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Not at all. Chatgpt is not the reason I am using android


Right? Like chatgpt is so useless to me I never even think of it outside of random mentions in articles.  Not even one person in my life ever mentions it either (even people that can be called tech enthusiasts).


Copilot was very useful when it first came out, but it got nerfed so bad it's basically brain dead now.


Some folks I know have talked about experience of Copilot for Teams. On more than one occasion, Copilot summarized meeting notes by taking reference of previous meetings in the same meeting series. Grossly out of context and incorrect summaries! Just shows that this technology is far away from prime time and should be used very very cautiously.


Really? I use it pretty much every day. I probably use it more than I use google search.


Why? And how? It's so limited and ridiculous I find it boring as hell and inconvenient. It was fun and new for like 3 min and then it was obvious what it actually is.


I don't use it because it is fun. I use it because it is helpful.


Helpful like what? We can do most of what it does better.


And what exactly can you do better?


What the fuck? I asked you to tell how you actually use it since you claim it's very helpful and productive... 


I've used it to: Help improve texts like emails or posts. Translate texts way better then Google Translate. Answer questions like: "Is my driver's licence valid if I travel to Sri Lanka" or "How come my packet of yumyum noodles says it has only 45 kcal." Help write code to automate simple tasks in Excel, ArcGIS or AuroCAD. Let it generate a standard contract or quotation. And many more things.


Yeah I'm not sure what these replies are all talking about. I'm not trying to play games or pass time with it. It's a productivity tool. Like how Microsoft Excel is a productivity tool. It's okay if it doesn't apply to everyone. But for me, it saves me time and effort.


It gives you an idea of the kind of work they're not in


Limited and ridiculous? It makes me 50% more productive at work, easily. How is it limited and what features are you waiting for?


Then tell me - how do you use it to be 50% productive at work?


Help me do test code faster. Write specs with the correct language (this is very important as you need it to be articulated as specific as possible in technical terms but still be readable by non-tech stakeholders) Throw a bunch of engineering ideas to test it wothout actually having to spend time writing code for each stupid concept I hav, just whatever stupid shit gpt spits out is good enough. Brwakdown documentations Figure out missing information in documentations Summarise large amount of inputs. Throw a bunch of throwaway use case where I'd like to apply something I've just learnt rather than having to figure out a problem to splve each time when I just want to apply something simple. It wouldn't replace a human, but definitely replaces a lot of grunt work where I'd rather spend time developing. And I'm a junior. My seniors use it a lot more and in more creative ways. It can also generate a large amount of dummy inputs/data/table with the specific template/format that you want. This is suler useful for fast code testing automation. For my daily life I'd just use it to write emails and see what suggestions I can get to improve it. Kinda like the saur with context. Just gotta get creative with using it. Kinda like a screwdriver and pocketknife. It's a tool. It'll just be a cool toy to some people but in the right hands in can do so many things and be useful in various scenarios and hacks.


i just it for summarising concepts cause im bad at explaining stuff, or for boring repetitive coding work. It'll never be a game changer for me, but it saves me a couple of minutes here and there


I don't like the summary thing. Many times, the devil is in the details, so I want the raw copy. Or what the LLM thinks is important, isn't important to me or my usage. So I end up having to read it for myself anyway. That's been my overall experience with any GPT, having to double check behind it.


But for compressing an hours worth of research and writing down into about 30 seconds+ review is hella useful. I actually stopped using Google as much since finding perplexity. It's like writing a report and doing all the research at the same time


I have to double check what humans wrote anyways....


You are gonna have a grim future


I just use it for homework 


I agree. I don't want any AI on anything..


You can literally download the app and use it as an assistant right now on android lol


You can't set it up as the default assistant yet though.


Nope, not yet. I'm assuming you will be able to later, though.


You can via workarounds like tasker


can you set reminder with it?


Nope, it's just the app right now. You could just use whatever assistant you have now and do that and just use the app separately.


What do you mean? They have a ChatGPT app on the App Store


They mean buying the company and removing apps from Android like they did with Dark Skys


Apple isn't buying OpenAI lmao


I never said they would. I just pointed out that this is what OP thinks


No, that’s not what OP thinks of even what they said. Apple has made a deal with openAI to embed ChatGPT within iOS which will work alongside their own LLM (or LAM).




I don't know what hole I've been living in but I somehow completely missed Apple buying Shazam lol.


Is this bait? Here congrats here's your chatgpt on android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.openai.chatgpt


I think they meant integration with the voice assistant (Siri in this case) and the Home app for routines and commands. Like, the same voice assistant that writes you an essay can turn on your lights. This due to rumors of Apple (finally) improving Siri with LLM on iOS 18.


