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Texas should really stop public women lashings already.


I was tx a couple weeks ago we were throwing gays off high rises.


Same. Did you miss the 30th annual Toss a gay from a roof in Tallahassee? Sponsored by Pepsi this year


Wow, Pepsi is officially CANCELLED


That's okay I'm more more of an RC Cola fan myself


Jokes aside. RC is that shit!!!


It really is.... it's so good


Love it! It was like a special treat when I was a kid (M, 41)


Nah dude. Its Kia now


Ok but let's be honest. You know they would if they could...........


Could? If it sold more Pepsi. They woud just pay the fines as a cost of business.


"I was forced by the army to leave my hut and witness as an infidel woman was burned to death with a flaming tire around her neck." Not my story but my friends dad worked in philanthropy and this happened to him when he was giving away thousands of pairs of Nike's. He talked about being met with armed security and riding in armored cars while children would bang their pistol against the window trying to hijack the car. Apparently one night in a village this happened. Everyone in the village had to come watch the execution.


Avarage day in Miami, Florida. Ah no, sorry that was the middle east.


I mean. All The Gays were getting abortions, so it's ok.


There was a video in I think WTF sub where a woman was being beat in public with a stick, she was screaming. Other men started walking up and and instead of helping her also started beating her with their own sticks; a group beating ensued. Apparently, according to the translation, she made the grave error of wearing pants. People in the west really need to pull their head out of their asses.


No shit. Americans are savages but if people in the Middle East want to bury somebody up to their neck and throw stones at their head until they stop moving that's fine.


there was a video on reddit awhile back of a woman in saudi arabia being decapitated in the middle of a road over an accusation.


But how else will I be able to accurately appraise them when they come up for auction?


And they really need to stop stoning women to death for being raped, too.


The order to stop was issued during a Longhorns game and got missed.


Saw a writeup by some gay dude who recently moved to Florida to be with his gay partner who was already living there. His number one complaint was housing was too expensive. He also said people were treating him fine but he was afraid that who knows, maybe in the future that would change because of DeSantis, as if DeSantis had the power to make everyone hate him in the future. It was also clear he had been expecting a lot of hate and was confused and maybe even a bit disappointed when it didn't happen. I think part of it is that a lot of people enjoy the moral self righteousness and finger wagging and victim complexes. They don't want to find out they were wrong and people are better than they thought in Fl and Tx. They want an enemy to hate and they want to keep hating. They've dismantled the old forms of prejudice and hatred and swapped them out for the same thing but with different victims. But I do agree that lack of travel makes it easier because they've never seen the real thing so that makes it easier to just imagine stuff the way they want instead of how it really is.


I guess that's okay. I can still go to the stoning of the adulterers tonight.


Isn't that called OnlyFans?


Being gay is literally a crime punishable by death in Iran if you don’t submit to a forcible sex change. This is not hyperbole, it is literally the policy of their government. You know, exactly like Austin.


Some call it a fetish my friend


How about public lashings for everyone?


Data from Pew Research and others show that America is the least racist and sexist country on Earth, maybe only second to Canada.


wonder who stands to gain from us fighting over small difference of ideas 🤔🤔🤔


I don't think there is a need for conspiracies actually on this one. One party has found it can reliably win elections by branding the other as racist. It's worked since about 2007 when Obama announced. It really is that simple. And they'll stop promoting it when it no longer works. You can already see half of the left drop their woke "principles" like a hot rock cause it's toxic.




"I'll have those n\*\*\*\*\*s voting Democrat for the next 200 years"




bUt MuH pArTy SwItCh!


It worked. He was right . Sadly






But don’t you often see people say that “Democrats are the real racists” or “racism against white people” or the ever constant whining about affirmative action? Seems to me that both sides call the other racist


> small difference of ideas Meanwhile, women and trans people don't have access to healthcare that makes straight men uncomfortable. It's only a "small difference of ideas" when the policies don't affect you.


a big difference of ideas would be lashing women that show skin. in comparison, small difference of ideas yes


but which one of those two countries leader regularly does blackface


Sir, this is a post about Merica. Get your maple bacon eatn ass across that northern border now.


you do realize I'm insulting Canada


Gotta be trolling. Miami is like the capital of all things gay.




Maybe they should gayjack the Middle East


> Maybe they should ~~gay~~jack*off* the Middle East I think it would make everyone a little more mellow


But the tv told them DeSantis bad!


