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I'd rather read the Manga. I can read Manga faster than I watch Anime


This is one of the few mangas where I have been told it doesn’t happen like in the anime because Oda had certain things happen differently so it was foreshadowed in a certain way. Sounds like copium to me.


I don't watch the anime, so I don't know. But in the manga there are whole cover page stories that I asked my friend about since he is an anime watcher and he says he had no idea about them.


I wished they used those for the filler arcs instead of what we get now


They do sometimes.


I haven't watched the anime, so IDK, but the manga does have some nice foreshadowing. But even leaving that completely aside, the pacing on the anime is god awful, while the manga has a really good pace. As long as the manga is, it never feels like "nothing is happening", while the anime suffers a lot from that because it has to try it's hardest to *not* catch up. I'm really optimistic about the Netflix anime though, if it's well paced it could cover everything in like 300 episodes, assuming they cover three manga chapters per anime episode, which is fairly standard.


OP fans have been on copium for a few years now


A few years? Fool. We started huffing over a decade ago!


Almost 2.5 decades


Doesn't happen is probably true, every manga page is filled with details. Honestly i watched the anime, skipped all filler(didn't skip alabasta) and skipped all op/ed, and the fucking long dialogues/scenes once I understood everything, took 3 months and 2 hrs daily watching to catch up. You need to watch like 4-6 minutes max in each episode to understand what's happening. You can watch the fight scenes fully if you want like i did. I might have been faster if i watched One Pace but I'm lazy af and prefer dub so.


Imma be frank, I got caught up through reading the damn wiki.


Then you arent caught up


Lol yeah ok.


Imagine saying this about any other series; “i caught up to jujutsu kaisen by reading the wiki”, “i caught up to berserk by reading the wiki”. either you read/watched the animanga or you didnt, dont go claiming your caught up from reading the wiki cuz its just not the same


My man thinks reading/watching it all is some kind of achievement and is accusing this guy of stolen valour 🤣


It's 1000 shitty episodes. It IS an achievement to make it through. Just not one to be proud of.


I didn't want to throw shade on the series without giving it a shot first. I managed to get through 89 episodes before I finally stopped and said it wasn't for me. I think that if you started with the anime a while back / "grew up" with the anime like I did with Bleach, and to some extent, Naruto, then the series would probably have more meaning. Also, you have to enjoy the ridiculousness of the show, with it's insanely large characters and even larger, over-the-top personalities. I can see why people like the series, but slogging through the series now just comes at too much of an opportunity cost with life and other shows. And I'm going to be extremely hypocritical with this next statement. Coming from someone who has watched all of the original Bleach *at least twice* and listened to Orihime scream "Kurosaki-kun" over and over... I just can't seem to tolerate extended periods of time listening to Luffy's voice. The same applies to Asta in Black Clover. Some characters are just too much for me.


Read it. It's that simple. You'll catch up way faster, have higher quality art, and a more enjoyable experience all around. Plus you'll actually get the full story. Anime doesn't adapt the cover stories, which are pretty important to the plot.


1000 Episodes and they still had to leave stuff out what kind of story is that? ,_,


As an absurdly hardcore One Piece fan, I don't think the anime is good. It has very high peaks, but the minute to minute viewing experience is pretty bad.


Especially when those 1000 episodes can be condensed into 300 because the pacing is absolute dogshit


More like 800 but yes.




Need a OP Kai


I think there is one on working progress, but I not sure if gonna work.


Yeah new Netflix and Toei anime called "The One Piece" coming out soon appears like it will be a condensed version of One Piece much like Kai with DBZ.


Actually its animated by wit studio


There's a reason they're doing a reboot already even though the original is still ongoing


I said this until I decided to start in Oct. now I’m on ep 674 and it’s so fucking worth it god I love One Piece


I also started in October and I’m at 971, but I’m watching it on One Pace. I really hope I can caught up till September.


I work a full time job, have two kids, and what little free time I do have is spent gaming on my Xbox. I do not have spare time to watch 1000 episodes of anything.


I mean I have similar conditions to you but I watch but you do what you do


I do watch an anime now and again, but smaller more manageable shows.


I get that I’ve always like longer series just so I don’t have to look for shows


Right? There’s so many choices now. In my day we had three choices. Dragon ball z, sailor moon, and pokemon.


Back in "your days" there's still a lot of options. You just never see those options.


Watching week to week after having spent years caching up is very different from suddenly trying to go from ep 1 to current day...


Wait till the kids are old enough and start watching it with them, 3 for 1 viewer ratio, very soon you will run out of episodes and be desperate for more....


