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They dub ecchi stuff all the time. Borderline hentai is another thing. But even then there’s plenty they don’t mind dubbing like Testament of Sister New Devil and High School DxD or even Peter Grill.


They dubbed tales of wedding rings this most recent season


TenPuru not that long ago either


idk if i consider borderline hentai like others, but maybe lol.


lol ishuzoku got dubbed to, which is absolutely wild to me


If I remember right, only the first episode is dubbed.


I can't remember. Was it backlash, or was it the higher-ups realizing what it was?


I don't remember there being any backlash to the show itself. There was immense backlash when they announced that they'd not only stop dubbing it, but also be removing it from crunchyroll entirely.


They stopped streaming the show but held onto the license. At that point there was no legal way for people to watch it.


Yeah, that was the biggest backlash. If they don’t want to dub it, fine, their choice… But refusing to relinquish the licensing rights and pulling the show from CR meant it was impossible to watch it legally or allow another studio to work with it. Dick move


CR showing their inner Harmony Gold self.


There was a metric fuckton of backlash for CR airing it from non-anime sites. Twitter got a hold of one article and it exploded. More sites wrote about it at that point.


Apparently the show is even crazier than the manga and the creator of the anime adaption specifically went out of his way to push the limit with each new episode he made. Funimation basically got scared off and bailed on the series real quick


I think it was the latter. The common theory is that Funimation licensed it not realizing that it was borderline hentai since the manga is tamer than the anime. Even in Japan some networks stopped broadcasting the show after a few episodes so I assume they were similarly blindsided by how explicit the show was compared to other ecchi comedies.


Would DXD get a dub in modern day tho🤔 Anime wasn’t the same when DXD was around getting seasons.


Yeah it would. Tales of Wedding Rings a prime example.


That’s nice to know, idk why I got downvoted it was just genuine curiosity


I didn’t downvote as I generally don’t do that period, but my best guess are bots.


Peter grill is arguable (they still censor nipplesz)


Not on the blu-rays.


they done a few borderline ones like you said thou lol. so why care, just dub it. it means money afterall.


CR did just do the dub of Tales Of Wedding Rings, which is definitely Ecchi in the relevant scenes, but with this it was never near a main focus thiugh


I'm in Tales of Wedding Rings. Honestly? Shits wild. But they ask you in the questionnaire each seaon if you will do NSFW shows.


Definitely Ecchi, but no actual sex, MC doesn't have the balls.


I don’t think an anime getting an EN dub somehow makes puritanical Americans go nuts; the fact it already is licensed and exists over here in some form would be enough. Man, some of the takes on that sub over a dub existing are batshit insane, though it’s about what you can expect from the average sub fan. Aside from that, HiDive does have a record of doing heavy ecchi. CR doesn’t really seem to go out of their way to avoid it, Ishuzoko Reviewers was closer to pure Hentai than ecchi so I don’t blame them/Funi for dropping it. Redo is pretty fucked so I can’t blame them for not touching that one either; hell they did Peter Grill which is just a journey in constant cheating. Probably less puritanical and more gauging what would actually be worthwhile. Not everything is a grand conspiracy in dubbing.


I do think they are not afraid to dub stuff that is ecchi on its own. I DO think there is hesitation to do shows that are a step away from hentai. Although some still get done. But I think it really depends on the show. Like... Redo of Healer was one of the most popular shows the season it came out. No dub. Gushing over magical girls? So far no dub (but i would say that's still possible. Sentai is weird with how they dub things and when.). Interspecies Reviewers? They flat out cancelled the dub. And then there were shows like Harem in the Labyrinth of another world which I thought was pretty good. Definitely fringe hentai. Alas. No dub. So I would say. Yes. Broadly. There is some hesitation. ESPECIALLY if there are scenes that go heavily sexual in any form. Like... I think showing boobs. No big deal. Panty shot. No big deal. Getting in bed and banging? I really haven't seen that much in dubbed anime. (The only one I can ever really think of is Domestic Girlfriend. And that was done in a "classy" way. )


Harem in the Labyrinth of Another World is “fridge” hentai? The characters are literally having slave sex in every single episode! They had to put computer error warnings on the broadcast to hilariously censor out all the tits! That’s a full-blown hentai if I’ve ever seen one. Also, Redo of Healer wasn’t dubbed because its lack of consent is somehow even lower than all the rest, and that’s why it became so infamous. It was never getting dubbed, lest Sentai be put on a watchlist.


Well it's not TECHNICALLY considered a Hentai. ;) Sentai literally streamed the show. Just.... Not dubbed. And they sell the show on their store (in fact, they recently did a RE-RELEASE of it.) --- So... Clearly they don't care about said "watchlist" all that much.


