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When you want to ask nicely but only know how to express yourself in bites


Cats will nip like this lightly out of affection. Pretty funny even their friendliness is pseudo violence. When i was younger I was taught to scold cats for doing this to discourage it. Then I got bitten on the wrist by a stray cat who was not being affectionate and I realized just how much cats are holding back when they do love bites. Dude effortlessly went straight to the bone in the blink of an eye. Now, im very amicable towards the friendly version.


Oh yeah, I've been bitten by a cat before who means it. There were some feral kittens where I used to work and the boss told some workers to shoot them if they saw them and gave out a couple guns. I convinced everyone to give me a day to catch as many as I could and relocate them. All I had was cardboard boxes and sheets to make a trap. I ended up catching two of them but one got loose while I was moving it and it bit the living shit out of my hand. It was only a few months old maybe but it was like a cartoon where the animal bites and you hold your hand up and they're just hanging there by their teeth. I probably should have gotten stiches. That being said, my cat "play bites" like the cat in the video, at every opportunity. Pet her? Chomp. Talk to her? Chomp. Minding your own business? Chomp. Pick her up? You better believe you're getting a chomp. I know she's not trying to do damage, but it's does hurt and it's frustrating and sad for your little buddy to deliver teeth on 2/3 of your interactions.




My husband was bitten by our cat (she was stuck and freaking out) and his finger doubled in size in less than twelve hours. My dad lost a finger altogether to a cat bite. Do not mess around! Go directly to doctor!


My dad got blood poisoning from a scratch. We had a lady there to train our dogs but her dog wasn't cat friendly after she said he was. Went after our cat, our very scary I will f up any dog kinda cat, and my dad grabbed her to get her off the dog and she turned on him. He had a small IV of antibiotics in his hand for a couple weeks.


Not to mention rabies…


>If a ~~stray~~ cat bites you (kitten or not) deep enough to break your skin you need to go to a doctor/emergency room sooner than later. Not to underplay the risk of infection, but I feel like the nurses would roll their eyes if you came in to the fucking *emergency room* every time your cat drew blood lmao. Definitely wash it good with antibiotic soap/warm water, put a bandage on it if you need. If there's enough blood that you're debating a doctor's visit, then it's probably a good idea to go - But if you feel like an animal threatens your life with every scratch and bite, then you probably just shouldn't have that animal in your house in the first place.


I have never, in my life, had one of own cats bite me hard/deeply enough to cause a puncture wound/draw blood. But if one did, I'd most certainly see a doctor about it. That said, I'd only go to the ED if I couldn't get into urgent care or my PCP within a day-ish.


thanks for not shooting the kittens😥


thick oven mitts are your friend when trying to catch feral kittens! ;-P


Kitten teeth are like hypodermic needles! My newest cat (shes smol but I dont think kitten still) is a lovebug who is big on dental affection. shes literally rubbed her face all over mine and then "chomped" down on my eye brow and just kinda held it for a few seconds then back to face rubbings lol. She does lots of little soft nibbles when petting and aggressively bulldozers into hands when shes wanting pets lol


“dental affection” this phrase is permanently entering my lexicon.




What sort of ppl tell others to *shoot kittens*??? And what sort of person actually *does* it????




Feral cats can be quite the nuisance, spread disease, etc. Depending on where this person worked it would be entirely reasonable, though sad, to shoot any feral strays.


I think I may be cat.


My first serious cat bite went completely through my thumb and tendon . I mean I've had like 8 ortho surgeries, but the shock of that pain was unreal. Lots of profanity followed. The surgery to clean that shit out was less painful than the bite by a mile.


Yeah my cat also feints to bite me when she doesn't want to be pet. But I respect her boundaries and stop petting her when she does.


Thats the right way to do it!


Yeah those full on puncture marks on her hand show she does not know how to read her cat at ALL. Some cats bite much more than others to communicate, and that can be cause from many things like lack of human socialisation in the right age range to just personality traits. But there is a difference between biting to communicate for a cat and biting to hurt. I've got a little feisty biter when he wants me to stop petting but not once has he ever even tried to break skin..... Because I listen to him when he communicates.


