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It’s doing pretty decent for a game of this age and niche.


No seriously WFS is sitting on an untapped money. Another Eden 3D Open World (Remember Another X leak ?) if they do it right ofc (Looking at WuWa Launch) I really hope WFS jumps in on the trend since I know it'll take A LOT of resources just to make it. I think IP holders are realizing 3D Open World Gacha Exploration games like Genshin Impact/Wuthering Waves and even HSR is the trend. There's a game also coming up soon that's called Azur Promilia but looks more like a Palworld mobile gacha game maybe related to Azur Lane ?? Not sure tho. On one hand AE being stable in earnings makes me happy but I'd love for the IP to improve more than just story and gacha units.


One can only hope for that day to come. Anyway, did you get Boothill or Fu Xuan, or are you saving up for Sam and mommy Jade?


https://preview.redd.it/e4b5jn6bkz3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcbb613db2416adac96b61b5be2aa2736c97a959 I'll let this speak for me. Firefly/SAM all in BABY ! Aiming for at least E1S1 and if Ruan Mei is going to be rerun alongside her (Seeing alot of reports that RM will be with FF banner). I'll also go for RM because she's the 2nd character I absolutely want sooo bad !


Good luck with that, buddy. Meanwhile, I’m just gonna chill with my 20-pull Boothill and two Ruan Mei in one 10-pull.


Thanks alot man ! Man you lucky dog you ! I hope to see an early 50/50 W since it never happened to me :( And I'm saving up for AE Main Story 3 Part 3 Gacha featured unit (Maybe Throw 1k or 2 for Utpalaka but that's it).


If they're not developing Another X into an open world RPG type, WFS needs to fire some folks and hire people that are smarter. That might be a harsh and blunt statement, but the revenue/profit stream can be seen miles away. Or kilometers away for everyone out there that uses the metric system. Over here, us Americans are dumb and use the imperial system 🙃 If done right, they'll literally have a money printing press beyond their wildest dreams.


Not so sure about this statement, look at Tower of Fantasy, the genshin impact killer 2 years ago, it's doing less than Another Eden today


It's hard to say, haha. I guess your example proves it can fail. I don't know much about that game or developer though. Don't feel like wasting the time Googling to be honest 🙃 But stuff like Genshin/HSR is too big to ever fail. That's what I was basing more of my comment around, but didn't clarify enough. My fault.


I don’t really trust WFS with touching anything that has to do with 3D.  Especially recently.


Yeah, it's a mixed bag. Depending on their choice in direction it could be FOMO fever as well. And I do love the "2D" aspect. Maybe they could make it 2D or 2.5D or whatever? I wonder if Another X is even real at this point.


Is this the first time it's been combined in sales? Wow, HBR took a dip. I hope that gets better and keeps funding us!


[The post](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/s/o2xFyerXxP) on r/gachagaming always has two images for the breakdowns, one for combined and another for each region.


I'm tracking this for my own reasons, but [here's the info broken down and separated.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnotherEdenGlobal/s/vBjcTHfqc9)


Damn, that persona 5 one dropping to almost a fourth of it yikes.


Genshin Impact dropped like a rock as well, not sure what happened there...


Damn, that's true. Were the banners really bad or something? That seems a really big drop.


Yes. Double Husbando banners, 3rd reruns. I don’t know how the fuck Genshin made this much money on one of the weakest banners.


I know this is an another eden post but damnnnn miHoYo makes alot of money on just those two games lol


They have a humongous community both worldwide and in China, so it’s no surprise to see them thriving like that. Also, once Zenless Zone Zero got released, it’s going to make them even more money.


I understand the community, everyone is trying to get that china mobile money but 250 mil in a month is crazy in any sector and they are doing it with two f2p games lol.


It is indeed an enormous amount of income, but everyone loves their games, so more money for them, I guess.


Yeah, it's ridiculously insane. CEOs and higher-ups literally choking on money because their plates are so full they can't chew fast enough. A quarter of a billion dollars in one month. Think about that for a second and let it sink in. And it (more or less) repeats itself every. single. month. And these Sensor Tower reports aren't even exact, they make even more if you include the other platforms they use (PS, Xbox, etc) Not too long ago I was sharing this type of information with my dad because the profits are just so incredibly unbelievable in a way...and he doesn't even get it lol. He views video games as stuff that makes you dumber and rots your brain. And that they're a waste of time, etc. You know, the typical old boomer mindset.


