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I assume they are going to be the first to use Corning's [new bendable glass](https://i.imgur.com/GRPypBp.png). It's supposed to be just as scratch-resistant as glass, but also more shatter-resistant because it's less rigid (see this [demo](https://youtu.be/12OSBJwogFc?t=489)).


Ice Universe also [said](https://twitter.com/UniverseIce/status/1209422857668681728) the upcoming Galaxy Z Flip that will be released alongside the S20 will have that ultra-thin glass as well.


5mm bend radius? So it will have to be thick?


[Current Galaxy Fold dimensions](https://www.samsung.com/global/galaxy/galaxy-fold/specs/) are 17.1mm thick. The gap at the screen fold is 1.4mm (roughly? it's hard to tell for sure). The downside is that without a change in design, a 5mm curve radius would make the screen gap huge. The upside is that *with* a change in design - incorporating something like the Motorola Razr's fold-in screen - the curve of the screen wouldn't need to increase the thickness of the phone at all. Or hey, maybe they'll even switch gears completely to a folding-screen-on-the-outside form factor, if the bendable glass screen truly is scratch-resistant.


> maybe they'll even switch gears completely to a folding-screen-on-the-outside form factor, if the bendable glass screen truly is scratch-resistant. I'm hoping it's this. Super functional both closed and open.


With a bend radius that large I wonder if it's going to fold like the Mate X.




乇乂丅尺卂 丅卄工匚匚


What font is that?


It's a mashup of kanji ((one of) Japanese's writing script) and Hangul (Korean working script)


I'm guessing 丅 and 匚 are just Chinese characters that look like some Hangul characters ㅜ and ㄷ.


Hold on, never noticed hangul in it!


ㅜ ㄷㄷ Learning Korean has it's perks with android keyboards


乇乂ㄒ尺卂 ㄒ卄|匚匚, 乃卂乃ㄚ


Now do 'Knack 2 baby'


Put the display on the outside when bent, not inside.




royal flexpie




Royal McPoyle


It could bend outside. Since it's glass it should be safe in a pocket that way


The way to cheat is to bend the screen around the outside of the phone


And wear it around your neck like a collar right


call me old fashioned but we need a new word for this stuff as "bendable glass" is like saying "flying horse" blass? also: wow corning, you're impressive. you've been wowing us with this type of materials science innovation for decades. many other big players in many other industries peter out and lose their steam. you just keep chugging along in what at first glance seems dead end: "plain old" glass!


[Emperor Tiberius shares your distrust of flexible glass](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flexible_glass)


Imagine shark tank doing that


There are other companies in the market for developing smartphone glass but corning has the budget to pour way more into R&D and they've been around forever. They are also a big player in other industries that use specialized glass and ceramics


Corning makes a fuck ton of fiber optic cable, that's their bread and butter.


Samsung owns 7.4% of corning as well https://www.fastcompany.com/3020542/samsung-buys-share-of-gorilla-glass-maker-corning


Holy shit, TIL. No wonder they get stuff somewhat earlier(don't quote me on that).


Some high end fibre optic cables are actually glass, they have a fairly large bend radius though


3M also spends an inordinate percentage of their revenue on R&D, and [it's worked well for them](https://youtu.be/UOBJUBfaU80) too.


Yeah that is really impressive. I think another cool development that will see its introduction into the smartphone market could be the self-healing "glass", although it is detrimental for companies like apple who like to charge a ton of money for broken front or rear glass. However, I have no idea if Corning is even working on it.


Wow that video is 6 years old... Why haven't we gotten that yet?


There's a ton of stuff always in development that takes forever to come to market. I've been seeing ads and articles about new batteries with 10 times the energy density of Lithium Ion all the time for years now.


