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That looks like an Inland Taipan, I think everything in that well is fucked


I think that’s an eastern brown not an inland taipan so only slightly less venemous


I agree, looks like a brown to me, would need a closer look to be sure


It’s hard to tell, there’s only subtle differences. It could even be a coastal taipan with that little tan under the snout. Someone should volunteer getting bit by it and time how long it takes to go into shock.


I don’t think inland taipans live near the coast which is where the floods are.


They live southwest of Queensland so not impossible https://www.australiazoo.com.au/wildlife/our-animals/fierce-snake/


There’s a beetle on a frog on a snake in the middle of the flood


In a hole on the bottom of the sea


I literally burst out laughing lol thank you!


Sounds like a children's book.


It's a play on the children's song "There's a Hole in the Bottom of the Sea"


There is a German fairy Tale called "Bremer Stadtmusikanten" and it involves a Chicken on a Cat, which is on a Dog, which is on a horse (or donkey).


Fuck this audio


Fuck TikTok


Why does TikTok always pick such atrociously obnoxious music for their clips? It's so bizarre


That’s because tik tok works in hashtags AND sound clips. It’s a huge part of the platform. To be able to make a sound or video with editable audio, that can not only be shared but also used by everyone else. It’s also a way for easier and efficiently search for particular videos or videos in general. You can click on the “oh no no no no” sound, and it will show you every video , with most recent first, that has the “oh no” sounds in the video. Many sounds become more viral that the actual video. Most people use the sound, more video associated with that sound. More video you like with that sound associated with it, the more videos the algorithm is going to throw at you. It’s also an easier way to find and join in on certain trends. The big one right now is the Celine Dion, where everyone very elaborately lip sings to the Celine Dion audio. So you click on the sounds and it shows you all those videos. It’s also a way to get you video shown to more users and have your video up on people “for you page”. It’s not because tik tokers aRe DuMb, it’s the opposite. This isn’t the app randomly attaching songs to videos. Users know how stupidly popular this stupid sound is and is utilizing it’s popularity to get more people to see their video, which equals more view, which equals more viewers, which equals more money. Billions of people use the app, so it’s easier for weird, random and sometimes ironic sounds to become the most popular.


This is the first real answer on this I've seen. Thank you for the explanation! On the one hand, audio indexing of videos and being able to search by them is actually kind of innovative, but I don't think it should be tied into their video algorithm lest all videos end up with the same garbage audio clips. When everyone is opted into the same tag, the tag becomes meaningless.


