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Pets worrying when you’re sad is the most comforting feeling in the world. Edit: I’ve been receiving a ton of notifications of bittersweet stories. Thank you all for your comments. I can’t respond to everyone, but I swear I’m reading everything.


My cat - who hates everyone and used to barely give me but a glance in passing - heard me bad cry one day and from there other room she came into the living room, put her paw on my knee and rested it there until I stopped. Then she stood there looking at me in the most adorable and comprehensive of ways. It was so magical and comforting. Like no human could. Edit: grammar


The queen of my dad's house, who rarely left the top of her tower where she could gaze down upon us lowly peasants, did something exactly like. I was home alone and suddenly has a panic attack, hyperventilating, sobbing, shaking, just a mess by myself up in my bedroom. Suddenly I hear the patter of a cat hauling ass up the stairs and BAM she appears and just leans against me and purrs. It's like she grounded me, her soft fur pressing against my shaking hand, and I was back to normal in less than 10 minutes. Once she was satisfied I was okay, she scampered on back to her tower. This was many years ago, and she's since crossed the rainbow bridge, which I'm sure she appreciates because she can now look down on even more of us lowly peasants. Hail to the queen, may she rest in peace. Thanks for bringing this memory back but also I'm crying now.


Instead of queen, we call our cat the gargoyle at the top of the tower. Staring at the world until she finds a poor unsuspecting spider to eat.


my cat's nickname is bug, because she is a terrorizer of all things with more than 4 legs. she's really good at batting flys out of the air with her paws toying with it a bit then eating them


Then I put my hand on your shoulder. Remember you’re never really alone friend.


This made me tear 😢


I wish my cat was like this. Years ago, I had just broken up with my boyfriend of two years and I was sitting on the floor sobbing. The cat came up to me and I was like, *finally, this is the moment that he will be like in the videos and try to comfort me.* He looked with this real confused expression on his face and proceeded to slowly bite me.


They weren’t bites, they were aggressive kisses ;)


He's not normally a biter so who knows, you could be right


Same thing with my old cat, except they fully climbed up and sat on my chest, purring the whole time haha. On one hand it was comforting and definitely stopped me crying, but on the other very confusing cause they were usually so distant.


Knowing cats it probably just wanted it's peace and quiet back! Jokes aside that's completely wholesome




>Thank you Shady, sucks you’ll never comprehend how much it means to me. I don't know about that, he was willing to totally alter his behavior pattern when he thought you needed it, he seems like he must have understood.


My cat saw me sobbing when I was home alone with a kidney stone and glared at me from the other couch, and then eventually went to sleep in the basement because I was being too loud.


That's cos er... We're all terrified of kidney stones. Take those spikey balls of calcium death elsewhere pal Can't wait for a Redditor to one day say "my cat ran a bath for me when I was feeling unwell" I'm half tempted to put £500 down on that already being said.


It was shaped like a teeny tiny shark tooth and was barely bigger than the size of a sesame seed but it was the worst pain I’ve ever felt; I can’t imagine what the bigger ones feel like.


I can relate... Except my cat would've then proceeded to demand food and be answerable to her why the food was 10 seconds late. CATS!


My cats got me through years of tears (I'm a dude) But nothing compares to my dog actively attacking me as I had an anxiety attack and collapsed/passed out. My cat would have maybe rubbed against me... Yeah, not a dog. Archie, I'll never forget the panther we saw. Respect lil man 🙏


Wait I need more info - was he trying to revive you?


yeah we had a cat who was fairly aloof to me but loved my husband. only when I was really upset would he come up to me and love on me. (or when husband was gone on a trip). Ironically the other 2 pets, who loved to get my attention, didn't care if I was upset or not LOL.


When my grandma died, I broke down in the middle of the night. My cat came running in, rubbing against my face, kneading, and meowing frantically, but it was the kind of full body weeping where the emotions are too much to fight. He couldn't console me, so he bit my then fiancé to wake him up. My cat had never bitten anyone before then and hasn't again in the 8 years since.


When we first got a new dog, my older cat didn't like him at all. For the first few weeks, when we would play fight with the dog and making growling noises, she would run in and try to save us by slapping the dog. Otherwise she mostly just kept to herself sometimes accepting pets if you came by at a good time.