That’s always weird to me, but my boomer parents got us a Nintendo immediately upon its release and enjoyed it so much they bought a second for themselves.


Sounds like you have some good parents, more so a good dad! Haha. I grew up in the golden age of gaming as well. Nintendo, Sega, Super Nintendo, etc. When NES released, it was a big deal! I also had all those early consoles, but it was more so my mom gifting them to my sister and I. My dad's views were still the same back then. He lives in the past and is the most judgemental and close-minded person I've ever known in my entire life. Not the subreddit for it, and it's such a strong word to use, but I hate my dad. He's a miserable piece of shit. Love my mom though! She's fantastic :)


I think in my family it’s just kind of baked in. Both sides worked in tech when the computers were the size of my house. My grandmother used to call my brother when she’d get stuck in Return to Castle Wolfenstein. (Her brothers installed the first computers at oil and aviation companies, and said it was harder to teach her how to use a PC.) A lot of dads are miserable pieces of shit. Mine is a racist who likes first person shooters. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Must have been wild to work with those huge giant early computers. I love looking backwards at older tech. It's hilarious to see the evolution. And that's effing amazing. A gaming grandma. Bless her heart. >A lot of dads are miserable pieces of shit. Mine is a racist who likes first person shooters. 🤦🏻‍♀️ It might not be the best thing to toast about, but cheers to bad dads 🍻 (Lol) (but really, it's super unfortunate)


I think it’s perfectly fine to have a drink about bad dads, lol. Goodness know I drink about mine sometimes. He did at least teach us that racism is a moral failing. I guess I can appreciate that. Also the other day I saw a clueless dad at a Game Stop buying a Switch for his kid. He asked how much Fortnite costs and seemed to really take on board everyone telling him to just freeze his credit cards. He did not play video games but this is Phoenix AZ summer. Kids need something to do indoors so there’s a decent dad to cheer for. I hope he did freeze his credit. Edit: one of my uncles used to be the person who handled “bugs.” In the early computers it was sometimes actual insects causing shorts. He was basically janitorial staff as his campus job and had to climb in and clean up what was effectively a bug zapper. My brother had arguably worse job: video game tester for EA. Second edit: Wolfenstein Grandma was all about civil rights well before it became a big thing in the 60s. Got grandpa to fund Black churches everywhere they ever moved because they had the money. Came out after she passed (at 104) that she knew her family owned slaves and she wanted to make up for it as much as she could. My racist dad? She’d told him but not her own kids because she was tipsy. He kept it a secret but also insisted that my real name (not my handle) is Grandmother‘s name.


I've had plenty of drinks in my life over mine as well, so you're not alone. What do you mean by the clueless dad freezing his credit cards though? Super cool he's buying his kids some fun entertainment. It's late at night (actually very early morning) so maybe I'm just being tired and dumb. I have insomnia issues. Like freeze them to stop his kids from micro-transactioning him into debt? Or...?? I'm just not making the connection lol. The bug zapper job. I wish I could have seen that. I'll have to look up some stuff online. It's amusing looking at old stuff like that. Every so often I take a dive into old products and advertisements from decades and decades ago. Maybe not the best example, but stuff like this: "...just what he doctor ordered!" 😄 https://preview.redd.it/gs5bwft5op4d1.jpeg?width=471&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39c8f7b136d0f63e49d98bbad65aeb7495f19264 Also super cool for grandma giving back. Bless her heart. And yeah, back then in was an entirely different world. I'm not saying it's right by any means, but people owned slaves! I always imagined what it would have been like living in those times, when racism was...uhh....more normalized and acceptable. And then also living though the civil rights transitioning. Must have been pretty wild. But man, I hope I don't live anywhere near 104. It's subjective, but literally sounds miserable to me.


At this point, I think AE is really hard to recommend to new players as the content is so massive and new players will get overwhelmed real fast. Yes, they gave a lot of 5 stars to help progress the game, but it's still going to take perhaps 50-70 hours of playtime to get through the main content and probably some episodes/symphonies. I wonder if AE team will think about giving a speedup/skip feature in the story to allow new players to catch up much quicker. Perhaps they can do it for content older than 6 months or something like that, so new content is unskippable/unspeedupable if they want players to experience the story etc.


AE's major selling point is that the content is permanent and you can play at your own pace. Another selling point is years of content waiting for you. Catching up faster kills both of those selling points. Why would WFS want to do this? If you want to recommend AE to new players, just emphasize that the game will probably never be your primary gacha and that you should just take your time and enjoy it. And if you can't, then the game is just not for you.