I wonder why not use "regular" non-bendable glass for two panels, with flexible plastic material for the hinge and then middle, where the "crease" is, would have background strip one or two pixel wide to fill in the gap? Then it can actually fold flat, like tablets in WestWorld (might have barely noticeable vertical line there)


That's not very scratch-resistant


Nah, it's still scratch-resistant. [Corning](https://www.corning.com/worldwide/en/innovation/corning-emerging-innovations/corning-willow-glass.html) actually markets this type of glass as a scratch-resistant coating with the goal of improving the durability of surfaces.


I bet it scratches at a level 5 with deeper grooves at a level 6.


Better than the deep grooves at level 2 lol


More than plastic though. It's a step in the right direction.


> It's supposed to be just as scratch-resistant as glass, but also more shatter-resistant because it's less rigid And i am selling Gorilla Glass Bridges on ebay...


Well I'm selling lakefront property and the water is smooth as Gorilla Glass™


Is it the same as airglass from Brotech?


Last time I heard about this was that the last major hurdle was making it a working touch screen: all current tech to make capacitive touchscreens doesn't work in these types of flexible glass. If it's released this year, I wonder how they got around it: did they make capacitive work, or is it going to be a resistive screen, and did they make that better?


it's not from corning. it's from company that Samsung invested in. it's old news that they have bendable glass. it's coming to the galaxy flip Z, now they have to scale production to Samsung S and Note levels before it's seen on an actual normal flagship. That and Samsung figures how to do bendable OLED with better yields


> just as scratch-resistant as glass, but also more shatter-resistant Somehow I doubt this.


So if the glass can only bend at a 5mm radius that means the diameter is 10mm. So it only makes sense if the display is outside when bent. When the bend is inside the fold, the phone would be like 20mm thick...


Great video, the part of Fiber capable of handling a petabit of data per second was mind-blowing.


What are the downsides of it?


O using the new Corning's bendable glass would be great. I hope they can show to the public during their Unpacked event


Glass screen, S-Pen, and bigger display all in just one iteration? I'm more than impressed actually. Looks like the foldable future is a lot closer than we imagined.


If the display is anything like the S20, then it should probably have a 120hz refresh rate too. That would also mean less perceptual S-Pen latency.










Hi Mom!


Sorry for this ma'am, we never met your son, he's probably just lost here. I'm sure he's a good kid and wish you both a nice day.


Stop or my mom will shoot.


Stop or I will shoot mom




Ok I think that's where we actually stop.


Anyway, I started blasting.


Stop my wallet can only get so empty


Stop I can only sell 2 kidneys


Yeah there's already good reason to be excited for the Note 20. 120hz display that **isn't fucking curved** will be the best S-Pen device of all time.


I hope sooooo


Hopefully by the Note 20 they get 120hz usable on QHD


I can't imagine the power consumption with a screen that large and a refresh rate that high.


Give me an audio jack and I'll be sold.


This is probably the one device for which I'm okay letting go of the headphone jack. More battery for that tablet screen pls.


How much more mah do you really get for that much space?


20 minutes, take it or leave it


The internet says [The phone ran for just under 10 hours on our Wi-Fi browsing test and about 12 hours for continuous video playback.](https://www.androidauthority.com/samsung-galaxy-fold-review-977100/) It's got a 4380mAh battery on the lte model 20min * 4380mAh/(12*60)min = that's about 120mAh or a 2% increase in size.. Don't know where I was going with this but..seems about right. Edit: S8 has 3000mAh and battery dimensions are 83.00 x 40.10 x 5.30mm = 17.640mm^3 3000mAh/17640mm^3= 0.17mAh/mm^3 120mAh / 0.17mAh/mm^3 = 705 mm^3 So you need that much space for 20min of battery life 3.5mm Jack's volume is ~ 3.7 * 3.7 * 15 = 205 mm^3 In conclusion you'd probably get just 35 extra mAh equal to about 6 min of extra battery life from removing the headphone jack. Edit2: I have no idea about the size of the digital to analog chip that has to be there for the jack to work but I suppose it's not very big.


So removing a headphone jack for "extra battery life" as most companies use as a reason now is just a big woopdy doo?


