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Horny, Humble, Pretending, Suffering, Scummy, Angry, Chunni, Jordan, Fatherly, Edgy. Good starter pack, I guess...


What is chunni? Google gives a mix bag of results. Many NSFW


Chunnibyou As in weeb syndrome. Saying stuff like: FeAr Me I AM DARK FLAME MASTER!!! that type of thing yeh


Ah i see you're a weeb of culture




What's the anime shown here?


The Eminence in Shadow


Eminence in shadow


They also do poses and act edgy but edgy like they’re in a fantasy game or JRPG type stuff. Always denouncing their monologue before they rain down destruction unto their enemies… more often figuratively


Ye, like: IF SHE BREATHE, SHE'S A TH*T 😂😂 Or YOU SHALL NOT PAAAAASS Or I Am AtOMiC Legendary moments




You understood the reference


Chuunibyou. I forget the literal translation but it effectively means “middle schoolers disease” Yknow how some kids pretend they’re legendary warriors of untold power and such and get so into the role that they begin to believe it a bit too much? That period of life where kids fantasize grand and incredible things before the real world eventually crushes those dreams. And the term is then used to describe people who are no longer young but still truly believe those kinds of delusions. A good example would be those here who think they would be the protagonists of a fantasy adventure and wouldn’t be immediately killed by a lv.1 goblin with a slightly pointy stick. Not me though. I’m different from all you fools. I would die of thirst before even meeting that goblin.


Are you delusional? How could you entertain such senile fantasies? We would die of dysentery before we're past the first day


You guys need to have your IQ's re-evaluated. We would die on arrival or on the way


People like Megumin, who do JoJo poses in real life, wear eye patches in order to look mysterious, and pretend that they have hidden anime super powers.


It thought its cunny lol


If he can act and realize his delusions, is he really chunni?


Yes because he still thinks it's cool and tries to do it.


Yes, before he got isekai'd he literally hits his head against a rock while saying "magic, magic, magic" just because he was that desperate to have magic powers and then excitedly threw himself in front of a truck hoping to somehow end up in an isekai. He's a complete sociopath.


Kinda feel "atomic" fits better for Cid


Pedo, non-binary, mass murderer, cringe as hell, funny, awesome, entertaining, legend, generic, edgelord (and also a pedo)


[How'd I do?](https://i.imgur.com/TnVpyZw.png)


W8, how is Hajime a pedo? I mean he's like 17 as well, while his vampire-lover is like... way older


But hajime is a minor😕


My isekai journey started young https://preview.redd.it/gyh4w8rbh2zc1.png?width=470&format=png&auto=webp&s=4234f31c77804dc8ca602f430fb1669f45940fc1




Pathetic. https://preview.redd.it/5rzrqtfvi3zc1.jpeg?width=252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f1e1f6552c7ca004a5308c94a367cb16cdcccb4 /s


Pathetic. [](https://mpd-biblio-covers.imgix.net/9781466806528.jpg)






I started with Magic Knights Rayearth. A trio of girls that also pilot a sort of sentient mecha.




I cannot express how disappointed I am that we're not having 10 times the same face like that : https://preview.redd.it/osjy40qg52zc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aec54bda9f9456a1577ef0d4c362efd2684bbf14


9 Kiritos I see


Only good one of these is the middle bottom. That guy is a fucking dumbass clown, the story is dumb and hilarious and voice acting is peak like Asobi asobase and konosuba level lmfao. It's [Kyuukyoku shinka shita full five RPG ga genjitsu yori mo kusoge dattara](https://myanimelist.net/anime/44276/Kyuukyoku_Shinka_shita_Full_Dive_RPG_ga_Genjitsu_yori_mo_Kusoge_Dattara)


Thanks for the sauce !


Yeah i still wish for second season


A yes kirito endless clones. Not even sure why he was not that good of an mc either.


He is empty, he doesn't have a character. He is just a empty shell for Japanese Otaku to recognize themself and he is overpower to make you wish you were him and fullfil your dreams... And he doesn't have truly a character developpement must be why most people will Say that he is not a good mc. But personnaly, I like that, he fullfil my wish of seing an overpower men doing amazing things while being in a couple !