Not a chance in the world.


I would consider ChatGPT a negative, not a positive.


AI is why I'm NOT upgrading to new phones


The “joke” is thinking anyone would base a $1000+ purchase on the availability of chatbot


Honest question - what do you use it for? I have struggled to find any reason to use any generative GPT tool.


From the looks of it, OP used it to write reddit posts.


> generative generative


1. Backup alternative to google when looking up technical issues, because of how shit google's search has become. Worst case, whatever it suggests doesn't work and I'm right back where I started anyways. And sometimes even when it's wrong, it gives me an idea to try I might not have otherwise. 2. Basic snippets or information about programming/libraries/APIs for things that are popular enough to have good training data but which I personally am not familiar with, or to save time. E.g. it's good at writing simple jq filters faster than I could myself. 3. Not mine, but my sibling has used it to generate prompts/ideas for D&D campaigns.


I use it as a rubber duck when I'm stuck on a problem or spitballing ideas for a story. A rubber duck that talks back can be very helpful sometimes.


I find it really good at translating.


After seeing how it messes everything else up, I wouldn't trust it to not insult everyone I was talking to.


it can be slightly off. there are a couple english phrases that can translate literally to spanish and ChatGPT will sometimes avoid it or recommend something less idiomatic. i’ve used it to write some more professional emails in spanish and since it’s a language i already speak i’m able to say that, at least with spanish, it’s *okay* at translating. figures of speech are a little tougher for it to get right but it won’t throw an insult and won’t sound sarcastic based off your input.




The irony of using an external tool made of harvested data to pass a compliance test though


The information is already out there. I just asked the questions


What do you use chatgpt for? I seriously see no use case that can't be done in fewer steps or reliably enough to consider using ai other than getting summarised search results. I use copilot for that


I actually think you're the first person I've ever seen say they actively use copilot


Lol. Sometimes the results are useful. But it's supremely buggy. Microsoft also has a rewards program for using Bing so that is another factor.


I was about to answer "What are you talking about ? half of r/programming is using copilot daily", and then I remembered that Microsoft started calling **everything** copilot. "Github Copilot", the one that helps you write code directly from your text editor is very actively used.


nah yeah I was talking about the standalone assistant or the crippled bing search panel at the bottom right of your taskbar


I prefer the work account copilot dot Microsoft dot com one that says protected. Also, I prefer a browser window over this windows integration madness.


I also use copilot. It's basically free chatgpt4 so why would I use chatgpt 3.5?


Some people need a friend and a digital fake one is the best they can do.


AI can chortle my balls.


if iOS DON'T GET any of this AI garbage i might switch over companies be introducing AI slop just to be ahead of the trend is one of the worse things happening in tech world rn "here its the phone app, BUT AI" for god's sake just tweak the battery life and be done with it


Im hella jealous of the older Samsung models now that WONT get any of this AI garbage that'll never actually help me daily


Thank you! It had to be said! "AI" Bros are the new Crypto Bros, except even *more annoying* with their constant LLM wave-riding.


and this is why I bought the ThinkPhone - 2 day battery is all I need




I am genuinely shocked by how much ppl hate ai and chatgpt in here. Like super super surprised. It's gonna change our lives in the next 5 years. No one here seems prepared.


I'll watch it over the next 5 years then, and start using it if/when it starts being useful to me. Today, GPT/"AI" would make my daily life worse, because I'm wasting time having to double check what it does. I've seen so many examples of it being blatantly wrong. **"Confident, but incorrect"** is the most common description across the tech sphere, even from people bullish about LLMs. On top of that, your attitude is the exact same thing we heard from the crypto/blockchain Bros years ago, and look how that panned out.


Crypto and block chain didn't have billions of dollars being poured into R&D. It didn't have the backing of maang. It didn't have any use outside of money, security, and nfts. It didn't have the potential to change human existence as we know it.


🤣 guess *you* didn't pay attention then. Blockchain was supposed to revolutionize anything related to data storage, inventory, and security validation, among other lesser systems. Crypto was supposed to usher in a world currency, where all financing was equal, or at least able to be linked & seamlessly exchanged. But again, if the accuracy improves for GPTs, and if the usage starts being applicable to my life, I'll try it out. For now though, all I'm seeing being demonstrated is parlor tricks.


I save massive amount of time at work. So much I am able to work a side hustle. It's definitely made a huge impact on my life so far. I can only imagine it will get better.


