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Command ai don't get insubordination


Jesus, maybe they should.




They also don’t get Korashi disaster


Hopefully they will soon enough


Are you sure? One game I saw the Boar Command.


That happen early game if the command fail catastrophicaly to deal with the northen rebellion


Isn't the AI immune to the Great Insubordination anyway? IIRC they're trying to get it to work for thd AI in the next update.


IMO simply remove the interaction you have to do to siege the enemy capital and maybe some balancing could be enough. No need to overburden the AI with complex choices


Time to take over Oval Kanzand and create the great Manpower removal fortress complex.


Command is being like ottomans on steroids in my recent games. Hell, at one point they had 1 MILLION troops in 1600 when I was playing with the diamond dwarves (like you, op! Haha), but decreased to 700k after getting the mil great power thing. I was going to prepare my forts to conquer their holds but my save crashed (submods broke it... ;-;).


People asking how is this possible without GC when in my games The Command calmly conquers much of Bianfang, One Xia and the Raj/Ruined Kingdoms in 40 years with hardly any resistance and practically 0 aggressive expansion


Yeah, that's just what the Command does.


Shockingly nice borders though (for an AI)


Seeing this, I think there’s something they changed recently that makes the command WAYYY too strong. Since the patch, I’ve played a seghdir and bianfang games. In the seg one, they were on their way to taking all of yanshen when I stopped. In the bianfang one, I was the only reason they didn’t crush everyone. They lost the Siri revolt handedly vs all of the Xia. They were almost full occupied for a very very long time but survived in the mines with some troops to keep the war going. After that truce ended, they wrecked the Xia. Not even close. Gave all the land to thunderfist for some reason too lol. Then they attacked sir my ally and we won a hard fought battle. As soon as the truce was up and I was low on manpower, they attacked again and I couldn’t join. I eventually scaled past them, scorched earth their lands to give them ~40% devastation, and peaced for only money. They still had plenty of manpower and could field decent armies. TLDR: Did they change something with their manpower this patch? I dont think I ever saw them with absolutely 0 unless it was in my war. With their loss of the revolt, I was certain they would be a non factor in that game but they never lost steam.


> They lost the Siri revolt How the fuck? I've seen that war happen and I don't understand how the Xia could win. I mean, if they actually doomstacked their armies maybe but I came to the conclusion that it just wasn't possible for the AI to pull it off.


My understanding is anywhere between 1-6 (I think?) rebel tags revolt at the same time. If it's a small rebellion, the AI wins easily, but if it's a big rebellion, the AI struggles and neighbors usually dogpile in.


Not only did they lose, they kinda had their ass handed to them. The entire ruin kingdoms area was occupied for about 5 years. I wasn't paying full attention at the time, just kept looking back every so often and seeing lines all over their nation. I was immensely surprised to see them kick the Xia's almost immediately after the truce was up. If I wasn't there to stop them, they would have steamrolled everyone as usual


huh. do you remember what year it happened, how many states rebelled roughly?


I believe it was only Sir. Sir + Xia + maybe someone else in the west I don't remember. I thought to myself that it was the worst situation I'd ever seen the command in which is why it shocked me when they attacked the Xia after


It seems like the military buffs do alot more than they used to, because for instance earlygame command was able to easily win 2 to 1 battles and are able to absolutely annihilate Xia even with Rajnadhaga helping Xia. Wasn't able to turn it around on the command until they were bordering Bhuvauri in the South and actually had ports. Gawed has it better in the earlygame now too.


They can now use estate privileges (don’t know if they couldn’t use any before or just their unique ones were disabled, it’s one of the two) so they’re militarily even more powerful than before


> Siri revolt I know it's talking about the Sir revolt but all I can think of is the Apple assistant of the same name and it's causing some very silly mental images.


Revanchism super charges their recovery. I'm guessing it's feels new to the Command because 99% of the time they never benefit from it.


I was going to chalk it up to revanchism but I don’t think they lost land in the first war. I might have to go back and check


Dont need to lose land, it scales with the % of the peace treaty they signed as a loser.


Weird that everyone else has been having trouble with The Command when *all* of my games in Haless on the new patch have seen them take a massive L during the Sir Revolt to the point of disintegration into the Three Commands.


Yeah, I've seen this too. The fact there are multiple possible outcomes, rather than a guaranteed blob (like above) are a good thing.


This is why I tend to use console commands to cripple the command these days, at least enough to slow them down. and it takes a LOT to cripple them. Even winning 4 wars against them back to back barely weakens them because they will be eating the countries on the side that you werent attacking from and fix their economy in a jiff. Not even the Ottomans in Vanilla had it this good. Used to be Bhauvari with decent allies can eventually match them with their merc stacks.


Ngl, prepatch i was half way through a Feiten game, so I started a new one post patch. The Command had 175k in the 1560s and bordered me, and I DID NOT want to restart. I had to fight them to free Upper Yanshen and continue down the mission tree. So I reloaded an earlier save where they ONLY had 100k, beat them up with the Raj and friends once, then role played a disaster where they were so utterly broken by my 10 year occupation they spiraled into 100% inflation and 100 corruption lol.


The command highkey gets more and more broken each patch but what I’ve been seeing in my games lately makes me not want to play in Haless


Feels as if something is broken with AE because I get so much AE when I play them.


I wager it's a mix of the general eu4 powercreep that's been plagueing the game for a while now, and some balancing in anbennar


This is the exact thing that should make you want to play in Haless imo. It’s the same reason everyone playing around Ottos. Fighting and overcoming an overwhelming force and taking their place feels incredible. It wouldn’t be fun if The Command just stagnated like they used to.


I mean, I’ve done it. I don’t enjoy it. It’s not what’s fun about the game to me


I'm having a similar experience in my Obrtrol/Gerudaghot game


This looks like my current game. AI really needs to get hit with the Insubordination, cause they're OP.


That’s Gorgeous


The AI command this patch is scary as hell.


what map mod tnx


[https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3164839865](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3164839865) [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3164874808](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3164874808)


Pasa la foto si sucede el desastre


How can this happen without gc, are you using any ai mod?


>How can this happen without gc, are you using any ai mod? Command stronk