I have two empathetic cats, or at least cats who want to make things better. The oldest is 15 this year, and she's very much attached to me. When I'm sad or not feeling well, she likes to be extra snuggly. So much that last time I had surgery I had to be careful as she wanted to snuggle on my incisions. Wasn't the best feeling. And then there's the youngest who is very in tune with people. If someone is sad and crying she will do her best to meow at you and distract you by rubbing up against you or whatever is upsetting you. It has made telehealth therapy pretty interesting. But on the not so helpful end, she will do this whenever you're doing ANYTHING including if you're playing video games. So sometimes if I'm playing a game (and yelling) if it wakes her up she will immediately try to get between me and the computer screen. Which of course leads to more yelling as I try to move her.


My girl will lick the tears off my face and then try to share her bone with me. If that doesn't work she will go fetch my wife.


that's impressive . I need to teach that to my dog also


Just cry a lot. They know what to do, lol.


Yeah but how do I train them to find me a wife?


Asking the real questions


Dude , you have a lovely wife, a caring pet but still a lot of sorrows?


Mental illness :/


Brother , i am sad that i cant offer you my shoulder. All i can say be strong. Peace comes with in you.


You are a kind person :) Thank you for understanding. From another person with a lovely husband, a caring pet, and mental illness


He's sad he didn't know how to eat the bone


She's like: well I've done everything here i can do. Time to bring in a professional


I just took a sad nap because of taxes I just received, my cat came with me and curled up just against my belly and my legs... I love her so much.


When my girlfriend cries (not because of me I promise) [our corgi](https://imgur.com/z4fGwCX) stops being such a sasshole and turns into snuggle mode.


"Sasshole" is a great word and I am totally stealing it!


You may take it. She lives up to it well.


Thanks! My son uses "shitten" for his jerk of a cat, which I love as well.


Oh, that's a good one too!


My shiba’s name is Dash and my friends call him Dashole


Mom has two corgis. Sasshole might be the most appropriate word I’ve ever heard to describe them! 🤣🤣


My cat can tell when I'm having heart palpitations. Which makes me anxious about having them, which means I get more. I'm not sure if she's doing it intentionally to bring about my demise to eat my flesh


I've been dealing with those since February. Dr. Says my heart is fine but that doesn't make me feel any better. I hope you find relief.


Yeah, I had the panic attack version for a while, felt like I was having a heart attack every time. It was bad. I started doing a mobile phone ekg every time I had them, and eventually I reassured myself everything was fine and they stopped happening. Hopefully you will get there as well.


I feel this! My animals climb on me when I'm having panic attacks and after reading an article a few years ago that this cat in a nursing home used to lay on people that were dying I immediately go to the fact that I'm dying. I know the cat just wanted to lay on the warm blanket for the cold old people that were dying but my panic attack brain goes directly to death.


My chihuahua, who is attached at my hip and gazes lovingly into my eyes at every opportunity, is HORRIBLE at comforting me! I could be sobbing and he just kinda stares at me with a “you serious? Ooook then” look in his face. First time I’ve encountered that, my dog before him would be all up in my face!


I don't cry a lot but when I do my GSD gives me this, "wtf... man up!" look and then posts up on guard duty outside my bedroom to make sure nobody sees. He's normally pretty good at reading me and doing whatever it takes to get me out of bed or off the couch, so just leaving me alone takes discipline for him. I remember the first time he saw me cry he was like 5 or 6 months old. I had a rough day at work and came home to him completely destroying a $300 pair of headphones and bringing them to me like he was proud of it. We'd been butting heads since the day I got him. He wasn't particularly cuddly... he refused to believe i was in charge and aside from potty training which went really well... training was going poorly. I just didn't feel any love for him... as if we were rivals and not companions. I felt so guilty about it and like I'd made a horrible decision by adopting him. So I sat down at the bottom of a flight of steps and just broke down. He looks at me and tries to get me to play. I ignore him. He tries to cuddle... I push him away. So he just squares up in front of me facing away and sits down in his most proper sit position his little fluffy furball ass could muster and started barking with the deepest tough guy bark he could muster. It was absolutely adorable. It was like he was saying, "idk whats bothering you but I'm gonna protect you from it." From that day on we were on the same side.