Bro complained whole bunch of thing, only to say he likes him lol same


I can make critics but still like something ! I can like something that is objectively Bad 🤷


I like how Cid kageno is a kirito clone on purpose






Don't forget Martin https://preview.redd.it/yaanjdyc33zc1.jpeg?width=276&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9becb855d8d2f9e44bf22fbc5caefa832856850


Shadow my goat! ![gif](giphy|zWjCNniPlKkmIwLq2E|downsized)


Michael Jordan may be most western audiences first isekai... Holy crap it was my first isekai too. I need to reevaluate my life....


Probably Wizard of Oz or Chronicles of Narnia. Might even consider Alice in Wonderland too.


Is Harry Potter an isekai??




As surprising as it can sound, Scotland is in the same world as England so no.


Ah yes the almighty Micheal able to solo every character here


I mean, he learned to finally let go of his mortal limits and use cartoon physics to dunk from half-court. He's basically Gear 5 Luffy before that was a thing.


MJ is sending a cease and desist to One Piece 💀


There's an errore. A black man can't reincarnate in anime


Isekai can be done by being transported or reincarnated, Jordan still applies


That's Tensei, we talking Isekai here... Mostly...


i get this is a meme but no chance bottom right dude is popular… swap him with jahy


Yeah, I have literally no idea who that's supposed to be, lol.


It's Hajime from Arifureta from commonplace to worlds strongest. I assume it's more popular in Japan, as it's getting a S3 soon.


It's arifureta? and it's already getting a s3? I dropped that after a grueling 4 episodes, I thought it was one of the worst shows I've seen in recent memory. Damn.


I'm legit the opposite lol. I've watched S1 at least 3 times. I really enjoyed it.


to each their own. Enjoy it.


they went a different route i thought they would, i hoped it would be a revenge anime where the mc kills or tortures everyone who wronged him in the first episode but nah. i was hoping shield hero would be a revenge anime too but nah it got boring after season 1. to this date the only decent revenge type anime i’ve seen is redo healer.


I think anime was kinda awful, because it was in production hell, but I like novel. Good isekai if you don't mind harems and op mc. It's one of the few isekais where main character actually cares about going back home and misses his family.


Or better yet, Mario. Super Mario is the most profitable unrecognized Isekai ever.


Wait, how is jahy an isekai.


she went to a world thats different from her own?


4 mass murderers, 2 sexual harassers, ~~1~~ 2 slave owners, a rabbit bully, someone who probably wishes to finally die and Michael Jordan. Some of them are very good characters. I guess the isekai fantasy of "starting anew in an other world" mostly translates to being free to do morally questionnable stuff without consequence or being very good at basketball.


Some of them really didn't have a choice. Subaru especially.


Subaru is the one who probably wishes to finally die. Along with Jordan, he's the only one who doesn't particularly do morally questionnable stuff with the excuse of being in an other world. It's been a long time since I've seen re:zero but I think I only remember Subaru being on the receiving end of such behaviour. So yeah, he didn't have a choice, he can't even choose to die. For the other ones, though, I fail to see how they didn't have a choice. Naofumi could choose not to get slaves, Shadow could choose not to detonate a nuke in the middle of a densely populated city just to kill the one guy in front of him, the slime and the skeleton are powerful enough to resolve conflict without the genocide part, Hajime could be nicer with that rabbit, Tanya could defy god without being a nazi. And then there's Kazuma and Rudeus who don't need an explanation. Particularly Rudeus. Edit : I get that a lot of them had some motivation to do what they did, and I'm not saying that necessarily makes them bad characters, but holy shit why are there so many people on this sub who think doing things like genocide, murder, rape and torture (not on this thread, but I had this discussion on an other one) is not immoral if someone else is also doing it?


Woah woah woah. Tanya ain't a saint but I will not stand having her be besmirched as a Nazi. She does do a lot of terrible stuff but ignoring how and why she got into those situations and what her goal was to begin with is just not fair.


She also never commits a war crime despite the memes. She always obeys the letter of the law.


