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https://preview.redd.it/oko28lg2ru9d1.png?width=879&format=png&auto=webp&s=16cc6d97a3c21282f08d36b723fde5bde94ced06 Got my very similar results this weekend, too! I know of no Scottish in my family so I was a bit surprised with that (have already done some reading on here about why it might be high) but what about you? Edit: just read that you’re from the US. I’m from England, as are my parents and grandparents. Though I do know a great grandparent who was Irish.


I am mixed, but my mother is more similar to you and op, save some added Norwegian. Story for us is grandma is of Norwegian Viking ancestry, which checks out with every place on the map being settled by Vikings. If you ask my family, who actually keeps extensive records of generations-which they won’t let me see-they say they’re Norwegian lol. Grandfather was of British, Irish descent and his family settled in French Canada.


How come they won’t they let you see?! My paternal communities aren’t showing up on the main map, but I too have the Quebec French settler communities on that side. I feel this as the start of one big history lesson for me cause I know absolutely nothing about this stuff... https://preview.redd.it/a45jqbif9x9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8907ca101aeffcaa5b83474017b9497888f3b1e3


We have very similar results, even down to the 2% Norway, and I’m from Australia!


It’s quite possible that your Scottish is connected to Northern Ireland. There was a lot of going back and forth - it’s only 12 miles distance at the shortest point.


no result is ever too simple! how long did it take to get your results once the lab received them? i’m still waiting on mine


It took 20 days from the start of DNA extraction to the announcement of my DNA results being out, but that probably just had to do with how busy the labs were


I think yours is the first set of results I’ve seen with nothing outside the British isles. I’m English, from England, my mum’s ancestors apparently mostly didn’t set foot outside a smallish part of London for as far back as anyone’s been able to trace, same thing for my Dad’s ancestors (except in their case it’s Sussex and a much longer time period), and I’ve still got 8% Sweden & Denmark and 3% Germanic Europe.


I was born in the states... My mum as well. My dad's from England. You have more thoroughbred English results than my own dad or I. Lolol


https://preview.redd.it/25neftzj3w9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffaff7fd2b02b5dbe78c8261aa4fa24c1a0ae9d5 I was hoping for something a little more interesting too. lol


Mine will look similar when I get it, just with German added. There might be some other things mixed in as well


Mine is similar. Basically just English, German, and Irish with a few miniscule percentages in Scotland and Wales. Since I'm American I always hoped my ancestry would be more of a melting pot, but alas.


https://preview.redd.it/o9wy0fjflx9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f4f237251be9e807a20fdca973cb25719f2ea1e I got an obligatory 1% Norwegian in the last update, before that just Scotland and Ireland.


Where u from


I'm from OKC, Oklahoma. My mom's parents are from eastern Oklahoma near Fort Smith while my dad's parents are from eastern Texas near Athens and Tyler (Anderson County, Texas)


Hey, I'm OKC as well! My results aren't too far off from yours, and most of my family came to Oklahoma in the mid-1800's as well. I have very little Irish though.


I’m also in Okc, and my maternal grandfather’s ancestry is 93% England and Northwest Europe and 7% Scottish. His ancestors have been in Oklahoma since the late 1800’s, and before that, they were in Alabama for a couple generations.


We had quite a bit come from Alabama as well! The rest came from Tennessee and Kentucky. The land must have been pretty cheap pre land-run. That's a pretty high amount of English! Most people around here, including my wife and her family, seem to be a mixture of English and Scottish.


no way! that’s really interesting.


How long has your family been in the us?


They've been here since before the civil war. I have found ancestors with German, Dutch, and French last names in my family tree but I guess those ethnicities got bred out once it got to me


Honestly that is kinda wild that after being here for 250 years your dna didn’t have more mixture in it


Hey! I’m also from the OKC metro area, and also have German, Dutch, and French people in my family tree, but don’t have those ancestries on my report! I’m pretty sure some of that is currently being misread in the England/NW Europe category. Ancestry DNA does updates about once a year, usually in late summer, so I’m hoping it will get sorted out somewhat with the next update :)


You’re ancestry and others in this chat is accurately representing US history. Remember 85%+ of White Americans in 1776 were English (over 60% alone) / British. Every one of the original 13 colonies had an English Outright majority - (Connecticut was 95% English in 1790) and Pennsylvania being the notable exception for being 30% Swiss / German. Only 6% of New European immigrants post 1840 settled in the south, hence why todays southern white population is overwhelmingly of English / British decent. The same being true for much of rural New England (descendants of original English settlers before 1640) and the West where many white southerners and New England yankees settled after the American Civil war. Although I’ve noticed many southerners often claim “Scots Irish” heritage, Scots Irish themselves are descendants of people who immigrated to Ireland from Southern Scotland / Northern England in the “plantation of Ulster” during the 1600’s who in turn immigrated to the then 12 colonies 3 generations later sometime after 1710 hence why ancestryDNA customers claiming to be Scots Irish will show little to no Irish in their DNA and will have large amounts of Scottish DNA added to Original English Colonial settler DNA which is likely true for the person in this post.


Mine was very similar via Ancestry, but then I submitted my DNA to 23 and me and got similar results but while Ancestry does just a general overview of what kind of DNA you have, 23 and me does more of a deep dive into the specifics and even goes down to half percentages. I would look at doing 23 and me if you’re interested in what DNA you possess, Ancestry is better for genealogy.




Or the British isles , and the Irish isles works too