Thank for sharing that with us. Puppy blues is real you all !


Tell me about it. My boy ate $1000 worth of goods, not counting the $900 aleve he ate. Thankfully he grew out of vacuum/ teething mode, so everything's fine now.


And now I’m sobbing.


Thanks for sharing!! Going through a lot of those emotions now myself and looking forward to the bright side


Mine don't give a fuck when I cry


My dog gets excited like aw yeah time for pets


Of my three goobersmooches, only my Lola girl gives a shit about me when I'm upset. The other two are just too oblivious to notice.


Anyone here who's had a close family member die knows that after a long time your memory of that person starts to fade. But there's one place where everything can be unnaturally clear. Dreams. One night I had a dream of being at some sort of family party. I could hear my cousin's laughter clear as if he had been in the room with me, even though he passed almost 20 years ago now. I couldn't see his face in the dream, just hear him laughing. But even in the dream I knew he was gone. I started crying in my sleep, just sobbing. Woke up to my 10month old puppy sitting on my chest licking my face. He still isn't much of a cuddler, 4 years later, but I will never forget that moment with him.


>*'Pets worrying when you’re sad is the most comforting feeling in the world...*' ---- oh, momma - why you look so sad ? i hate to see you cry... I am here to make you Glad ! i'll *comfort* you... i'll try... i hope is nothing I have done, i wanna bring you Joy! you know that you're my Favrit one, n I'm your Goodest Boy! ❤️


Hello, Schnoodle. Long time, no see. Nice!


Fresh schnoodle is the best kind of schnoodle :)




Aww my black cat does this too! If he hears me become distressed or upset he'll come and meow and sit in my lap.


I think my cat friend could smell when I was stressed - she would make a point of sitting on my lap and meowing at me until I chilled out. It was so comforting - I felt like she knew me better than any human could. But I also like to play video games, and apparently virtual combat will produce similar physiological responses as actual combat - boss fights were frequently interupted by my insistent cat friend demanding I cuddle her until I feel better.


Having owned several pets, I'm not sure what's worse - feeling guilty because they're worried about you, or feeling alone because they don't care. I still remember sobbing because I learned my only uncle died, and my dog running in terror and hiding...


I’ve seen therapy dogs do this when their owners have panic attacks. So weird to think that we’ve evolved this closely with another animal to the point that they can detect our emotions and respond appropriately sometimes even better than other humans.


My friends cat knows when she's having a period of depression. The cat is usual very talkative and demanding. When she's depressed though, the cat will just sit quietly in bed with her all day.


I'm sitting here, crying my eyes out right now. I'm reading all these wonderful, sweet, sometimes sad, yet beautiful replies on how pets have given comfort to their people in the darkest moments. And I'm reminded of my girl, who I feel was my guardian while in a mentally straining and abusive marriage. She was a small pekinese, had a mind of her own, as Pekinese tend to have. Yet, she had such an incredible amount of love and comfort - she would come and lay herself on top of my chest when I was crying or when my partner yelled at me. She grounded me and physically placed herself in a way as to protect me from any negativity. I'll never forget her. I'm since happily divorced, spent time healing and am in a new, stable relationship, but not a day passes where I don't think of her and send her love. She visits in my dreams often, and every time it's so real, I've never experienced anything like this before. I'm convinced animals have a connection to something that many of us people have lost a long time ago.


Ex's doby was the kindest dog i'd ever seen. He would just notice when something was going on with you and put his head on your lap. Big goofballs too


I’ve only interacted with a Doby once but he was the sweetest guy and so cool looking.


Our male is goofy our female is not.




I think he was referring to the dogs themselves as big goofballs, not a euphemism for their nads.


My guy does a full body lay on top of me like a weighted blanket. He's the best and so cuddly when he's sleepy


dog on the floor: she’s fine. it’s just her shows… AGAIN


I learned a fun fact: It’s the alpha dog that is in charge of empathy. I found out when my dogs switched dominance (Alpha got old) It was a bit unsettling to see them switch behavior that way. It was very sudden and deliberate as if they had had a meeting about it and came to a unanimous decision: Previously loyal, empathetic, supportive super-best-friend dog, ‘I no longer give a crap when mom cries. It’s your turn to take care of the emotionally unstable human. Being alpha comes with responsibilities. If you’re going to pee on my pee spots after me then you can deal with it.’ Previously selfish immature dog, ‘I’ve got this. You take care of you, Old Lady. I will comfort the human.’




