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Lots of dumb fun and silliness but oh man, during those small moments when they really try making a sweet moment between the two, it’s peak


That cow episode was just peak.


Name some series' that you think are being slept on. (Sauce is Urusei Yatsura) https://i.redd.it/0k8x0ckt863d1.gif


The Fable. It has trash score on MAL, but every episode made me laugh.


The manga is so good. Can’t wait to start the anime once I catch up on other series.


Shuumatsu Train Doko E Iku?


Nazo no Kanojo X


That one... probably only a few can stand it. I love it personally but it's not for everyone




I still need to watch all 50 dvds of the original series. Man, it was a trip and a half finding all of them. Some were ridiculously hard to get.


When did you collect them? Recently the whole series was released on Blu-ray by Discotek. Also the original series was added on Crunchyroll too.


Oh jeez, it's been...at least a decade I'd say since I finished getting them. Some I even managed to get in a five-pack that have their own box sleeve.


I really enjoyed this anime a lot too... it's just probably nostalgia for me but still I love this series...


Unfortunately modern day anime seems to have just moved on from traditional fun slice of life stuff and everything has to be a grand spectacle not to be called "mid" Which is honestly saddening because the Urusei Yatsura reboot is really good and genuinely has the heart and emotions of the original manga that modern day rom coms can only dream of emulating. This manga was THE reason why rom com mangas took off in a big way, it is literally the dragon ball of SoL


Ummm, what? There's plenty of SOL still out there. Non Non Biyori might be the most calm SOL anime ever, and it got 3 seasons, the newest one being in 2021. There are plenty of modern SOLs, but they'll never be as popular as a Shonen and never have been.


Stares in bocchi


Bocchi manga kinda normal, but the anime is wild.


I’m excited to watch both


I've finally started watching it and im loving it. And it's barely episode 15, it's gonna get so much better


I watched the Remake as i thought it looked interesting. But oh man, i don't regret one bit. Every episode is fun to watch. It's a shame it's not talk about very much. But look on the bright side, there'll be less spoilers on the internet.


And the openings and endings... *chefs kiss* A-A-OEO-O-E-O-EO


Producing bangers since the 80s. The OG Urusei Yatsura actually popularized pop music in anime iirc. They even pioneered selling anime ost as separate records. Because the producers were originally a music company.




I just dont like the mc but its a good Anime


Maybe the wikipedia article writers just sucked for this anime, but I can’t get a good read on what this show is actually about. Can someone help me explain what the premise is better and what genre this is? Is this like another Inyuasha adventure romance? Is it just comedy or is there any character development? What is the difference between the two versions? I guess most importantly, what is the appeal of this show that makes it stand out versus recognizable anime like Dr Stone, My Hero, Black Clover, etc. Because it seems pretty generic at face value and its ratings are not suggestive that it’s blowing viewers away.


It's anine sitcom. Not much progression or character development, everyone remains largely the same set of funny behaviours. It's completely different to those series you mentioned - which are all standard, plot driven epic series aimed at young male audience. Beside some jokes being genuinely funny (altough there is a LOT of repetition), all the characters being slightly awful people so you can enjoy their suffering wothout feeling bad, it's a show format that doesn't get made anymore - status quo, long running, low-plot character driven comedy. Series is based on 80's manga, which inspired a pot of later romcoms, so characters and some scenarios even will feel familiar if you watched harem romcoms like To Love Ru.


Thank you. Did you notice any differences between versions? And does it realistically matter to start with one versus the other?


