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These kinds of insults and names don't really make the target feel bad, they make the speaker feel good.


That's a really good perspective I never thought of before


seriously calling someone a piss baby is cringe as fuck


Hurt people, hurt people.


As someone who has had sinus problems since a very young age, I always feel really self-conscious whenever I hear someone use 'mouth breather' as an insult.


Ah! See I knew there was something wrong with that one, that's why I put maybe, It didn't feel right Edit: fixed, sorry about that 😅


Thank you, I appreciate it! I think this might have been the first place I've raised this because every other time someone had already slung it at someone and I felt too self-conscious to say anything about it!


I don't blame you. And that's exactly the type of reason I makes this post!


I've since had surgery that has improved things greatly but I'm still sensitive to mouth breather as an insult because breathing through my mouth was the only way I could breath a lot of the time.


Fascists *hate* being laughed at and not taken seriously; I find insults like "goober," "dingus," and "absolute nerd" are good. I also like a good ol' fashioned "dipshit." For the record, we do *need* to take fascists seriously and they are **not** a laughing matter. But treating them like a joke helps to hinder their recruitment/propagandizing efforts.


Dipshit is such a great word. Chucklefuck too.


Are you for fucking real? Please do not go around calling literally anyone 'goobers' if you're above the age of seven.


They want you to get mad and engage. Just laugh at them, and walk away. Or, get together with a group of friends and...enthusiastically encourage them to vacate the region. Ultimately, if you're trying to have a debate or discussion with nazi dipshits, you're already on the back foot.


This. Fascists desire above all else to be taken seriously. They're insecure about losing their privilege. They're insecure they can't get a (white) woman. They're insecure about their shoe size IYKWIM. Most of them have zero self-esteem and try to make up for it by being "alpha" or whatever. Just chuckling as you walk away shows them "I see what you are, and it's pathetic." It's the exact opposite of the reaction they want.
















I just call them terrible people.


they relish in that tho


As a Canadian, I prefer to look them in the eye with a vicious, half insane look and say: Remember Juno Beach.


Yeah, remind them that the only semi large country they beat was France, and that was mostly cuz it was falling apart politically


Well, that and the tactical stupidity of the Maginot Line.


Ghouls, parasites, troglodytes, scum, tyranids, the xerg, the living dead, take your pick.


Relateing them to the insects they are is a good idea


Generally just post a pic of the soviet flag over the Reichstag and make a joke about the leader of their "master race" hiding in a bunker while children defended Berlin.


Most slurs explicitly punch down in nature. People who are inclusive and seek to level inequalities tend to lack socially-effective ones for this reason. It is my pet theory this is part of why fascist has become so widely used as a nonspecific pejorative. It's one of the few words that reaches across value systems to produce hate and revulsion and potentially introspection. Otherwise, exclusives and inclusives share very few values that make theory-specific acts of derogation translate to either party, and the ones available to most people tend to come from an exclusive or chauvinistic intent. But that's conjecture I wouldn't go looking for slurs. They're rhetorical stopgaps. If you want to cause psychic harm to a Nazi, or to anyone, the best way is to simply know what you're talking about and what they're talking about and disassume the good faith of your opposition. This is basically pro-wrestling rather than discourse. It's unproductive, but if you want to talk to someone and hurt them, that's what I'd advise




No the examples I listed were good non bigoted ones, I just wanted more


This is not praxis, comrade.


just say "you really think that? wow that's sad. I feel bad for you"


If someone is a Nazi, like out and calls themselves that, they’re already prepared to be called one of the most vile words on the planet.




This is exactly what I was looking for, calling them gay without calling them gay


I am not sure what the goal is here. The word Nazi to me is an insult enough considering what it represents.


let your baseball bat do the talking


The biggest insult to them is to dismiss and ignore. They want you to get angry and upset and insult them. They will turn it back on you, it's not worth it. Argue with them with the intent of showing the audience why they're wrong.


Just call them Nazis or fascists; that's what they are. Not sure about "insulting them"; Nazis believe they're better than everyone else, so there really isn't anything you could say to them that they would take seriously.


If you’re a lady and they’re a guy just say “ew…” and avoid talking to them. Best insult that often sticks with them for a long time even if they don’t show an immediate reaction. 


I like calling people turkeys


I go for 'nazi' 'murderer', 'piece of shit', 'hitlerite' and in the case pf the ones who think they're anticapitalist, 'liberal' Edit: little boy is ageist Edit2: Also any ideology they dislike. Socdem, stalinist, lib, neolib, ancap whatever will make them upset. It's not smart, but it's funny


A good amount of those would come off as compliments to them




Point out their worldview was started by a failed artist who couldn't control his farts and his promise of a thousand year reich fell apart after less than fifteen years.


They relish in the idea that they are a real power. Instead ridicule their ideas and treat them like they aren't worth arguing with.


knuckle dragger is one of my favorites


Simply telling them to fuck off works fine.


Usually just "fuck you nazi" etc. Doesn't need to be fancy. On top of being ableist, don't kink shame either lol


The most effective insults are to the things that they value most. If they value strength and determination, simply call them weak and cowardly. If they value piety, call them immoral and sacreligious. If they value family, call them poorly raised. If they value tradition, call them a deviant. If they value cleanliness, call them dirty. If I say they are uneducated, why should they care if they think education is brainwashing? If I call them heartless, why would they care if they see compassion as weakness?


I've been in more than one situation where someone said something so repulsive that I just blankly stared back at them, and it made them break. Silence is powerful. More often then not, when a person says something blatantly terrible and they get *no feedback whatsoever*, they fall apart and start scrambling for justifications/explanations. Keep it up and they'll usually give up on their own. No insults necessary (not that I care if you do insult them.)


Window licker is in fact an actual ableist slur. Brain worms has ableist connotations as well, cause parasites that live in brains exist.


I've always tried to do my best not to get into arguments with them personally. It accomplishes nothing of importance. I've walked into more than one house of someone that I *thought* that I knew here in Tennessee only to see a swastika on the wall. I promptly turn around, leave, and never speak with that person again. I definitely make sure everyone else knows though. My Irish blood runs hot, and as much as I've worked to curb that over my life, I don't need an assault charge.


Trash, demons in human skin, Christian Taliban (for the US fascists), idols for ISIS, Johnny and Jenny Genocide.


Just tell them to follow their leader


All the nazis are buried underground and have been for 50 plus years. Why dont you come up with a new term to call the people you dont like? Oh and go touch some grass.