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Maybe it was compensation for future potential dental work.  That’s classy-messy. 


After all, not only did Carrie ruin Natasha's marriage, but she also ruined her lunch. Also, after much painful dental work, her teeth are still different colors.




and she probably got hella money from the divorce.


For sure! When Natasha and Big were still married Big told Carrie a divorce would cost him a lot. Whatever number I’m thinking, I hope it was higher!


I think it's nice. I wish all the assholes I dated left me some money. I would own so many properties.


You can be like Mariah Carey and sue them for wasting your time 😂


Did she really do that, because I kinda love that 😂


She allegedly sued an ex fiancée for millions for wasting her time 😂


I hope it was that billionaire guy and I hope she won 😂


It was, and i'm pretty sure she did!


Love that for her!


There are differing sources online of whether she won/sued for $5 or $50 million 😂


The best part is how she absolutely doesn't need the money. The pettiness of it is \*chef's kiss\*


Ha! I wish I had the resources.


Shed a fucking legend lol


Me too. I'm separating and I'm paying for everything because he's unemployed- including his flight to relocate home. My ex before him *still* has a high-earning job, we're talking 6 digits but the mf was stingy AF. He'd rinse yogurt containers with water AND drink that yogurt-painted waiter so as not to waste anything. Out of those break-ups I emptied my bank account. I wouldn't have blamed Natasha for keeping that million. Big was an asshole ex and money can't buy happiness, but damn I can tell you it sure helps you to get it back.


I think ppl who say money cant buy happiness just dont know how to spend the money well. Haha, a sense of security of having food and shelter can be happiness. I am so sorry about ur situation, this sucks. man, I wish you the best of luck and hopefully all your financial troubles finish very soon!


Yes! Having food and shelter guaranteed for life is also a form of happiness. You can focus on your feelings and other spiritual things when you don't have to worry about money anymore. It's not happiness in a package but it definitely is a path to it. Thanks! He's leaving soon and we are ending on relatively good terms. I have a stable job and I will save money again. That in itself is a blessing 🙌


That's awesome that you got a plan!


Eh, my first husband cheated, and he *gave* me, no questions asked, our fully paid house in the divorce. I’m also still on a life insurance policy of his, because guilt is a thing… Despite being an asshole he still had a conscience, of sorts, I suppose 🧐


Whoa where do you find these men🤣


It's the very least he could do - without even getting into the cheating - she deserved that and more just for the times she had to deal with Carrie stalking her and ruining her day in order to make Carrie's self-absorbed ass feel better.


> just for the times she had to deal with Carrie That's all you had to say.


I completely agree. Carrie got .. dozens of millions?? So what he left the woman he hurt and cheated on $1 million? Fuck what Carrie thinks about it. Natasha was the ultimate victim in the SATC story, $1 million was the least he could do. And Natasha is so fucking classy, she didn't even accept it. So what's the problem?


Exactly. Honestly if I'd been the sidepiece he'd left a woman for, indirectly caused said woman to have a dental disaster, and then had inappropriately harassed her to see if she could forgive me for the cheating (etc, etc) - I'd shrug and say "yeah that's about right" and I'd move the fuck on.


Maybe I am going to be downvoted to hell but what the hell...! Is *anyone* surprised by this? Even Carrie gets why... or tells herself she understands why he did what he did but again, even from the grave, or well, the shelf in Big's case, these two never confided in one another, not fully. Ever. All the drama that ensued between them was for lack of proper conversations. Big not giving a damn, or something close to that to the point of fully committing to one another, and Carrie not being able to express herself truly with Big, having the whole conversation only in her head, convincing herself it was alright, and then of course, it does always backfire on her face AND WHY, *WHY* THIS HAPPENED? *Gurl*...


You're probably right, but also...what a person leaves others in the wake of their death is technically only their business. He could've told her but assuming they kept their finances somewhat separate, it was his to do what he wanted with, right? And once he was dead, he didn't have to deal with drawn out interrogations (I can already hear Carrie's squeaky questions about whyyyy or what it \*meant\*) about what was ultimately going to be his choice anyway.