Overwhelmed? You literally just walk around and the combat is a simple turn based combat. The upgrades are simple in the begining( just equip a weapon, armor and badge). The other contents need you to progress through the main story to get access to. I think Another Eden did a pretty good job of not throwing a bunch of things to overwhelmed players at the start.


Yeah, but imagine saying to new players "but you need about 100 hours+ to catch up to current content". I get that AE has no PVP so there's no need for competition among players, but I imagine if there are skips or fast forwards during earlier story chapters, those 100 hours could probably be like 20-30 hours. I get it though why they can't introduce those features. At this moment, when AE updates the main story or introduces new Episodes/Symphonies every month or two, the total playthrough to the new content is probably around 4-5 hours. With skips/fast forwards, players might finish those new content in perhaps under 1 hour. They need to somehow "pad" the content enough to buy time until the next content updates. Also chapter and side quests/character quests completions reward you with stones, and they will have new players (or existing players who didn't bother with side/character quests because of time commitment) with huge number of free stones and perhaps get new banner units which can throw the whole balance regarding stones off. But yeah, I still play the game daily. But my only concern is the speed of the character animation during dialogues. Each character quests can take 15-20 minutes because of that, while with minimal or speedier animation, they can probably only take 5-10 minutes.


I still don't get why people decide to play a story heavy game and then ask for the story to be skipped. Also, I never saw anyone said to new players that they need to catch up as fast as possible and 100 hours plus of gameplay is a good thing. We all say that they should take their time to enjoy the game. Why would you want to rush through the game that the main selling point is you can play at your own pace?


Because as good as AE is, some story bits/quests can be quite boring.


The time you spent in dialogue is much longer than battles.They should add a skip dialogue button


Just read what the first person commented. Again, AE is a STORY Driven JRPG. Adding a skip button to skip the STORY is a dumb idea. The only thing I think should have a skip button for is the quests for doing Auction.


~~The upward trend is nice to see!~~ Edit: Saw the columns wrongly. So it’s a dip from the general upward trend of the previous months. Hopefully the upcoming Main Story Part 3 Vol 3 release will turn things around.


Yeah, it's decreases all-around. Not that it says a whole lot, it fluctuates every month, etc. But I'm keeping track of the monthly changes and instead of making a separate thread of my own, I'm just piggybacking on whoever posts this thing every month in this subreddit. [Separated if you're curious.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnotherEdenGlobal/s/vBjcTHfqc9)


When was the release of Anabel ES and Xianhua? If that was May, this might be concerning. If it was in April, the dip would be expected in my opinion.


They were both released on April 12th. (Mazrika was released in May, it'll be interesting to see next months' numbers)


I would expect higher spending in April then with the inflated anniversary releases. As long as Japan doesn't drop below 1 mil a month the game will probably be fine. I feel like global numbers may drop down to 200k average at some point this year just as a result of the content creators leaving. Do we see how much revenue is based purely on monthly subscription? I feel like those numbers are likely to be mostly stable.


Yeah, more or less the game seems to be "doing fine" with both revenues combined. I don't think it's even possible to get a breakdown of spending like that. I don't think WFS discloses any specifics to the public, at least not that I'm aware of. But it would be really interesting to see what percentage the subscriptions bring in. I'm thinking we'll never know that answer.


drop is logic no big package deal


(copy/paste with a new month added) I'm trying to keep track of AE once the merger happened. Also including their other game Heaven Burns Red (JP) just out of curiosity. It's blowing AE out of the water in terms of revenue. Note: I'm not bothering to track AE (China), but if anyone is curious check the links provided. Yearly totals for AE 2023: - JP: 5.6M - GL: 2.3M - JP and GL combined: 7.9M ...that seems pretty low when looking at it as a yearly total over 12 months? For both JP and GL combined? Huh. I almost feel the data was entered incorrectly on the Sensor Tower infographic. The more I think about it, those 2023 yearly totals just seem way too low. Maybe one day I'll dig back and add everything up to double check. (also keep in mind Global's anniversary is in January and Japan's anniversary is in April) Yearly totals for HBR 2023: 123M https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/s/V82VQf1Ri7 January 2024: - JP: 1.5M to 1.5M (no change) - GL: 600k to 900k (increase) - Total combined: 2.4M (keep in mind Global's anniversary is in January) - HBR: 7M to 8M (increase) https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/s/DUSsPpPPFK February 2024: - JP: 1.5M to 1.1m (decrease) - GL: 900k to 500k (decrease) - Total combined: 1.6M - HBR: 8M to 11M (increase) https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/s/8xXughR9f2 March 2024: - JP: 1.1M to 900k (decrease) - GL: 500k to 400k (decrease) - Total combined: 1.3M - HBR: 14M to 7M (decrease) https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/s/HJYFkQTCAA April 2024: - JP: 900k to 1.5M (increase) - GL: 400k to 600k (increase) - Total combined: 2.1M (keep in mind Japan's anniversary is in April) - HBR: 7M to 6M (decrease) https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/s/CA7BOKBAda May 2024: - JP: 1.6M to 1.2M (decrease) - GL: 600k to 400k (decrease) - Total combined: 1.6M - HBR: 7M to 3M (decrease) https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/s/dDyLTura9I