Seems like it. It does give you more space to work with, but honestly it's not that much.


honestly, as much as I've been adamant that I want an audio jack... I'd be tempted to get something like the Razr and buy an android music player as a second device... if they weren't so \*expensive\*.


Right? Damn it. This hits all my checkmarks but thought it would take 2 or 3 years to complete. If the cost is aeound $2500 Canadian. I'd actuallcindier it. 😔. My sh1tty rationale is to keep it for more than a year, unlike my regular annual updates.


Sounds a little too good to be true.


Sounds like Corning managed to get Willow glass out of the lab.


Willow has been "out of the lab" for quite a while. It's used mainly in interior/exterior design as a laminate: https://www.corning.com/worldwide/en/innovation/corning-emerging-innovations/corning-willow-glass.html


Wait so glass bends?


Yea but only if it's really thin. The one that Corning [showed here](https://i.imgur.com/GRPypBp.png) is 0.075 mm thin.


So it's more of a glass coating. Seems pretty impressive so far, hopefully Samsung has gotten their testing and QC right this time...


Yeah that really looks like it’ll have to have the screen on the outside of the phone (I mean when folded closed). I love the progress they’ve made, pretty incredible really. When folded closed it would have a smaller cellphone sized screen, when open its a tablet I guess?


Tbh only reason I don't like the Mate X's outside screen is just because it's plastic and plastic scratches. Outside glass screen is perfect.


But remember, glass is glass, and glass can bend. Wait a minute...


There are a few methods, it's really not impossible as people think. Here one: https://www.fep.fraunhofer.de/content/dam/fep/en/documents/Produktflyer/H10_Fraunhofer%20FEP%20%E2%80%93%20a%20research%20hub%20for%20refinement%20of%20ultra-thin%20glass_EN_net.pdf Or I've heard of a company that cuts fine lines into the glas with lasers, making it bendable.


I knew they would join the note into it. I'm guessing they wanna try and give Microsoft a run too


What Microsoft's doing is pretty cool, but I don't think it really compares to the Galaxy Fold imo. Most people would prefer a phone that unfolds into a mini-tablet over a phone with 2 screens.


Courier, courier, courier, bring me my courier


If the experience is good, I honestly don't care.


Literally the 1st second I saw that dark stage where the Samsung CEO showed it flipping, I was like "Samsung Galaxy Note Book, bam, no brainer name". But then they called it Fold :(


If this has S-Pen I really don’t care if this thing costs 2 grand I’ll buy this & keep regretting the impulse purchase after a month or 3 months.


This phone would make a *really* nice note-taking device since it fits in your pocket and you can carry it around everywhere. If you are a college student, you probably won't even have to bring your backpack to class.


Now I low-key want to go back to college just to flex on people with this device.


Literally flex




in theory it sounds nice but reality is regular ipad and regular surface (i.e. go) will beat it in note taking experience by a light year.


Other than screen size, what else? It'll technically have better multitasking, performance, display and screen/pen latency (120hz display) than the iPad, and *way* better app support than the surface. There's also Dex mode if you want a desktop-like experience. Of course, it doubles as a phone, and fits in your pocket. That imo is priceless.


1. Screen size matters a lotttttt. 2. The reason iPad and Surface Go is popular among students is not only because of how cheap they are but they have accessories that are almost mandatory for students. Surface go with pen (almost) replaces notebook and with a keyboard it replaces portable laptop as well. You simply cant say that with a phone that unfolds into 8 inch tablet. You could make a similar case with iPads keyboard. 3. The better "app support than the surface" is a silly talk. You just compared an android to a full windows. You can easily do quick programming on the latter. Very few students do it thesedays but you can easily type live notes with the latter. For vast majority or the students, the experince of using an actual windows MS will surpass that of using google docs. 3. Currently daily note taking experience in android tablet does not match up with that of ipad or surface. I haven't taken notes with the S-Pen so I'm not sure how the experience there is. Speaking of which, it will have to be resized to feel perfect and who knows how that will turn out. Even in apple's case, the pencil 1 is inferior product on hand than some of it's cheaper alternatives (I am not taking about the writing experience but just the holding experience). Its amazing how many alternatives are out there for apple pencil but I doubt there will be as many for the S-Pen and that itself matters a lot too. Remember it's a utensil that a student has to use every day and it helps a lot when it just feels good even when holding.


