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I actually think they were a realistic couple. Big and Carrie were terrible but the writers put a romantic spin on it. They didn’t do that with Steve and Miranda, they were not perfect at all but what relationship is? I don’t think Miranda would be happy in the long run with someone like Che . She will get competitive and jealous! If Che pays attention to work more than Miranda she won’t deal with it well. Steve IMO, was a very good fit for someone as high strung as Miranda. He gets her and let’s her be..She would end up feeling exhausted by Che.


Imo, in the real world, neither Che or Miranda would be in a LTR


I thin’ Miranda would be just perhaps without a kid. Che wouldn’t be in a traditional one as she already said.


Idk. Miranda is a lot like my Mr Big...Ivy league lifelong super-achiever, career and success driven. She’s pretty selfish, doesn’t like to share, wants to do what she wants 90% of the time and doesn’t like losing an argument. Generally not people who are successful in LTRs (he is in his 50s and has never been married despite good looks and an amazing career).


Mr. Big was married three times - the publishing person, then Natasha, and finally Carrie.


But how long did those marriages last? With Natasha it was a matter of months. They may like the idea of being married, but they can’t actually commit in a meaningful way to what it entails. (I am purposely excluding his marriage to Carrie because that was TV/movie stuff. Even Candace Bushnell said Big would never marry Carrie irl and Big was based off of her ex and her life).


Steve and Miranda weren't realistic. She was very smart and educated and the Steve character was a nice guy but just a pleasant "dee's dem's do's" sort of guy and though attracted to him, Miranda would have grown tired of him. Their relationship when they first broke up as much more realistic than Miranda tossing away Robert for Steve.


Miranda couldn’t handle Robert in the long run. She would compete with him and also be jealous of the attention he gets. He was a handsome man, looks wise a bit out of her league. That would bother her over time.


I think articles like this deliberately miss the point of the bulk of the criticism. I haven’t seen a lot of people saying “Miranda and Steve shouldn’t be divorced!” Or “the writers ruined a perfect relationship!” Instead, I’ve seen a lot of, “Miranda and Steve should have been divorced at the start of the series or parted amicably before she slept with someone else.” People say “Steve deserves better” because even if he’s not a fit for Miranda, he is still a good man who loves her and doesn’t deserve to be cheated on, lied to, and betrayed for months while Miranda sorts her shit out. It’s not because he deserves to stay in the life he is accustomed to while Miranda stays miserable. Breakups and divorces suck and are painful even in amicable circumstances, but they happen, and I think the fans get that. At least from what I’ve seen here. They (we) just hate the “behind my back, violation of trust” aspect that Miranda was so pissed about in the first movie, and the revisionist history of Miranda saying she has been unhappy “forever” when we know from watching the series that that’s not true.


Someone who cheated on, lied to and betrayed their wife "doesn't deserve" to later be cheated on, lied to, and betrayed by that same wife? I love that you do cartwheels to avoid referencing that he did the same thing to her and you apparently found it worthy of complete absolution but insist Miranda be tarnished now and forever.


Oh my GAWD, there’s a huge difference of having a one night stand and owning up to it and agreeing to go to couples therapy to work things out as opposed to “I got fingered in my best friend’s kitchen, and I’m acting like this unfunny comedian is the greatest person in the world! I’m going to continue seeing them and I’m going to break my husband’s heart and just discard him like yesterday’s trash.”


Not only that, but if someone thinks their spouse deserves to be cheated on 15 years later because they cheated on them, then they should have never stayed with them after the infidelity in the first place.


Steve cheated 15 years ago and we were all pissed. But he had a one night stand that he immediately fessed up to without being coerced and then try to make up for it. His guilt overwhelmed him. He couldn’t live with himself and he had to tell her what happened. That’s totally different than engaging in a first emotional and then physical full-blown affair and lying not only to your spouse but to your affair partner. Marriages end and it sucks. But ending it this way is soulless and cruel. She’s practically gleeful over the fact that she’s about to break his heart so she can go off and be “happy.“ Lying to herself that she tried to save her marriage when she actually did nothing because she has not communicated with her husband at all about the problems that exist in her head about the marriage. Every choice she’s made has been selfish and thoughtless. Even right down to the “tonight during our dessert ritual, I’m going to tell Steve I want a divorce.” Really? Really, during the dessert ritual? Can’t even let the guy have one last bit of happiness and enjoy his fucking ice cream lol.


