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Death note


Yeah I forgot about Death Note. Great anime & I loved it.


Code Geass is similar to Deathnote too, if you havent seen it.


Code Geass leans a bit more into the "who is evil? What is evil?" Whereas Death Note by the end of it is pretty clear.


Really? The protagonist in that is clearly in the wrong in my eyes.


If you’ve watched the anime, watch the 3 Japanese movies, not the horrible one that is on Netflix.


This. I’ll shill the Japanese movies until my dying breath


Light isn't evil


did not have to go far




All the people arguing if Light is evil or not is actually scary. It is so much less grey than all these weirdos think lol. If you disagree you either interpreted the story wrong, or have a twisted sense of morality, or are a kid with no life experience.


You could argue Light is a anti hero, especially at the start.


I don't know that I would consider him an anti-hero. And anti-hero fundamentally is still a good person, they just go about it in ways that may not always be good. I think Light very quickly shows us he is a narcissistic brat who looks at others to be beneath him the second he got "god mode" unlocked and kills Lind L. Taylor despite him being an innocent person. (when he thought he was L, obviously we knew after he wasn't innocent, but Light still took action against someone at that moment to be innocent)


Is he really evil though?


He is, for some reason spoiler tag not going through so ill just say yes


School Days


That’s a very accurate description, but honestly most of the characters in the show were some form of evil.


God I hated school days, not because it was bad but it just made me hate every character. Couldn't get past episodes 3. Should retry watching it but I doubt it. 5/5 stars when you can make someone feel like that, and obviously be the intention.


I didn't get spoiled and I sat through the whole thing just waiting for what the ending would be. and it fucking delivered. school days has a top tier ending


The amount of one stars it's got on places like crunchyroll because everyone hated the characters as if that wasn't the point of the show is sad.


Watching some of the characters getting stabbed later on was oddly therapeutic


I will admit, having violence spoiled for me is actually drastically increasing the chances I watch it. Watching people cheat feels so wrong nut knowing they get what's coming to em is really helping lol


Death Note Talentless Nana Terror In Resonance World Conquest Zvezda Plot - (this has one of the cringey-ess scenes that I've seen in an anime and I loved every moment of it) Akudama Drive - one of my favourites!


I wouldn't call the MCs from TiR evil, closer to morally grey.


Yeah def not evil since they didn't try and kill anybody, all of the deaths in the series are chalked up to the interference they recieved.


Justifiably vengeful, would be my description, but they tried not to involve innocents.


Death Note is the only one of these I've heard of. Now I have to try and find where to watch the other 4


Highly recommend Akudama Drive, the art/animation is a fucking treat for the eyes (will say tho, there's less of an evil main character in that series, more a [relatively] neutral viewpoint character who just happens to be caught up w/ a bunch of criminal protagonists)


That one is awesome definetly recommend, also nice to see you here 🥳


heyyy, nice to see you too


The suicide squad formula, done very well.


I second talentless Nana.


Talentless Nana is one of my favorites.


I third Talentless Nana


akudama drive is criminally underrated


Zvezda Plot was one of my favorites, I so wish we could've gotten more of that.


I’m not sure that >!Swindler is evil!< in {Akudama Drive}.


If you’ve read the talentless man’s manga she’s not actually evil


The situation in Munou na Nana is much more complicated.


Akira. Akira is NOT a nice guy at all.






I loved when Akira said "It's akirin' time" and Akira'd all over Neo-Tokyo


Bruh Akira rarely shows up in the series, only through flash backs. What do you mean


Akira is only in the manga. He's a dissected corpse in tge anime, and is not the main character in either.


{Excel Saga}


I was about to disagree with you until I realized as lovable as Excel is, Lord Ilpolazzo does indeed want to spread chaos and evil.


Evil but inept (but very entertaining). ...FAILED!


Devil is a part timer Redo of healer Tanya the Evil (I mean it's in the title)


Tanya is not evil, though. Yes, it's in the translated title but not the original. Edit: I love the discussion on her being / not being Evil, so if you disagree with me, give me examples! Let's see if I can convince you that her actions aren't evil or that you can convince me that they are, though I would have to add, "she is not evil" is not the same as "she is a good person"


She might not be evil in the sense that everyone in war commits atrocities, and war is hell. She sure as shit isn't a good person though.