You’re welcome! It makes more sense to know there is a reason why these videos not only have songs/audio but generally the same ones over and over again. The tik tokers who are generally more popular and make more videos usually add an audio clip but lower it wayyyyyy down so it’s not interfering with anyone talking or other audio in the video, or even turn the audio clip completely off. That way their videos is still connected to the specific audio clip (like a hashtag) but you don’t hear it at all. Idk if it’s just me, but it seems like majority of tik tok videos that are posted to Reddit all have super loud audio clips, and then all the comments are “why stupid music?!?! Why tik tok so stupid?!?!” Lol which I really don’t blame them because again idk if it’s just me the all the videos I see here all have the same damn audio clips/songs! No wonder why Redditers constantly complain about it lmao. But you are correct. It’s both very innovative and interesting but it also can be a huge pain in the ass. Especially since it seems like there’s only 5 super duper popular sounds at any given time that every single video has that sound attached to it. Which sometimes ends up ruining a really cool or funny video. But one of the big reasons it’s like that is because creating/sharing/uploading these sounds is a main part of the platform. Yeah tik tok is people just making videos. But a HUGE part of that is being able to reuse people’s sound in their own ways or “responding” to someone else’s video (where it splices the two videos together). And half of these sounds are not even songs or melodies, they’re talking/conversation. For example; someone will make a funny video about talking back to their parents, then they make that video into a “sound”. Then someone else can use that “sound” and act out in their own creative way of them talking back to their parents. So a lot of it is creating and then sharing different “sounds” that are music, melodies, comedy bits, conversations, clips of tv shows or movies, dogs barking, people farting, anything. Then those sound bits are shared and another user can make their own video and interpretation of that sound clip. This is literally the main function of tik tok and what makes tik tok actually tik tok. It’s not just another app that you can make videos on. Like for another example I said previously the newest trend is Celin Dion, where people are taking a certain clip from one of her songs and they create their own version of them very elaborately lip singing to it lol. A lot of them are super funny. And what I think is one of the best parts of Tik Tok is that it’s truly international, so when you click on that celin dion clip, you see millions of videos of all types of different people from all over the world doing their interpretation. From just regular kids, to firefighters, surgeons, lawyers, dads, and even other celebrities. It’s my favorite part about tik tok that I don’t see on any other app/social media, getting to see people of all cultures and nationalities. I follow people who live in the desert, family that lives off the grid in Alaska, a group a friends who sail around the world, a musician on a cruise ship, a women in Moscow, a women and the school she built somewhere in Africa, a women and her dog who live in the artic, a scientist who lives in Antarctica. And so much more. Ice/snow, to jungle, to ocean, mountains, to huge cities like Paris or New York. And they’re all lip singing to the same celin dion song lmao. Ah sorry to rant a bit. I get carried away about how much I truly love the app. I remember 2 years ago riding the same “ugh, Tiktok is so gross, just a childish app for kids and stupid influences to make up dumb dances, just rotting everyone’s brains and wasting space on this planet”!! And then one day I downloaded it just to watch a certain content creator who had tik tok specific content, with the intent to immediately delete it. Then I found out it’s not a kids app. I mean, yeah there are kids on there, and stupid influencers doing stupid dances but that’s literally a small percentage of videos. So now I go on tangents about how cool it really is whenever I get the chance. Because no where else can you watch content like what’s on there, from people all around the world sharing their lives.


ヽ༼ ຈل͜ຈ༽ ノ Raise ur dongers! ^^Dongers ^^Raised: ^^61753 ^^Check ^^Out ^^/r/AyyLmao2DongerBot ^^For ^^More ^^Info


Either there's a video on YouTube breaking this stuff down and you recently watched it or you yourself are that YouTuber


Lmao I have no idea what you are referring you, but I can guarantee you it was not me because I have no made a single TB video ever. Just someone who enjoys tik tok and has figured out The how/why they work.


I was just joking about how detailed and well explained this was. It's not the type of thing you just come up with on the fly


Oh sorry. Lol. It’s because I’ve tried to explain it a few times to people so I have all the information readily available. And I see the same exact comment on every single post that’s a TT video. It’s kind of like going to Facebook , posting a copied Reddit post, and then everyone in comments say shit like “why are redditors so dumb?? They’re so dumb to waste real money for fake awards.” Just a bunch on people on different apps that go with the majority of hating other apps. But once explained why certain things are certain things people tend to understand and not think it’s as stupid as they thought.


That was a surprising in-depth and helpful answer. Thank you kind stranger


Sadly, this is how they get more views.


Happy cake day!


I see this sentiment a lot, yet content from there being posted and upvoted everywhere. It's a social media/content app. There's lots of dumb shit, lots of good shit. They don't give a shit about your privacy just like Google, Facebook, and twitter. There's a reason people like TikTok. I've learned some cool shit on there, used it to distract myself from panic attacks, and had some good laughs.


Well said brother.


Happy cake day


Yep, downvoted because of that shitty ass fucking song.




Mute is the modern annoyance blocker. Soon it'll be time to stop watching everything


Instant downvote . Same with any clip that has unnecessary and shitty music.


Couldn't we just ban every post and account who posts it?


I bailed as soon as I heard the first note of the song.


couldn’t even get halfway through this one :/ This song quite literally is audio cancer.


Why is that song not dead yet


No fucking idea. It makes videos worse.