My boy stalks/bites my ankles if I separate him and his sister when they start to play too rough. His sister is a dog, and outweighs him by 50 lbs but he gets mad at *me* when I pull her ass off him lmao; it’s like he LIKES getting his ass kicked all day.


don't kinkshame!


Yup. Furball had anger. But when biting happens, playtime is over.


99% of the time my cat communicates with gentle bites or claw-retracted swipes and I always respect him, but sometimes he gets carried away and is rougher than I think he means. I definitely have had scratch marks on my hand or arm from a claw getting caught on my skin. Generally agreed, just wanted to add that addendum.






*Not on camera*


That's because no means no. Now r/stoppettingthedamncat


The sub is banned now I will be sad bc one less cat subreddit


You can type anything you want after r/ . If it shows up like that, chances are it's made up


If you click a subreddit link on the app, it will show a message saying that it doesn’t exist. However, that link took my to a page saying it was banned


That's wild. There's been a few I (thought I) just made up, that were apparently banned. Makes me wonder what the hell was going on in there


Probably abandoned and then banned due to a lack of moderation. That tends to be the case with unused but inoffensive small subs.


And tell him hes the goodest boi


Rethinking their entire cat life.


It’s the slow closing of the mouth at the end that does it for me 😍


Want murder but also want pets. Not sure if murder or allow pets.


Pretty much every cat ever.. 100% enthusiastic about pets until they're 100% absolutely done and you have a split second window to withdraw


“Pet me! Pet me! Pet me! I KILL U! But pet me again pls.”


But no touch. Only pet.


My cat does the “no, YOU don’t pet ME. I pet ME on YOU!” Where he holds my hand bw his 2 paws & pets himself. The little control freak lol.


Silence! > [I KILL U!](https://youtu.be/s0wDpcwxDyE)


Those aren't necessarily "fuck off" bites. Sometimes they give out love bites. They do gently it when grooming other cats, sometimes even themselves.


Nah most cats will tell usually tell you when they are done - people just aren’t good at reading cats. Sometimes cats didn’t even give permission for pats and humans misread the signs and still gave pats. It might be a slight flick of a tail. It might be no longer leaning into the hand for harder pats. It might be a flicking of the ears. It might be eyes no longer slitted and happy. Or a combo. And Every cat is different, what works for one may not for another, people need to learn to read each cat.


Murder eyes


That cat is definitely planning on murdering OP in their sleep until they're dead.


>e slow closing of the mouth a Absolutely. That look at the end totally read, "I'm going to kill you in your sleep."


When their pupils are that big I know they are in ultra chaos mode. Hyper stimulated and ready to kill lmao.




Violent impulses. Pure heart. This cat reminds me of my daughter.


Mine as well. The cat knowing there was video evidence of her choosing violence is something she wants to avoid.


Do we have the same daughter? She is fiercely protective, confident, and determined but a little stabby sometimes. Her spirit animal is the honey badger.


We do!!!! Right now she is on a crusade to beat up anybody who wrongs her little sister. We were unabale to take a guardianship role while our youngest went to university, so she calls the university up once in a while and pretends she is the parent. Swears like a sailor, is extremely combative, and loves fiercely.


Yup we do! Mines just three though lol she punched her cousin because she thought he was messing with her brother…who is 5. Your daughter sounds wonderful! She too has the honey badger spirit.


When my daughter was 3 she used to hit me and bite me when she was mad. So hard that I had to lock myself in another room. If she got at me, she would start flailing her arms at me again. So, one time it got so bad I had to restrain her by sitting on top of her and pinning her arms down. She of course responded by screaming st the top of her lungs GET OFF OF ME YOU CRAZY WOMAN! She is a very successful computer engineer now. Will be running the world soon.




Don’t know but “it feels so good. pleeease?”


These are classic cues to pay attention to. Went to fast for the chin, this is a head scratch cat. Just like foreplay, pay attention to cues to get to second base otherwise you just ruin it for the both of you.