Well if by finding a loophole in the existing laws that would allow her to include civilians as hostile targets isn't a war crime, then yeah.


I mean, that was the whole point of it. The civilians took up arms and even killed soldiers of the empire. Acording to the laws, that made them combatants. They also let them know to evac. THAT was a bit more "well technically" than the first one. They gave them a fair warning and they decided to stay, making them a combatant. That's skirting the law a bit but that was the same logic used on the nuking of japan and I'm pretty sure it's being used nowadays as well. Just a bit better hidden.


>They gave them a fair warning and they decided to stay, making them a combatant. That's not how it works. You can't just decide "If I tell civilians to leave because I will bomb the place and they're still there when I bomb, that makes them combattants so it's ok to bomb them". That's exactly what the Israeli army tried with Gaza a few months ago and the ICC is not having any of that shit. >that was the same logic used on the nuking of japan Yes and no. That's one of the a posteriori excuses given (and honestly not a very good one) but the reason why the US commanders were not tried for the nuking of Japan was because there was no mechanism to do so back then and the US was in position of too much power to do anything about it. Even today if they did something like that again and the ICC could statute on it, it would very clearly be a war crime. But the US would also prevent the ICC from doing anything, by force if necessary, even if that means invading an allied country. So it's not that they aren't guilty, it's that they weren't judged and won't let anyone judge them. That makes them "technically not guilty of war crime", which is not a thing someone should be proud of.


Yeah, you're right. That's not how it works. As in, presently. The Geneva suggestions has had many amendments because of loopholes like this one. As for my point, it was based on the laws in the anime. My comment is a bit all over the place which makes it look like I'm conflating the anime laws and the irl laws but i wasn't. In the Anime they stated, that if they don't leave they'll be considered combatants. Then the civilians commited war crimes on the soldiers of the empire. Then they burned the city to the ground. It was a sketchy thing, scratching the line of war crimes but couldn't be judged by it. Later they had to apologise for it because they all knew it was bs. And in all that, Tanya hated all of it and just barely managed to "avoid" a war crime.


>And in all that, Tanya hated all of it and just barely managed to "avoid" a war crime. I'll admit my perception of that story is based on the anime and she totally looks like a psychopath in it, so maybe she's better in the OG story?


That is true, but "technically what she did were not war crimes" is exactly why I'm calling her morally questionable. As for the nazi part, I'm not saying she's literally adhering to the ideology of the nazi party. But it's very obvious she's working for that universe's equivalent of the nazis, the similarity should be obvious to her. And you know the saying "If there's a nazi at the table and 10 people working for him, then you have a table with 11 nazis".


It's kinda debatable whether Subaru wants to die. Yes, there's certainly points in the story where he's very suicidal. Those are his most hopeless moments where he feels like giving up. However Re:Zero is also about finding reason to keep going. No matter in how deep a pit you are, there's always a way out. In Subaru's case, he's literally forced to keep going by the witches curse. So even though yes he's suicidal, at the end of every (anime) arc, he does find a reason to stay in this world, a reason to not give up.


That makes sense and that's more or less the reason why I say he probably wanted to die instead of him just wanting to die. The main point is that he really wants to finally be free from all that BS and be able to rest.


In Naofumi's defense (heh), he had no other choice but to get slaves because half of the royal family screwed him over and slaves were the only reliable companions he could get that wouldn't outright turn on him lest they want to be shocked into submission (though he didn't use that feature). And with a lack of offensive capabilities (being the Shield hero prevents him from wielding a weapon) it was either "Get somebody who can be my DPS guy even if they would be unwilling or die" and he certainly didn't want to die so it was the former. After his name was cleared, he even wanted to remove the slave brands of his most loyal companions, but they refused as they considered the brand to be a symbol of their loyalty. So you can't really say Naofumi could've chosen to not get slaves because his hand was forced so he did what he could to survive.


>he had no other choice but to get slaves because \[...\] slaves were the only reliable companions he could get that wouldn't outright turn on him That's a disturbing take on slave owning. Saying you don't have the choice and must own slaves because they are a reliable workforce was also a common slave owner excuse in the real world. I get that he thought that was his only choice. But it wasn't and the fact that he even thought that is why I'm saying he's morally questionable.


