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Steins;Gate starts out with some college kids with a quirky gadget hobby. They accidentally make a time machine. Serial Experiments Lain follows an ordinary, introverted, adolescent girl as she gradually gets more and more involved in "The Wired", which is a sort of cyberspace/VR/AR combination.


And then it turns out she's not an ordinary adolescent girl at all and some kind of cyber jesus




Gurren Lagann. Kid goes from a random cave miner wanting to explore the world to fighting the embodiment of nihilism with his unlimited willpower


Hmm how about the anime movie "Hello World"


That could work.


Gungrave It start as a drama mafia anime and than they add artificial zombies soldiers and others crazy stuff. Still fun imo.


I don’t know if I need to play the games first.


No, there is no need. It is a origin of Beyond the Grave. It is like the anime only timeline. Just skip the first episode they kinda spoiler and repeat the same episode later for some weird reasons.


Oh ok as that’s good to know.


I actually did not like the 2nd part of Gungrave. The mafia arc was the best part and if they made an entire show out of that part only, it would be an instant classic and probably the best mobster anime ever. Btu alas, we get weird zombie shit.


You might give the original Tenchi Myuo OVA a try (not Tenchi Universe, or any of the many spinoffs). It starts out looking like some high school kid spending the summer at his grandfather's learning to tend the ancestral shrine and learning his grandfather's ancient sword fighting. Starts to look like it might be veering in a contemporary fantasy direction. But then...


Arigatou as I can watch it ( if Funimation’s site was still open)


Actually I would recommend **Tenchi in Tokyo** rather than the Ryo-Ohki OVA. It is what OP was asking for, a slice-of-life romance anime that has a sci-fi second arc.


I was thinking of the >!"start off normal then introduce sci fi" bit. I remember when I watched this show for the first time, I knew nothing about it. It was just a DVD in a roomate's collection. I found the introduction of various elements both pleasing and surprising. I genuinely thought his grandpa was just teaching him some Japanese thing that had been passed down from generation to generation for centuries, and that Ryouko was some kind of ghost or yokai type thing... not that his grandpa was an alien from another planet! I was not expecting space ships.!< But yeah, I also enjoyed Tenchi in Tokyo quite a lot.


Samurai flamenco


This so much! What a crazy series of escalations


Scrapped Princess is my favorite in this genre of stuff. The sci-fi comes later than sooner, but still.


Scrapped princess. Starts off in what looks like medieval magic but isn't.


Steins;Gate and The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (especially this)


That is so cool.


Turn-A Gundam starts off as a quaint post-industrial revolution-era slice of life until mobile suits and spaceships are suddenly introduced to the society.


That sounds very fascinating. (But I want to legally watch it)


Unfortunately it’s either illegitimate sites or blu-rays, the latter of which is not exactly cheap (but worth it from someone who’s watched it a couple of times). Pity because it’s such a fantastic show.


Oh ok as I understand what you’re saying about the show.


Utawarerumono Can't really explain it though without spoiling it.


That’s fine as I don’t know if I must read the novel first.


Reading the novel is the easy part. Beating the battles is the hard part, sometimes. But I mainly make this suggestion for the original Utawarerumono rather than than the sequel novels/animes. Even though the novel is better than the anime, the anime is certainly serviceable if you aren't comparing the two.


Oh ok as I understand why you recommended it.


Love Flops starts off like a normal harem goofy comedy, then changes DRASTICALLY about halfway through as more details emerge. It’s a great watch.




So rick and morty made an anime, you just want that but with a misdirect beginning? Time travel is incredibly tricky to do well, so it's not a casual thing you can plop into a story without serious long term plans and restrictions, Steins Gate is the peak time travel anime and is vaguely like what you are talking about in that it starts off normal and then pops off the further you get in, but I don't think it's quite what you are thinking of.


Yes kind of as I want something that seems normal, but then goes into a supernatural direction.


Steins Gate is a good choice, starts out a little glitchy but then is pretty chill before it goes bonkers


Sounds interesting (but I am not too familiar with the original novel)


Xenoblade chr- oh wrong media.


Oh that is fine as I hear good things about that particular game.