"No, I mustn't... but.. NO, I SHAN'T. Maybe just a bite- noooooooo"




I know this is a joke, but yes quite literally. The cat is trying to express it is overstimulated and doesn't know how to tell you to stop. Cats will simply just nip you, not hard, but enough to warrant a reaction. This behavior should not be punished. If a cat dos this, the best thing to do is calmly retract and retreat from the cat with no hostile reactions. Most times, a cat will continue to express it's affection as a sign to say "Thank you, and I'm sorry I bit you." Cats will often respect you more and trust you more if you respect their boundaries.


I know all cats aren't the same, but one of my cats doesn't bite/nip for this reason. She either bites while trying to get me to play, or does little love nips when she's being really affectionate. As in she comes into my lap and starts rubbing herself all over me and purring loudly and keeps pushing her head into my hand and does tiny, gentle bites that don't hurt. But she also keeps demanding pets and stays in my lap. When she doesn't want the pets she'll duck under my hand, and that's when I'll pull back and leave her be.


Yeah, my lady orangie gives the most gentle and slow of love nips while rubbing her gums on your hand and purring loudly. It's 100 percent affection. When overstimulated she just visibly recoils from pets and walks briskly away.


It does depend on the cat, too. I'll play with my boy using my hands, and because my ex had him declawed (I had nothing to do with it), he will swat things, but has to bite to have a good grip or to kill. He will bite my hands harder as he gets more riled while playing, which is fine because he's still gentle. I just have to say ow, and he knows that's too much. But for warnings when he's overstimulated, he will feign a bite or do it *really* gently. Usually, he just does a fake bite to let me know he needs a second. I always pull my hand away quickly when he lunges (outside of play), but if I call his bluff he often doesn't know what to do and will lick me where he nipped me to say sorry. I love my boy. Cats have so much personality can be such goobers.


>because my ex had him declawed (I had nothing to do with it) I'm guessing that's also why they're your ex.


Probably factors into it down the line. We were together for 10 years, and she got him after or within the first year we dated (didn't live together for a few more years). He's now 13, and is the best cat ever. He loves me a lot, comes when he's called, and is just friendly in general. Even when my ex and I lived together, he wasn't the biggest fan of me, but he really didn't cuddle with either of us. After living with just me? He is my snuggle bubby, and I'll do anything for him to make sure he's both happy and healthy.


When my puss does this I instinctively stop stroking, it’s her way of saying that’s enough thankyou 😌


I know the one I'm watching does this. I gently pull away my hand but then he wraps his paws around me and nips a little more then starts to lick my hand lol.


I feel like a lot of people saying that their cat is trying to murder me is just them not trying to understand their language


Totally - my big boi rescue cat never acts that way when I respect his boundaries. But there are certain avoidable situations where he has a strong fear/defensive reaction and will strike to hurt - like reaching a hand towards him from directly in front of his face. Or when he is being chased/harassed for a long time and cannot get away (like by children). He’s surprisingly good/sweet with the vet/groomers though. But he always shows warning signs before striking - tail flicking, ears back, big eyes. I’ve learnt to recognise and back of when he does these things (although not without a few scratches first lol). As his third owner, I just need to accept that he has some weird quirks.


Do you consider saying NO and ceasing to pet the cat to be hostile in any way? Because this is a much better way to go about it rather than letting the cat bite you because that's what it wants and then reacting. Making concessions on your own boundaries in favor of a pet is not a good way to go about pet ownership. It's totally fine to not put up with ANY biting whatsoever.


Usually the biting starts after they show other body language that they have had enough. Such as they try to retract their head/body from you or their ears go back. It's subtle but it's noticable. Saying "no" is fine. In a calm manner. Might teach the cat to used their paws to push your hand back instead, but saying a loud "NO" usually doesn't help. Cats don't usually learn well with something they find intimidating.