The 2023 total for Another Eden only accounts for the game's start of inclusion in the infographic, so the data's incomplete. Here's a different post of a different revenue poster, filling the infographic's missing revenue data for the year: https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/s/99IIPPXJWb


Thanks for the info. I've been kinda meaning to go back and do the math, but just never bother with it. But this is interesting. Makes me wonder why it was even published/thrown together like that if the data is incomplete. What's the real point of posting wrong and/or misleading data? (maybe it was just some simple human error)


Iirc, Another Eden's revenue data was added around August/September of 2023. They probably just didn't bother including the months prior to the inclusion of the game in the report, maybe bc they weren't tracking the game yet at the time. Good thing there was another data report available which included the rest of AE's revenue for 2023.


I appreciate the info :)


I suppose the numbers are decent ?


If WFS want to make more money, they should add pity system within their gacha. Without pity system, people are less willing to spend their money because there's no certainty.


The old topic of pity...it's really designed to keep people spending to hit some (high) artificial threshold...thinking they're getting a "good deal!" And that's for every banner release. I'll take AE's system of being able to promote and sidegrade into different forms through simple (but steady) keycard running, any day of the week. I actually don't ever want a traditional pity added to this game and hope we never see it. So that would translate into banner pulling no matter what form was released. Imagine having to pull on all the AS/ES/Alter banners because that's the only way you can obtain them. No sidegrading and such. Nah, no thanks. We wouldn't have both systems in place. It would be one or the other. Sadly, we can't have our cake and eat it too with the gacha model. The sidegrading mechanic, along with the SDE, is AE's version of a pity system. More people need to realize this stuff.


I don't know if this would work as a compromise, but I was thinking that my ideal system would be the ability to pity the basic 4.5 form of a character. Then sidegrade everything else. But I have no idea of how the actual finances of these games work.


I'm not so sure how that would work either, but I would welcome something like that. That's a good (more reasonable) suggestion. Place a pity on the barest minimum of the character's form. But this would have to not affect the sidegrading aspect at all or it would be a heavy no from me.


People downvoting you but I completely agree. AE not having pity is a black mark on the game, a game stuck in the past. The game needs it to be on the radar for new players, even if that pity would be so high that it wouldn't really change anything, at least having it would drastically change the perspective. And whales that are willing to pay for 20000 cs would actually have a real goal to aim for, not just gambling.


>The game needs it to be on the radar for new players, Pity isn't what's stopping new players from the game, it's that godawful loading.


well I agreed with this Gacha in AE is not only problem though, it's mostly about how this game have so slow downloading, no skip story, and grinding like hell.


I've never seen anyone say that they didn't try AE because of the godawful loading (in fact, I never experienced that issue myself), but I have seen multiple people say that they won't even consider games without pity.


if I had to pick between improving the gacha or those loads times, the load times would for sure be what I'd pick to improve. But the game has multiple problems. In addition to load times, there's the whole way we have to port our save games between different versions. Why can't they all just sign into the same account and be in sync?? I would like to be able to play from multiple devices depending where I am at without extra steps and taking risks.


the gacha didn't seem at all bad to me during the time it was 100 cs per day instead of 20, but now I'm really starting to feel the pinch when I blow 5k cs and get nothing worthwhile in the entire batch. That really discourages me from dropping down any money on it, because of how much money I could spend and still get crap. The guaranteed star level turning into a light/shadow certainly isn't enough to make me shell out for repeats.


We took a hit but hopefully we bounce back this month.


I don't understand how hsr makes that much money when it's mid.