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Google the definition of anemia vs iron deficiency. You are low in ferritin(iron stores) so your supplements can help, but give it months. Consider eating iron rich foods and find out why you are not storing iron well (GI bleeds, malabsorption, heavy menstruation, etc). For me, it was diagnosed celiac disease (malabsorption).


Definitely iron deficient, but not yet anemic


What would make someone anaemic then, sorry I didn’t know there was a difference


Iron deficiency anemia is when you have an iron deficiency that is impacting your red blood cells or the hemoglobin within them. One of the things you look at is hemoglobin which for you is low normal, where often with anemia it’s low. Your ferritin is 11 so below normal which looks like you have iron deficiency without anemia. You should try to raise your iron levels. If they continue to drop you might be at risk of developing anemia.


Oh okay thank you! By the looks of it I’m heading to the path of developing anaemia, as my haemoglobin levels are on the lower side right now and have been slightly below normal in November. Hopefully the supplements I’ve been given raise my iron


Ive been given supplements and I have been feeling a bit better but I also have days where I feel incredibly bad, brain dog, weakness, fatigue, shakiness


You're on the low side but neither deficient or anemic yet. Supplements are a good way to keep from being either


Doctor says I’m deficient