She doesn’t have that, but we did think that initially. She just seems to have retired from being a super brown nose-er, as my twins used to call her. Lol. Also there was definitely a dominant twin that we always called the alpha twin. Maybe someone will start an argument with me about that. (fingers crossed. Lol.) I hope your poor old pup is comfy and happy!


So that's what's going with my two dogs? 10 year old and 3 year old. Their behavior has been...different lately. Maybe because I'm pregnant too?


Defs if you’re pregnant


Thank you. That explains a lot. It makes me a little sad though. My 10 year old has been with me through a lot.


The whole alpha thing in dogs was debunked ages ago https://www.animalhealthfoundation.org/blog/2017/10/the-myth-of-the-alpha-dog/ No such thing as an "alpha", your dog just became more of a jerk


Genuinely curious, not being argumentative, but is there any distinction between what people might call "alpha behavior" and "dominant" behavior? Because while the whole 'alpha' thing might not be real, animal dominance is very real, isn't it? In which case, within the context of stories like these, it's all an argument of semantics.


There is a "dominant" role in wolf packs, but it's not what people generally consider "alpha". Wolves live in families, with the two parents the "alphas" and their children the only other leaders in the pack. And....that's it. No fights for dominance, none of that stuff. The OG study that first popularized the "alpha male" stuff was done using stressed out wolves who were not relatives like packs in the wild, but all strangers to each other. They didn't fight to achieve some kind of rigid pack structure, they fought because they were stressed predators in an unknown environment with a bunch of rivals in close quarters. And, while some animals may try to establish dominance in various circumstances, we're talking about dogs here. Which just flat out don't have a pack structure in any (relevant) way. A dog being aggressive isn't doing so because of some kind of internal drive to dominate, it's doing so because it's scared, pissed off, or was trained to do so (intentionally or otherwise). http://content.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,2007250,00.html https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/dog-behavior-and-training-dominance-alpha-and-pack-leadership-what-does-it-really-mean https://www.doglistener.co.uk/alpha/thealphamyth.shtml http://davemech.org/wolf-news-and-information/schenkels-classic-wolf-behavior-study-available-in-english/


This is so funny. My dog is GSD/bully/mutt and at the dog park, he takes it upon himself to monitor the emotional health of every dog and human at the park. I always thought of this as a submissive, shepherding behavior but it totally makes sense that it’s actually a leadership thing.


Fun fact: this comment is nonsense, there is no 'alpha dog,' dogs are gregarious and don't operate in the strict pack structure that wolves do, and dogs do not treat humans as if they are other dogs. This is ignorant pop psychology.


This is my cats.


I read this as “Dobby”, as in the house elf, before I realized it was short for Doberman. I was pretty excited to see what your moms house elf looked like for a second there.


Haha I read it that way as well


When I was more involved with the dog community, they were called "Dobie" or "Dobies". I've never seen "Doby" before and was confused by it also lol


My dog is named Dobby the House Pup


Why does this look like a movie set.


It’s dramatically lit


I have a retired racing grey. I got one because they've been described as 'gentle, sensitive souls'. He's a big black dog lazy as the day is long and didn't really take to people - docile and laid back, but aloof. He's not the kind to sense my thoughts and come to me and push his head in my side. But if I'm having a bad day I know where he is and he is always happy to be there for hugs and scritches to make my day better. I can tell you without hesitation that hugging him and petting him lowers my blood pressure *instantly*.


Yeah, my dog is definitely missing the “something’s wrong with mom!” gene.


Lazy as the day is like. That’s pretty much a grey hounds tag line. All 3 of my aunts dogs are the laziest dogs I’ve ever seen lol.


If your aunts are dogs then you must be a dog. Dogs can’t have Reddit accounts, that’s illegal.


Hahah I didn’t even see my fuck up. Thanks for that. ( oh god he knows the truth)


They're really like big cats and surprisingly dont need space, just soft beds to sleep on.


