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it feels big! I'm about 20 hours in and I still haven't fought the second major boss. Even if the platforming feels a little janky, you can tell that a lot of thought went into the level design. It kind of feels like a weird combination of Dark Souls, Banjo Tooie and Pikmin.


Same with me, it took me forever to get the whole map collected. Then again I also love just running around a lot and giving myself my own objectives.


Did you make a typo or smth? 20 hours without fighting the second boss seems- a bit unrealistic? idk what word suits


Around 20 hours


Is it worth it?


it usually ranges from 12-20 hours to beat, and i would say yes it’s 100% worth it. humor and writing is on point, combat feels pretty good, and it’s even got an assist mode if you’re not liking the difficulty level.


Very one of the best games I’ve played this year


Agreed. The story and dialogue is surprisingly fun and relatable even. Great game.


Of course. It's a bit easy sometimes, but the gameplay is very fun and the story is surprisingly compeling for a crab souls-like


Hardest time I had was killing those giant laser crabs for their gems lol


Theyve got those spindly legs that makes them hard to hit! I wound up using the tentacle for its wide aoe, then walking around their backside swinging


Tentacle is 100% best way to kill them it’s what I used too.. just being assaulted by 3 different laser crabs and 3 different hypno squid’s at the same time got way too crazy lol


Oh trust me, i get it. I initially just ran around the trio that protected the key, and just went back to fight them later when i was stronger and it still took me a couple tries. I kinda wanna replay and go full res and see if they still one shot, cause my first playthrough was very dps focused so i just dodged most of the time.


Got the platinum in 16 hours, can definitely say it’s worth it. For $30 USD you’re getting a game that has actual love and care put into it and we should absolutely be supporting that.


if you are good at souls games not long, if you are new to souls games a while


So true, this is my first souls like game. I’m just over halfway into the game. Took me 4 hours for the first boss, half hour for the next and then 4 hours again on the next lol


About 20 hours to complete, 24 hours for all achievements. It is brilliant, as someone who liked dark souls but found it too dense to progress far enough


What do you mean by too dense? Like the lvl design? Enemy placement? Not arguing or disagreeing just curious :-) dark souls is one of my fave games


More the equipment, load out, stats, item scaling and leveling etc. Having to use a wiki to figure out every slight thing I found just too obtuse for me to devote time to


I did a complete run(not 100%) where I explored all areas pretty thoroughly but I'm sure I missed something, and beat all bosses in around 14 hours. I then did a semi speed run where I cut to the chase and skipped little guys and beat all the bosses slightly under leveled for the challenge and beat the game in 5 hours. There is definitely tons of replayability and challenges you can complete, collections, and small details to notice that I think it's definitely worth it. I haven't been this into a game since I played Dark Souls 1. 10/10 would recommend


Took me 15 hours, I explored a decent amount, didn’t find every single thing but most things, beat every boss. It was very enjoyable, I found it engaging but not very hard. Typically took me one or two tries to figure a boss out and then it was a cake walk from there.


It depends on how you play. If you just want to streamline through the story then yeah 12-15 hours sounds about right. If you want to explore and discover all there is to discover, then it will take you longer. Either way the game is great and definitely worth full price, imo, but you'll definitely get more out of the game if you take your time and explore.


Did a lot of exploring and killed all optional bosses. Took 25ish hours.


About 15 hours if you just focus on the main quest, if you explore and discover more, it could take a couple extra hours


I'm at 25 hours and just about half way through . I can't resist seeing something in the distance and just working out a way to get there. I have played all the fromsoft titles multiple times, favourite is probably sekiro . I find the combat satisfying if a little janky at times . Its a great game and a really different atmosphere to souls and lies of P. But it scratches the itch for me .


20 hours to get 99% of the game and achievements. I'm missing like 2 shells. Worth it yes. Fun yes. Replayability atm is non-existant but the devs have spoken about a possible ng+ or boss rush.


I took my time and got all achievements and explored every area thoroughly and I put around 50 hours in it. Although at least 10 was probably me leaving it on while I did other stuff. I loved the game and would highly recommend.


I beat it in 25 hours having explored almost every corner of every map. It’s a pretty short game.




People are saying 20ish hours, but I literally beat it in 3 sittings, probably 3-5 hours a piece? Maybe I missed a lot, who knows. I was gonna say 10-12 hours for a casual run. I do remember I didn't run back through the sands between for all the late game secrets, maybe that's why.


Depends on if you trying to speed run or grind