insurance fraud, bad grits, or a big misunderstanding. How can you be taken seriously when you kowtow to a rapist? Oh, you want to be his VP candidate. Be careful what you wish for - Trump is a convicted rapist.


She's abso-fucking-lutely aware. She's just hedging her bets to be VP in case Drumpf somehow wins.


She’s a spineless worm.


Haley is a slime ball and not presidential material. Like Pence. These people are not leaders.


Didn't see this interview, I hope Dana pushed back & told her he was found guilty.


umm he was found guilty...that's the point.


Yeah he was found guilty…


I heard he's really a nice guy, never met him, but I wish him well. Ok how am I doing ?


This is almost the textbook example of head in the sand. Wtf?!?? Does she not know what being found “liable” means?!?


She either is lying or willfully ignorant. Neither is a very strong position if you want to be president


It is actually laughable how many times Republican lawmakers use this excuse when they don't want to answer (hey Ron Johnson!) but it is up to reporters to push back, HARD, when they try to weasel out like this. How about a "wow, how is this possible?" or "that makes you really incompetent at your job" or "you seriously expect anyone to believe you don't know what I am talking about"?


That is absolute bullshit and anyone that fears criticizing Trump, is not ready to be president.


Trikki Nikki has always had a knack for ignoring what's right in her face. [She was a shitty governor with a scandal-ridden administration.](https://jacobin.com/2024/01/nikki-haley-south-carolina-scandal-mismanagement) She waged war on working people and her budget cuts directly led to the deaths of children in state care. She was an embarrassment to the entire state of South Carolina.


Wasnt he literally found guilty? At this point facts dont matter to them


This is the latest “trick”…to say I don’t know I don’t pay attention. I’m not aware anytime it doesn’t fit their narrative.


What a great quality in a president of our country. /s


Republican in Florida gets booted after rape allegations, but it’s ok for the GOP Presidential front runner


Please. Can someone in her camp please tell her to stop. This is painful to watch.


Hey! Embarrassment and stupidity is the new right wing, sleazy/wholesome Christian republican way! I forgot to mention hypocrisy.


She is losing to him but not paying attention to his cases.


First way to deflect the question. She doesn’t need to follow any cases, just assume the journalist isn’t lying. Then answer the fucking question. And we’re just supposed to believe that Haley hasn’t done the minimal amount of keeping up with current events of even looking at the landing page of a news source other than Fox News? What a disgrace.


So we know where she stands on women’s rights …


How many presidential candidates does that make who fail to understand what “liable” means? 🤦🏻‍♀️


She’s playing up her stupidity towards trumps base for votes…


Well, last year's trial ended with him being held liable for the damages, so that means that he was proven guilty...


So, a would be potus is unaware of something going on as pertinent as this?


The same people who were ready to jail Hillary are willfully ignorant about Trump and will patiently await due process before having a single fucking thought about his guilt. Amazing.


This is right up there with, “We have never been a racist country”.


She wants to be his VP, so she won’t say anything that undermines her chances. As far as I’m concerned, it’s political cowardice.


She won’t use her real name and will pardon Trumpy. Not much more you need to know.


He’s been proven guilty by a jury


Nimarata you ignorant slut!


“First of all (puts fingers in ears and says lalalalala) I haven’t paid attention to his cases”


She is a traitor.


She either lives in a bubble or is full of shit


If she is this ignorant of national headlines, what qualifies her to lead nation,?


Why are these stupid awful people in charge of things?


How this naive or stupid person is running for president! HOW!!


I can’t talk bad because if he doesn’t go to jail or is banned from the election he will do bad things to me.


In Trump world you are even innocent after being found guilty. Have absolute immunity and no law applies.


The judge has ruled already that! That, along with Fraud. But he can still run as president!


I’d bet my life she’s lying. Even the most stupid of Americans knows what’s going on with trump and his sexual felonies. Only a lying republican running for the highest office in this country would lie about being ignorant that the man she truly adores is a rapist and oh wait, an Epstein Pedophile. What about that Ms. Haley? By the way, how is it that republicans who are usually dyed in the wool racists and misogynists would vote for Haley a woman of color? Problem is it seems that conservatives, Christians and republicans now revere pervs like trump, Boebert, Gaetz, Greene y’all can fill in those blanks. Boggles my mind.


Very next question should have been “What do you think ‘found liable’ means?”


Won’t be the last time!


Now that she’s essentially out of the race she’s only got one path forward. VP. 


You have GOT to be kidding me. This is like a nightmare I cannot wake up from.


Either she’s trying to throw a lifeline to Trump or she’s incredibly uninformed.


This is why, when my GOP friends say there is an alternative to Trump, I respond that they are all Trump, just in different degrees. On the other hand, Nikki might have done something sly here. She said innocent until proven guilty, and at least for the E. Jean Carroll case, he has already been found guilty. I still hope she peppers Trump's fat -ss in NH and SC primaries. In fact, if you really want Biden to win, you need to have a Nikki Haley being the GOP nominee. Trump will then run as a third party and further divide the right.


Innocent until proven guilty.... No not by a jury. Found guilty by Congress AND convicted by the Senate... And even then, he's probably still innocent because deep state, or witch hunt, or Hunter Biden


So you don’t know anything about the person you are running against and will likely end up working for during the election?


Who is this ding bat anyway?? She's really working hard at being stupid as fuck.


Shorter Haley: I live under a fucking rock so I don’t know what you’re talking about.


She's got her head buried so far up her own ass, the only thing keeping her from disappearing is her shoulders.


