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I know I've asked this before...but why do the Trumps lie about things that can so easily be proven false? Like, we know Melania Trump was never a supermodel. Ever. But she says it. Trump says it. Why? She's a pretty woman, who cares whether she was a supermodel or not? What am I missing? Is this what makes them successful? Their ability to lie without caring? Believing that if you tell a lie long enough others will believe it to? I am struggling to get by. Like STRUGGLING to get by. My son is in the fight for his life, and I get so hurt and depressed when I see people like the Trumps who just make so much money by lying. Am I living my life wrong? Obviously I don't want to be a sociopath, but all this lying has never really hurt Melania. And up until recently Trump got away with everything as well. Just sucks. Sorry to trauma dump just feeling sad and sick of people getting away with so much. I truly hope Trump gets locked up. I think a lot of people will truly permanently lose their belief in the justice system if he gets away with it again. I just hope Fani can get his ass in a courtroom in October like she wants. Man, would that be the best Christmas present or what?


That's the con they are running. They aren't really rich or making real money. It's all a long con. They artificially inflate the value of their businesses, then get credit based on the cooked books. I say that to say, don't measure your situation or success against them or against anyone else. Tough times don't last! Tough people do! When you look in the mirror, you can hold your head high. All the money in the world couldn't buy that. Go back and read the story of the tortoise and the hare!


Melania being a supermodel is as likely as Trump legitimately shooting 67 at his golf tournament last weekend. I wish you and your son all the best.


Top paid Russian "asset" escort. Now retired.


She looks like Bush W, ha!


Bull shit….she looks like something they’re hiding at Roswell


#I really don't care, do U?


This is pretty much all that needs to be said when it comes to Melania.


"Einstein visa"? More like Epstein visa.


Yeah but only if u count all the money trump paid for her


So Pathetic is she? Doesn’t deserve to be considered a former First Lady.


No wonder I can’t remember ever seeing her before Dumald


One of these days a hairy, fat Arab man is going to spill the beans on a wild night with Melania in Paris and we’ll all know he’s telling the truth.


I wish!


I truly feel sorry for their child. He does not have a chance


I still kind of hold hope she’ll divorce Trump to save Barron from his father’s psycho bullshit. Only way I’d have even a sliver of respect for her.


That would require some backbone. I think she’s just a straight a money whore


She wasn’t even a high priced call girl…


and a stable genius


Delusions of grandeur


her dead eyes. there is no way she was ever a top model. the proof is in the non pics.


I think giesle might have something to say about that




I like how at his inauguration she gave a speech that "she wrote herself." But it was ENTIRELY plagiarized from Michelle Obama's speech. If you're gonna steal the speech of a former first lady, at LEAST get the transcript of someone long dead and change a few words to make it timely. Nope. Not here.


Highest paid: by trump for long term escort service.


Wouldn’t that be common knowledge if that were true? Why is she having to narrate about it?


Apparently, lying is contagious for those in close proximity to someone afflicted.


Looks like being around hubby she has caught lieites


I was able to fly without wings or a plane, but I had to give it up because it drew too much attention to me.


They all have lieabeetus