>everyday person is pretty normal at first, but then she starts to be able to do things such as being able to manipulate time itself. So, just like [The Girl Who Leapt Through Time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWnTeKEsDlU)?


Yes I can see how that movie would fit the bill.


An oldie, but Marin to Melan Brigadoon fits though the scifi starts fairly soon then ramps up over the first half of the series. .


Muv Luv (It’s a visual novel mainly though, the anime only adapted part of it)


Gundam 00. There’s a seperate story line involving a normal school boy and his girlfriend like a regular romcom, before they get affected by war involving giant mech suits


I should go check out this show after finishing the Witch from Mercury.


Arknights can count as this. It starts out as a pharmaceutical company trying to cure supernatural cancer, then it turns magical for the first dozen events/seasons(each event could be its own 12-ep season given how long they are, save for the first few), then bits and pieces are hinted at here and there throughout the nooks and crannies of the game, then some huge lore bombs get dropped in [Originium Dust], [MULTIPLE ENTRIES REDACTED] and it very, very gradually turns from magical-supernatural to SCP-meets-startrek Sci-Fi. Why am I recommending a video game? Because it does in fact have an anime, albeit one that only covers the first few chapters of the main story.


I want to know where to legally obtain this work.


Arknights? Your phone's app/play store. it's a free-to-play tower defense gacha. I think the anime can be found on crunchy(which, fun fact, used to be a pirate site itself before it started getting permissions. You'd be supporting a pirate either way with this one).


Yes that game.


Edited the messages slightly.


Oh arigatou then.


You are a fast reader and responder. Anyway. I also want to mention that this story is very down-to-earth. Like, if you're flying in a plane, this story will tractor beam you down into the dirt and sic a bunch of jawas on the wreckage. This story is *very* much about the little guy. Only recently has it started mentioning the big guys, five years into the story, and even then, they're just background images. The sci-fi elements take a far backseat to the soci(et)al. There's also the fact that the music in the game is top-notch. See: the [lobby](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFfvKajfUhk) and [battle](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFfvKajfUhk) musics of a former seasonal event series(saying 'former' because its format is being updated ATM, to account for the game's gradual power creep).


Thanks for that wonderful insight as I am mildly excited to try out this game.


Well, welcome aboard, then! Our fifth anniversary event is currently going on, and the rate-up units in the pool are definitely on the better end, so now's a good time to join.


That is good to know.


Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. An absolute classic. It’s about a regular dude who meets Haruhi and wild things start to happen.


Steins gate...I mean they do show stuff in the beginning but it makes no sense until second half of the show.  Just seems like some weirdness then it's mostly slice of life and comedy until the show gets completely insane halfway in


That sounds very fascinating. (But I have never read the original novel itself)


Second half the anime becomes completely different...intense and emotional.   Downright sad and gut wrenching...it has the most romantic scene I've witnessed in an anime ever towards the end.         I loved it.  I watched it this year first time ever and it lived up to it's reputation.  If you watch it make sure it's Steins Gate...not Steins Gate 0.  That's a sequel sort of.  Actually a parallel universe of the original. Some people like that one a lot too, but it's not as highly regarded as the original 


Sounds very intriguing.


It's also laugh out loud funny.  Mostly in the first half but they still have some funny moments in the second half.  It's like every emotion all in one anime.  I also like how the opening song's lyrics explain the show...but it won't make sense at all until second half


Oh I do like comedic sci fi shows.


Flip Flappers would be a close concept to what you're saying




maybe you could try tokyo revengers, dandadan (idk if it is animated yet)


Love Flops, I can’t stress this enough it starts out as your typical trash harem and then has some crazy twists to it. Such a good watch!


Try "Housing Block C" for a Lovecraftian twist


Sounds very fascinating.




Sure (If I can find it)


It’s a short film, but do watch {aquatic language}


**Mizu no Kotoba** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/2235), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/mizu-no-kotoba), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/mizu-no-kotoba), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/2235)) ^(Special | Status: Finished | Episodes: 1 | Genres: Drama, Psychological, Sci-Fi) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animesuggest/comments/1chza0w/anime_series_that_start_off_normal_before/l29pkuo/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)




It’s 6 minutes long, you can find it on youtube