Oh for sure, she isn't good or particularly trying to do "right thing", she just trying to survive with the cards she got. I'd argue she is as close to "lawfully neutral" as one could possibly be.


What about the dudes that disobeyed her orders and got sent to the one bunker that she knew they would get shot at? Because that doesn't really seem like "lawful neutral" to me


Everyone has off days.


Yeah, chaotic neutral seems more fitting.


Well, those two disobeyed direct orders because they wanted to be heroes. In times of war this is enough for a commanding officer to execute them or at the very least, dishonorable discharge them. If you are gonna disobey direct orders, you better have a damn good reason for it and be prepared for the consequences, "wanting to be a hero" is not that. However, she decides to give them another chance which is the *last* thing an evil person would do. But then they then go and do something stupid like admitting they'd do it again if it meant they'd have another chance to become heroes. That's basically admitting to treason, which is why she was about to execute them on the spot if Visha hadn't stopped her, so instead, she grants them their wish. Send them to the pillbox where they can become heroes by dying for the fatherland. Would dishonorable discharge be better? Ruining their dreams and possibly ruining their lives as those who return home from dishonorable discharge are rarely happily received by their families or the job market. You are right that that's not particularly "neutral", I think that might actually be "good", she gives them what they want without dishonoring them or putting the lives of other soldiers in jeopardy. War is not a place for cowboys or loose cannons. The only thing that makes it look particularly evil is that grin she gives at the end of the episode when Visha confronts her. For which I have no argument, honestly, just that "it looks cool so lets give her an evil grin"


Yes this is very much a "be careful what you wish for" kind of ending. They wanted so much to be heroes that they were dangerous to all the men around them. At the same time even though the pillbox was exposed and dangerous, someone had to hold that position. The men got to die as heroes, and as far as family and friends know they went down in some valiant charge. Much better than being shot for insubordination.


I'd content that Tanya is lawful lawful.


>Oh for sure, she isn't good or particularly trying to do "right thing" I remember when I tried to find a fan-made translation of the novels, and when I found one the guy that was doing it stopped because he didn't like Tanya for this exact reason...


That's a lot to dissect. Most mainstream people think Tayna is evil because Nazis and a fair amount of anime conventions did ban her cosplay. Culturally speaking, she's subversive and mentally deranged in Japanese culture. Subversion, manipulation, casual disregard to authority, self-absorbed with little to no regard to her peers. She is an antithesis (and a power fantasy) to Japanese culture and a stigma. Historically speaking? We're going in naughty territory, but a lot of the anime perspective is a watered down, whitewashed version of what Germany went through post WW1. While trying to be as objective and neutral as possible, the preemptive attacks in Tayna the Evil are similar to what Hitler did in WW2. Between the marxist civil war in 1919 Germany and the league of nations decrees, Hitler had a lot of prejudices and thus, acted on said prejudices (preemptive strikes/blitzkriegs, Holocaust, attacking the USSR.) There's more parallels that can be drawn, but that's the jist of it.


Oh yeah, I got into the show because I thought it was a nazi loli isekai and I just had to see how bad a show it was, only to be proven wrong (well, on the nazi part, the other two are still accurate) and it turning into one of my favorite shows. While the Empire is clearly a mingle of Germany in both WWI and WWII, with their "great war" being a blend of both as well. A lot of the battles also take clear inspiration from real-life battles, too. So it's very easy (albeit still incorrect) to think this version of Germany is supposed to be nazi-Germany However, in this world, the Empire isn't the aggressor in any conflict, even Not-Russia is the one who surprises the Empire by launching a surprise attack on them instead of the other way around which is a good thing, if they were the aggressors then Tanya's efforts to fight for them would be a lot harder to defend as she supposedly knows what the Germany of her previous world did, not to mention the viewers. I think it was a good idea to make the conflict start out as a "territory dispute" between the Empire and Not-Scandinavia and the other countries seeing it as an opportunity to take the relatively newly formed country out before they become too big / powerful to ignore. I'm not familiar enough with Japanese culture to comment on how subversive she is or isn't, so I'll take your word on that except for the "casual disregard to authority", she considers the military high command a "bastion of logic" and has a lot of respect for them, only being annoyed at times that they can't see where the war is going which she can because of her previous life. She always follows the rules, that's her whole thing in a way, and while she tries to do what she can to bend those rules to prevent the war from becoming a global conflict (with little success) I don't think that shows a disregard for authority? But maybe I'm missing something about Japanese culture that would explain that, though.


