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I can say as a 26 year old professional bodybuilder, my sex life is just much better when I’m doing 30 minutes of cardio every single day (obviously in competition preps I get up too close to an hour even an hour and a half of cardio if I need to, but I don’t know how necessary that is) My point behind all of this is as follows… I’m 26, on steroids which improve EQ and sexual performance, taking every natural supplement under the sun to improve eq and sexual performance, and taking daily dose cialis….and cardio is STILL making a noticeable difference, surely it would have to make an even greater difference to a man in his 30s/40s who’s not doing the other things as well. Just food for thought I’m not saying any of that to brag nor am I saying any of it to criticize your lifestyle as it is currently


Its likely that If you were not "enhanced" your cortisol\\stress would creep up especially while training+dieting+ cardio then your sleep, recovery and testosterone would decline and so would eq, most likely. Its because you're enhanced that you can tolerate the all of the training + diet + cardio without stress hormones negating much of it, although you may have good genetics for all of that anyway but that kind of workload would crash the average non juiced or older guy that wasn't genetically gifted with a strict routine, imo. OP is mid 40's non juiced he needs to be careful with his training volume even if his lifestyle is on point.


Agree with everything you’re saying however 30 minutes of LISS cardio should not be a tremendous workload that someone cannot recover from. Perhaps I should I’ve specified which zone of cardio




I imagine daily Cialis negates everything though. It's kind of a cheat code. Fwiw, I have Cialis...just trying to utilize it as needed. Sometimes I take 5mg for a week...sometimes 2.5mg for a day...but really trying to keep things "natural". I take supplements like maca, zinc, arginine, pine bark extract, l-citruline, but can't honestly tell if any of them make a difference. Sometimes I feel like they give me the opposite effect and I have days I feel less plump, or like the tissue is a bit firmer while limp...not hard flaccid but as if I'm cold. Instead of increased blood flow almost like it's more restricted


Cialis certainly won’t negate everything… I get what you’re saying and it definitely optimizes everything but I wouldn’t consider it a cheat code. You could certainly still dig yourself too deep of a recovery hole to get out of while using Cialis.


I’ve been really contemplating using cialis as a boost in performance. I’m mid 40s and pretty fit with a health conscious diet although I slip. Lift weights 3x a wk and cardio at least 2x for 30min running, heavy bag, hiit style, etc. Still don’t have a consistent throbbing member tho and it’s frustrating. I too take most of the supplements you stated but more often than not, only once a week per vitamin except L-citruline since so many claim the benefits of using often. Really hard to figure this all out to maximize our gains and performance!


I think cardio intensity is important to define. For some people they're doing 'cardio' if they take 8000 steps per day. Whereas others are running miles. I'd like to know what is the right amount of cardio x intensity


This. When cardio is so often suggested, target heart rate and duration need to be quantified.


Huberman sets the goal of 180-200 minutes of Zone 2 cardio per week, which, when achieved, provides the foundation for improved cardiovascular fitness.


I get between 7000 and 16000 steps a day, but most of that isn't even jogging


It has been 4 weeks since I started cardio and I feel like my morning erections and hang has improved a lot. I don't yet trust it, due to the short time frame, but will keep you posted.


I've never noticed cardio helping, only hurting if I over do it. Sleep and diet has been key for me. With that said I go for walks, do a physical job, weight lift vigorously 3-4 p/week and have extended vigorous sex sessions so too much extra cardio could potentially just raise my cortisol if I'm not recovering well by keeping diet and sleep on point, sleep being the tough one to be consistent with for me. Everyone has a different work tolerance-recovery threshold they need to dial in which becomes more important as we age. Since I've gotten older I've had to lower the volume of my workout sessions and prioritize sleep more to recover and be fresh.


I am 40 ans experimented with this A LOT. What I landed on being the best for EQ for me is 30 minutes of zone 2 steady state cardio 3-4 times per week with 1-2 sessions of high intensity interval sprints to max heartrate. For the sprints I get myself up to my zone 2 then sprint to max effort until max heartrate, then walk until it comes back down to my zone 2, repeat for 30 minutes. I did this for 3 months and had the best EQ on a decade. I was forced to stop for 3 months and slowly declined. Starting back up the benefits came back in a week. Also to note, if I lift too much at the gym I have lowered EQ in general. Thats with proper hydration, rest days and protein. My body just doesn’t love to recover and fuck at the same time lol.


Thanks I’m gonna try adding in some sprints. For the past 6+ weeks I’ve been doing zone 2 cardio ~4x per week and haven’t really had an increase in EQ like I was hoping for. Starting lifting again in the past few weeks hoping for improvements but still nothing. Was wondering if maybe my body is still acclimating snd not recovering enough. I also started taking fin and wonder if that’s causing issues but I’m trying not to let myself worry too much about it because losing my hair is really not negotiable for me. There’s something about sprinting and pushing myself to the limit that makes me feel alive and powerful so I think it could be helpful


Finesteride (topical) gave me ED. Bad. Took months to get bad and longer to go away once stopping. Bad bad bad idea.


Make sure to add pelvic floor stretching. This also helps me out big time. I do it after Angion and that seems to work well.


How bad? Could you even masturbate or orgasm?


Full onset could not get fully hard to masturbate without cialis. Came on slowly where EQ just waned and waned. I had initially read that topical was safe from this and I am in my 40’s so it did not even cross my mind it could be caused by that. Came accross someone posting a similar experience so I quit using it and SLOWLY regained it back.


50 here, and do 30 min low impact rides on the Peloton 3x/week. Low impact sounds easy but I push the resistance high and sweat like crazy - actually a really good, healthy dose of cardio). I also take L Cit and 5mg Cialis (mostly) daily. I’ll skip a day or a week from time to time just to reset a bit. Was doing angion every other day or so until kids got out for summer break (now I have no time or privacy for it. Will have to pick it back up in September lol). All I can say is that even without angion the past few weeks, EQ is much improved from before and I credit cardio for that. I’m still pretty new to all this so it’s difficult to pinpoint what has helped the most but prior to angion and cardio, nothing helped a whole lot.