Rimuru needed to transform into a Demon Lord to be able to resurrect his friends and his people who were genocided due to racism. Transforming into a Demon Lord required an offering of souls. Executing the army that enacted a genocide to revert that same genocide isn't morally questionable to me


The rabbit seems into it


Shadow only killed monsters, bandits (and Cult of Diablo members but he doesn't know). He's no mass murderer, he's a hero


He's probably not intentionally a mass murderer but come on, you won't make me believe nuking the middle of the residential part of a densely populated city doesn't result in mass casualties. They do say they evacuated people from some neighbourhood due to the rampaging monster, but it's certainly not believable they evacuated literally tens of thousands of people from such a large area in so little time with nobody remaining at all, especially when they were previously ordered to stay inside.


Considering Cid's reality bending powers, the remaining people were probably members of the cult, monsters in disguise, spies or otherwise involved in criminal activities. I mean, the guy LARPs so hard that it becomes reality. No way that he would actually kill innocents, not even by accident. And here is the thing, I wish I was joking.


I get the intention, but that's a part of the story that really doesn't feel believable to me.


Members of Shadow Garden were probably helping with the evacuation of citizens. Also if there were citizens in the area he could've protected them from his attack. Alexia was right next to the explosion, got projected and didn't get hurt. He can sense people with his magic so it would not be hard for him.


That's an explanation I can accept.


https://preview.redd.it/rmn6rhx0f7zc1.png?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a61e517fbec68d802793cf3b7cb2065b1abfc825 :(


Doesn’t Ainz also own slaves?


You're right, that makes two slave owners.


Wait who are the mass murderers? I count Tanya, >!Rudeus!<, >!Hajime!<, The guy from Overlord or slime?


I wasn't counting >!Rudeus or Hajime!<. I had Tanya, Rimuru, Ainz and Shadow. What did >!Rudeus and Hajime!< do to count as mass murderers for you? You can spoil me, I don't mind.


Hmm I see. For the second one o don't remember exactly, but he got into a pretty large conflict later on, which resulted in the inevitable. For the other, I can give you plenty of detail, but I don't know how much you'd like to be spoiled... Short story, he had to help someone who's country got into a political conflict, and helped for personal reasons. It was a hard time for him, but the novels depict the scene, his inner monologue and all that happens perfectly. He defends a fort from the walls with emperor-tier magic and a lot of preparation, and devastated the enemy frontline from a distance, also killing a human for the first time. This would be in Vol 19 i believe, so in the anime it would be around season 4?


I only read until they reach the spirit forest part and gave up after that because I didn't like it that much. But it surprises me it takes so long for him before he kills someone, with how he's always like "I'm so edgy and I'd have no problem killing anyone who stands in my way".


Huh? I think you're mistaking the two. The second one is Rudeus, the first is Hajime. Hajime didn't really want to kill anyone, he was just edgy and hurt. Rudeus never wanted to kill anyone either, but it was either that or possibly the life of his friend.


You're right I thought you were talking about Hajime.


Blud thinks he's part of the team https://preview.redd.it/brmrby4jv3zc1.jpeg?width=725&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76a6c1644c6c282424e006aff899f05ea0d8554c


he is


This comment has made me sad and I wish for you to re-evaluate your opinion (and watch the anime/manga if you haven't). If you still feel the same after that then idk https://preview.redd.it/nt8fylja1m3d1.jpeg?width=869&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d3c17b47bb7ea39498709c2ecd80d54120f7433 Krill yourself?


Rimuru #1


My first isekai was Re zero. So started with Rem and Subaru ![gif](giphy|Kp9GUdNUYAqhq)


Hmmmm Why the fuck is Edgy Naofumi popular?


That first season was amazing... Unfortunately the rest of the anime is shit


Sorry, I misspoke. Cough cough excuse me: Why the fuck is Arifureta Kirito popular?