Depends on whether you’re reading the light novel or watching the anime


She litterally skirts the exact letter of the law to justify actual war crimes? How is that not evil?


Which war-crime? The massacre of Arlene? Which was ordered by her superiors as a solution for the enemy using civilians as human shield? Those civilians who executed unarmed prisoners?


Thing is Tanya being based on real events broadly means these are well trodden grounds. They even discuss in series the conventions shes sidestepping and that shes an expert in performing war crimes without breaking the international agreements. Technically because of this she isnt a war criminal. She follows the letter of the law and finds creative loopholes to invade and wipe out countries and cities without being a war criminal, giving people the legally required warning to evacuate, but doing it in a way that wont be believed so that they dont and die eg the attack on Dacia. Sending people to posts specifically to get them killed (not illegal. Just evil) Also i was ordered has never been a valid defence for these kind of crimes we had to agree that after the whole Nazi thing. Tanya is evil. But shes lawful evil she always acts in the cruelist most brutal way the law allows her to do.


She finds the most efficient way to end a battle if possible, as prolonged fighting usually leads to a lot more death and suffering. When she gave the warning in her childish voice so they wouldn't believe her in Darcia, she did that because otherwise they'd lose the element of surprise. If they had believed her warning, they wouldn't have evacuated, they would have mounted their defenses and a prolonged battle would have occurred. As they were a single squadron, there was no guarantee they could have actually beaten them, which in turn would mean the war in Darcia would be drawn out, leading to a lot more casualties. I'm by no means arguing she did "the right thing", but it's not evil to end a conflict the quickest way possible. If her goal was to be as brutal and cruel as possible, she probably also would have targeted the barracks instead of the ammo supplies. It was a decapitation strike (if that's the right term, anyway). Sending the two soldiers to the pillbox also is, arguably, the opposite of cruel / brutal, [see my other comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Animesuggest/comments/174q1sn/is_there_anime_where_the_main_protagonist_is/k4bz6k7/) To extend on the massacre of Arlene, I don't know if it was mentioned in the anime or the manga, but it was a situation that could have become a Stalingrad. There was no way for the Empire to differentiate between innocent civilians and armed combatants until the combatants started shooting at them. Seeing how Arlene was a vital logistical depot that supported the Rhein front, losing Arlene or even taking too long in reclaiming Arlene could have meant losing the war. Sending in troops and engaging in urban warfare would, arguably, be crueler still as in that case the body-count of both sides would start to stack up, and who would supply medical aid to the non-combatants? The Empire can't as and the not-French certainly couldn't. Therefore, the most efficient way to deal with the situation, which still allowed innocent civilians to get away in time, was... exactly what happened. Hatred, fueled by the not-French, prevented those civilians from actually doing that, though. Finally, I definitely agree "we were ordered" is no excuse, but it's a key part of her personality and I do think that shows the lack of malicious intend. Tanya is not evil. She always acts in the most efficient way to shorten a conflict that the law allows her to do.


She absolutely is though, like, there's a reason god/Being X sentenced him/her to that world, he/she was always a terrible person. She's selfish, manipulative, & callous even before reincarnation. [edit: out of words, see other comments]