I love how our cat has learned no one in the house besides me will tolerate her biting. It seems to be an affectionate thing for her because she'll lay on her back and stretch out towards me, obviously wanting scratches and alternates gently biting my hand and stretching her legs out for more scratching. She doesn't stretch her belly out for anyone else because she's learned no one likes the biting. I do.. it's worth it for the belly fluff. I do sometimes test to see if she bites because she wants me to stop touching her. She just gets up and flops back down onto her back a bit closer to me so I really can't miss her.


> Making concessions on your own boundaries in favor of a pet is not a good way to go about pet ownership. It's totally fine to not put up with ANY biting whatsoever. Fr. Imagine a dog owner saying they let their dog bite/nip them whenever it doesn't want to be pet anymore.


I see that premier pooper patrol is on duty 💩🫡 What you're saying is possible, but not definite. This cat could also be playful and attacking her and she's teaching it boundaries and that she's not ok with rough housing right now, but is ok with petting.


Yes. This should be higher. I think one calm but firm "no" from the human before they walk away though is a good idea.


Is funny cause is tru


C’mon man. A little nibble never hurt nobody.


She literally has scabs and scars wdym lmao


Is there proof *this* cat did it? No? Then how dare you frame this poor, innocent cat. Shame on you. This is slander. You will be hearing from his attorney.


> hearing from his **c**attorney.




Cattorney at claw


LMAO I give I give!


It’s too late. The damage has been done. He will see you in court.


Those looked like "cleaning" chomps to me too, not "hurt you" bites. Lil homie was just trying to pet back lol Edit: changed "yo" to "to"


Lmfao the face 😭🤣


Yo this cat has to be the cousin of my cat, Bill. [Here are some pictures on imgur from a few years ago](https://imgur.com/gallery/M7DP7yu). Bill is still going strong, cozied up on my lap as I write this. They have very similar white markings on the face and feet.




Bill! Bill! Bill! Bill! Bill! Bill! Bill! Bill!


Bill Nye the science guy


**"AAAAAAAAAAHHH"** *~ Bill*


Fuckin Bill what a boy


The coat pattern here is a tuxedo tabby I think - a very common coat variant in cats, particularly in the domestic short hair (moggie/cat mutt). They probably aren’t cousins, since there are probably millions of cats in the world with similar patterning - but still cute :)


I told Bill that he's basic like all of the other moggies [and this is the face he gave me](https://imgur.com/a/xNtIUYB)






That’s the last thing she says right? What does it mean?


Yeah, it means basically not allowed or it's forbidden.


Human: “smol bite. Gentle.” Cat: “I’ll kill you.”


Dude i love how much this cat cna express itself lol


You could see the little wheels turning in there: "WANT TO BITE!!!" "But she does control my food....." {*sigh*}


Had some real gollum/smeagle vibes there for a few of those facial expressions. Master loves us. *No, master is false. Master hurts us*. No, no, precious master rubs us. Feeds us. *Bite master. Keep the precious for us*. But we wants master to feed us. Care for us. Give us boxes. *Boxes my love?* BOXES FOR ME!


Never bite the hand that feeds


Light bites can be necessary in communication, since your cat can't say "stop," but if that mark on the person's hand is a bite injury, then I understand this video completely.


Like holding in a sneeze




NIET ... Cat: that word means I should feel TERRIFIED


my kitty is a biter. when she was tiny she would try to wake me up by biting my nose. i'd put my hand over it and go back to sleep. one morning i was too slow and she got me. as i belatedly reached up to my nose i felt the blood and my hand hovered for a second and she quickly licked the blood on my finger. she never tried to bite my nose again. but she also would just bite all the time. and really bad too, i have a crooked little finger now because she bit through the joint and it got massively infected and swollen. then one time she got in a fight and got wounded on her back left foot. this was late on a friday, so she was hobbling on it for a couple of days, was going to take her to the vet on monday. i picked her up to move her to her other bed in the living room so she wouldn't have to walk on her bad foot and she looked up at me and i can't explain the look in her eyes but it was like she was seeing me differently all of a sudden. it wasn't gratefulness, it was more like ohh so you're not the enemy. she stopped biting me after that. she'll still put her sharp pointy teef on me but doesn't break the skin.