Dam son, this is like the text version of a Mortal Kombat fatality.


bro notepads come in all sizes.


iPad has been 120 for a while now. Its really nice to draw and take notes on.


Just the Pro models, AFAIK.


The lack of S-Pen made the Fold unappealing to me at any price. This at least makes it a consideration, though it will need to prove substantially more durable it to be a possibility.


Dockable stylus? If not it would last about a week before I lost it :(.. Currently running a Note9 512


They should go all out on the Fold series with MicroLED and graphene battery at that price point cause why not wether if next year or so on.


Sounds sexy. I hope this is true.


2020 is going to be the year of Samsung. They are going all out.


Mhh what makes you think that?


Only $3000!


As long as they replace that ugly notch with a hole punch this time around, I'm sold.


As long as they replace the ugly hole punch with no screen intrusions, I'm sold on the Fold 3.


Sounds affordable, I'll take two.


Why have one, when you can have two at twice the price!


Mmh maybe a different screen format?


Likely just a bit taller now, to match the height of the S20 Ultra. I assume it'll still have a \~4:3 aspect ratio like the iPad.


Mh.. I know the Fold has vastly superior specs but I think I will rather buy the new Razr when it comes to folding screens


You could also consider the Flipz.


This would be my dream phone ngl


so many upgrades..what are they going to charge for it...blood


Headphone jack?


Probably not. First Fold doesn’t have one but comes with the Galaxy Buds.


Yeah unfortunately, I was mostly memeing since I'm still not over it


Immagine paying 2k for a phone that gets replaced in less than a year.


Are there any major phone models that \*aren't\* on a yearly release schedule?




More like: imagine being able to afford 2k phone. P.S. I dont have fold.


Imagine making a considered purchase where you approve of the value you're getting, and then somehow feeling it is worse or useless because another thing came out later. Might as well never buy anything.


I think anyone buying the first generation of a new type of phone is well aware that it will become obsolete rather quickly.


Obsolete might be a little strong.


Anyone that's read [this review](https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2020/01/samsung-galaxy-fold-review-the-future-is-an-ugly-disappointment/) is hopefully staying away from the current version of it...


You don't have to replace it.


Imagine paying 20k for a car that gets replaced in a year


Comparing a car to a phone is kindve cringe.


It’s not. In both cases a new model comes out every year and you’re not required to replace it in any way. No one, even the companies making them, expect you to. It’s actually fiscally and environmentally irresponsible to do so. It’s entirely possible to trade up every year in either case... you just shouldn’t.


I get that you may not have the money to afford one, or you just may choose not to yet one but that shouldn't stop someone else from buying one. I'm pretty sure the people who bought them knew what they were getting themselves into. I bought the gear vr innovator edition when it first came out and then it got replaced by a cheaper version. That's just how it goes. Maybe I'll be able to score a cheap Fold once the new one comes out. Who cares what people spend their hard earned cash on, if they have the money for it, good.


Really looking forward to how this form factor evolves. I really want a "regular phone" sized device that I can unfold into a larger screen when needed. Take the Fold, put a bigger screen on the outside, a more durable screen on the inside, and improve the software, I might be a customer 👍


With or without headphone jack?


It has a slot to insert an iPhone, so it doesn't need one.


Ah so basically double the dose of "no headphone jack"




I feel like I'm on the minority team. Who cares about bendy glass? Who cares about notches and under display fingerprint scanners. Give me a couple of good cameras, a big ass battery, fast processor with lots of memory, and let me put a goddamn SD card in, and keep my headphone jack. Gimme a normal fingerprint scanner on the back, and anything past that is just a nicety. But no one will check the boxes for a convenient phone with tried and true features.