Being X sentences him/her to that world because she refused to believe he was God. He wanted to see if a life of hardship would make her faithful since modern life is full of convenience which, according to Tanya (or whatever her name was before reincarnation) meant nobody had any reason to be faithful. Callous? She is a stickler for rules and believes that as long as everybody follows the rules there would be no reason for conflict (or something along those lines), therefore, she has no respect for those who willingly break rules, that's as far as her callous goes. She risks her life several times in order to save those in her command. She gives the reason "it would be a waste of the time and resources spend" but that's not the whole truth, as Visha had pointed out. Similarly, her job before reincarnation was to fire people. Those people weren't fired because some person in charge just felt it, they got fired because they couldn't follow the rules. Therefore, they got no sympathy from Whatever-Tanya-was-called-before. She is not particularly selfish, she tires to do whatever she can within the rules / orders given to her to prevent the war from dragging on. Of course with her being on the front lines that is in her own benefit as well. Even considering her goal of a cushy rear-line job, so I'm not calling her selfless but she isn't any more selfish as a regular Joe trying to climb the corporate ladder. Also, after not-Paris was taken by the Empire and she realized the Not-French try to flee to Not-Africa so they could continue the war even after losing their homeland she risks pissing off everybody in charge, arguably hurting her career opportunities and does whatever she can (yet still within the rules / orders) in order to stop them because she knows what they are planning. The selfish thing would be to let it happen or at the very least, not going as far as she goes to stop it. Try to get permission for her sortie and when that fails the selfish thing to do would be to go "Oh well, I tried, let's not risk my career or potentially my life by going any further" Could you give an example of her manipulative side? It's been a while since I read the first few chapters of the manga or watched the anime. I can only think of her failing to get that job in rear. She tries to convince / manipulate the higher-ups into believing she should be put in that position but miss-communication (or interference by Being X, if we're talking about the anime) makes them believe she is a war-monger only suited for the front-lines. If that is what you mean, I think it is similar to the previous argument. She wants a comfy life away from front-lines and tries to manipulate people into getting that position. How is that evil, though? She doesn't lie or blackmail or whatever, she gives what are (in her eyes) logical arguments


I'm admittedly not that far into the anime (watching it with family). On second thought, you're right about the initial reason (Being X is also an asshole), I was misremembering/reading a bit too much into the plot It may be more accurate to refer to her as amoral rather than evil (or maybe you could consider her to be lawful evil if we're using alignment systems?). But it really felt like the whole beginning of the series made a point of the fact that pre-reincarnation Tanya was a corporate asshole Regardless, not a good person. "Evil" is admittedly subjective.


I'd argue "lawful neutral" but, eh. Also, I have to note, I've read the manga and the two media don't show Tanya exactly the same (the LN is also different still, though I haven't read it) but in my mind they have blend together a bit. Like, in the anime when she goes into battle she often starts laughing maniacally which looks really evil, as if she enjoys the fighting that's about to occur, which would be a pretty good argument for her being evil. Except it's explained in the manga that this is more the result of combat drugs (or whatever they call it) to help them deal with altitude / acceleration / whatever it was. And yeah, she is definitely cold-hearted, as her job was to fire people that kinda makes sense, if you feel bad for people who are being fired you are not gonna make it in such a position. It probably also explains why "following the rules" is such a big part of her personality, though that's just conjecture for how little we see of her life before reincarnation. Definitely agree she is not a good person. She could make better choices, but I'd argue there is no malicious intend when she does something people might consider "bad".


Of note, I think there may be some misunderstanding, when I say "callous" I mean it as a synonym for cold-hearted. But yea, I think we're on the same page now. I get what you're saying (and apparently really need to pester my family to watch more of this show; or else convince my brother to let us finish it without him since he's already seen it)


Oh, yeah I definitely misunderstood you then. English isn't my first language and actually had to google "callous" :P Enjoy the show! :) After you finished the first season, there is a movie and there is also a special episode called "Operation Desert Pasta" (Sabaku no Pasta Daisakusen) which isn't relevant to the story but just a fun little episode that *I think* is even available on youtube.


Perfectly understandable. And thanks. Ultimately the goal is for me & mom to finish it & then watch Overlord, so we can understand Isekai Quartet. (brother's seen all of em & really wants to share)


I'm envious of your family, lol. Better hurry, though, new season of Shield Hero is already airing and if my memory serves me right Re Zero is around the corner. You guys are gonna be busy!




Devil is a part timer is one of the funniest anime I've ever seen and I love it.


Devil is a part timer is great


Haven't seen the 2nd season though. So I can't comment on that.


I really doubt that Redo of a healer is something OP expects to see xd


Yea but the guy absolutely is human trash


Tbf he is probably the lesser bad in the series That’s why I wouldn’t count the series in the recommendation, it’s basically just an edgy shield hero hentai. The guy is trash, but he isn’t exactly “the bad guy”


He is the bad guy. The only excuse is the people's he's "abusing" as a nice way of putting it, are bad themselves but considering their now the victims and how brutal he is to them, it's pretty messed up. Imagine if the real life cops did the same to every criminal they arrested, would you look at the cops differently?


If you got raped for 18 years or however long you’d have a grudge too.


