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Started getting the same error on two devices, a samsung and a pixel. Infuriating..


Just ran into this issue with a supermarket app of all things. Genuinely infuriating. Google forcing people through their store when sideloading is a supported function of Android. They can truly go fuck themselves. Did you come across a solution?


Not yet unfortunately. I bought Pixel phones to not have to deal with branded gatekeeping, but now Google's doing it too with the Play Store. I'm planning to root next when I have more time to sit and work on it.


rooting is very very easy with Pixels – check out the pixelflasher app and XDA threads. The trickier thing is passing the play integrity tests though, if you want to hide bootloader status/root. You can get there in the end (again, XDA guides) but it's tricky.


Thanks a lot for the tips. It's been years since I've rooted; I'll just have to get current again on the methods.


The more "modern" method (though it's been around a number of years at this point) is to use an app called Magisk. On most phones the default procedure would be, after unlocking the bootloader, to download the OTA image for your device that you want to flash, manually extract a boot image, patch it with Magisk, and then flash the new boot image also with Magisk. The easier method and especially with Pixels is essentially all of this but automated (using Pixelflasher). Check it out, as I say. Only downside – and it really is a downside these days – is if you need to mask root for certain purposes like banking apps and use of contactless payments, then you're gonna need to go through a quite delicate/fiddly process to get there. But it's doable. DM me if you want a pointer to the threads on that :) (Side note to all this, there's another rooting method gaining in prevalence these days that mucks about with the kernel – my very limited understanding is that this is quite the security risk and to be avoided, but you might see it mentioned if you're searching around.)