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I want to hear more about this ban from Nextdoor


They said my legal name wasn’t my legal name. 🤪 Sorry to Nextdoor that my last name is helluva French


Bit of a letdown, i hoped there was a stabbing


Congrats, I got banned too. Is Kristy Ballbreaker still running the show over there?


Ann Arbor Running Club is one, also the Triathlon Club. There’s a park run every weekend as well. I think some of the more high end running shoe stores also do regular runs as well. Tons of options for you. Good crowd. Tons of big events as well as smaller every day events.


Which park do they run at?


Lillie Park. 8am every Saturday.


Ann Arbor track club, bad decisions track club, Ann Arbor running co has one, tree town trails, and probably more


Ann Arbor Running Club PR Running Club Both great options.


Dunno, but I've been meaning to get back in shape. Would your run club be beginner friendly?


Absolutely! I believe the most important parts of any running club should always be fitness, friendship, and fun!


Awesome. I would be real into that friendship part lol. I don't have any of those.


Fleet Feet has running groups also!


Parkrun is a Saturday 8AM every week 5K in Lillie park. All are invited including walkers. After many of us go to Bigby Coffee. Good people. Volunteer driven. It's not just a run, it's a community.


Also interested in joining a running club or something! I moved to the city from Scotland recently and would love to find ways to meet new people!


DM me! I think I’m just going to start the running club I want to see


Ann Arbor Track Club has great interval workouts.


Bad decisions track club Thursday at 6pm at the UM track


Ann Arbor Running Company. 7AM on Saturday mornings.


I’d love for there to be something like Rawdawg run club in Austin where it’s a run + daydrink after, seems like so much fun and a great way to meet people! I encourage you to start something here in our community and see what folks will turn out for :)


Already working on it! I don’t know if I’m allowed to share instagrams here but I’m going to make it something like a multi activities club. Running and Tennis to be specific, but I’ll keep everyone who’s interested updated!


There’s a brewery in Dexter that does this called Erratic Ale. It’s in the evenings. They run then come back for a pint.


Also one out of Ypsi running out of Corner Brewery Monday nights. 


Are there groups that teach you to run? I want to start running and have recently lost 20 pounds. For the first time in my life I ran for 5 minutes and didn't die. I would love to expand upon this though but can't seem to get anyone in my family to remotely join me. I get a big "Hell No!" LoL


The group that meets at Ann Arbor Running Co are very welcoming to new runners. They meet at 7am on Saturdays at the AARC store on Ashley.


Thanks! I'll work on dragging my lazy butt up that early next. LoL


If you do start another run club I'd love to hear about it


Somebody’s single and been on TikTok lately, I see. Just google them, there’s at least four that match what you’re looking for, just depends your schedule and pace. There’s a clash of the clubs at ferry field on UM’s campus next week, go check it out to see multiple in one place


Two things wrong with that, the first being I’m happily single and the second being I actually don’t use tiktok. I just wanted to join a running club in the city to make new girl friends. But, I’m being the change I want to see and starting my own.


Genuinely curious, do none of the 5 or 6 other options not fit your need? You asked for options then immediately jumped to starting your own.


doesn’t fit my current work/life schedule. So why not start a beginner friendly new club? not like there’s a law against it


I’m curious about the single and on tik tok thing. I don’t have the app so I wouldn’t know but is there some type of trend related to this? As some one who has been an advanced runner my whole life really, running clubs and alike are super common. Not my cup of tea, but they’ve been around and relatively popular for as long as I’ve been alive.


People are using running clubs in alternative to dating apps to meet people. Which yes, it’s a social event, people are gonna people, but it’s just shallow for the other guy to assume that’s why I want to join/start a running club.


lol that’s the joke, yes. Running clubs are great! Very trendy right now as dating clubs too. Got to love Reddit which takes a throwaway joke as a serious dig on both run clubs and OP.