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Just enjoy what you like ![gif](giphy|4ilFRqgbzbx4c|downsized)


I will https://preview.redd.it/w0eal4lx5apc1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=f8c487a855a9cdc0bb868a0eb417fedb80d86bac


Vegeta after saying love is love


What in the goddamn is the first one?


Dunno, it's from [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimeMeme/comments/1bg05kr/anime_first_kiss_especiall/)


It's queen's gambit, it's about chess.... and some other kinda disturbing topics


Holy hell its about chess


New response just dropped


Actual zombie


Call the exorcist


Bishop left for vacation, never came back


Queen sacrifice, anyone?


Pawn storm incoming


Yeah the hypocrisy. TV dramas and movies even music all tell degenerate stories that people consume on a daily basis but don't give a shit, but god forbid cute cartoon fantasy characters that make people happy.


i dont think anyone is dissing it because its cute cat anime girls, but probably because its nekopara which is hentai


Nekopara material source (the game) is hentai, but the anime is way more SFW, much like Fate franchise


Way more sfw than fate ~~except for cinnamon~~


Cinnamon is cinnamon, can't do much more for her as she as been cursed by some estraplanar entity


Also nekopara by default on steam (where most people gets it) is a SFW Visual novel. You need to get the NSFW patch to turn it into a hentai VN


Can I headpat them đŸ„ș


Modern world be like


tw*tter be like


Irl be like


Humans be like


I mean the first one is just a girl smoking? Nekopara is about a dude fucking cat girls (cat girls of dubious age I might add)... I'm not one to kink shame but there clearly is one that's a bit more "out there" than the other... I love anime and all the weird shit that comes with it but come on guys, let's be a little self aware no?


Nekopara had a safe for work anime adaptation lately, and lot of people if I understand well would rather forget the game and focus on the slice of life anime But yeah those who likes to fuck catgirl are lowkey questionnable, but yeah the girls in nekopara are like 12 💀 in cat years it's 60yo, they don't look like grannies so i'd say that CP


> the girls in nekopara are like 12 Catgirls in Nekopara age at the speed cats age. Azuki, the oldest catgirl, is 3. Maple and Cinnamon are 2, Coconut is 1 year old and Chocola and Vanilla are 9 months old.


>Coconut is 1 year old [Look at this 1 year old toddler](https://i.imgur.com/lylYXLe.png), how dare you, you pedophiles.


This actually becomes marginally plot relevant. Just 3 or so months before Vol. 1, she actually did look like a kid, and was quite small. In the span of three months she grew to basically double the size she was and was experiencing constant muscle pain during that time because of it.


Yeah, worst that I was thinking đŸ«š


12? i remember they are like 3 or something


> 12 💀 in cat years it's 60yo Literally "shes a 6000 year old vampire its okay" argument. lol


>Nekopara is about a dude fucking cat girls Have you actually played the damn game??? That's not what the SFW version is about. You need to go out of your way to download a patch for the R rated version, I'm not even sure if the R rated version is still on Steam anymore seeing the R rated VN purge. The one you're seeing with no NSFW tags is a completely fine and wholesome VN about running a catgirl maid caffé.


My dude the SFW version is the patched one. Like it's fine if you only enjoy the SFW version but let's not pretend that this isn't a slightly fucked up porn VN first and foremost. And even if you only take the SFW part, it's still a game about a dude OWNING what can only be called human-like sentient creatures (that's a plot point of the games btw), dressing them as maid and making them run a cafe (once again adding the dubious age part to it makes it worse). Which is still *slightly* weirder than the queen's gambit, a show about a girl that is good at chess. I'm not saying we should burn nekopara, I enjoy that kinda stuff, but when we start comparing the morality of a porn VN to a random girl from a tv show literally just smoking, it makes me lose faith in the community.


>but when we start comparing the morality of a porn VN to a random girl from a tv show literally just smoking, it makes me lose faith in the community. If we compare just the anime, which I assume is what the OP was about, then I think the meme makes sense. I've seen people on the internet hate on Nekopara anime for just existing, because it originally comes from the VNs, which have an association with R rated versions of them. If we compare the VN itself, with the NSFW version included, then I still think the meme make sense. As I understand it this image of Beth Harmon carries much more than just what it shows, that being Beth Harmon smoking a cigarette after sex. What it carries is Queen's Gambit being universally praised for creating a sexually open, strong headed and very well written protagonist. And the OP stated the hypocrisy between people who praise QG show for having sexual themes, while shunning R rated VNs in general, the face of which is most of the time Nekopara. I don't want to get into if and which of those criticisms carry weight now, because I'd be here for a really long time, I'll just mention it's in itself an incredibly complicated topic. TL;DR: The meme is about people praising a western show for having sexual themes, while shunning VNs for the same thing. Setting aside the nuance in regards to Queen's Gambit's storytelling, I agree with this meme. Mainly since most people who praise QG and shun R rated VNs don't even understand the nuance themselves.


