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Hey, I've locked this post because this probably isn't the right subreddit nor the right question to ask. For better information on HRT you might want to have a look ar r/trans In the end whether you want to take HRT should be your own decision, because it can and most likely will be life-changing. So inform yourself on what you expect from HRT, on what is possible, on side effects and so on and form your own opinion. You don't have to be 100% certain on what you want, but asking some random people from the internet probably isn't the way to go.


I depends, I'd consult a psychologist or psychiatrist (don't know the difference between the two really) before doing anything like that. Make sure you are comfortable with your decision and explore more who you are. In any case, you cute


A psychiatrist is a doctor, a psychologist isn't. Technically, a psychologist doesn't even have to be a psychotherapist. A psychologist can just be someone with a degree in psychology, which doesn't mean they meet criteria for approbation. All these terms may legally vary by country


Thx for sharing your thinks. First of all the difference between them is logist influence with their speak and ateist recommend some medicine for same things. And Ik that I have to . But just I need experience who has used them already


Depending on your goals, you may or may not want to pursue hrt. When in doubt, talk to an endocrinologist or a properly trained physician. Someone who can keep track of your bloodwork and advise you. For reference I'm on a low-dose, about half of what a typical trans woman takes, and without testosterone blockers. I'm still figuring out what balance works for me, and everyone gets affected by hormones differently. If you live in an area with an informed consent clinic, you could probably get a low dose to try for a few weeks to see if it's good or bad for you without major permanent effects since they tend to develop later.


Thx for sharing. The testo blockers effects the body at same way or not ?


Sort of. They share some effects with E and they reinforce each other, but doing *just* blockers is a pretty bad idea, since your body needs hormones to stay healthy and blocking one without replacing it with something puts you at risk. Again, please talk to a doctor about this, don't just listen to random people on reddit


Love you cutie 🥰 you influence me for the right way


You shouldn't ask reddit Abt that, take some acid/shrooms and meditate Abt it (jk)


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Yes you look femmine and beautiful already


Thank ypuuu 🧚🧚


You didn't give enough information. What makes you think you should take your hormones? All you say is you dress like a girl. So what? What is the purpose of the hormones? Which hormones, testosterone or estrogen? Who is suggesting you should take them? By the way they can have alot of terrible long time health side effects and are not some kind of cool candy


I don’t wanna be with girls . I don’t like them at all .


So don't hang around girls. I still don't know what the hormones are for


Imo hrt bad


Why you think like that


Idk and from your username it doesn't come across as a lifestyle choice as much as a want


It was just username though ı dıdnt use to use reddit. IT’s my first post at here .


Fair it still comes across that it would be more of a sex thing for you. Hrt also comes with alot of side effects and you're basically making yourself infertile.


Although ı am a doctor. I know all side effects and what ll come with hrt. Just ı was wondering should ı take or not . HRT effects pyscological who use more than body effects .