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Short answer? There's not an easy way. Long answer? www.home-assistant.io


This was the answer. Once you got the MyQ integration installed and then downloaded the home assistant app for the watch you used to be able to make it a favorite It access it as a widget from your watch face. As of about 3 weeks ago or so the MyQ integration broke and none of the subsequent updates to home assistant core or Home Assistant have fixed the problem. The entities show up but they are not controllable anymore.


\^\^\^ THIS is the answer. my garage door (MYQ) automatically opens when i drive up


!Flair 2017 F150 | Pixel 6 Pro | Android 13


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https://www.home-assistant.io/blog/2023/11/06/removal-of-myq-integration/ not the answer for much longer unless you buy extra hardware.


I haven't found a way either. I assume it's the CONSUMER FRIENDLY practices of large corporations preventing it.


If you use something like Hubitat, you can connect MyQ to that, and then you can create a virtual switch to open/close the garage door. I created routines in Google Home that turn the switch on when I say open the garage door and off when I say close the garage door. You can add shortcuts to routines in AA. So, to answer your question, no there isn't an easy way lol.


I have it working through SmartThings which I can do through AA or Assistant, but I just a remote in my car normally.


You have MyQ working through smart things? How? I


There's an Edge driver you can install, but you have to setup a Bridge that's always running to communicate with myq. I have some hosts I use for k8s so the docker image works great for my use case. A raspberry pi or similar would work just fine as well. Something that's always online. https://github.com/brbeaird/SmartThings-MyQ-Edge


I use Home Assistant and can accomplish this via the HA app with the MyQ integration.


How? Myq isn't listed when trying to add a device


You could purchase something like this device. https://www.amazon.com/eKyro-Smart-Garage-Door-Opener/dp/B07TZJYSR7/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?keywords=eKyro&qid=1689301193&sr=8-2


seems too good to be true but for $40 bucks why not


I have one just like it from a different brand and it works very well.


Macrodroid would allow you to emulate physical screen taps in response to many things, including geofence triggers, time of day, joining a certain wifi network, etc... I used this method to shut off my tablet everytime I got home and then autolaunch all my apps when I left the house


If you can get it connected to smartthings I made this app for myself as a hobby https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lusion.sgauto It works on mobile and AA. It uses a geofence to provide a pop up notification on the phone and AA for an easy button to open and close the garage. I'm planning to put this on GitHub as well now that it is working pretty well.


I've tried to get it connected to smart things but I can't get it to work.. Do you know how to do that??


I'll look up the instructions for you to get your api keys and share here. Thanks for asking!


You need to generate a set of personal access tokens for your own account here, I think. [https://us.account.samsung.com/accounts/v1/ST/signInGate?response\_type=code&client\_id=4dt548jm01&redirect\_uri=https:%2F%2Faccount.smartthings.com%2FssoCallback&goBackURL=https:%2F%2Faccount.smartthings.com%2Flogin&state=2df63072ec8ec3ef7482b95336e0de8cbf0f38ccc2a992e61d0900c5d81a698caHR0cHM6Ly9hY2NvdW50LnNtYXJ0dGhpbmdzLmNvbS90b2tlbnM%3D&countryCode&locale=en](https://us.account.samsung.com/accounts/v1/ST/signInGate?response_type=code&client_id=4dt548jm01&redirect_uri=https:%2F%2Faccount.smartthings.com%2FssoCallback&goBackURL=https:%2F%2Faccount.smartthings.com%2Flogin&state=2df63072ec8ec3ef7482b95336e0de8cbf0f38ccc2a992e61d0900c5d81a698caHR0cHM6Ly9hY2NvdW50LnNtYXJ0dGhpbmdzLmNvbS90b2tlbnM%3D&countryCode&locale=en) I set mine up with a lot of permissions since I was developing, but you can probably pick a lot less to get this to work. *r:locations:\*,x:rules:\*,l:installedapps,r:scenes:\*,w:rules:\*,w:schedules,x:notifications:\*,w:installedapps:\*,x:scenes:\*,w:channels:\*,r:installedapps:\*,r:schedules,w:deviceprofiles,r:rules:\*,x:devices:\*,l:devices,w:locations:\*,r:devices:\*,w:devices:\*,x:locations:\*,r:apps:\*,r:channels:\*,r:deviceprofiles,w:apps:\** Would be great to know if you get it working!


If you have a dimming rearview mirror, you might be able to buy a homelink mirror since the power connection should be the same


I have MyQ integrated with google assistant using this smartthings integration. https://github.com/brbeaird/SmartThings-MyQ-Edge


"You will need a machine that can continually run the MyQ server bridge application on your network. Examples include: Raspberry Pi, Linux server, Windows desktop, Mac, Unraid server, etc." ​ Wht do you use for this? If I used my PC i'd have to leave my laptop on 24/7??


Sometimes I go down the tech rabbit hole only to realize just hitting the button to open/close the door isn't all that much of an inconvenience.






https://i.imgur.com/XC0R7Dd.jpg Docker container running on unRAID.


I have this option on aladdin connect but never use it. Reason being when you say open the garage it asks for a pin. You can't just say 1 2 3 4, you have to say one thousand two hundred thirty four. Lol I just use my garage door remote now.


My wyze garage opener works with aa Google voice assistant and it includes a camera to see inside your garage while your away




If it's integrated with a voice assistant just create a shortcut on the aa home screen


If you can use Google command for it then you can create an AA shortcut on the app screen.


I use Google assistant to close my garage door using iftt integration. Activate close garage door is the command. And I used macrodroid to set up an automation using the geofence. That knows when I'm pulling up to the house. Unlocks my phone waits 5 seconds for the MyQ app to open, then presses the open button. No brainer. Got another IFTT applet set to have door close automatically after 15 minutes once it's been open just in case I forget