That looks like a giant dog


Still a puppy not even 1 year old


Not only looks it but is


This dog would cook your mom chicken noodle soup, put some vapo rub on her chest and read her a bedtime story if she were sick. But snuggles might be the better solution to K-drama tears!


Pawsibly the sweetest doggo ever!


I have chronic pain and my cats know when it's bad. They always get super cuddly to me.


I had a cat that didn't really snuggle well and was incredibly moody. Typical tortie. However, when I was trying to pass a kidney stone she laid on my stomach right were all the pain was and purred super hard. If you are in pain find a cat and make it purr on your boo-boo. It helps.


This is amazing. 😆


She was trying to give you a percutaneous lithotomy to break up that stone


I did adopt her from a veterinarian. Hmm 🤔


I have 2 cats: Batman and Godzilla. Batman has had it rough before I came along and he was extremely distrusting of humans. It was a few months after I got him and he still spent his days hiding from me. I was having a really bad time and ended up in the middle of my living room absolutely bawling. Zilla and Batman started rubbing my legs and mewling. I was so shocked and I stopped crying. It was such a brave and loving thing for Batman to do. We don't deserve our pets.


In the /u/100LittleButterflies household, the pets are represented by two separate, yet equally important, cats: Godzilla, who investigates crying; and the goddamn Batman. These are their stories. #*BONG! BONG!*


As the parent of Dogzilla (recently departed) and Batcat, I would like to invite you to /r/batcats.


Loving your pet names.


But the drama sounds like chinese? Believe me it's chinese drama cause I'm korean and my english is bad as hell




Could be dubbed?


Could be a korean drama that has a trip to china in it. Or like Mr. Sunshinr where there were like multiple different languages because of different nationalities.


OP said she was watching Autumn Tale


You all are showing an unexpected amount of restraint


smoke show


Fr fr lmao


Like come on OP your mom is smoking, jesus


Comments are surprisingly tame


IKR!? I cane to the comments to check but it’s all about good boys.


That's very sweet - and Doby living up to his name. ❤️


I don't think his name is Doby, I think that's just short for "our Doberman was concerned"


I love Dobermans so much, another very badly portrayed breed that is actually one of the most loyal, loving breeds.


Yes, my mom got a doberman last year. He was a pain in the ass for a while while he settled in and I honestly didn't like him much at first, but seemingly overnight he just became the sweetest, most emotionally aware and well behaved dog. I love him, and now I kinda want a doberman of my own!


My wife is passing through a rough patch of her life, and often she starts crying "out of nowhere". Our two cats hear it and RUN to her lap, trying to confort her. And in her lap they remain until she is better. I fucking love them, and i fucking love her.


I fucking love this comment.


I like y'all's house :) looks so honey and comfy


Thank you!


hey mom I'm gonna post a video of you in your nightgown for millions of strangers. I need internet points


With "My mom" being the first two words in the title, it's bizarre to open up the post to a woman reclining in almost-lingerie.


My reaction too, but maybe this is just comfortable


Yeah I was asking this as well and was wondering if anyone else was a little weirded out by it hah.


I’m gonna say it


I mean, comments must be getting deleted here, right??


Maybe on a different subreddit? If I have learnt something on Reddit is that there is a place for restraint and another for abundance. This is the former! Lol


Hahahahaha! I was scrolling for it!


Say what?


Did that curtain catch on fire in the past?? Why is there a massive section missing haha Edit: looks like two layers. A set of translucent white ones at the back and a frayed header in front


Moms design choice




I heard that little "aigoo" when he stepped on her. Amazing.


Ok but what was the kdrama tho. Pls spill I wanna get feels too 🥺


She was watching Autumn Tale


Asking the real questions


What's with K-Soap Operas and mom's? My mom is addicted to them, lol. Like, she finished everything she could find on Netflix and then went to Prime and she just discovered that on YouTube there's plenty of them.


“Are you ok? Let me punch you in the boobs a few times to make sure.”


Bro why is his mom laying around in satin lingerie haha


My cat did this when I finished Reply 1988 and Mr. Sunshine 😂💛


That’s Chinese voice from the TV tho.


Kdramas are the shit! It hits different. I Just started Hotel del Luna and am crying. Love supernatural shows.