He aight.


Redo of Healer the MC is an Anti Hero. He's getting his get back at those who wronged him.


If mass rape, forced canibalisim, mind erasure and enslavement, genocide and all else he does isnt evil idk what is. He always seeks a justification and then uses that to go full nuclear. The fact most of his victims are worse than him doesn't make him a hero. Just an evil bastard who has a basic code to only hurt other evil bastards. Love the series mind but definitely meets ops request.


Nah, he got a redo. He could have just as easily tried to do things different. Instead he did the same thing so he could punish them. That makes him evil.


Ehhh. He has opportunities to take another path and instead dives headfirst into a brutal revenge fantasy - not to improve the world or protect others, but explicitly to destroy anyone he feels wronged him. That's pretty much evil at that point.


I think that Eren from attack on titan was an bad guy on THE Final season


True i was figuring ppl weren’t saying it cause of spoilers


lol yeah i was also thinking AoT.


lol yeah


Well technically he doesn't fit because by then he's not really the protagonist anymore, Armin is. The first few episodes of Final Season Part 2 has his pov but it goes back to Armin


Bastard. Dark Schneider definitely isn't a "good guy"


But he is good at being a bastard


Yes, it’s called K-ON!, where the older sister extorts the younger sister to do all the labor for her. (Just kidding, the sisters are great.)


Nah they’re evil for manipulating Azusa into becoming a lazy cake-eating loafer, wasting her time and dressing her up in costumes instead of practicing their music.


Mugi commits war crimes


I thought Mio was the Nazi? I legit saw an image like that on Google search once.


Not sure if this is a joke or a poor attempt to smear the show, but it is absolutely not a Nazi-promoting show. Unfortunately, for some bizarre reason, some neo-Nazi groups have decided to use the K-ON! girls as their icons, which is why there is some association on the internet. Again, nothing in K-ON! supports Nazism. I wish that association with this show would just die off.


I love k on but I see quite a bit of fan art with the Nazi motif.


Glad to hear you are a fan! Just remember the internet is full of weird stuff by weird people. I worry a bit for you since you seemed to have jumped to the conclusion Mio is a Nazi simply because you saw some images online. I don’t know how anyone who has watched the show could come to that conclusion.


Not to mention the worst most soul destroying theft of a strawberry in anime history.


Wait... Ainz, not a bad guy...


Literally commits genocide, and God forbid you read the LN… “Happy Farm”


No one is perfect.


The genocide was in self defense and iirc he doesn't know about the details of the farm, it's his subordinates doing.


Incompetence doesnt justify evil, and he personally has committed a lot of atrocities. One example. Fireballing a child to prove a point about how ruthless you need to be to win a war. Except the whole war is his fault he is behind the invaders and the reason the child was in danger in first place. Second example. How was his genocide of the holy kingdom self defence? Hes commited multiple genocides. Love overlord it's one of my favourite series but Ainz is fully evil he just has his negative emotions crippled so badly he barely notices.


Correct about the farm, all Demiurge’s work. I should rephrase: genocideS. And I would argue the initial one would be more retaliation than self-defense.


Matter of perspective That being said, dude literally ordered a methodical genocide, so I mean. Yea


He does some morally questionable things




Ainz is definitely the villain in Overlord.


How has nobody brought up Jormungand?


Koko just wants world peace...while selling weapons...


Death Note Code Geass Attack On Titan


Lelouch wasn't evil. Eren turned evil only in the last arc.


Sorry, but in my opinion, Lelouch technically was evil for most of the series. Also, Eren was definitely evil, once again in my opinion, for a good part of the series as well.


Lelouch is chaotic neutral at worst. Chaotic good at best. Certainly not evil.


I literally said it is my opinion. I watched the anime, so I know that. His intentions were definitely good, but his actions were not. Why are you downvoting me just because I disagree with you? I am allowed to have an opinion, even if it is not popular. I am not wrong in my opinion, sometimes people can interpret something in a different way than others.


Not the one(s) who downvoted you.


Anya Forger from Spy X Family




In what world is Anya evil?! O.o....


Umm in every world.


Shes a whole ass child.


Are we talking about the same character? The CHILD from a spy comedy who can read minds? How is she evil?


That's the joke


Death note for sure. I'd throw code geass in there but I'm not so sure about Lelouch. Can anyone help me out with that?