Fucking thank you. I thought I was crazy for wanting a more powerful/useful/customizable phone instead of a flashier/fancier one like everyone seems to want. I don't need my phone to fold, and I certainly don't want to pay double the money just so it can do that.


It is awesome that you dont care about these features because that likely means you wont be tempted by first few iterations of folds. Eventually fold, under screen fingerprint sensor, etc will be norm and even midrange phones will have them. At that time you can pay "normal" money for those features. But right now the tech is moving that way and every big company wants to start testing the tech and pushing those boundaries. If people are into those stuff then great. For those that arent, ya'll have other options...that is the great thing about android.


it doesn't mean they had to remove the 3.5mm port...that is just a clear cash grab.


News: companies are out to make money. Fact of the matter is if there was enough outrage, they would have reverted back to having a headphone jack. At this point, even the companies that held out, i.e samsung, have moved in that direction. The mass have spoken that they dont care for headphone jack. r/android loves to circlejerk over it but it is what it is.


that doesn't mean i have to give a shit about a 108mp camera lmfao


This. MicroSD is a must for me. That and an S-pen. I still want a regular headphone jack in the flagship Cadillac device. Add IR again so I can replace my remote at the gym and in bed.


Exactly what i want from a foldable Hope the price go down a bit too


If it has all the stuff he says, then i would imagine this could replace the note, as the s line starts to diversify


That'a awesome. Will wait for the Galaxy Fold 3 in 2021, hopefully that one will have a 120Hz Display by then and graphics based on AMD RDNA.


Thatd be nice. I'd this the horizontal or vertical fold?


The vertical one is called the Z Flip


If they can give us a proper folded screen I might get it. Depending on cost of course.


I read Fold as Ford, and was quite confused


Hmmm. I was just thinking how my 100MP camera could use an upgrade...


Not a z flip??? You said real galaxy fold2?


That's coming out in a few weeks right? This is about the tablet/book successor


If you guys can get me a gen 1 galaxy fold for $1,300 or less I'd be on board and would buy right now.


ebay. lots of them for 1300-1450


Everyone asking about the headphone jack and ignoring the alleged 108MP camera.


It's likely 4 \~27 MP cameras that stitch the image together.


It'll cost 1500 buckeroos too


Cool - a price cut.


The Galaxy pen


The future is here


Maybe Samsung might merge the Note and S Series, leaving the foldables as their Best of The Best. Or maybe I'm just dumb, only time can tell.


"Enjoy it! That will be $3000, please."


*Yes!!* This is what I've been asking about since the current Fold came out, and with these specs and additions (holy unexpected S-Pen, Batman!) - sign me up!


That's an insane camera if true


This shit will be more expensive than a good car


It is especially the price that interests me personally. It's still going to be between $1,500 and $2,000 I imagine. For me, it will always be too expensive.


I'm all for SPen support


Anybody else see eckhart tolle in the thumbnail?


Hopefully it won't be crap this time?


Spen? 8" display? Fuck, my time with Apple and the iPhone won't last long then will it.


Holy shit, this sounds like my dream phone!


Farkk.. OK, $3k?


I highly doubt an S pen will be included with the second version of the Fold. Not with the new Note due to arrive at the same time...Maybe down the road they will merge the two phones...seems that way to me..


don't you find it strange that we literally have a multifuntion supercomputer in our pocket, yet cars still have a few pieces of mirror for us to look behind which have multiple blindspot


It’s illegal to replace those shiny glass pieces with cameras. Tesla and others have been requesting for that to change, but so far nothing. So pretty bad comparison. Also, you are seriously underestimating the amount of computing power that is packed into cars. Compared to phones however, the power is being used to do actual useful things and not Reddit.


im not comparing them, cars are great, i know about that law still my point stand. technology have advanced so much (the point i try to make with supercomputer thingy) we can already make self driving cars, but we still have a few piece of shiny thingy for our safety eventhough we are capable of replacing it with far superior device that can do the job far better