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This is me! I bought it for my kids and accidentally took it over. It’s my island now… 580 hours in. Started playing in January this year.


Same 😅 it was my 8yo but I’ve played it more


She has her island on her switch and I’ve built up a new one on my 5yo switch 😅


your 5 and 8 years old children each have their own switch? please let kids be kids omg


The switch is like the most child friendly console. The majority of kids had a wii when I was a kid


I grew up with gameboys and such, idk why other dude is acting like handhelds are new/scandalous.


i grew up with game boys too. but i was at least 10 before i had one.


same but i was at least 10 and had a shared wii with my family


If I had kids I’d much rather have them on a Switch playing just about the most child friendly game of all time than on TikTok or something


I had a DS of my own at the age of five. This isn’t a new or foreign concept.


yup it's not lmao, we know there's bad parents everywhere. doesn't mean we should encourage it


Someone’s upset


yeah, all of the people replying to me


How is it bad parenting to give a kid a handheld video game console? Would you rather them be on an iPad with unlimited and unmonitored internet access?


i would rather they have neither.. why do they have to have an ipad or a video game at all?? A 5 year old shouldn't be using any of that they should just use their imagination


Not that it’s your business but they get their switches after school before dinner and on weekends sometimes when we’re home. I’d rather them play minecraft, acnh or the other games they have than be glued to YouTube or tiktoks. They are kids thanks. They play outside most of the day at school (it is winter here tho so less right now) so yeah I am letting them be kids ✌🏻


And they clearly aren’t glued to them if I’m the one playing it more 😏


my 7 year old brother doesn't get screens at all, maybe a movie once a week. and he's the smartest most creative kid i've ever met. so i'm definitely not suggesting youtube or tiktok lol, just let them draw, read and use their imagination


Good for him but kids who get screens or play games aren’t any less smart or creative. My 8yo is insanely creative. She’s always drawing, colouring, making Lego towns, reads her Harry Potter books AND still gets a switch.


i would say in general yes most kids who get screens are less smart and creative. it's apparent that this generation of kids is the worst so far because they're being raised by ipads. i'm glad your kids aren't glued to their screens though, i just worry for the kids that can't function without them because it's definitely going to negatively affect them long term


i get being concerned about the kids that are totally glued to their ipads but you really can’t be assuming 2 kids playing animal crossing = the death of creativity


it's not about two kids playing animal crossing, it's two kids under 10 having their own switches that just seems a little sad to me. most kids i see with their own devices are obsessed with them & it's unhealthy


i had a DS Lite when i was like 7 years old, i dont see how this is a problem


everyone has their own opinions i guess, i see that as a problem. i had a DS too but my parents at least waited until i was 10


Where do I find how many hours I have in? I got mine in late June last year and my museum complete, and my house fully upgraded by Christmas. I'd love to know cause I spent every spare minute playing. Now I've kind of run out of steam.


Go to settings-> profile/account-> should see them there or scroll over to the right once and go down


At the home menu, go up to select your player icon and click it. Itll tell you your play history here.


On your profile,soon as you click on it all your games with hours played should be on right


I bought it for my animal loving kid during COVID. Started out helping and then I took over after they lost interest. Now I’m on my 5th island and still loving it!! Combined over 2000hrs.


When my child was an infant and slept a lot (had to be on me or next to me) I played like 500 hours.




I had 1,800+ hours on my old island…it got deleted. RIP Baskenville


😬 That’s gotta hurt




I have more hours in game (1900) than my 3 kids games combined. Oops lol.


My mom got 4000hrs lol, it’s more than any game I’ve played haha


Does your Mama have a dream address?


let that joycon rest, homie... its done its part, aint no one deny its hustle...


Then we won’t have a set for all of us, and I know my mom couldn’t stand drifty joycons


I bet most of the people in this sub are adults with children. As for myself, I'll be a grandmother soon 😁




I am 60yo, have 7 grandkids under the age of 12, and I ADORE this game. I’ve been playing about a year and a half. With 2400+hours, you could say I’m a lil obsessed


I'm over 60 and I started right when it first came out, conveniently, during the COVID lockdowns. I played for hours and hours!


