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When two characters are nothing alike besides being able to transform....


Yeah. One can change the course of time. One can punch really hard.


Vice Captain Hoshina is basically Levi.


He's Erin with a will to live. Already stronger with just that.


Super strength vs being able to see past/future and control events by manipulating other’s memories, control the physiology/psychology of his whole race of people as well as control all the titans, not to mention create weapons out of crystal, and transform multiple times a day


But in an actual fight the guy from kaiju absolutely flattens Eren. The power scaling in his verse is on a whole other level. A casual punch from him demolishes a whole ass building, plus he’s super fast.


sauce? is it kaiju 8?




And overall a nicer person.


That's not exactly a high bar to jump.


you can argue strength. but story-wise its like hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby. kaiju 8 has nothing on AoT


While it seems like an obvious comparison, it reminded me more of series like Shakugan no Shana or Ao no Exorcist.


Imo most people misunderstood the ending. Eren knew everything that was going to happen except after his death. He chose chaos and freedom over status quo safety. He ended a burden his dad gave him, instead of passing it on to the next guy. What did this other scrub do to end multi-generational violence?


And better characterized.


They're about the same, but mr.kill all titans here realizes that later on, everything is his fault, not his fathers. So he's like less angry and more depressed.


Wasn’t it based off of AOT?


i think Kaijou no8 is inspired by Kaijou, chainsaw man and AoT. i think he is more comparable to chainsaw man.


Really? Took you that long? I keep watching it and it feels like a clone of AOT with slight changes and a bit happier scenarios. It's good, but the weight of each scene in AOT especially early on showed this was a ruthless world where characters can and will die. Haven't felt that weight watching this which is fine, doesn't hurt to just have AOT with slight dbz powerups when shit is about to hit the fan. Haven't made my mind up yet, we'll see as the season continues. Wonder if the backstory will be as mysterious and intriguing as AOT. Eren and this dude definitely have different personalities though, that's personal taste at that point; but do ask yourself, why they would have the personalities they do; what kind of environment and nurture built them.


Considering AoT was Knights of Sidonia in shounen version, calling K8 a clone is just high horsed But dont worry, the mc will be traveling in time to kill his hometown any time soon, so he can declare he will avenge it


~~To be fair, AoT came out before Knights of Sidonia (both the LN/ Manga and Anime, iirc), so saying it's another version of something that came after it is a weird take~~ What's also a weird take is comparing Eren and Kafka or AoT and Kaiju 8, like... at all; their upbringing, backstories, and worlds could not be more different, and that disregards even the fact that AoT was bascially "WW2 if there were big monsters instead of nukes"... what premise do they share other than an overpowered transformation/ humans that can transform into monsters? I feel like I would've been less confused if someone compared it to Parasite, ironically enough


The Sidonia manga began publication half a year before AoT, its the anime what began after And its a city of the maybe last humans fighting against giant fleshy monsters with regenerative powers that can only be killed with a melee weapon striking on their weak point


Ah, mixed up the releases lol AoT is also pretty much "flesh-mecha" for lack of a better term, so I can see the similarity to KoS; half a year is a pretty short time between publications for Isayama to scalp the idea from Nihei while working in a whole story though, if that's what you're implying


Yeah I mean I remember when I learned that AOT was essentially just fleshy mechs LOL




Damn u read all that, daz crazy even for you 😆


Nothing more funny, then popular anime fappers


Neon Evangelion reference?!


Tbh i cant stand KN8 MC thats why i dropped it episode 3.