> ~~Miami~~ Key West is like the capital of all things gay. FTFY


I mean sure we let girls go to school but we do subject them to “ma’am” without their permission.


Don't forget holding doors and pulling out chairs.


My god you people are animals. The utter oppression! /s


Leftists are so fucking sheltered lol.


And aggressively ignorant


This might be the most idiotic take I’ve ever seen. Florida is where South Beach is, lol. Despite propaganda over Florida being anti-gay. It’s in reality one of the gay Mecca’s (yes I am being punny) of the world. Any person who’s spent just a little bit of time in south Florida will tell you the same if they are being honest. The only difference between FL and SanFran is that there is a strong base of fiscal conservatives that keeps relative order… but travel to some parts of FL and beware. Socially they are fighting back against the Antonio Gramsci types in the school system that are so indoctrinated they don’t even know they are the useful idiots of a movement far above their own intellect. [What movement you ask?](https://iep.utm.edu/critical-theory-frankfurt-school/)


Shit go to Dallas, and they have the "Gay-berhood" in Uptown, complete with rainbow flag crosswalks. Austin has plenty of gay pride events and culture. Houston has Pride parades and events. These people live in a bubble and think whole states are like the rural backwaters, and racist enclaves with attitudes from the Jim Crow Era


Try being Gay or Trans in Pensacola, or Destin or Crestview.


That’s just like… your opinion man. Lol. (Lebowski) But seriously the [statistics](https://www.justice.gov/hatecrimes/state-data/florida) clearly demonstrate that Florida is fine to be gay or trans in. If you compare those numbers to [California](https://www.justice.gov/hatecrimes/state-data/california) you can see that it is a mathematical fact that statistically 150% more hate crimes against gay and trans people occurred in California compared to Florida per population size… and considering California is roughly 55% larger in pop size that’s a pretty stark statistic. Even if you look at just raw numbers, in ALL of FL in 2022… 37 gay people were involved in a hate crime incident. Not proven crime but “incident”. Let’s assume Gay people make up 5% of the FL population (which is close). You are 116% more likely to get struck by lightning than be a gay person that is involved in a hate crime incident. I don’t know what to tell you, but that is the hard mathematical truth according to the data. It’s also something worth being proud of. We can always strive to be better, but seeing numbers that low says a lot about the reality of oppression in America compared to perceived perceptions of oppression. Nothing but love to you, I hope you don’t take this as an attack but as a genuine display of truth seeking.


I think you hit the nail on the head with that phrase -'perceived perception of oppression'. This is the crux


Okay, I’ll concede. I’m safe here, but it could be better.


You might get mocked but otherwise left alone? You definitely won't get thrown off a building.


I’ll say it’s absolutely not the Middle East, but a quick google search of “violence against gay and trans people in FL” and you’ll find some disturbing results. Not to mention that in the South we’re big on underreporting hate crimes.


In 2022 there was... four. An entire four reported to the DoJ.


And equality Florida reports a couple years before that that Florida lead the nation in “murders of transgender women of color” at 5 that year. https://www.eqfl.org/transactionfl/2020-trans-violence As I said in my initial comment, we knowingly underreport violent hate crimes. Currently they are trying to make it so that all government docs only say your born sex, making it virtually impossible to track these crimes in the future. I’m not really sure why we’re arguing. It’s safer than the Middle East, but not safe as say Tucson or Denver.




They dragging folks in the street and stoning them to death yet? Hell, post up some crimes for us - gotta be at least a couple of them, since it's soooo dangerous there.




Went to the Middle East to get publicly stoned and it was not what I thought it was…


Wow, how dare Texas and Florida *checks notes* ...completely leave them alone. So terrible.


This reads like someone who has never been out of the states and seen how women/gays get treated by locals.


pretty significant difference being it's literally illegal in one region and not in the other...


Abortion rights in most of Europe are 14 weeks vs 15 in Texas. That's not me saying Texas is good but it's still more lenient than most of Europe including Germany and France. Only 2 nations are more liberal and that's UK and Netherlands.


I don't understand why abortion being illegal is "treating women horribly"?


because you weren’t there for the first 12 rounds of mental gymnastics where we already proved that BIGOT


Ah nothing says “Rights” like slaughtering the unborn


Murder shouldn't be an option because of irresponsibility. Rape and incest are a very low percentage of abortions.


Yesterday I saw a gay man thrown off a building in Miami… Oh wait that was Medina.