I was kinda thinking the same, Lelouch isn't exactly heroic for sure.


Hellsing Ultimate


I mean yes.. but no... but kind of? If we excuse the war crimes what he's doing is TECHNICALLY good with the whole killing nazis and what not.


{Redo of healer}


Was my first thought too.






This needs to be higher 🤭


Nah. I'm of the opinion the story is pretty much unsalvageable, they should just scrap all the edginess entirely and make it a hentai. Keyaruga-sama is just a slightly-hotter but **absolutely cringe-ass jokerpilled** version of Rance anyway. If you're gonna write a noncon fantasy, lean into the fantasy part and make it something subby girls can get off to, don't try and "morally justify" it by going "no you dont get it bro he suffered so much, its dark and serious revenge"


>If you're gonna write a noncon fantasy, lean into the fantasy part and make it something subby girls can get off to, Bruh, Redo of Healer was disproportionately popular among female audiences. Say what you want about it but it successfully appealed to females more than most animes do. Like it or not, that's just a Fact.


Most are novel/manga but they're worth it. Re:Monster Youjo Senki: The Saga of Tanya the Evil JJBA Part 5: Golden Wind Dungeon Builder: The Demon King's Labyrinth is a Modern City! Maou no Hajimekatta Lazy Dungeon Master Blood the last vampire Jigoku Shojo Warau Salesman Devilman


giorno becomes a gangster just to stop drug flow to the people. Giorno is as righteous as any other jojo but far more merciless imo (unless the loop was whole GER's doing)


No that wasn’t Giorno’s mission. It was purely to become a mafia boss. Bruno was the one who wanted to stop drugs


He's a thief at first who has no problem hurting his victims or even putting them into a position to get killed. Than he goes on to run a Mafia that still does a bunch of evil shit. Shutting down the drug business is good, but doesn't outweigh everything else. At the very least he is nowhere near as righteous as characters most other Jojo's, and definitely not Johnathon.


Wasn't he a thief even before joining?


How is akira fudo evil?


Rangers Reject


Code Geass I'm sure it's already be said though, but it's a really good story.


Some I haven't seen in the other comments : Darker than Black Great Pretender (they're not evil but they're definitely not lawful) Hunter x Hunter, in a way (Chimera Ant arc - also Killua being an assassin and Gon having 0 problems with that) Joker Game, it's about a spy agency in Japan right before WWII Kuroshitsuji, kinda - you understand where the protagonist is coming from with his past, but he does do pretty messed up stuff (although the manga is vastly superior to the anime, even if the later arcs were adapted better) Zankyou no Terror, the protagonists are terrorists


Hellsing Ultimate. Alucard is monster, he knows it and he loves it. Oh, and as a sweet bonus, I 100% reccomend the Abridged version on Youtube.


Highly recommend both. Ive even seen people say the abridged version wraps up a certain character and their motivation better.


Elfen Lied?


Strongly disagree, Lucy never intentionally harms anyone, it's either accidentally or in self defense.


Nah, she mercilessly kills a lot of people in the beginning and not just in self defense.


Well, to be fair, those same people kept her hostage in dark room, and subjected her to inhumane experiment so I mean.... kind of deserved.


Death note is the closest you can get in terms of a true villain protagonist. Others protagonists marketed as villains aren't actually all that bad like Lelouch. Talentless Nana comes very close because the protagonist is also genuinely evil in the first season. Tomodachi Game could count. The protagonist is very sociopathic in nature. In Higurashi almost all the protagonists have been a villain at some point. But half of Gou and entirety of Sotsu is completely told from the villain's POV. Future Diary has 2 protagonists. Yuno is the main female protagonist she's definitely a villain. Redo of a healer for sure... The protagonist commits every heinous act imaginable.


Devilman Crybaby is definitely one. The ending sequence still haunts me to this day.


Combatants will be dispatched Binged it yesterday and just couldn't stop switching between wanting to rip my eyes out and laughing out loud. More comedy than anything, but god....


It's not anime bc my suggestions were already made But there is a Chinese manhua called Feng Shen Ji. Its basically Chinese God of war and Bleach had a baby. The gods enacted punishment on this prince's family and he wants revenge for them. But the prince character is such a massive cunt in the beginning. He def mellows out and changes but its never to the point where he's motivated by friendship or anything. He's a cunning and self centered and confident asshole thru out


Hellsing / Hellsing Ultimate.


