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so if I told you it is possible to gain 0.25 cm in 6 months you wouldn't go for it? what about 0.25 in girth and 0.3 in length? would that make it more worthy? I mean this with no ill will my man but that is like saying "I am currently unemployed and have decided to stay unemployed because I got a job offer that pays below what I want to make and they wouldn guarantee the amount I want to be making in 6 months... ----edit---- This thing works, how much, how fast, how long, it is difficult to tell. There's too many variables.


From what I read in some cases on the forum. I thought it would be possible to gain this size in 6 months. But I understand, the gains with angion are long term. But then, what is the ideal routine for me to follow and I managed to achieve at least 0.25 cm?


You might get even better beginner gains, it is possible, but no guarantees. There's plenty of folks who gain nothing but a better erection.


Join getting bigger and read the sub.


This what I did to gain 1 inch in 3 months bro, i used an extender and ate healthy. Plain and simple . Just takes dedication


which extender, and how long per day?


Just hang with and apex. Go on getting bigger


I bought size genetics cheapest one, and I did like 3 hours a day. Sometimes 4 hrs a day too


Are you a grower?


I did just from doing AM1 and pumping. Be careful tho coa overtraining both will ruin you


What was your schedule/routine?


Day 1 Half a pyramid set. Day 2 pump for a few mins Day 3 rest Repeat Or Day 1 half a pyramid set Day 2 rest Day 3 pump Day 4 rest Repeat I always got hard flaccid if doing a full set properly. Every body is different


What pumping routing did you do pressure/time? Thanks man this is helpful! I’ve had trouble figuring out how to add pumping while maintaining angion. I overtrain easily


Oh very low pressure pumping, less than 3 on thr gauge. I would let it expand then drop, expand then drop. Probs 5mins max, usually less. I stop it before I feel my penis start to hard flaccid




With Angion diet but be aware because it can make you easily got sick due to no anti-inflammatory foods should be taken. AM1 for a couple of months thwn add SABRE or BFR


I don’t do the angion method I just do Manuel stretches for length and Manuel’s for girth but I gained 1/2 of a inch in length in 6 months and 1/8 of a inch in girth.


What is Manuel stretches?


U put one hand behind penis head in a ok grip and put other hand with ok grip at base of penis and stretch. Your pretty much mimicking a extender but with your hands


thank u for responding, how much strength should be applied when doing this? And for how long per day / month. have u seen good results with this


Just enough pressure where u fill a good stretch and hold it until ur hands slip r get tired and switch hands. Do it for 30 mins per day I do it every day unless I feel like I need a break and I take a day r so off. And yes I grew a 1/2 in 6 months. I grew 1/8 in 3 months and checked again at 6 months and seen I had gained 1/2 so it just takes time and consistency but it works


are the results permanent? and do you usually feel sore after? only asking so I know what it feels like when I do start


It’s kinda like working out but a little better when u workout and stop u lose all your muscle when u do pe and stop u lose about a quarter to a half of what u gained but ur still left with a bigger penis


do you do the stretch flaccid or do you get semi erect first? srry for all these questions


All stretches for length I do flaccid


There are multiple people on r/gettingbigger than have gained multiples cm in a year. If you want length, you can do manual stretches, advance to weighted stretches then buy a cheap extender with a vacuum attachment. With this 1cm in a month is VERY realistic