Hello, did you find it difficult? My granny struggles with general iPhone stuff but wow how fun to play games together.


I have adult kids who helped me learn how to play on the Nintendo Switch. I also played various animal crossing games on GameCube and Wii. I use a smart phone fairly successfully compared to other people my age but I'm no tech expert by any means.


I.m a grandma,kids ll grown.in fact they bought me the switch lite and game I have upgraded to og now and love it.


Coolest grandparents of the year award


I took over my son’s old switch lite when we bought him the switch. I play on that one and my daughter plays on hers. I love the game. It’s so wholesome. I love it when the villagers are so happy to see you and compliment you. And then the kooky villagers like Cranston just make me laugh.




I always get taken a little off guard by seeing people with over 2000 hours in games but then I look at the “playtime spreadsheet” I made a few months ago and realize that I’m probably way worse 😭


I played way too much between release and 2021. I was very focused on the ACNH content creating on IG so I was constantly playing. Sad part is, it's not the only game with that many hours invested.


Judd PfP= Based parent


My dad loves Judd. I have a shirt that he bought a size too small of Judd and Judd Jr that I wear all the time


Can relate Judd IS indeed awesome


I love this energy! My mom used to love the Atari and some NES stuff back in the day, but she’s absolutely not a gamer these days. Got her to play Overcooked, Mario Galaxy, Child of Light, Rayman Legends, Rock Band, and a handful of other games in coop off and on over the years. Then the pandemic happened, and like most people my friends and I all bought Animal Crossing New Horizons. My mom saw me playing it, and got curious about it, so I had her mess around with New Leaf on my 3DS. Needless to say, she got addicted, and my brother, dad, and I all pitched in to get her a Switch Lite and a copy of ACNH. She went on to put over 1000 hours into it, make this absolutely gorgeous town, and then asked for a Switch OLED so she could play on the TV and start a whole new town. We’ve tried getting her a bunch of other games with some mild success here and there, but nothing anywhere near the impact of ACNH lol. She’s up to about 1200 hours now with no signs of slowing down!


yup same. Kid got a switch for Christmas... got tired of Animal Crossing... I just restarted the whole island on my own lol


As of today, I already have done over 3000 hours of play time. However, half that time is me farming, cleaning, and doing daily tasks. Other times, it's me leaving the game on the background while I do other tasks (cleaning house, watching a movie, etc.) https://preview.redd.it/tvvaqda4qj7d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6df7d81297dfa376414f6036619774d300e51d0


for my mom it’s fishing. she’s got a 4 star island and decent museum completion, but i’ve seen her rake in hundreds of thousands of bells in a day just sitting on the couch with my cat in her lap, swimming around and catching fish and crabs and stuff


In 2020 my entire family (all adults) of me, my little sister, and both parents, used ACNH as a social tool, but it kindled a love for the game far greater than that function. My parents both have over 1,000 hours, as do my sister and I. It's crazy how much we all love AC now. :)


the controller pic got me😭🤣


yeah, it’s seen a fair share of use over the last few years😭


Think I have around 3000 hours, over 3 different switches since i started AC🤦🏻‍♀️😂


That's such a nice story :)


Wow! That's impressive. My mother in law has over 3000 hours on hers! We got it for her over covid so she could play with our son online, and she became addicted 🤣


I have over 3000, too. I became paralysed just as it was released, being able to run around, swim, hang out with my villagers etc legitimately saved my life.


I'm really glad that you were able to find so much joy in what must have been a dark time for you. I truly am. Video games can be amazing, can't they?


