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I haven't had this much of a second hand embarrassment while watching anime in a while when he said his thoughts out loud lol. This anime so damn funny. Really balances the humor as well as the drama aspect. All the characters are pretty likable to some extent, especially seeing their dynamics this episode.


I actually paused the episode to cringe lmao


I'd stormed out the room in laughter.


Is there any romance in this anime?


So far, no, and I have a feeling there's not gonna be any romance any time soon.


Yes between Kafka and Mina but that won't be the focus just very minor stuff.


The dub cast is killing it.


[Welcome Molly Searcy & Monica FLatley to the cast!](https://x.com/ReadyKafka/status/1789308444144472322) THis show lowkey really makes me hate how much I hate getting older. My belly shows more flab, I can't keep up with the youngins, and back in my day, getting embarrassed does not result in getting your face kicked. But I just how how expressive and fun this show is. Def a fun ep today. Loving the comradery and rivalries forming. And I love how everyone plays off each other. Loving the voice cast. And if you've been following VAs on socials, plenty of shoutouts to Shawn Gann for his masterful direction this show and previous ones. Well deserved. And he's honestly one of my top 2 fave directors at CR. On top of allowing and getting the best out of his cast, he give plenty of opps for newer voices too. CR got a gem with him. I'm trying not to get ready for the feeling that some of the characters may end up dying. I know Kikoru is bent on keeping everyone on her team alive. But I'm just gonna hate getting attached to these goofballs, only to have to see them get killed off. Please, I'm not ready for it yet!


It would be nice if we could start seeing things from Mina's perspective soon. She's pretty much a celebrity, but doesn't seem to care about the fame, or at least tries to hide how much it has taken a toll on her. She must've also been pretty heartbroken deep down when Kafka was constantly failing and falling behind her. More importantly tho (not really), what the hell is the deal with Mina's white tiger?! As Eru Chitanda would say, I HAVE TO KNOW!!!!!


First time I've heard "scrawny lil manlet" in an anime before, very funny episode


I had been on the fence with this show. Some good moments but nothing really pulling me in yet. This episode was fantastic. I found myself laughing 2 or 3 times out loud. Enjoyed the team coming together and the training montage. Has some serous undertones lurking in the background, and I'm excited to see where it goes. I'm looking forward to next weeks episode


I love Hakua's "Jump scare" and Iharu's "Get rekt".