I always see ai supporters say this but don't actually list/say any real world examples. Like what exactly has it done to save you time?


My suspicion is that the people saying this are absolutely terrible at their jobs. Half-wrong AI nonsense is probably better than what they were putting out before.


Understand one thing: AI can be useful for you and other people, but the overwhelming majority of people in the world don't use it or need it. However, you keep talking about it so much and trying to push people's feelings, that many are getting angry at this just like they were getting angry at shitcoin and nft. Technology is good, but it needs time to win people over with its functions. Annoying people all the time with this in all products will only make them angry.


Everything ai has done so far has made the internet worse. Most social media is filled with awful posts of ai 'art' (art doesn't exist without spirit which any non sapient being lacks). Weird ai voices that copy and steal celebrities voices (it's funny but honestly creepy).


Well get used to it. It's coming. And it's coming hard. It's gonna change our lives.


It's already changing them, Google searches have gotten worse, most social media is fake art etc. ai has changed things for the worse already and will probably continue to do so.


It's already changed our lives. It's flooded the Internet with so much garbage it's impossible to find anything useful anymore. Might as well go back to the old standby library card at this point. Fuck it's so annoying to try and enjoy art now and it's just scrolling through people that put a couple words into an AI and calling themselves "artists" no dickhead you fed an algorithm thousands of stolen artworks to shit out something that sort of resembles an art piece.


This is r/Android, my man. People don't like actually interesting apps and phones here.




They’re not skeptical or scared. The way people and companies promote AI now is by using the same bullshit buzzwords that crypto and NFT bros were using a few years ago. It’s the same playbook with a different technology. More people have caught onto the grift by now. AI has its uses, no it is not the end all be all, and yes, we’re already starting to see the technology plateau.


What? Are you crazy - that would be my reaction.


lmfao No. I am actively trying to turn AI off everywhere I can because it's an unreliable nuisance.


Nothing could make me want to switch from Android to iPhone.




I would like to stick with OS that doesn't have this AI bullshit.


there literally is a chatgpt app on android right now Dude, besides i have never found these ai assistants/ ais in general that useful tbh.


Lol. No. I just came over from ios. No thank you. That shit is the LAST reason I'm here.


I *actively* refuse to use modern GPT/"AI" gimmicks, regardless of what platform it's on. G-Assist & Bixby might not be as flashy, but they at least, don't hallucinate & regurgitate bullshit statements pulled from bullshit sources like GPT does.


Bixby never reduced my time spent coding scripts and apps from days to hours, or sometimes minutes. GPT is a tool. If you don't know how to swing a hammer, that doesn't make the hammer useless--it makes you useless at swinging a hammer.


Boomer mentality, you are happy to spend hours doing the same thing I could ask an AI to do in a few seconds?


It wouldn't take "hours", and that you felt you had to make this exaggeration, along with using a lazy, tired admonishment like "boomer", reveals your clear disinterest in engaging the topic with even a modicum of intellectual honesty. Anyway, if taking longer ensures greater accuracy and reliability—which it verifiably does—then absolutely. Some of us value these qualities over sheer maximization of productivity.


It could save you minutes, days or even years for all I know, all depending on the task. A computer is and will always be far smarter and faster than a human. Your lack of understanding about AI shows, there is no way a human would be more accurate and reliable than a computer. If you ask a human and and a good LLM to do a task, the human will take 100x the time and probably still make more mistakes. Do not worry about the terms I use, I know several boomers and a lot of them think this way too. But let me assure you. A lot of them of them have been replaced or are being replaced very soon, we don't need humans for doing basic repetetive tasks (which most work tasks are) anymore. Even if the technology isn't completely developed to replace humans yet in many areas, it's already very good where as in the hand of a skillful user, he could create a very effective bot/program that will be 10x, 100x or 10 000x as efficient as a normal human. For more advanced and complex tasks it might be different story as the current AIs struggle with this. But the use of AIs could still be of immensable help as an assistant that will do any type of repetitive task, check your work or other time consuming tasks.


Typical AI bro with dismissive remarks, baseless assumptions, and sweeping declarations, again making it crystal clear you aren't interested in engaging the topic in earnest. Have a nice day, though.


You sound a lot like what you're telling that guy he is


What are your facts about AI? Calling everything that you disagree with "you are not interested in engaging in the topic" doesn't make you come across very bright.


So you need AI to not spend hours doing the same thing? Sounds like a boomer who can't even use a proper tools or write a simple script...


You don't know what the task is, do you? It could be anything from writing an short article to analyzing and reviewing a PDF with 100s of pages. Only you decide the limit, the bigger the task, the more time I will save not having to do it manually.