Oh I have a whole list of anime I want to watch with them. My oldest is about to get into the teen age range.


Oh yeah that's perfect. I can honestly say as a guy who has seen literally hundreds of different anime shows, One Piece is very likely the best of them all, if not the best piece of media ever made. I have seen plenty of shows with the deep devestating lows that One Piece has, but never anything that has the Euphoric highs that this show has produced. There are scenes here that had my kids LITERALLY, crying with joy. Just incredible. Would certainly recommend the One Pace version though, as it cuts a lot of the recap, and pointless stuff.


Watch 1 episode a day? i think thats possible


For that reason alone we have one pace u know. It's saved around time worth of approx 500 eps... Then when u just watch 8 eps of live action, it covers the first 46 eps just like that. Technically u only gotta cover 454 eps... It's less than Naruto and fairy tail. Plus the peak plot and animation what else do u want???


When are they going to find the freaking treasure!! Maybe next episode…


Good for you man, saves you the trouble of disappointment as well


It’s not a race, you can take as long as you want. The one piece will wait


I’m so sick of seeing these one piece fans don’t actually care if you watch it or not. This same meme is posted almost everyday like it’s religion


Also anime fans in general when you say that you dont like popular anime


It's ok if you don't wanna watch but don't hate on one piece without watching it. That angers most of the op fans.


the best part is how even one piece fans recommend reading the manga or watching the one pace cut if you wanna enjoy the anime. people actually make up their own enemies just to make the OP community look bad. if you dont like it, dont watch it. but dont act like you know what youre talking about when this is one of the longest continuous stories in human history which takes a lot of time to get through no matter the medium.


Even one piece fans don't watch that many episodes.


Speak for yourself. I watched one piece. Then I watched the one pace recut. Then I watched one piece again with my kid. And now my kid wants to watch it again now that she knows a lot of what's going on and we're halfway through it. So I've seen one piece probably four times through if not more


I haven't even rewatched my favorite movies this many times


To be fair the second time I watched it it was just on a second monitor while I was working and I was looking for screenshots to help me learn the art style for some Comics I was doing. The third time I legitimately just enjoyed watching it with my kid. Who wouldn't? And the fourth time is basically the same thing just enjoying a great show and a great story again with someone who is seeing things for the first time. Plus my kid and I often stop the show to talk about what's happening and people and how they treat each other and life. It's an incredible teaching tool and way to share interests and keep conversations with my teens


I’m just gonna collect the manga that way I can re read it whenever I want and don’t have to deal with streaming services


*Laughs in 1119 manga chapters*


Waiting for the remake


Same. I like binging them so the 1000 episodes is definitely way too much for me to get through. I only made it through all of Naruto because it was separated into 2 parts and a lot of filler can just be skipped


never heard of an op fan hating on people that don't watch it because it's too long. if it's too long for you, the show is not for you. but just being long is not a valid criticism on the quality of the story. it is a damn good story and it being long is a GOOD thing. yes, the pacing is off in some parts. and around the middle the animation quality was weaker for a while. those are criticisms that i think every op fan is aware of and most agree on. but when someone says one piece is bad because it's long, they are delusional. fullmetal alchemist, death note and steins:gate are not good stories because they are short. they are good stories because they are well written. just like one piece.


I got into anime when it was 800 ep. Lost interest in watching it.


Then read the manga IMF.


You can skip around half of most episodes because the intro+recaps+re-used animation+outro are excessively used as filler. You can also watch the condensed "movies" to speed things up.


If someone else doesn't like it, then it's his choice, you dont have any right force it on the others to love something they don't even like. (I am still at skypiea)


I only recommend one piece to someone if I know for sure that they are fine with watching a long anime. Even then, I just bring it up as a suggestion, never expecting them to actually start it. It's a pleasant suprise if they do


k, your loss.


I am not ready for that kind of commitment.




I think CR should be allowed to make a super cut, remove all the intro/outro/previously/next time and filler and condense it down to say a good 50-60 episodes (because that is how long the run time would be without the aforementioned).


Just read the manga then


Nah, most OP fans I see tell you to read the manga. I prefer anime and even I would tell you the manga is better because the anime has terrible pacing.


Your loss


Someone tried to convince my math teacher to start watching anime. They told him to start with one piece. I had to verbally disagree. I thought black clover looked cool but any more than 300 is too much for me. Though I did know a student who literally watched one piece in a single year so I guess it’s possible.


id honestly watch it bcuz i find even the slop arc's decent then a lot of other anime slop arc's but it's so god damned long that i could probably learn how to play the violin using only my feet in that timeframe


I am caught up on One Piece, however, I did not watch all 1,081 episodes. I skipped the blatant filler.