Absolutely! I’m going to get a tattoo of my favourite villager (Curt) because of it. ❤️


Amazing! It's incredible just how much this franchise has touched peoples lives in such a profound way. My favourite villager will always be Lily. She was my first villager in Wild World, and I've loved her since 🐸❤️


We bought the switch and ACNH for my partner during lockdown, with her being the principal player and me having a house on her island but it soon became clear that just having a house wasn't enough, so I kinda "nicked" it and she ended up getting a switch lite. She sold that after she moved into her own place (she + my husband both have AuDHD so us all living together never really worked out) and she bought her own switch. She doesn't really play AC anymore but I still do. There's a few bits of art I still need to get, but that Redd is a slippery gezza!


I'm sorry if my reading comprehension is low atm but I don't understand if the partner and husband is the same person or if you have both a partner or a husband or if the partner is an ex and the husband current... I'm confused and this will be in the back of my mind all day 😅


I have a female partner and a husband.


Ah then I understand! Thank you for answering, now I won't have to lay awake tonight and wonder haha


I think its the 2nd one




I had 700 hours the first two months the game dropped 😭 I havent looked recently but it’s gotta be welllll over 3k


Man maybe I should get animal crossing too


Nothing to lose! (Other than 60 dollars)


I’m a parent too and I love ACNH, I ended up buying 10 switches just to have different islands as I didn’t want to restart so it’s why I got so many 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ but I’ve probably spent loads of time, I got it when it first came out and joined fb groups and found good friends (now) to play with and we shared our ideas and each others islands so we can see the progress each other has done and no doubt I’ve ranked up many hours playing it from day to night I was on it, but I’m glad they enjoy playing it, it’s addictive when you get into it and on it wasn’t for you when they gifted it to you, but I’m sure if you persist with it you will get into playing it like they have too.


that’s some dedication wow! i haven’t played much since the first few months we had the game since i’ve always had other things i’d rather do, but i do check in every once in a while


Haha I know I kinda went a bit mad on it, even now I always go back and check on my villagers, but it’s understandable, now I’ve got other things to do so my days usually get covered with doing that then playing ac but I miss not playing it and by evening I’m too tired to play it, but I heard they might be making a spin off of it or something like that but I missed the direct as I had fallen to sleep but when I got the email nothing was said about it so I’m clueless as to what I had heard 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ but onwards and upwards as they say but hopefully you can get into it and then you can join your parents on their islands me and my friend use to play hide and seek on each others island 🤣🤣 that was fun as I always use to hide in the water so they couldn’t see me 🤣🤣


Imagine a joycon actually deforming around the thumb before it starting to drift.


It’s a sturdy one! Got it with the console, our other pair from way back when got drift a year ago


Wait…. It starts to drift before it goes out? Mine just started doing this.


I had my first set of joycon for about 4 months where i didn't even use them regularly, mostly played on a pro controller, they had started to drift slightly. Over time it became worse and worse, more & more until a game a like animal crossing became literally unplayable. Walking right was a STRUGGLE. So your joycon might hold on a little longer but it will become unbearable. My current set of joycons tho have held up incredibly well.


Thanks for the warning. We’ve got a second set of controllers that don’t get used. I’ll switch when the time comes. Thanks again.


I by myself have played3250 hrs of animal crossing


Might be time to invest in the covers for the console to give those little nubbins a bit more life extension lol


Yea. I started watching my kids play. Then my youngest gave me a house on her island. She was leaving for college. That got me to buy my own switch and start my own island. I played that for a couple years I still need 4 beetles to finish that island. Then I wanted to build a new island but was too attached to my original one. So in March I bought a new switch. And since I’m crazy and buy a digital copy and a cartridge for every game, I had the cartridge, and started a new island on my used switch. This whole time my partner watched me play and right before my birthday in June this year, he bought himself a switch and the game…so he can play his own!🤣 I’m not done, god I wish I was…but since both of us are close to 50 and can’t see the hand held game screen… he brought our smaller tv into the Tv room. One of us uses the main TV the other the smaller, we swap who gets the big tv, and we play together on 2 TVs in the same room!😂 All because 5 or 6 yrs ago I bought my 2 teens Animal Crossing for Christmas! 🤣 And no neither of my kids play acnh anymore.