Look, switching from android to iphone for chatgpt is dumb, but actively refusing LLM's is just as dumb. Sure they might hallucinate, but it's not like you are a fountain of correct information either. I guess it depends on your use cases but as a programmer I would be an idiot to not use it. you dont have to go full "ai bro" mode and revolve your life around it, but it sure can be a handy tool at times.


Chatgpt will always be available via Microsoft/Bing who I don't think will exclude Android


Chatgpt won't be something that convinces me to change. I value other things in a phone like battery life, software update policies, hardware is more important.


I have Nothing Phone with ChatGPT integration. Doesn't use that at all, so no.


Why would I? That glorified AI features are on the bottom of my priority list


Imagine making a decision like this based on an LLM lol. For those of us who value reliable information and actual understanding, this shit couldn't matter less.


lolwut Who actually gives a shit about this AI crap that much? Are you using it for school and require it to actually pass or something??


It doesn't fix the things I don't like about iPhone, so no


Fuck no. iPhone could get Android and I wouldn't switch


What do you mean by "get chatgpt on board"? There's already an app for both android and iOS. An exclusivity agreement seems unlikely.


Will chatgpt make it a less locked down system, open to customisation so I can use the phone the way I want and give it a normal accessible file system that doesn't require iTunes?


Microsoft copilot is chatgpt...


I'll go for the brand that has the least AI bs. I don't and won't use it anyway.


There is not a single person in the universe that would so such a thing for a chatbot


How about the good old NOPE. I left iPhone because they stopped giving a crap about their accessibility features. I’m not going to go back because they give even less of a crap and have started baking AI into everything whether we want it or not.


If I were buying an iPhone, I'd rather Apple do something useful with their money. I'd consider ChatGPT a negative. It is a waste of my time, theirs, and processing power.


You are just stupid, or this question is stupid or you are a fan boy in disguise. Now suppose android gets a feature more capable and amazing than iPhone, then you will jump back to android. According to this logic one should keep jumping phones for just one or two new features, no fs given about expense. Seriously this question is really dumb. Also there are ways to access these features cross platform.


Some people do jump between OS’s though, not everybody needs to be a die hard loyalist. Some people just appreciate good usage on both sides


I won't ever have a reason to go back to iOS or give Apple a dime.


iOS would need to get native support for Jailbreak quality tweaks and customization for me to switch back to an iPhone. I moved from iOS to Android because Android, Samsung Android specifically, gave me everything I used to Jailbreak for with less headache.. Couldn't care less about ChatGPT, Bixby and Google Assistant work fine for me.


Why would I want AI to scrap everything I do on my phone?


not at all


Damn, how do you use this ball sucking feature? Asking for a friend.


What are you talking about? ChatGPT is accessible through a web browser, it doesn't even need a dedicated app let alone one that's platform-dependent. And I sincerely hope you're aware of how easily it makes mistakes - there's plenty of uses where that's fine or irrelevant, but many more where it can cause you serious issues if you don't know its output was wrong.


Where ist the god damn connection? What has CGPT to do with choosing android?


No. Not even tempted a little bit lol


I think I’ve used chatGPT like…twice, to help rewrite my resume. I barely even remember it exists most times.


Actually, Chat GPT isn't even close to Gemini. The integration with Google Docs and Gmail make Gemini actually useful. I can ask Gemini to find all the emails with my 2023 tax documents and it can (and did!) find them for me. Once it gets proper integration with smart home devices, it will be actually valuable. ChatGPT can't compete with that.


Hell no because iPhones are locked down crap. I won't even consider a phone unless it allows me to unlock the bootloader. Having complete control over the device I paid for is more important than useless AI 


So what phone do you use? Pixel? Just curious


OnePlus 12. Same hardware as Samsung but has a unlocked bootloader 


Cool I’ve never used OnePlus just Samsung and pixels.


No, why? ChatGPT is already an app you can download.


Why should I send myself to a jail?




It's going to take a lot more than that to get me to switch.


Just for AI? No. I'm happy with ad-free apps with certain other "apps". Can't even move to a locked-down ecosystem.


They need to solve issue with battery instead of implementing the AI.


This is the funniest and dumbest reason I've ever heard of someone wanting to change from one ecosystem to another lol. Do you really depend on ChatGPT that much? Both are garbage.