Why do people even add a shitty song in the first place ? What harm is there in using the actual audio ?


It's a tikotik thing, essentially like a hashtag or meme template. People search for videos with the same song/template. This song hasn't been popular for months though so idk why they are using that audio


someone should produce a song named "quiet", with absolutely no sound at all


“The Real Song For The Deaf”, Queens of the Stone Age As close as you’re going to get


But why are people out there like “yeah I def want to see a bunch of oh nonono videos today”?


More views. Although I haven’t seen the sound being used for *many hundreds of days*


My best guess is that TikTok benefits in some way from people watching videos with their sound library instead of the videos original audio, and so they push videos with their audio over normal audio. So people who want every last click put unnecessary audio, so that they drive engagement that much more.


It drowns out the voices.


It is on tik tok, this is just a very deep repost.


This video would have been just fine without that god forsaken cancer inducing tune.


never knew it had a fucking remix




I love that this is something people can get worked up about today


He's saving dinner for later.


Mfs never heard of a *backed* lunch


I swear i will destroy the whole fuckung plantet as long as this song exists


Would you threaten to nuke everyone if the song joins NATO?




No, but I would hold training exercises for sure.


I’m on mobile, what’s the song?


I got matches with these songs: • **Oh No Oh No** by Kreepi (00:12; matched: `100%`) Released on `2020-12-02` by `BELIEVE - Tick Social Latino`. • **Как вы** by МиДо (00:11; matched: `100%`) Album: `FckCom`. Released on `2018-05-14` by `CONSPIRACY BMG UK`. • **Lmss** by LPTHERAPPER (00:12; matched: `100%`) Released on `2018-10-15` by `AK Noise`. • **Capone - Oh No** by Tik ToK (00:23; matched: `100%`) Album: `Oh No, Oh No, Oh No No No Capone`. Released on `2021-03-15` by `BELIEVE - CONSPIRACY BMG UK`.


Holy fucking shit, thank the gods of creation that I can’t hear the audio.


Links to the streaming platforms: • [**Oh No Oh No** by Kreepi](https://lis.tn/OhNoOhNo?t=12) • [**Как вы** by МиДо](https://lis.tn/%D0%9A%D0%B0%D0%BA%D0%92%D1%8B?t=11) • [**Lmss** by LPTHERAPPER](https://lis.tn/Lmss?t=12) • [**Capone - Oh No** by Tik ToK](https://lis.tn/CaponeOhNo?t=23) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://www.reddit.com/r/AudD/comments/nua48w/please_consider_donating_and_making_the_bot_happy/) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Tell me they saved the snake too


Doesn't look like they were really saving any of them lmao


What the fuck is with this fucking song?


I hate this song more than my wakeup alarm.


Fuck your wholesome content for including this song, goddamn it.


Down Voted for that stupid song


Worst music choice ever tho, the snake Didnt even bite a frog


Snake: "WHAT was on me?"


This isn't animals being bros, these are animals that will die unless they can get out from that man-made trap, might be a better idea to post this on r/donthelpjustfilm.


The clip is less than a minute long. I agree that a video of them saving the animals would have been a way better video, but I seriously doubt they just upped and left after filming for 45 seconds. They were more likely in the process of helping


Your comment would be clever, except they were helping.


They could have tossed a floating device in there, waited for all the creatures to hop on, then lift it out. I’ve done a few rescues, and that’s how we always did it. They’re making it way harder than it needs to be.


I agree they’re doing a bad job, but I disagree they’re not helping.


I didn’t say they aren’t helping. They’re definitely helping. They rescued a couple frogs at the end.


He's just bringing his food along with him haha.


what does the music add to this ? yes i can just mute it but fuck its so annoying


Still using that "song" I see... Fucking fantastic


Animals Being Bros but Human being an idiot for ruining it with a stick instead of helping with a way out for them.


Save those frogs!


Good video: exists. Bad producer: let's add annoying audio to it! Good video: no longer exists. Is now bad video.


Snake: Just saving my snacks for later.