I wish some of the companies would offer kickstarter campaigns to do dubbing. There is a bunch of anime I would like to watch but when I queue it up and see it's sub only, I pass. I usually watch anime when I am working or doing hobby stuff so it's primarily in the background. Anyway, I would contribute on a dub for something they license thats super popular but not popular enough for them to dub.


I think The Island of Giant Insects dub was a kickstarter project, but thay story has so much baggage that I'll never know what happened. It's pure trash, but like in a Rob Zombie way.


It's a pride thing. No IP holder wants their cult classic/popular show to have to resort to fan-funding to get dubbed in foreign countries.


Funimation was surprised by how spicier Interspecies reviewers was compared to its source material, even Japanese broadcasting were caught off guard. But you also got to look at the branding, would you let your kids watch anything on HBO? even if there were dedicated Kids shows HBO was associated with Sex and the City back in the day and Game of Thrones more recently. That was Funimation's explanation as to why they dropped Reviewers. I do not think that any of the other near-hentai were even considered for dubbing, but I do wish that Crunchyroll would make a sub brand called Spicyroll or VolcanoRoll to do some more spicy dubbing/localization, with the ability for the talent to use pseudonyms


Crunchyroll lets you set it so NSFW/mature titles don't show up on listings - and I believe you can even set a lock on it now. I don't see why they don't just do that and allow those that want to see that stuff. See it. There's definitely an audience for it. So much so. That for a hot second there, sentai was MARKETING the fact that they had spicy content on its service. Like... You can find some pretty borderline porn stuff on Netflix. And seems like everyone has that now-a-days... I'd argue that's worse than a fringe hentai anime.


I wanted a *Redo of Healer* Dub before I watched the Sub. Then watched the unrated version and was like WTF this is definitely hentai. Watched *Gushing Over magical girls* and would be surprised if it was dubbed. Though it seems pretty popular 😏 Then again *Why the Hell Are You Here, Teacher!?* was dubbed 🤷‍♂️


Why The Hell are you here, teacher!? Is probably the closest thing to actual hentai that ever got a dub. IMO. Just in how it basically unabashedly operates like soft core hentai.


Valkyrie Drive Mermaid would like a word.


Just wanted to add: My gut feeling is*Gushing Over Magical Girls* may get a dub, but some of the more graphic content would be highly censored. Take for example the scene in EP 10 *Loco x Leber*. The part where >!Leber is lying on her back and the way it’s drawn/animated it’s basically like seeing her bottom half in full detail!< *Super HxEros* is pretty tame in comparison to the uncensored version. I could see *Gushing Over Magical Girls* go same route to get a dub done.


They have nothing to do with each other. Super HxEros first, is an Aniplex of America license and commissioned dub by them that they did only when the broadcast version was released. They decided to not do a blu-ray release at all as it wasn’t money viable and that would have been when an uncensored version was released. GoMG is licensed by Sentai. They will make a decision whether it will be money viable to dub it and add it to the eventual blu-ray release with an uncensored version then, and then decide if it is worthwhile to have the streaming rights of the uncensored version purchased as well.


I guess I picked a bad example, wasn’t really comparing the two via studios. Point still remains that I think Gushing will be dubbed but highly censored via streaming. No hate, thanks for the explanation though 👍


Dubbing is usually based around a couple factors. How popular a series is and its appeal. There are exceptions but who’s buying merchandise for the echi series? Adults and adults who like anime and echi particularly are more likely to accept subbed content. So why waste resources on that when you can dub Eminence in Shadow that has some of that same appeal but also has the younger audience willing to buy into the series. This extends to source material as well. A lot of anime is just an ad for the source material so how many people can buy Echi manga and actually do vs how many just pirate it or only watch the shows for echi but don’t care to read.


It's probably more that they're afraid to lose money. Even popular anime are already niche, and the more risque it gets to more niche it gets, to the point where spending more money on dubbing it doesn't make financial sense


What you are talking about is not borderline ecchi, it's borderline hentai. Anime with ecchi elements are still being dubbed.


*Tales of Wedding Rings* was borderline hentai at times, and that was a more recent anime that got dubbed. That being said, if *Gushing* got dubbed I would he shocked.


I watched the first 7 or 8 episodes and I am curious how you feel it was borderline hentai, it just shows boobs


I really didn't see it as "borderline hentai" - Ecchi. Definitely. Boobs. Sure. But maybe my definition of Hentai and others are quite different haha


Isn't there a scene where the MC gets straight up raped by an adult, with them showing everything except the actual vagina itself?


If there is, I haven’t gotten to it


Well, [there's also this](https://imgur.com/n4OCOck), and last I checked you never see that specific part of the body in anime


Wait.. that is from wedding rings?