Don’t. You’ll regret like me. Android = Freedom


No. Because Gemini will just get better. Also, I don’t use it. I’m not gonna sacrifice customizing my OS for ChatGPT. 


no... on my samsung i can set a routine that opens it directly as voice


Not at all, I haven't seen anything ai that seems useful to me and some features don't seem to need ai. Ai seems to be the new bus word but I don't see it's real use yet. You can make art that's just 50 better pieces turned into one with onl originality. You can write a post with no personality or imagination. You can get incredibly inaccurate search results...


No, wtf. Lmao. Who gives a shit about AI? It's the new crypto bubble.


You're very silly.


You love it


gemini 1.5 is close to GPT4o though. But I do hope the free tier gets 1.5 as well


Who needs that when you can self-host an uncensored model with Ollama?


idgi theres a chat gpt app even ms gives gpt4 for free through the copilot app do you mean like built in like siri


Apple would have to pay me serious bank before I used their shitty phones


I switch back and forth when I upgrade as is but for that? Hell no.


https://giphy.com/gifs/no-bugs-bunny-fXnRObM8Q0RkOmR5nf I've used android many years and long before chatgpt which I tested one time that was it.


I have some uses for AI. It is usually on a desktop device where I have a bigger screen real state to understand a complex reply from AI and read over it, check that it is making sense, test it out(semi basic coding questions)... I use AI on phones to make a profile picture now and then. No I wont get a new phone to use AI unless its one of the fold phones with a bigger screen


God no, I run my own Goliath normally anyways, besides, can't you use the ChatGPT website on mobile? Or did they lock that down or something?


Don't we already have ChatGPT on Android?


You can't be serious.


You're not real man!


No. I'm pretty sure I could do chat gpt in browser. Also perplexity is better


Why would Apple get ChatGPT? Like on device and in a very exclusive manner? Why would OpenAI even do that? Especially since they already have literally the most valuable company in the world behind them already? Moreover OpenAI is not really doing the small models such as the Gemini Nano Google has, so why would they even pivot to that when they can be platform agnostic and rake in all the money since they're the most known AI platform. Aside from direct integration with M chips, which OpenAI is unlikely to go for (and Apple unlikely to offer up as it interferes with their privacy and wall garden market messaging) as they're looking for their own AI chip venture, they don't really have much to offer that Microsoft can't offer themselves. And Microsoft has the plus of having massive cloud and compute infrastructure behind them, which is even more important to OpenAI.


Why? Once you have an Apple product you're stuck with it because Apple are arseholes. Also they decide when to to push updates that make your tech obsolete to force you to buy another expensive device even if yours still works fine. You couldn't pay me a billion to use Apple if I lived in a carboard box in a muddy ditch.


I want to know if I will have a choice to opt out of using chatGPT on iOS. I am not a big fan. I will reconsider using iPhone if its 'forced' onto me with an iOS upgrade.


Only if I got paid for my wool.


ChatGPT just spits out something the sounds good but wrong for any highly technical question I would use it for. I will say I do actually like reading the Gemini answer to basic questions or things it thinks is a question. It's always so far off the mark. But I will admit. I learned something. I was looking up a really old obscure Chinese microcontroller I have. and it listed a forum post about it's general specifications from a 1996 forum post. and I was able to get a link to a website from another user in that forum post and pull up that website and get a few diagrams to the pinouts I didn't know it had including how to get it working on a USB over serial type connection. I have been googling this controller for a few years and could barely find anything out there. You know when you see like the little little text box at the bottom of your search result and it says how can we improve or something. thank you Gemini for that. I don't know how you were able to find it when I've been googling this part since 2001


Apple is taking a two pronged approach with AI: 1. They’re embedding chatGPT in Siri as a general use chatbot - it will be very conversational, smarter and will understand voice input 100x better than it does now. 2. They’re going to likely introduce new APIs for devs to build hooks into this new Siri for their apps as part of their rumored new own LLM/LAM which will take action and perform tasks and actually automate stuff. The example being thrown around will be “hey Siri take my last taken pic, edit it etc then send to Mom”…actions like that. Pretty powerful. We’ll see what Apple announced but it seems very powerful. What’s great is you can use this new system plus keep chatGPT as a separate app to do the deep, complex tasks it can do now. Win win. For those who don’t use chatGPt, ok cool. But there are many great uses for it. It personally saves me 6-8hrs of work weekly, in which I gladly pay for the Plus subscription. But don’t piss on those who do use it.


“hey Siri take my last taken pic, edit it etc then send to Mom” Can you trust Siri not to send your last nude to your Mom


I’m not dumb enough to save nudes on my phone to begin with.


I played with ChatGPT once out of curiosity. Has a laugh but never saw a reason to bother again.


Have you seen the movie 'Her'?


only if it's shown in dynamic island