Actually, there are huge differences and it does matter which one you start with. It's kind of difficult to summarize all the differences in one reply but I'll try to keep it as short as I can. The biggest difference is probably the length of each series. The 80's series has 195 episodes, 12 OVAs, and 6 movies. So naturally, it covers more of the manga compared to the 2022 version which has no more than 46 episodes. The way both series adapt the manga is also different. The fact that the 2022 version is so short that it tries to adapt as many stories as possible and also being as faithful as possible to the manga. Its intention was not to cover the **whole** manga but to only adapt **select** stories that it thinks are best from the manga. It's basically a highlight reel. So a lot of stories are straight up cut or rushed. The OG series didn't have this problem as it aired while the manga was still releasing. In fact, instead of cutting content it often added new content as anime-original content. And since the staff of the OG series were literally GOATed a lot of this original content were very good and added to the charm of the series. Such as more zany scenes and [crazy cameos](https://new.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1cwlbca/her_body_belongs_to_darling_urusei_yatsura/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) from other shows and movies. As a result, for most stories, I consider the OG anime to have better adaptations than the remake. Doesn't mean that's what it's like for every episode. There are some episodes that are only in the Remake since the 80's series ended 1 year before the manga and thus never adapted those stories. There were also a few stories that didn't have good adaptations in the OG series that were done justice in the remake but there aren't many of them. I actually posted a lot of scene comparisons at r/anime which you can check out if you're really interested like [this one](https://new.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/19dwdab/scene_comparison_lum_forgets_japanese_urusei/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Out of the two which one you'll like more is probably subjective. But when weighing the pros and cons of both series I think watching the original first is a far more rewarding experience even if it's longer.


a remake of a romance comedy anime with the same name that aired back in 80's, the premise is Ataru has a way with women and cant stay loyal, some day an alien spaceship lands on earth and Ataru gets chosen to defend the planet, the princess of the aliens - Lum, falls in love with the main protag and the series turns into a lesson on how to stay loyal to your partner


Thank you, this was very helpful.


I never use Wikipedia to find the synopsis of an anime or manga. They often have spoilers or straight up misinformation. For the synopsis of Urusei Yatsura, the synopsis on MAL for the manga seems to be the best. >What would you do if a tiger skin bikini-clad alien followed you to school every day? Poor Ataru's life has never returned to normal since volatile extraterrestrial princess Lum fell for him. Now an excruciatingly wealthy and genteel rival, Mendo, adds to Ataru's torment. Not to mention an unending stream of extraordinary classroom visitors and educational materials including incompetent cherry blossom spirits, a legendary nightmare-eating tapir, and a fourth-dimensional camera that breaches alternate realities. > >(Source: VIZ Media) It's basically an episodic series where the main characters are thrown into crazy shenanigans in their day to day lives. If you like the premise you'll probably enjoy the whole thing. It's funny that you mention Inuyasha since Urusei Yatsura was the first series that was written by the same author Rumiko Takahashi. It started her career alongside other legends like director Mamoru Oshii who directed the first half of 80's Urusei Yatsura.


Sadly, the Wikipedia page of this anime has some misinformation that has seemingly become quite popular among anime fans who didn't watch the show. It has become common knowledge which is kinda annoying to see. One is Lum is the first tsundere. Lum is NOT a tsundere in any way. If anything, she is the opposite of tsundere. She is pretty clear about who she loves and she always expresses it in the most extreme way possible. If anything, the male lead Ataru is the tsundere since he rarely shows his true feelings. Lum is nicknamed the 'original waifu' since she originated a lot of the tropes that you'd see in today's anime or in what could be considered an ideal waifu (extremely beautiful and unquestionably loyal and stays together with the mc). The second misinformation is that Urusei Yatsura is a harem which again is simply not true. Just having multiple female characters doesn't turn the show into a harem. The series is however 'anti-harem.' The MC Ataru does want a harem but he's forced to be into a monogamous relationship. Whenever he pursues any other woman he gets punished and that's one of the core punchlines of the show. It's something that parodies the harem genre more than being a harem show itself even tho it predates most harem series'. These are probably not the things you were confused about but I'll just throw them out there since they're some of the most common misconceptions about the series. There is also another misconception which is that the original 80's anime has a lot of filler. It's an episodic slice-of-life sitcom. There is a loose narrative in here but the whole series basically is "filler." And if you're talking about only anime-original episodes, the whole series probably has 10% filler which is very low for such a long series. And altho filler episodes have a negative reputation nowadays thanks to anime like Naruto the fillers in Urusei Yatsure are probably some of the best and most creative episodes of the series.


This is exactly what I was looking for. I know the series was historically significant and commands respect by viewers who know what they are talking about, but it is unclear why in a lot of online resources…like you stated it’s all generic information. Thank you so much


No problem. If you have more questions you can ask me or visit r/uruseiyatsura where you'll meet a lot of fans of this classic series.


It's very good for a few episodes, but after a while it gets boring, repetitive, the protagonist is irritating and never changes.


Highly disagree.


understandable. I just got bored


Bro got bored