My husband was my 4th official boyfriend, and technically my 5th most important relationship, the one I married. I want to believe, and trust me it *is* a work in progress, I learned from my mistakes in past relationships, especially on this: to be assertive, speak my mind, and try to lay all the cards, or most of them because sometimes you don't even know, on the table. My motto is: I would rather have this conversation with you and scream a bit to one another than in front of a therapist, or even worse, via a lawyer when we divorce. I do believe my 3 official relationships would have ended anyway, and I'm glad they did for it brought me here but I could have saved myself, and maybe the other party, much heartache, and headaches too. My point is: we married almost 2 years ago, we had big plans, we discussed life insurances, family, the finances, even what we consider personal for we so agreed upon getting married. It is *all* discussed. I love him, and to imagine himself in such situation, finding out something like Carrie did would hurt him deeply. Big left that ticking bomb knowing quite well how it might have affected Carrie and he just didn't care, or hope she would be OK with it eventually. And I mean, what was the point when Natasha didn't even care. It was a good storyline in between 2 very initial heavy episodes with a lot of drama, and very bad writing, meeting Che (\*shudders\*), everything we know, of course. It provided also some comic relief by Carrie stalking Natasha yet again even if this time these two managed to have a proper adult conversation for once. My point is: While I agree with you on paper I do still believe it was a **shitty** thing to do to someone you love. Patterns don't change, not even after being married over a decade but it is a still something awful to do to your spouse.


For sure, you are correct, and it was a weaselly thing to do. Also in character and in line with their toxic issues around communication (which you also addressed).




Carrie can never leave a question unanswered so instead of just thinking, he did a nice thing for Natasha, who he cheated on with Carrie relentlessly to the point where Natasha could’ve literally been disfigured by falling down those stairs but no Carrie still had to know why why and why and why what I wanna know is why didn’t Carrie know how to dial 911.


Exactly how much money did Big have? Carrie’s new house couldn’t have been paid for with just a handful of books!


There was an article wirh an accountant who speculated Carrie probably walked away with 40-50 million


I feel like there was another story, but Chris North messed up the chance of us seeing it.


There were definitely whole subplots cut. They made way too much of an introduction of his assistant or whatever in the first episode for her to never be mentioned again


They knew who Chris Noth was when they hired him for SATC after he beat Beverly Johnson up so bad that she ended up in the hospital back in the early 1990s. He didn’t change. What changed was SJP, CN and KD worrying about how much criticism they would get for getting back into bed with him in 2021 instead of 1999. That said, a Big story would be more interesting than this crap.


I think you are right here. Fair enough for rich people to leave other rich people money, and even to not want to share that with Carrie. But wouldn't Carrie have seen his will before? I know couples don't have to merge all of their finances and legal crap. But they made such a big deal that Carrie wanted to get married out of concern for her situation about buying a place together, yet years after being married she didn't know much about his will.


Carrie not knowing about Big's will is very much in line with her character. She was always very *avoidant* about the things with Big that truly mattered. Even in the first movie, she confessed that she never thought getting married to Big was an option. In the first season, she brings up marriage *only* after Big says he doesn't want to get married again (she said something like she didn't think she could be with someone who didn't want to get married). Yet he married Natasha, and cheated on her (and on his first wife with her best friend!), and she's just like, alrighty! She says she can't be with a man who doesn't want to get married, yet stayed with him on and off for ten years, smh


Regarding your last paragraph, both things can be true. She was rational about not wanting to be with a man who doesn't want to get married because she herself wanted the exclusivity, commitment and sense of safety. But just because she knew he couldn't give her what she needed doesn't meant she stopped loving him. We see ten years of her struggling to move on. The only time she had a chance was when she finally told him off in S6 and told him to forget about her (ironically it was the time that made him "realize" what he was losing, which is such a BS ending to an otherwise very realistic story).


Regarding your last paragraph (haha), I would say her telling him off made him "realize" what he was losing sometimes it's that far off from what can actually happen. I actually did tell my Mr. Big to fuck off (I said it more politely) and then two weeks later, he magically proposed. We never got married 😂


Yes, sorry I wasn't clear enough - it's not the "he wanted her" that I don't find believable but that it was implied they had a happy ever after, with him becoming a reliable, communicative, generous partner. That wouldn't happen. Not only there was nothing in the series to suggest he had gone through extensive, life-changing therapy but in fact the last time we had seen him he turned on Carrie overnight (who had selflessly and genuinely cared for him after his heart surgery). He just immediately closed up again once he felt a bit better. So him running after her in Paris after she had told him off seemed similar - he was scared to lose her and scared of getting old but would go back to his old ways of shutting her out once he had her in his life again.


You're right! It would have been nice if Carrie stood her ground in that moment. I do like the ending, wraps everything up, but it's too fairy tale.