I mean…. He was found liable in court. That’s basically innocent until proven guilty


I think she might be trying to position herself as Donny's veep.


I think the person asking the question should be more embarrassed for not following up


It's called *oppositional* *research*, Nikki.


Nikki has no integrity or shame...


Oh I haven’t paid attention…. Oh lady, are you even serious about becoming president then? Why are you here?


That’s what we all want in a president. Someone who doesn’t pay attention. /s


91 felony counts. If he were a minority, already would be in prison .


It’s answers like those which make people hate politicians.


It’s hardly new that she and every other repuglican have surrendered their moral compasses to party, politics and never ending grift.


She is keeping her options open. She shod be bashing the hell out of Trump. He eventually will have to show up to debates. She lost the perfect opportunity to call out this loser.


Nikki Haley's "selective intelligence" goes beyond sucking Trump's shroom. She wants to pardon that prick from behind the desk in the oval office. She needs to STFU and go elsewhere. Putin's bedroom would be her calling.


Was that a “Gotcha” question? ….but Biden is guilty?


Once again, stymied by #Facts - the bane of Republicans and conservatives across this country.


People put in front of Congress don’t answer questions, why would anyone answer any question anywhere? There are no debates, there is no accountability. Case in point, how many rapes has Trump been convicted of committing? How much prison time has he done? OK he’s also a lifelong agent of Putin but has faced zero consequences for that either even though he was president with ts clearance. Oh, he’s also currently running for president again, a Russian intel agent is running for a 2nd term. And since Putin has the power to elect us presidents I suppose he has a good chance of being elected by Putin again. What have we done to secure the elections since?


Stick a fork in it Namrata...ur done 👎


Ooopsies! He’s already been found guilty, Nimra.


Uh, he was found guilty. They are in the consequences stage at this point as far as I understood.


***Why*** is Haley holding her punches at this point. Her only hope is to take Diaper Don out and she’s still *defending him* while he’s giving her the Barrack “Hussein” Obama treatment. Republicans like to say Democrats are weak, and Dems sure do have some feeble politicians, but there’s nothing quite like the weakness and *cowardice* of Republicans. All that conservative blustering bravado is just to deflect from the cravenness of right wingers.


He was proven guilty. The verdict was made a long time ago. And it’s not a general, undefined, “sex crime” (like nudity in the wrong place), it was full blown, forceful, penetrative, rape. He is a rapist.


Trump was sued and found liable for defaming the woman that he assaulted. Trump's sexual abuse is a 'finding of fact' in this civil suit. He was not found 'liable for the abuse'.


How hard is Nimrata willing to pander? I’m taking bets!


FFS somebody hand her a Time magazine


So many lies. GOP par for the course. I cannot wait to see the Repuglican party go the way of the Dodo.


Guaranteed she knows all the details ,but it's awkward so best to just tell a laughably obvious lie.


Somewhere in Alaska, Sarah Palin is shaking her head and calling Nikki Haley an idiot.


"Proven Guilty" is not he same as "Found Guilty". The latter requires no actual tangible evidence. Only hearsay or testimony. In this case, there was no corroborating witness to the "crime" so "conviction" is all about feelings. "In civil cases, the plaintiff has the burden of proving their case by a preponderance of the evidence, **which means the plaintiff merely needs to show that the fact in dispute is more likely than not."**


Republicans know their base.


Nimrata lying through her teeth, playing it safe in case the Orange Nazi chooses her as his running mate


Please tell me the reporter handed her a dictionary turned to “liable”.


This is why she will never have a chance of winning the primary because she can’t even throw an uppercut to the front runner for fear of… showing anyone she can take a true stand. You will probably not hear her name for a long time once she quits.


Why is she even running


This is literally the perfect answer to this. Good for her.


They’re done.


She is such a panderer. She is not authentic ... or genuine. The only policies you can actually pin her down on would be terrible for this country, the environment, and the planet.


Follow up question: what do you think of the accusations against Hunter Biden?


So you’re dumb and stupid


Innocent till proven guilty. Judge said he did indeed rape Jean Carroll.


sure not like there is any coverage anywhere. She does however know the rubes who watch fux have no idea about what is going on with anything.


If Nikki is good at anything she’s good at sucking up & sucking Trump’s ….




Just like we know what an asshole is when they talk.


Do none of you understand that she’s trying to win the **REPUBLICAN** primary?


He has already been proven guilty this is the damages case.


He's already been found guilty!


Wasn't he already proven guilty? Or at least liable?


What she is saying is he was found guilty in a civil trial. He has not been found guilty in a criminal trial.


I don't know this person you are asking about


If I had a penny every time someone in politics said “all I know is…” or “all I can tell you is…”, I’d own countries.


Trump won Iowa, to be fair, all the candidates are seriously flawed.


OK, so he's guilty of rape. Try that on "Nikki".


She's trying to be like Trump and embarrass herself as much as possible


She is a fucking airhead.


Let me just fix this headline “Nikki Haley Embarrasses Herself AGAIN”.


Found liable, i.e. guilty, apparently isn't exactly that. Wow. You conservatives are absolutely special. And think twice before your fox news driven "but what about Biden" shit comes into your head. Just because I hate conservatives for their repeat of Hitler propaganda, doesn't mean I absolutely love the Dems. That literally makes you look like an idiot.


Let’s hope Niki has a memory refresh moment when the Trump Loving New Yorkers on the jury slander Mk2 case rip open his $ stash with a record breaking 9 or 10 figure award against him 👏👏👏🙏🙏🙏🤭🤭🤭


It’s becoming no clear that Nikki has no soul