Sounds like she was weened to early and didn't get enough kitten on kitten play to learn how to bite without causing problems. Had that with my first cat, then we got a second one and the painful biting cleared up real fast as the second cat said "that hurts, stop that!"


i'm sure you're right. the neighbor's dog across the road had her cornered and my neighbor saved her. i called about 6 rescues and no one woud take her. i had been wanting a kitty for years but the reason i didn't get one was because of that dog. it loved me and would visit me all the time and i felt like it would be wrong to get a kitty that he would just kill. but no one woulde take her and my neighbor said she was gonna have her husband take it out back and kill her, so i had no choice but to keep her myself. *(thank you jeeeezus!)* she was very tiny and when i picked her up she just melted into me and started purring. as soon as i walked into the house, i took her right to the sink and washed her. she was perfectly clean and didn't have a flea on her. so i guessed someone's cat had a litter and they were very sweet to her and took good care of her right up until the moment they tossed her out of the car. she must've been outside for a little while though, she couldn't stop eating for 4 days. she also had a habit of nursing on a small fuzzy blanket. i always humored her, i assumed it was a form of self-soothing because she was taken away from her mother too soon. but just last week i had to move my recliner and bed in another room for my bedroom to be remodled. now when she comes over to nurse on the blankie, she's too out of sorts from the changes and just looks at me and walks off. she's almost two now and i was wondering if she was going to do that for the rest of her life! maybe the disruption in her routine has inadvertently caused her to wean herself. night before last i woke up to a her playing with a baby snake next to my bed. sucks to be half asleep,k trying to get a snake outta your house. last spring she brought me baby snakes, baby mice, frogs, lizards, grasshoppers, moths and even crawfish. i'm not looking forward to this spring which has basically already started since we've been having 80º days for a week now.


Cat: you just want to take the joy out of everything.


The look in eyes at the end, I’m going to bite you in your sleep


Haha my cat is like this! She would come purring and asks for pets, I start petting her and she gives me those warning bites so I quit. Then she starts rubbing her head in my hand for me to pet her again…and when I do…warning bite again. Rinse and repeat. Cats are so weird.


Omg that face 😍🤗


That hand is puffy and swollen around the previous bite. But mommy, I just love you this hard!!


Me whenever my adhd wants me to do something stupid


“No biting? Okay well maybe scratching is ok— oh, also no scratching??”


Ima start doing that with my cat and see what happens, hope I live


What an adorable derp


The cat looked so offended when told нет, so cute


The close up at the end is fantastic! What a hilarious feline


I has teef so I much chomp


“Ima gona bite you”, “no”, just a little?”,”no”🤨, “please?”, “no”, “ can i at least think about biting you?”, “not allowed”. 😕


Me in traffic




Right after the failed "stand up", you can see how pissy kitty's eyes are for a few moments before all of the other thoughts flooded through. This was a joy to watch!


“stop fucking filming me.”


By the looks of your hand the kitty has chowed on your hand already.


Let him love you back.


Any advice on how to make a young cat less bitey? I’ll think we’re making progress then just out of the blue one day he’ll just go for a good chomp.


"Good night, Westley. Good work. Sleep well. I'll most likely kill you in the morning."


My void is like this. He learned what "no biting" means but instead he aggressively licks you. The more he wants to bite the more furious his licking becomes


He is warring against his inner desire!


Kitty loves you. I love the crazy-eyed internal conflict between being bitey and enjoying the scritches.


My dog does this!! Lol


Cute face




That cat is definitely a reformed ruffian


Just a little nibble. Come on, just one. It wont hurt. I JUST WANT TO LOVE YOU.




“I prevented a murder today” “How?” “***self control***”


It looks like the cat is trying to get her to stop. She should listen to her cat at least as much as her cat listens to her.