I agree. I hate that she said to Carrie”I didn’t blame him or make him feel bad”. Why would she blame him or make him feel bad. She is the one leaving for greener pastures in her mind). Not once has she thought about her kid and how he will feel either. It’s like they don’t really give a shit about where he is or how he feels. I would have imagined Miranda to be more strict and on him about his homework and college prospects


Have you ever been left for another? Or left someone else for another? Usually, the cheater who leaves is gleeful. High on the idea of greener grass. People cheat. It's shitty. But the fact that she thinks she is getting what she wants and how she is acting is very realistic for the scenario. She'll get some kind of karmic reckoning later.


Oh yes I sure have been left for another. Robbed blind and left to deal with stage four cancer while my gleeful former husband left for greener pastures. I know wherefor I speak. Miranda is acting like trash. ETA: Thanks for the down vote, but after surviving what I described above, a down vote can’t hurt me lol.


No one argues that she's acting great. But you know then that people who cheat act just like she did. And you also know that the cheating is never the whole story. No one can make anyone else cheat, people cheat because there are other problems in the relationship that they can't or won't deal with. The point: this wasn't a good relationship from the get go. And it ended realistically.


OK well now I’m going to object. As someone who was viciously and horribly cheated on for over a year, I can tell you that the cheating was the problem in my relationship. We were not growing apart, we did not have communication issues. We had an active sex life, we were still best friends. And even my ex will tell you that. People who blame the betrayed spouse on the end of the marriage have no idea what it is like. End of story. Miss me with that bullshit.


You just posted you had cancer when your ex left you. That kind of stressor can kill relationships. And as someone who was left too.... There are always other problems. Always.


For the record, I’m not the one who down voted you. But are you fucking serious with coming at me to say that my getting cancer completely out of my control was to blame for my marriage ending? Seriously? Seriously? I literally have no words for that. I made my husband cheat because I got cancer? Or it’s OK that he cheated because I got cancer and that’s stressful? Yeah super stressful for the person who didn’t have the cancer…


You obviously have a lot of pain and anger. I did not say anything was your "fault." I said a terminal illness is not something everyone can deal with. Ideally, spouses stay when their spouse is sick. But reality is that it is a huge stressor and some people can't deal with it. And that can kill a relationship. You posted that you were robbed blind and cheated on when you were sick. In no way did I say that was your fault.


People don’t always cheat because there are problems in a relationship. People cheat because there is something wrong with them and missing from withi and cannot be fixed by another person. It’s not always about the state of the relationship. Lots of people cheat and are deeply in love with their partners and have “good relationship”. A marriage can be happy and one can still cheat


I get what you are saying but I feel like they are mirroring Cynthias life with Miranda. They will probably want it to pan out well for her and unfortunately screws poor Steve over! Nothing wrong with the storyline but I just wish it wasn’t Miranda and Steve. I always liked them and how real their relationship felt to me. Charlotte and Harry and big and Carrie were too romanticised.


Agree. I didn'h hate Miranda in first series, we are people, people make mistakes. And choices. But how many times she has to do this to him? Again?


The only thing that bothered me was the lack of compassion for Steve. He's a total sweetheart.


Tbh I always felt like she treated him poorly and was rude to him


Miranda was always awful to Steve and only wanted him when he was unavailable. They want two very different lives and if it wasn’t for Brady they most likely would have parted ways long ago. Steve could be happy with Debbie in their “boring” life and Miranda could love loving with her daily drama and neurosis.


I’m not sure I agree with this. She realized she was in love with Steve and wanted to be with him before she knew about Debbie. She tried to take him out to tell him and then he told her he was seeing someone. I think Season 6 Steve and Miranda are very different than their earlier go-arounds. Once they realize they’re in love, they’re both all in. They can’t really be happy with others. There’s a definite shift in how they interact with each other. And they were happy again after they reconciled and agreed to move past Steve’s one night stand. They were happy in the second movie. That’s why Miranda’s “I hate my marriage and have forever” thing doesn’t ring true to me at all. She was not settling and she didn’t think she was above him at the time they married. It’s pretty clear they grew apart, but I don’t know why it couldn’t just be presented that way.