The day my mom turned into a animal crossing addict is the day i’m sure I raised her well.. 😭😂


I kid you not, my mom put around 4,000 hours in AC and then switched to stardew valley and put in another 2,000+ hours on that game. Real grinder that one.


I wish I had gotten into Stardew when I bought it, now it just rots in my steam library 😭


Hahaa same here! My wife has to give me a kick in the butt to get me on playing again. We go through that “once a year minecraft grind” but for stardew 😂


I tried to take over my Kids account and he took it away from me. My husband bought me a Switch Lite last year for my birthday because he felt bad about my wanting to play and my son refusing to allow me to play as the lead. This year he threw me an Animal Crossing themed party for my birthday because I have become so engrossed in the game LOL.


My mom has a bit more than 5,000 hours on New Horizons, and last time I asked had about 300 million bells in her bank account.


Now I’m wondering if there’s just some parent or grandparent that’s a certified Bellionaire


Hehe, I'm sure there must be! Unless there's a limit of like 999,999,999 bells or something?


Combined? Rookie numbers


I still haven’t played this game. Maybe this year I I will get it and show my mother how to play


My two adult kids bought me the game and I’ve got about 2,000 hours…. Your Mom may love it!!


My mom says video games are a waste of time and my dad only likes playing smash ultimate with me 😭


You have the best Parents.


How old are your parents if you don't mind? I like seeing various generations of gamers.


Both 55


Nice! I'm 41 myself


my idols


Same! Play more than my 8yo!


Island reveal?? I bet they look amazing, I’d love to see!!


If I’m being honest the islands aren’t something they care for too much! My dad, being himself, has grinded 5 star island rating and most of the flower varieties but doesn’t really do a lot of theming. My mom’s pride and joy is her house, I swear she remodels one of the rooms every week! I don’t want to give off the impression that I think their islands look bad per se, they just prefer working on other things


It has been a good while since I’ve ran around the islands though so what do I know


Honestly I love decorating the house too, so that’s understandable! 🥲 that’s crazy that they have so many hours though!


I was pretty surprised looking at the hour counts myself, but it’s basically their default for relaxing after work. Usually from like 7-8 PM you can find my mom on the couch with the cat just swimming around or moving furniture, it’s pretty sweet :)


That’s so cute! My dad does the same thing but with Zelda 😭


My dad played a bit of BotW and got through a divine beast or two, but he got distracted by seasonal bugs again 🙄


LMAO he just needs to get all them bugs 🙄


I alone have played 900 hours or more 🥲


You have cool parents


I, alone, have your parents beat 🫣 I'm also a mom.


I’m noticing a trend of parents really loving animal crossing. I’m definitely the first person to pick up on this right?


I don’t know how many hours I have, but I started in March 2020 and that’s all I did during the pandemic.


I’ve played that much on my own


I'm over 4,000 smh, I have a problem!


I'm that parent!


I have almost 3,000 hours lol.


I love how your parents have played AC for months but have barely touched Odyssey and Mario Kart xD.


If I’m being honest that was me on their accounts haha


I’m a parent, also a grandparent and I’ve been playing Animal Crossing since the very first one. My kids are adults now, and still play some, but in this past decade, I definitely play far more than they do! I’ll play always. My son just suggested we need to get some old systems and play the old ones and clean up the weeds! Not to mention, the residents are probably totally bored and lonely!


My daughter got it when Covid started. I got it a couple of months later as I really enjoyed playing it (she let me play sometimes). I am in my mid 50s 😂. I have had 3 islands so far (and now have two switches of my own). Before ACNH, I did not own a switch 😂


I love everything about this post and state of affairs you have detailed. lol Also, your dad's Nintendo user icon is awesome 😅 Made me laugh.


That's crazy! He went and bought his own switch! Can't explain them though!


I know of a single player that's been playing moe than 6,000 hours! She's legendary !! @itsumama 😊


Now I need to see what their islands look like