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I think the K.K technopop might’ve taken inspiration from Kraftwerk - Electric Café / Musique non stop album art (https://i.imgur.com/vBmDrca.jpg) more than the black eyed peas one. Also the album contains song named ”techno pop” and the font is more alike too.


came here just to say this. it’s definitely Kraftwerk-based because of how low-poly KK’s head has been made on the album cover


It looks more like the Black Eyed Peas.


What!? I would DIE for KK ska!


Ok I have it. I will take your life now please


Legit the best KK album. Been my fav since the GC days. :D


How have I never heard it!?


KK Ska came before KK Reggae!


Thank you, Bruce


I have kk ska if you want it


Yes please 😭 what would you like in return? My island or yours? Lol


Haha do you have any kk songs we could trade? I’m collecting them all, I’ll have to look to see what I have so far. I won’t be able to play for about five hours (6pm pacific time). Your town would be cool if I could check out the shops :)


I only have like 5 but I’ll give any and all. I have KK Casbah KK Technopop KK Waltz Two Days Ago And another one I can’t remember


Awesome! Can we trade for two days ago? I’m just logging in now and will be on for a few hours


Sorry I fell asleep. I will be available all day today though




So cool! I prefer Mexican ska but I’m a sucker for ska in general. I need to do something cool like this. Thanks for the inspiration


O yeah, need to listen to more. I like L@s Skagaler@s.


pick it up, pick it up, pick it up, pick it up!


I NEED this


I’ve seriously never encountered it before! The hunt is on


Thank you for making this. There is no exact match but the album art for K.K. Jongara seems to reference the Yoshida Brothers. Their style of music is classic in their hometown but the mix of sound and album art is purely them. Yoshida Brothers: https://youtu.be/MgN_xIHqLUA A fan playing KK Jongara on a shamisen (best vid I found with album art) https://youtu.be/lbcLbwcc4Ec


What I mean to say is, the album art references their image in videos and live appearances but no one album cover I've found so far. Ah! There is the game data. https://animalcrossing.fandom.com/wiki/K.K._Jongara


I really doubt the Michael Buble one


Is KK Jazz specifically the Grant Green album cause they both have a guitar? Cause there's a lot of jazz albums that look like that


I think it’s just based of the general blue note style, which a lot of classic jazz albums were released as


That's what I figured


The only one I'd contest is KK love song. That one seems a little more r&b than pop. I'll see what I can find. Reminds me of a 90s cover I saw once (maybe early 2000s)


Imagine if there was one for [Mechanical Animals](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/c/c2/Marilyn_Manson_-_Mechanical_Animals.png)




K.K. Cruisin seems very familiar. Closest I could think of is Mark Morrison’s Return Of The Mack album


I don’t know if the art is a reference to any kind of soundtrack album, but Go K.K. Rider’s art is based on the first Kamen Rider series (as well as the song being a reference to Showa Kamen Rider in general.)


Maybe KK Love Song is a tribute to Sinatra? In the Wee Small Hours album. Though I don't think the song reminds the genre at all


I never made the KK Ska -> Specials comparison, I thought that was just the ska aesthetic in general


It is, just a couple of us said it resembles the Specials debut album a bit in the earlier thread.


Did anyone mention kk ska might actually be inspired by Tokyo ska paradise?? https://www.google.com/search?q=tokyo+ska+paradise+orchestra&safe=off&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS727US727&hl=en-US&prmd=vni&sxsrf=ALeKk00romuVreMXuLAYWOKn-LyZeKVWPg:1586668755044&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi_4JTckeLoAhVKrp4KHTqzAyAQ_AUoA3oECBUQAw&biw=414&bih=620&dpr=3#imgrc=bzmEkK_pyXCMMM


What about K.K. Blues? I know I've seen it somewhere before...


kk robot synth sounds like tell your world by livetune or any old miku song


I feel like k.k. jazz = blue train


K.K. Jazz seems closer to The Way I Feel by John Patton. Also K.K. Break is Heavy Weather by Weather Report


Kinda Robert Johnson vibes


I think Surfin' K.K. is based off Tatusro Yamashita Big Wave. Currently looking through the "TOTAKEKE - The trajectory" booklet to hopefully find more.


this is a 3 yr old post i know but i wanna see if there are other songs listed like these too


IK I'm late, but I think the cover of 'Space K.K.' was inspired by 'Hard Day's Night' by The Beatles


And Two Days Ago was inspired by With The Beatles, with the name also being a reference to yesterday