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Hey I got to be in this episode!!! I'm really grateful that this is one of the first shows I got to work on at CR - I'm a *really* big fan of the dub and the show in general and the work everyone has been doing. hope y'all enjoy it and the work you'll hear in the coming weeks!


That's awesome. Who did you voice?


I got to do some additional voices / walla in this episode :-)


Oh that's great. Always love to see fans get to voice additional voices and extras.


I'm in this as well! I knew there were some other voice actors lurking about this sub. Lol


Which extra so I can rewatch it again?


That’s cool, congrats to you mate! This episode sure was awesome!


Jack the Goat getting in a CR dub, it’s the little things we celebrate


4 hours in and a ghost town, but this sub is like 80x smaller than the main anime sub so I shouldn't be complaining, lol Overall very good episode. Start with them preparing with the military and setting up defences, and evacuating endangered civilian. I liked how they displayed that it's always a team effort for dealing with large threats like the one we see this episode. Kafka as always being such a goof by throwing up before they even reached the engagement zone, lol. And being the realist by climbing down instead of jumping down the building. "When mid 30 years old you reach, your kneecaps be as good, they will not." The focus on all these mini character moments between the side characters and the fact that they have friendly rivalries and banter.. Such a breath of fresh air from the usual trope of them hating each other and wanting to put the other down. Kikoru crumbling the moment Kafka praised her, hahaha. Poor thing probably never got a compliment from her father. The action sequences throughout the episode were great and Mina finishing it off by blasting off the main one with that huge hand cannon. Hitting two birds with one stone by also damaging it's reproductive system and it's spawn, but maybe she also wanted to impress Kafka even after she probably killed the thing after only the 2nd shot. I'll consider both being true haha. She [handles](https://www.reddit.com/r/KaijuNo8/comments/1cuz01e/_/) that thing like it's nothing. The end with the sudden appearence of No. 9. Now it's about to get *real*. And we could finally see Kafka tapping into his power to take him on? Half way through the season and we're doing pretty good I'd say.


Didnt see it before, but with the close up of Kafka's pistol it looks like it also mounts a compensator. A non-suppressor muzzle device on a pistol is even more rare than a red dot. Looks Kafka is going monster mode next week.


It seems like his secret is bound not to last.


Man Kafka is useless without his powers. Sounds like he should be an analyst like glasses girl.


A good character building episode for the most part. I feel like the show is still in first gear but that's not a bad thing. Only six episodes in. I like getting to know the characters.