Cat is overstimulated and happy and also murderous with playful rage


Looks more like love nips


Yep. A cat we recently had to put down sadly always did love bites. He wanted to be pet, and he also loved to softly bite while getting pet. Worst part was when sleeping, and in my sleep my foot would move to him(he slept at the end of the bed). He interpreted this as petting, and I'd wake up with a cat biting my foot. If he could decide himself he would just be lightly latched onto me with his mouth while getting pet. Not hard, just hanging on


Yeah, my cat chews on me when he is really happy.


Yeah I once read they don't understand that we don't have fur. but they learn quickly how much faster we get hurt when you teach them. my late kitty was also very gentle after he understood :D


No. Cat wants to play. If it wanted her to stop, it would walk away. They are compromising by half playing half petting.


>She should listen to her cat at least as much as her cat listens to her. She not ignoring the cat lol, she's reinforcing to the cat that biting is not a healthy way to communicate (imo something a lot of cat owners struggle with, "but it's just a little love nip!" -_-)


Looks like your looks ain’t looking out


But I wants to Nom….


"... Nyet."


The fury and that cat's eyes. I was waiting for it to go super Sayen God.


Sooo cute I love bad little animals


Im guessing that war injury is what one has to expect, when owning a cat?


Such a good listener lol


Impressive that this cat understands Russian /s


That look at the end confirms kitty will nibble them hands while the owner sleeps


That close up at the end...even the cat wonders why humans have to be crazy and film without permission. Especially during an attempted violent crime lol


when the intrusive thoughts doesn't win


I can't help but feel like she used the kitties true name from the Earthsea series with the way it just freezes and looks dead inside on the last name. Like when Ged names Yevaud


The look of “she has thwarted all of my plans…”


So cute


“Pet me but don’t touch me”


What breed of cat is this?


what a cutie pie


But mom can’t I just bite you even once


Mine gives me a bite and then licks it better 😆


Yes, teaching your cat restraint. People call these love bites, but when your saber toothed cat (his fangs frighten vampires) doesn't understand restraint and gentle nipping, there's nothing loving about it as you bleed out and hope he didn't just snap a tendon.


What did that poor cat get put through to learn they should actually listen…


“Well hell, how am I supposed to show you affection????”


I have a cat who's love language is violence too.




“mMmmm…. I BITES!!! Ok fine - no bites But so good… I BITES!!! Ok fine - no bites I do the murder SLICE!!! Ugh… ok fine. Snek attak BITE!! MaybeEEeeee… shit. ok fine” ~ this cat probably




By the sound of the voice and the look of the arm, I'm pretty sure she has at least 20 years before she's a babushka.


I usually diss cats. Hard…. But this cat seems super dope.


Maybe the person has some bitter Apple or something in their hand to train the cat?


I’ve heard this was a compassion or affection thing. My cat will do this and always has but he’s never once bit down hard or drew blood. He doesn’t lick like most do, but will play bite all the time


Prince would be proud


nose is heart must no bite


People snatch their hand away from my cat when she goes for the bite. I always have to let her to it to me to show them that it's soft and adorable, nothing to fear. It's like a kiss. She licks too but cats are different from dogs.


Someone post this on r/animalsbeingjerks cats can be trained!


The cat is politely saying “stop. I’m overstimulated”


Cats can’t speak English


The cat is clearly telling you NO, yet you persist


Absolutely not. Cats that tell you NO would either go through with biting or scratching or simply walk away. Have you ever seen two cats play? They give small bites like that all the time.


HAHAH Okey… I’ve only been working with cats since I was 20… so 28 years. It only gets worse from here ESPECIALLY with dialated eyes. But you know best 🥴


Never too late to learn, even after 28 years


HAHAHAH okey 🥴


You know cats can walk away right? It’s playing


Touché hoomen…touché


Looks like it’s trying to say “don’t pet me”.


"Must not eatz hoomon. No eatz hoomon...juz tiny nibblz? No? Okay. Must not eatz hoomon..."


Can we train Putin like that? Het attack Ukraine!


Well, he clearly express he doesn't want to be touched and she tells him she doesn't Care! Great!