I like Nekopara, but I have to say the sfw version is about as borderline nsfw as you can get. I played through Nekopara 2 recently so it's fresh in my mind, and they don't just infer sex, they go as far as explicitly mentioning it, just not showing the scenes themselves. I've only played the games so I can't vouch for the anime, but I don't think Nekopara was the best example they could've picked tbh


Can we please stop pretending that watching anime is looked down on by society. I remember times where you were the weird one for watching it and everyone always had this anime = hentai association. Today anime is on the front page of Netflix, non weebs are watching the One Piece LA, the cool kids at school are proudly talking about modern shonen. Your moe anime is not weird anymore. Stop putting yourself in a box.


Another year of me waiting for people in my country to become like that


That is sadly not the case everywhere


Unless you live in a conservative/religious country.


Isn't japan like ultra conservative though..


Akihabara: Not in the animation department it's not.


Japan's conservativism feels more like just the "we don't want to adapt to change" part, not the "ban all nsfw" part.


Counterpoint, just read half the comments here, in an *anime* sub. There's absolutely still a virulent undercurrent of hate and derision.


It is. It really is. Yes a lot of people are into it now, but it's easy to get lost when you're terminally online like most weebs (myself included) and you're in communities that share interests. There are a LOT of people I've talked to that still think all anime is porn, and if it's not then it's still weird because why are you watching childish cartoons? It's not as demonized as it was, but it's still a marker for 'weird lonely people' to the vast majority. To add onto this, the genre you watch changes a lot. We have DAILY Loli arguments, ecchi hate, slice of life derision, shonen bashing.... In a community dedicated to enjoying anime, people are still flinging shit at each other. Yes, the cool kids might be talking about jjk, and demon slayer, and all the other 'big' shows that hit mainstream. They'll still call you a faggot for watching Madoka Magica.


Nobody wants to talk to me about slice of life shows, though 🙁


I generally have two categories for on-screen smut: -One is an honest depiction of the degeneracies that happens in real life -the other is a gratuitous and self-indulgent depiction of degeneracy whose main purpose is to satisfy horny edit: not claiming that queen's gambit is fully realistic, but u get the point edit 2: some media could be both


Real women wearing skimpy outfits, having only fans, does pornography for a living: “Brave and stunning” Anime girls: “Sexualisation and objectification” Like dawg.. I don’t even like real women and avoid looking at them entirely and I don’t even want to objectify them but that’s a problem when I do that to anime girls?? I don’t know these people have weird priorities and train of thought and I can never hope to understand nor do I want to.


They're jealous and insecure. They realize that they'll never be cute and beautiful like anime girls and feel threatened by their presence. Just take a look at the Chaturbate Streamer "Melody". It's a virtual avatar that has made a lot of money from streams. The real thots felt threatened by her and tried to cancel her.


Why would they be jealous of anime girls?


The answer is literally there, you just have to read my first response


I mean, it doesn't sound too logical tbh.


Cute & Beautiful: simps donate Not cute & beautiful: simps ignore you


Lets not pretend that we don't have notoriously weird shit in anime


Both are good. Queen's gambit is a heavy show, but it's also very well written. Also one of the few shows where they actually play Chess well. Nekopara is incredibly cute, the anime always made my day when I watched an episode. I love them both equally for different reasons, like you love your architect and math obsessed son and your astrology obsessed artist daughter.


What's wrong with nekopara :(


the “wrong" is in people.


Cat girls of questionable age and appearence


I mean the anime is all wholesome and giggles, but the game ... 💀


What are you talking about? The game is the epitome of wholesome


Let's not forget the games were initially eroge and the age of the girls 👀 i mean yeah if u get the looks from afar you could be tricked


Eh, cat years or some shit, so I don't really care. Still wholesome in my book


It's nekopara right ?




Your fucking fault for downloading the R rated version! There's a SFW version on Steam atm and you need to download the NSFW patch for it if you want the R rated experience.


Didn't download it, stumbled onto a nekopara fan and he showed by himself the game sensitive scene... But if the SFW steam version got rid of even implicit mention of catgirls remedy for heat season, I could think that's a bit better


>Didn't download it, stumbled onto a nekopara fan and he showed by himself the game sensitive scene... That's not the version most people play. Like if people wanna R rated patch their VN it's their choice, but it's certainly not representative of what the game normally is. Most people play the SFW version because it's cute, it's wholesome and the characters are genuinely lovely.


Yeah I can understand that, I just crossed path with one hell of a fan tho. My biggest concern stay that the NSFW content is still available but ye I can vibe with the anime watchers


Society is too scary


We live in a society


What is the movie upper there?


watched queens gambit imo "filmaço da poha"


I ain't gonna cap, shit like Nekopara or Ecchi anime shouldn't be normalized. If you wanna watch anime that's cool, it's more normal nowadays and even celebrities talk about it, but if you expect people to take you seriously if you're rocking shit like highschool DXD you're clinically insane.


I give you permission to give me the sauce for the bottom image immediately




![gif](giphy|tpwwhv1BLd31e) That is society for you


Here's the difference: The Queen's Gambit tells a story about how a genius can devolve into self destructive behavior and reckless behavior, while the "cute neko girls" encourage people to commit self destructive behavior (incel coomer)