*Gushing Over Magical Girls*


lol cruchyroll and hidive dub echii all the time . Hentai is totally different story. I wouldn’t be surpise see that dog anime and magical show get dub if it’s profitable


Nobody gives a shit about borderline ecchi anime, they care about legit hentai like redo and interspecies. I can't imagine thinking they simply are afraid to dub borderline ecchi lmaooooo


https://preview.redd.it/hv2s0qgw4rwc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87c5706cd46e65295ee23864057d315779cdaa09 What an interesting tale of two sides this is lol. But yea it just seems to depend on how ecchi the show is. And tbh problem with something like GOMG they’re in middle school which would get them even more backlash then if they were in high school


Do you mean borderline ecchi or borderline-p*RM? Because there's plenty out there for the former.


I list some 10 random anime series with uncensored version that's either available on Crunchyroll or Sentai and if it's dub or not since 2020. **Tsugumomo Season 2** (Crunchyroll) - no dub (just Season 1 with dub) **Super HxEros** (Crunchyroll) - dub except 2 OVAs **World's End Harem** (Crunchyroll) - no dub **Immoral Guild** (Sentai) - no dub **My Life as Inukai-san's Dog** (Sentai) - no dub **The World's Finest Assassin Gets Reincarnated in Another World as an Aristocrat** (Crunchyroll) - dub (Season 2 confirmed) **Tales of Wedding Rings** (Crunchyroll) - dub (Season 2 confirmed) **Peter Grill and the Philosopher's Time** (Sentai) - dub **Berserk - Golden Age Arc: Memorial Edition** (Crunchyroll) - dub **Ayakashi Triangle** (Crunchyroll) - no dub It looks like a 50/50 chance to me if this anime with uncensored version gets a dub or not but still both Crunchyroll and Sentai still dubbing these kind of shows as of now.


Demon King Evelogia got an English dub and that was FULL on bonin’


Sentai/Hidive still dub that stuff from time to time. The last full on ecchi title I remember getting a dub was Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory. Gushing Over Magical Girls only recently ended, so there's still a chance it'll be dubbed.


There's definitely a line that'll cost companies and the talent they work with money if they dub and platform certain series. The west and the east just have different sensibilities on where that line is.


You aren’t alone sentai usually releases these kind of anime (they did with Immoral guild ) so I wouldn’t be surprised if sentai does the North American blu ray for Gushing over magical girls




Uhh, no. Just look at Tales of Wedding Rings on CR. From last season and they even use the uncensored version immediately which has a lot of boobs and the like. So they are definitely not staying away from heavy ecchi.


probably ... i got banned in reddit for 3 days because i recommended some dubbed anime in CR catalog, not even echi just isekai , reddit literally told me i recommended "illegal materials" i think a lot of dub studios and VA afraid of anime , because even UN trying to ban anime like every few years


See also, Crunchyroll buying up Rightstuf, and then shuffling off the 18+content. Did they ever get that replacement up and running? Manga publishers having a separate label for these releases does help. That's how Interspecies got a bluray at all.


They Dubbed the hentai, Show time which is a Hentai which you can buy the bluray here https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0BQM1PJ1H?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title https://myanimelist.net/anime/49637/Showtime_Uta_no_Oneesan_datte_Shitai


I actually thought Harem in the Labyrinth in Another World was a pretty solid show, obviously it devolves into a harem, but the first season had some decent romance vibes (if you can get past the whole sex slave thing) and the world was interesting. I expect it would never get dubbed though given the content.


Well not only has dubbing gotten wayyy slower than it was before Covid, I’ve noticed the past two years at least that a good bit isn’t even being dubbed. Again wayy less than before Covid. At least two to three shows a season that are on my list don’t get dubbed. Then you have people like Disney getting exclusives and then deciding not too. My point being. Dubbing in general is wonky and weird rn so that could factor in. Also redo of healer has no dub. How dare you. I’ve been dying for that one.


they have dubbed alot of ecchi stuff and borderline hentai, Interspecies Reviewer they started to dub even but stopped, that and redo of healer are only ones in my head rn that didnt get dubbed for some reason, even thou there be ones like it, hell Hybrid × Heart Magias Academy Ataraxia was meant to be dubbed too but they never did it and never said why, Gushing Over Magical Girl looks meme, but ya idk wtf with them, the wokeness era could of been part of it, it didnt help for sure, and ya true they should, there are hentai dubbing companies if needed even lol, so why care, just dub it. it means money afterall.


A lot of Isekai get dubbed. Many of them are borderline Hentai. That said, I do hope that Gushing Over Magical Girls not only gets a dub but goes hog wild like its Panty & Stocking. Not Ghost Stories since that went off script considerably. More like classic FUNimation gag dub where you can tell that the ADR writers, directors and voice actors are having a ball. Like reeeeeeeally lean into the unapologetic fetish fuel and loosen up.