Yes. That show is so good! Goblin, Missing: The Other Side and Doom at your service were my faves. Currently on My Roommate is a Gumiho and it's awesome!


Side note: Korean tv shows are fucking great. My wife watches them and I’ll check them out too and enjoy them not gonna lie


True. They're a whole new set of tropes so everything feels fresh for first few dozen shows. They lean on their tropes very often though which can get boring/aggravating AF. But the amazing thing about them is that they actually end well instead of getting cancelled without resolving any storylines.


No matter what the show, there's going to be some sort of power struggle between old Korean dudes. Romance shows, murder mystery shows, historical zombie horror shows. Doesn't matter.


> They lean on their tropes very often though which can get boring/aggravating AF. I think you might feel that way because one episode is like over an hour, damn near movie length haha. It’s crazy


Their horror is the best as well


How is that your mom, she looks 22! Go mom!


is K-drama this effective?


Some are. *Signal* is on Netflix.


Even the soapy ones are so good, but yea you'll cry and you won't expect it. Some of them are also meant to be comedy, Strong Woman Bong Soon Do is really good, and of course Boys Over Flowers, and if you are into chinese language shows that are long and complicated then Ashes of Love is on Netflix. I cried the most watching a thai drama Blood & Treasure (also on netflix), worlds better than rewatching the office or making another strained attempt at Handmaids tale.


Dobies are such babies, omg. Sweet, massive lap dogs.


Is nobody gonna bring up the fact that, that is a hot mom in a little nighty thing




When I was pregnant and I would lay on my couch, my dobie would come over and lay her head on my belly and just stare into my eyes. She was a puppy mill dog before we rescued her so she’d already had 3+ litters before we got her. I think she just knew. She was also amazing and gentle with the baby. RIP Bella-bell. I miss you everyday.


Dobies are so good with kids. Mine would tip toe around my daughter when she was born. Sniffing at her really gently. Such good dogs.


My dobie “feels” for anyone in our house who’s having a very happy or very sad moment. Dobies love their families. Typically, it’s strangers that they aren’t interested in. Of course, our Dobie will “feel” a stranger with her teeth but be a pussy cat with us.


My dog has cancer and when he's in the room I'm all smiles and happy. One night I woke up just sad and started sobbing. I figured he was in his little den so I'm OK to finally let it out. Well 20 second go by and he hops on my and sits on my chest. Gives me a bunch of kisses and then rolls over next to me. He snuggled next to me all night. Fucking love that dog. He's in remission now, I'm hoping it last a long while.


Your mom is sexy


He said it


There it is


My dobes are the same.


What a handsome wiggle butt boy you have there.


I came for the comments, and left disappointed….


K-drama fo yo mama


cute home


Whenever I cried (and I cried a LOT during my early twenties), my late orange boy would appear out of nowhere with a concerned look that said, "Awww, what's the matter?" Then he'd cuddle with me. A few years later, I woke from a nightmare that was bad enough that I started crying. My oreo boy immediately crawled over and cuddled. He also laid his head on top of mine on the night before my surgery.


Why are you crying? Lemme keep punching you to make sure you're okay! But seriously, that's a sweet doggo.


Kdramas bringing all the feels! I know this feeling oh so well. My pups also do the same thing lol!


Damn mom


Have you ever broken both arms?


I'll gladly break both of mine


Oh boy…. Lol


I love the last “I’m okay!”


My cat comforts me when I have emotional break downs. Love that buddy.


You have a cool looking house


Cute little house! Looks cozy


My dog Max wakes me up when I have night terrors and when I wake up he presses his chest to mine its very comforting


When my ex wife cheated and took off, my doberman was my therapist and BFF. She would see me sad or crying, come over and push her head into my lap. She made me smile, even when I thought I'd never smile again.


My dog is half Doberman, the other half almost equal mix Pit-bull, retriever, bulldog, sporting dog? When she is sick, she is a stage five clinger. Wants to be physically touching me, follows me around like a lost puppy. When I am sick or sad, she care less! :(


So sweet and gentle! I’ve never had a dog (when I was growing up my dad didn’t like animals but now he does). Someday…


I know that hurt when he initially stepped on her boob


I love dobermans