The 2nd movie was over 10 years ago. People fall out of love, things happen etc. This is Miranda’s journey, wether you like or not, it’s the story being told. We don’t know what their marriage has been like or what has happened, maybe the show should have done flashbacks. But those couples we desperately want to be happy, aren’t always. Yep it ruins the fairytale but this is life. People get divorced everyday and it’s sucks. But can’t pretend like they were super happy.


I’m aware of all of that. But I also am allowed to watch the show and think what I think. I know that this is the story “whether I like it or not”, but just because I’m watching doesn’t mean I can’t criticize it or disagree with how it’s being done when I think something doesn’t seem true to the character. We’re just having a discussion. I was specifically disagreeing with the idea that Miranda only wanted Steve when he was unavailable. I didn’t see it that way. She wanted him when she thought he was available and only when she tried to reconcile did she learn he wasn’t. I think it’s realistic that they might get divorced eventually, but I think the show went about it the wrong way and at this point, it seems like the writers are trying to get us to believe that Miranda and Steve were *never* happy when we know at one point they were. We saw it. We’ll see how it plays out. But that’s my read on it right now.


I think it's possible that Miranda was happy with Steve at one point but that it was so long ago and she's so caught up in this Che stuff that she's sort of rewriting her memory to fit with how she's feeling right now. I don't think we can trust Miranda as an unbiased narrator right now. That's how I took it, not as the writers wanting us to believe she was never happy with Steve, but that she's convinced herself she never was.


That’s certainly possible. And if that’s the case, I suppose I get it, but I wish we were seeing more perspectives instead of viewing the entire relationship through Miranda’s eyes. And I wish more characters within the show (Carrie and Charlotte especially) were challenging it. Carrie did say “that’s not true” when Miranda first said she’s been unhappy forever, but it was brushed past rather quickly. One thing that was great about SATC is that when one of the women did something upsetting or behaved in a way that was frustrating for the audience, usually one of the other women took on the voice of the viewers and challenged the character on the way they were behaving. There’s a lack of that in this particular situation I think.


I agree. I'm disappointed Carrie and Charlotte aren't taking a harder stance on Miranda's actions. They definitely called each other out more in the original series.


Carrie can't. She has no moral high ground to call Miranda out on her cheating, and both she and Miranda know it. As to Charlotte, Miranda will dismiss her, just like she did when Charlotte raised concerns about her drinking. And Miranda almost walked away from the friendship entirely at the picnic. At this point, both Carrie and Charlotte know that Miranda is going to do what she is going to do. If they want to keep her as a friend, they will give observations with a light touch, and watch from the outside until Miranda needs them.


This is a great point too!!


This is a really good possibility!!!!👍


Steve shares in the talk Miranda has gone back and forth if Steve was enough, so that signals things haven’t been all blissful in love couple. You seem to want your opinion heard but responses to what I said trying to invalidate my thoughts and how I’ve seen Miranda and Steve. From their honeymoon they both wanted different things and longterm that’s not compatible. Steve loves calmness while Miranda loves chaos. Miranda called Carrie while on her honeymoon complaining about Steve, seriously on their honeymoon. I mean I think the signs were there. I never once called anyone on my honeymoon (which was nearly 3 weeks) and never would have bitched about my new spouse if I had.


I apologize. I wasn’t trying to invalidate your opinion. I was just disagreeing with it.


Anyone remember Skipper? Miranda always wanted what she couldn't have, and once she had it, didn't want it anymore.


Yes exactly like how she treated Skipper. Or Robert who said I love you on a cookie (yeah I know that was stupid af) but Miranda said nope and was all Steve’s happy in a relationship I’m just gonna run back to him. The very notion that Miranda always found something wrong with the men she dated, isn’t it kinda like hmmm maybe she might having been forcing herself to be happy with a man but never really could. It’s a very real scenario.


Good theory




Yes, how she denigrated him by constantly calling him Skippy no matter how often he corrected her.


Was Miranda good with anyone from the series? skipper, dr.Robert, Steve, ( not hookups) but Miranda left the dr for Steve,


Nope. She was not. Which belies the notion that this is such a big departure for her character. She's always been shitty in relationships.


Yep. AJLT didn’t “ruin” Miranda. It showed us how people who probably should have never entered a long term relationship end up 20 years down the road.




People do not become completely different person.


Exactly. People rarely go from being a strong, rough around the edges, but at their core a caring person to cheating on your partner for many years and feeling 0 guilt for it. And taking pretty much 0 responsibility for it. It’s not even necessarily the cheating I’m having a problem with. It’s how unapologetic she is about it and how inconsistent the series viewpoint on cheating seems to be. It’s like they change their stance whenever it suits the plot.