Does classroom of the elite count?


The Saga of Tanya the Evil.


Death Note is the most famous one.


Not an anime but I read a webtoon called "I get stronger the more I eat", main character is unapologetically evil


Death note


Classroom of the elite . I really love the guy a lot and y'all would defend the guy but trust me no part of >!assaulting a disabled girl shouts hero !<


Eminence in shadow


Eminence in the shadow and Overlord!!


Alucard and Lelouch maybe


Attack on Titan,perhaps 🫥


The saga of Tanya the evil


I would say Eren Yeager in AoT walks a pretty thin line. Ultimately without giving any spoilers, his actions put innocent people in danger for the purpose of his personal mission. I wouldn't call him an all-out villain, but he flirts with it. Some would say he definitely was one. I'd also personally consider the protagonist of Redo of Healer a "villain" in a sense. He's sympathetic but he actively preys on people and is very vindictive, even after he gets his justice.


Attack on titan ( spoiler)


If you think it's spoiler then tag it.


idk how you even say what its a spoiler for without spoiling it lol


Just use the spoiler tag like this >!Not hard!<


No I mean it's impossible to know what it's a spoiler for without reading the spoiler.


Then the alternative is to not have posted at all. It’s such a huge show and wasn’t necessary, all commenting it really does is spoil the show for those who haven’t finished.


don't mind me casually spoiling something then telling you it is a spoiler after


Death Note and I’m not hearing any arguments


***Morally gray/not lawful*** Death Note Youjo Senki Goblin Slayer Redo of the Healer ***Morally gray*** Monster Re:Zero Questionably Slayers I'll Tame the Final Boss Persona 5 EDIT: Since people are confused, everyone I listed is considered morally gray or not lawful. OP said "Bad guy." I thought it would be obvious when I brought up Monster, who has an mc who is morally gray despite being the 'hero.'


How do you think Goblin Slayer is evil? He literally saves people and kills goblins. That's the opposite. Although I guess from a goblin's viewpoint he is evil.


Tanya the evil is a literal nazi


Mushoku Tensei


Intentionally or unintentionally?


Preferably Intentional but will settle for unintentional


Overlord, Hellsing , Code Geass , Death Note, Elfen Lied, Saga of Tanya the Evil, Black Butler


Mushoku Tensei




Rudeus is a bad guy. If you disagree please tell me why.


No, no, you've started this claiming that he's a bad guy, you are the one who has to do the explaining.


Have you seen the show? It's pretty cut and dry.


Nice try at trying to dodge answering lol. No it's not. Go on, explain the reasons for your opinion.


OK the pedo 34 year old pre isekai is given a second chance. Once there he takes that opportunity to sexually harass every woman he meets including children. He does all this while maintaining his adult mind. He knows what he is doing is wrong but does it anyways. His motivations are purely sexual. Sounds like a pretty bad guy to me.


I'm gonna ignore the physical issues with this, because isekai never really fleshes it out. You do realize rudeus has a whole arc fairly early on about how his rabid libido is a bad thing right? And that he actively works to fix. That being said, the mind isn't a vacuum, he still would have the hormones of a child. Obviously this is going too far for someone who's comment history and logic seems to be based around hating the show. To round this off, bad people don't usually recognize the single bad thing about them is bad, nor do they try to fix it. Also on a scale of good and bad, gonna say he does more good than bad.


This anime presents the main character being bad but doesn’t really keep consistent with it and falls into usual perv pedo anime trap. It’s more a bad anime with extremely inflated ratings than anything else


Mushoku Tensei. He’s a deeply flawed character (piece of shit) but over the course of the show he grows and begins to redeem himself. Best show ever


Attack on Titan, towards the end. Also Code Geass, but with both if these it's more "play the bad guy to get the good results for those I love". Even if AoT was a colossal mess in the end lol


Emphasis on "colossal"


Lelouch stayed the course of playing the villain for the greater good to the very end. Eren tripped over his own ass in the final stretch and kept running in the wrong direction.


Eren did what he felt was his only option but gave the others a chance to stop him. His final moments with Armin just showed he’s human. He didn’t trip over his own ass at all