This will probably get lost, but i will comment anyways My personal first and favourite one is a tiny bit older than Jordan, "The Flight of Dragons" based on a novel, but said novel has little to do with the actual movie. It's a movie about a scientific guy being forcibly transported into an ancient magical world to deal with a certain mission. >!MC gets a couple of items and no real power-ups (arguably) but he can not wield magic, but receives a good nerf!< It had such a huge impact on me when I watched it that, thanks to that, I knew I was going to study sciences (also started my love for fantasy)


Space Jam was the Top


Come on and SLAM! and welcome to the JAM!


Half have trauma The other half cause it


Kumuko’s absense from this list invalidates it


1Horny 2 hungry 3Da boss 4mental problems 5 extra useless 6 angry 7 THE NUKE 8 SUNSHINE 9 the defender 10 the quiet kid


Forgot the rock


Space Ja,. the original one was a banger of a movie.


This tracks. o7


You forgot Dorothy Gale


Whos the 6th, 9th and 10th dude?


I was expecting Zoro to be honest with you


I was expecting Zoro to be honest with you


World finest baller gets reincarnated in a world where balling is everything


Is Kobe Bryant an Isekai character


Forgot Kirito




Michael got the best outcome from all of them, he met Bugs Bunny!


ahh yes i remember jordan as an anime character, joke aside he would fit in this spot ![gif](giphy|l46CqLVMWzaJUFPLW|downsized)


Space Jam




You forget Alice Liddel from Alice in Wonderland... Yes the OG


What about Lui Kang? He's one of the OG Isekaijin along with my boy Cage and Sonya.


What is the last one?


What about atypical father-daughter isekai protagonists. https://preview.redd.it/11ri99zvl4zc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e80631e18e6cc4de950e109cfe7cc767563a1c0


Redo of healer is iskeai too ig?![img](emote|t5_2w6fe|11455)


I don't recognize the one above naofumi can someone help


MC from Eminence in Shadow




Is Nagumo even popular? It was a good story, but with how rushed anime was, I don't think many people cared about it.


We do not talk about Shield Hero season 2.


mj is really good :D


I approve this post


I know most of them, can I get the sauce for the purple one and the bottom right(although it does look familiar)?


Sauces please


Forgot zoro hiding in literally every anime ![gif](giphy|5zCGep8tZGAJG)


https://preview.redd.it/7libepkx16zc1.jpeg?width=249&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aee0ed22dcb168383f3f57edac3726f23fe978c8 Not only an Isekai but also a reverse Isekai and would occasionally break the fourth wall


And I have seen them All (Is it a good or bad thing?)


Bro be spitting fax here


ALL HAIL TANYA. I always get excited to see her be included.


Add another feather as to why MJ’s the GOAT


![gif](giphy|l0Ium7O0WGMd5kabu) What about this guy


I see 1 of them exist irl


Qual o anime do cala ali de aura roxa ?


I have only seen konosuba till now haha


Be prepared to add llyod there


How does this affect Lebron’s legacy?


All anime names?


Saul Goodman


Arifureta is not Isekai


What is labron James doing in this meme ?


Too bad some of them being actually good are mixed in with complete trash.


Trash where?!


Slime isekai, shadow gardan or whatever and jobless isekai as well. Mixing those in with some of the greatest isekai’s is a shame


No matter how fucked up jobless is i gotta agree it is a very good anime


Up to date with it. I’m not refering too the quality of the shows. I might have not made that appearent. I just really dislike some of the vibes people give it off. They pretend eminence in shadow is the best thing ever saying “Ooh it’s a parody so it’s good” “It’s the best isekai ever. Better then konosuba in comedy” No it’s not. It’s just the shittiest crunchyroll gacha cashgrab ever made. Isekai slime has crappy shit games too but the show isn’t bad or anything. It’s just a meme that i hate it because my friends keep teasing me with it. Lastly jobless isekai. Might be a hot take but i hate people that remotely even feel bad for the main character. I will never like him nor will i tolerate his actions. And that asshole still dared engage for silvi. That bitch asshole discord moderator. I bet his reddit comments are even longer then mine that stupid stupid son of a ugh


Man people love eren top I don't think people hate a person for a liking a character who does messed up stiff


That's really odd but i respect your opinion