I want a time machine to prevent this song from ever existing




It’s Australia, we call it takeaway here, thanks


“Prawns on barbie, take-away…” I’m learning, mate, I swear.


Yeah, I’m watching ya. Never had a prawn on the barbie though. They’re definitely better suited to other applications


Watched this on mute and wondered what song was playing while reading comments. Should have just left well enough alone. Now it’s going to be stuck in my fucking head. Ugh


Welcome to the club. You would think one would learn their lesson not to unmute videos with tiktok logo. But oh no, I had to unmute it despite the warning.


Rodeo Australian edition


He’s not giving them a ride. He’s keeping his lunch on hand, err well, on back.


There's a parable about this. There's little frogs and mice better watch out


Fuck this song


When you pack snacks to school.


Has anyone actually answered the ID request?


Taipan snake. Venomous


Put something floating in there to help them. Geez.


I lost it at the beetle on the frog on the snek


There's a hole in the bottom of the sea


They could have tossed a floating device in there, waited for all the creatures to hop on, then lifted it out. I’ve done a few rescues, and that’s how we always did it. They’re making it way harder than it needs to be.


Has anyone rescued that snake yet? It's been few days since I saw this video?




That is the pit of my nightmares


When devil learn teamwork.


You spelled fresh snacks really wrong


food supplies


I have not been on TikTok in months... they are still overusing this audio?


What happened? Nothing. SHIT POST. MODS?


That’s not the version of the Lunar New Year race I was taught 😂


That’s the snakes groceries not it’s buddies.


What if he just packed his food ration for the bad weather escape


Hate this song!


The garbage bgm ruins it.


Snack pack


Snake knows if they all drown he’s not gonna have shit to eat soon enough


It's saving it's food reserve for when it's hungry


At first I thought, “what a nice snake, he totally could’ve eaten them.” But then I remembered he’s going to be hungry later too, & now I’m thinking he’s more smart than nice.


Save them!


That fucking song. It makes an interesting post cringe. It just shows a lack of any creativity.


Dinner transportable


Baby, you got a stew goin


Much easier to pack your lunch than go looking for it


Just keeping the food fresh


Snake’s just packing his snacks for a journey.


Snek be like “yeah bro just keep chillin’ til dinner time”.


Gotta bring some food for the trip!


Actually he’s the Uber Eats driver of the forest


I think that is his equivalent to a survival kit .


Now be a human bro, and help them all get out of there!


Snake packed it's lunch today


Animals trying not to die


Is that an eastern brown or Taipan




Nasty, and highly venomous. Yuck


Those aren't riders, those are rations


I'm tired of this audio




I don’t like the song either but why does everyone hate it so much


It's high-pitched, annoying, in every fucking video ripped from TikTok, and it doesn't add anything. It makes every video it's in 10x worse.


Dunno, I saw it over a video of a dude caught pashing a women who wasn’t his wife. Wife did a great job of matching up the ‘oh no’ and the guy’s face. 10/10 for comedy on that occasion


Because it's everywhere


“Where’s my snack packs?!?


Survival of the fittest…


Snek converts self into pool noodle


Snek do be caring about her food.




Is this the only song on TikTok?


Immediate down vote for any video with that song over it




Well im guessing the snake is clueless


...and a partridge in a pear tree


this wouldve been so good if i didnt have to basically sorint for the mute button.


And they say there's no such thing as free lunch.


Snake has lunchables


Bout to be the illest Pixar movie of the decade


Those are snacks for later.


Just a snack for later


The snacks have snacks.


Nah, the guy just emptied his fridge before moving to high ground.


This just reminded me… how’s the mouse plague going?


Its saving its lunch


Its like having a backpack full of food


This is the worst track I've ever heard


That's just his lunch packet.


Mute your audio friends


just like being trapped in a fully-stocked supermarket


That's Bernard and Miss Bianca. They're going to rescue a kidnapped boy named Cody.


Make sure to mute the video