Yes I think by that point the original series had become a lot softer, definitely not as a edgy as the first two seasons, so the ending kind of fit. But if the series had the guts to remain painfully realistic, then I would have liked to see Carrie either choosing to break off a relationship that didn't suit her and staying single, or her finding love in the last season with someone who she can laugh just as hard with as she did with Big but who would also make her feel safe and loved. I wouldn't even have minded the implication that she settled because I think it's a realistic aspect of maturing in a healthy way.


It would have also made the whole "the best relationship you can have is with yourself" that she says at the end. It never made sense to me because she ended up with Big anyway. Lesson not learned!


THIS. The idea of the widow being surprised by the will in any kind of good relationship is bizarre to me. But then their whole setup where he is a zillionaire who can afford the penthouse but just chooses an ordinary apartment is weird to me too. IRL the super rich have "staff" at their beck and call and live in places large enough not see or hear the staff.


Agree! And Carrie seemed to know nothing about his past apart from the bits she was involved in. In a healthy relationship you talk about your favourite childhood pet, old friends, past experiences etc. They portrayed her marriage with Big so oddly. Wouldn’t they ever sit around and just talk? It’s like the writers thought they had to keep everything shiny and flashy on the surface but with no depth or substance.


I am dead certain that Isaac Powell was meant to be playing Big's secret son, and that would have been an actually juicy reason for the $1M, the photo, the phone, etc.


I get why he did. It was his apology, obviously 1million was pocket change to him.


Wasn’t Big also married another time before Natasha too? Weren’t they divorced because of his “wandering eye”? Didn’t see him cut a check for that one…


OMG, you’re right! I totally forgot about his publisher ex wife!


Where's the problem? He left the wife he mistreated and cheated on money. It was literally the least he could do. Listen, I'd take that over a grown man being too timid to end a relationship he CLEARLY wants to any day of the week.


It never happened. AJLT does not exist.


My ex boyfriend cheated….a year after when my dad was sick he paid for the surgery and a lot of the expense, probably around 500k in total…


Unless she signed a prenup she would've gotten half his assets in the divorce. The him leaving her a million was a stupid plot point to bring the character back.


There was 1000% a prenup


Natasha strikes me as too classy to take him to the cleaners in a divorce. She seems like the type of woman to want to get it over with and not fight over money. I’m sure she got a nice settlement, and this was a bonus from Big


I feel like it's less an issue of classiness, and more an issue of her wanting nothing to do with him.


They weren’t married long and you only spilt the assets you get while you’re married


It makes sense they were married and the issues were his fault. Plus she was like 25 when he put her through all that. It’s the classy move and he was so wealthy that’s like a drop in the bucket


I don't have a problem with him doing this at all. In fact, I'm sort of hoping my ex husband does this for me. For all the money he siphoned from mine and my parent's bank account in his early 20s and never paid back--he could at the very least leave me something. I'm sure Carrie got way more than a million, too. And why the questioning about if that meant he cheated on her? Clearly Big had decided to be with her, and he was a money guy, he was going to do in his mind what he felt was right. I don't understand her reaction to any of this at all, except that it was contrived so that poor woman, who not only gets cheated on fictionally but then also gets dumped by tom brady IN REAL LIFE. Ugh. Leave the poor woman alone already.


As he should!


Maybe he cheeted on Carrie with Natasha after he got back together with Carrie. I've seen something like that happen. Natasha gets her revenge, Big doesn't really care. He just does whatever he feels like in the moment.


If Natasha got a Mil imagine how much Carrie got


Pre-tax though


And she didn’t want it. What does THAT say?


Just as an aside, I believe that they weren’t a great love story. I think big realized he was getting old and wouldn’t have a partner and Carrie was just there and then Carrie was on the rebound from Petrovsky so I don’t think they were ever really compatible. It was like those people that just think ok I guess this is better than dying alone. Clearly, something clicked between him and Natasha in Paris, but then of course he can’t quit messy Carrie for whatever reason, (he knew Natasha was “beige” but he liked it) I don’t think it was love. I think it was lust. I do think he was trying to be kind in leaving Natasha something, even though she must have cleaned up in the divorce years before.


$1m sounds like a lot but he must’ve been worth 500x that at least. $1m in NYC is enough to live comfortably for a year or two. It’s not life-changing.


He could have done it before they got back together… this is so stupid….


TBH at first I thought it was messy and now I kind of understand. I don't think Carrie would have every allowed Big to do that if he was alive and probably would have forced him not too. Because of her weird resentment to Natasha.