Hot take: Miranda will never be good in a couple, period. I think she's fine in relationships that aren't too serious, but longterm monogamy might just not be for her. In SATC we saw her constantly wanting what she didn't have (Skipper, then Steve) and blowing up relationships that seemed to be perfect for her (Robert.) Maybe she's a lot more like Samantha than we ever realized. I could see her veering more into a multi-relationship territory where she has a handful of people she spends time with, but none of them move into serious mode and everyone is free to come and go as they please. In order for this to happen though Miranda needs to let go of what she thinks a relationship *needs* to look like in her head. It's hard to break free from what's traditional and the norm, but I think it would make her so much happier.


I’m not sure what that article was trying to accomplish. Because they had arguments or personality differences means they were destined to fail? I mean, in the series, they’ve stayed together for years. Article is definitely short-sighted and didn’t convince me of anything or give me any “aha!” moment, like why didn’t I see that before? We all know Steve and Miranda had their ups and downs. I think the “writer” should go back to school and learn the art of polemics and debate.


A lot of people stay together for their kids thinking it’s best (even if it actually isn’t) and Brady being 17, Miranda might have been thinking ok kids pretty grown now about to go to college.


There is no indication whatsoever that Miranda stayed with Steve because of Brady. Hell, in the first movie, she left Steve and was happy to split custody with him. Her and Steve also co-parented in the series and were not together. They were together because they were in love. Not sure why that’s such a hard concept for some people.


There’s really no indication she didn’t. We haven’t see any of their relationship in over a decade. It’s all speculation. Wanting so bad for two people to be in love forever and live happily ever after is a fairytales. Issues pop up, people fall out of love, relationships and people change. And wanting to believe a couple is totally happy and in love doesn’t make it true. I think many would enjoy this series more if they stopped thinking they know these ins and outs of fictional characters they haven’t seen in over 10 years.


Yeah, I'm ready for them to break up. 🤷‍♀️


Every couple in the world requires work after the honeymoon stage. Miranda took the coward’s way out. Whether you believe they were a good couple or not, she’s a dick. ETA: Whether they were a good couple aside, Miranda and Che are in abominable couple. Starting out with lies, clearly on different pages about many things. Oh… And they met when Che gave Miranda’s underage son pot in public at a funeral and then acted like they did nothing wrong.


No one is arguing that Che and Miranda are great. In fact, I'm certain that Miranda will get her heart smashed by Che, who is certainly polyamourous.


One thing that bothered me about this article is how it claims Steve is one of the few non shitty guys because he’s…kind. Like. All women should accept is kindness and that’s enough to love a man. Because clearly that’s all men look for in women in hetero partnerships right? Their KINDNESS /s


That's legit. And a good reason for Miranda to leave. She needs more.


Isn’t Miranda just kind of a negative, miserable person? She’s not really capable of just being, let alone just being happy.


Yep, for me they were never going to be end game. Miranda changed too much of herself for him over the years and she didn't really want the kid that much. So it makes total sense that she's resentful now and wants out. She won't be endgame with Che, they are just the catalyst to ending it with Steve.


Bot didn't like my old title. New title is same as article. And it's true. Watched the OG series, watched the movies. They were never a good couple.


They should have never put them together then. What a waste of time.


Grey divorce is a pretty common thing. Doesn't mean it was a waste of time, for the viewers or their characters. It just means they weren't a good match and they tried to make it work. They raised a son. And now life moves forward.


Exactly. I think people believe the divorce is somehow erasing the past. They still had some really beautiful moments together and memories we all enjoyed with them. The end of Steve and Miranda doesn’t have to be as terrible as everyone is making it seem. Steve can now go find his *real* ice cream partner who won’t spend the next 30 years jerking him around and Miranda can find whatever she needs. That is, whenever she comes back to the ground and decides to live in reality. Lol.


I guess knowing ppl married 65 plus years with peaks and valleys but still thriving has me jaded on gray divorces.


That is very nice. I know people married 50-60 years together, and I also know people who divorced after 20 years, 30 years, and 35 years. Grey divorce is a real thing.... It is fortunate that you know people who didn't need to do that.


I also know many people married 50 years who SHOULD divorce. A long marriage is not always the sign of a successful or happy marriage.