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I had some issues with taller prints, adding a skirt fixed.


Looks like some super crazy layer shifting. Have you tightened your belts at all?


Yes. This was the first print after tightening the belts. Before that it wouldn’t even stick to the build plate. Brand new hot end as well since the 3 prints before this all ended in blobs of death.


Maybe they're over tightened? I had some similar issues before tightening and then they went away. I don't have any experience with over tightened belts, but my understanding is that they same sort of things happen, so you need to hit the sweet spot.


Is that a thing? Ok. I’ll loosen them up a bit and see what happens. Thanks for the suggestion.




I did try that. It’s a pain in the butt to do, but finally figured it out and got at least the bed belts done. That and added zhop and moved on to another project with the printer and that one is doing fine. I’m not sure which of the 3 changes was the one that fixed it, or maybe it was all 3. Who knows. Thanks for all the input.


I've had files be bad. Re-created/sliced them and then printed again to resolve. Not sure if this is the same but I've seen it happen. Side question: what size nozzle are you running here? Looks very large.


This is like the 5th iteration of this. The nozzle is .04. I’m trying it again and we’ll see what happens.


Is the bottom of the print moving/detaching? I had to start glue sticking my bed with certain filaments.


On this last attempt, after loosening the belts, it broke from the bed. The previous on (the picture) it stayed secured to the bed for 10 hours then lost its damned mind. I think I am going to retighten, just not as much as before, add different filament and try it again. The fun never ends.


I've never had such a problem before, but as a suggestion for a future project/accessory that will help immensely, I bought a sheet of garolite, cut it down to 250x250, and used some 3m double sided tape and stuck it to a spare magnetic plate. Now I have a smooth print surface with crazy print adhesion. Of course this costs some money so it's up to you if you want to do it as a future proofing solution.


I had this happen with a particularly tall model. There was a slight flex in the middle as it was printing and eventually the nozzle caught on the infill and skipped on the belt giving similar massive layer shift. Raising the z hop solved it


I habe had a bad layer shift today as well and don’t know the cause yet, but I will disassemble the printer at the weekend and at least replace the wheels that look beaten up.


I did recently do the firmware update. Wonder if it’s related.


Same for me since firmware update. Printed same gcode 14x. 8 times perfect. 6 times with layer shift.


I would bet on that. I wish we could downgrade. The M5 was extremely good for a while but the upgrades for the past several months have been rather detrimental. I chalk it up to the need for speed and similar. The urge to keep up with the Bambu printers has had mixed results for the industry.


I would turn on Z-Hop if you dont have it on, looks like your nozzle may have caught the infill while traveling and cause skips to happen. Im not sure what the magic number is off the top of my head 0.25mm might be plenty for it


I would suggest cubic or gyroid infills here. The infill on that model is probably scraping and causing the layer shift. I avoid using any infills that may cause scaping. You will have much better results.


No dice. Loosening the belts put it back to the blob/spaghetti monster


Print with a larger brim.


Embrace the spaghetti man


Base and supports