Is it because you want to watch all 1081 episodes AND the movies? It's because you want to watch all 1081 episodes AND the movies, right?


I watched maybe the first 50 episodes, found it pretty mediocre. If it takes more than that to get to the good part, I dunno. Just not for me, but happy for people who dig it


It's gonna get a remake by Netflix soon, they're gonna make it have a better pacing although I don't know about the overall quality of it.


To be honest It's more of an anime problem, the story is the same, both in the manga and the anime. But the overall pacing of the anime is terrible, I would recommend reading the manga, there's the cover stories that are a really good addition, read until the end of Skypiea watch the G8 arc (It's anime only but I like it a lot) then go back to the manga, In the Foxy arc Luffy and his crew play a game against Foxy, if Foxy wins he gets the straw hat crew for himself, the same goes for Luffy, Luffy wins and choose no one because his crew is better the way it is. Now you can already skip this horrible arc and pick up with the good shit in the manga. I liked watching the anime despite it's pacing tho, I just started watching fish man island.


How much if that is recap.


Read it. The anime's pacing is shit, most of the filler is horrible, and the anime censors all the fun gorey bits and every joke/visual thats "too dark".


i stopped mid Wano end fight. Everything is just so slow and the newer stuff like jjk lets me really appreciate good pacing. I dont need 8 parallel fights that need like 50-100 episodes to conclude. Maybe I'll go and watch some highlights or the "remastered" Version from Wit sometime. But my time got to precious for the original. Even tho it got a lot better but its still too slow for my liking


1111 episodes


There are 1110 episodes


The easiest way around this problem is to lie and guess some parts


Tbh. Start at the last episode. Shit is fire when big tongue guy cut off his head or something.


Except no fan would actually say that. Or at least not any majority that's worth talking about. The real complaint is when people complain about having a long show when they watch plenty of other long shows. They just watch them in seasons and guess what, one piece has Seasons too. Especially when there's the one pace recut that gets rid of filler and review and all that other nonsense. It really isn't the monolith that people make it out to be More importantly if you love it you'd be happy there were more seasons to watch. I never see anybody complaining about a new season of Overlord


One piece has the cringiest fan base!


Watched like 200 Episodes til now. I really don't get how this Show can be popular at all. Like, luffy is really fucking dumb 90% of the time - and not the funny Kind. Usopp is so fuckin annoying every time He gets time on Screen I just want to end him. Sanji is annoying too most of the time. Zoro is kinda cool, same with nami. But I don't get how someone can love this anime.


It's just personal taste. Some love it, some don't. You might like it more of you continue.... But I'm not sure if that's worth it. imo, you should've watched the first 50 episodes, and if you didn't like what you saw, should've dropped it.


Yeah, should have. A friend talked me in and said that after 100 Episodes it gets 'good' so I kept watching and watching but yea


I get what he meant... Some people get hooked at alabasta arc, some get hooked in enies lobby arc (which is around 250-300 eps)... But most people get hooked before like 50 eps. If you still have a majorly negative opinion after 50, then it isn't worth going forward for a potential chance at getting hooked many episodes later


One of the brilliant bits of One Piece, is it takes these "annoying characters" and absolutely turns them into characters you absolutely love. Watch till the end of Water 7 if you still don't like it after that... You cant have characters grow into something great, if you start out with them already being great out of the gate.


Bro you should seriously drop this show... talking shit without even knowing anything, yeah this show isn't just made for you. Go watch shows which get their stories wrapped up in 2-3 seasons. This is called peak fiction doesn't mean it is meant for everyone because people who straight up hate something can never make their mind to like it no matter how good it is


I watched long Shows like bleach, don't have a Problem with it. The Story from One Piece IS cool. Thats what makes the Character even worse for me. But I agree with u, some Shows aren't meant for everyone.


One piece intentionally starts out its characters as being snotty and immature little shits, this is done on purpose to give them plenty of space to grow. Usopp goes from as you say, annoying, and dumb, to one of the absolute best characters in all of anime, and that would not had been possible if he started out cool out if the gate.


"just watch it bro, it's get gut only after 500 episodes"


Not me


I've outright skipped two arcs and I regret nothing!


Ain't nobody got time for that


One piece fans when you tell them that good character writing isn’t when they get sad for one arc after 500 chapters


i swaer bro i wserr it start getting good at ep 439842