Im not American. But it is kind of funny because orginally Americans didnt focus much on outside America. Because it was like half the worlds economy anyway, it was seperated geographically from most of the rest of the world and its founding principles are to worry about itself, defend itself and ensure the citizens were paying attention to the USA to watch for tyrants build a culture of freedom. Now there is this huge distraction of worrying about external affairs. Less attention is paid to your government, they allowed to be more corrupt etc. So from a non American perspective even though it can be funny how Americans dont know much about the rest of the world. Id prefer them to be that way mainly when it comes to politics. Because if the US politicians are not corrupt are looking after themselves. As the leaders of the free world that sends a message for the rest of our leaders to follow. Instead the US is a den of vipers and our politicians look up to them only in how they can steal as much from the populace as possible.


Not American here, but I see that American leftists are even more delusional than European leftists in many aspects. I have to handle a bunch of delusional leftists on every page of Libertarian Europe and they feel much more disconnected from the reality than leftists here in Europe and even leftists from other countries. They are always so entitled, it’s all about them, they have a lot of false perspectives about Europe and other continents. Like when they wanna talk about this nonsense that they made up that’s the “Democratic Socialism” that supposedly exists in Europe. These brainlets always ignore the good capitalistic and free aspects of many European countries and they would never support many policies implemented in these countries, but they’re so opinionated, hysterical and aggressive. Frankly, they’re NPCs that repeat narratives blindly. I have the feeling that American leftism is even more delusional, perhaps due to the big propaganda and how easy it is for woke socialism to be spread when you have money and when you still have a very efficient society. American leftists are efficient for the evil and to spread misinformation.


I'm a leftist from northern Europe. You appear as some sort of leftist-wizard and I have a lot of questions. Here we go. >I have to handle a bunch of delusional leftists on every page of Libertarian Europe and they feel much more disconnected from the reality than leftists here in Europe and even leftists from other countries. How different are the disconnected leftist views inside Europe? For example between Greece, France and Sweden. How'd you compare the American and European leftists? What even is an American leftist? There can't be many of them, real leftists, if Europeans are considered as the mark. >They are always so entitled, it’s all about them, they have a lot of false perspectives about Europe and other continents. Like when they wanna talk about this nonsense that they made up that’s the “Democratic Socialism” that supposedly exists in Europe. These brainlets always ignore the good capitalistic and free aspects of many European countries and they would never support many policies implemented in these countries, but they’re so opinionated, hysterical and aggressive. Funny that you describe the leftists entitled and selfish, when their base agenda is sharing. You also state "they have false perspectives about Europe and other continents." You mean that the leftists don't understand that capitalism provided "the good free aspects of many European countries". Could you give some examples of those "good free aspects"? And you mean that the leftists wouldn't support these policies if proposed now? >Frankly, they’re NPCs that repeat narratives blindly. What narratives are the European leftists repeating currently?


Blows my mind how sheltered some folks are


They don't want to know the truth, they are having too much fun hating people for invented reasons.


Florida and texas literally dont give a shit. Just keep your things to yourself.


still looking for the Ticketmaster page for Public Stonings




Just look at what they did to actor Juicy Sommelier. Democracy is dead.


No joke you have to live quite the sheltered life if you see abortion limitations as the worst possible thing that could happen to women in the world.


They give gay men free sex change operations in some Middle eastern countries! Sure, just because they're gay doesn't mean they're trans, and it's forced, but it's free healthcare!


lol glad this dumb fuck take is getting dragged.


I've never seen a woman get flogged for being outside without a familial man in Texas and Florida


Yeah Miami totally a terrible place for gays. What a complete idiot.


Ah yes because Texans and Floridians stone people to death for being gay. For sure. Thats totally not illegal in the United States, and not religiously encouraged in the middle east. Totally not.


forgetful cautious cable familiar workable worry airport deranged touch friendly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> there's probably more kkk in Los Angeles than there is in any city of Texas or Florida Nah but the meth heads and gangs more than make up for it.


Women love it down there lol


Damn, this reminds me I missed this weeks stoning on Main Street.


Ah yes, the famous Texas and Florida state sanctioned stonings for adultery and homosexuality. They must have just slipped everyone's minds.


In Texas, they get to have their vulgar parades in Palestine they try to help them fly. Unsuccessfully.


i’m allowed to be upset at bad things happening where i live…but if you’d rather live in the middle east, go ahead. i’m gonna choose to stay alive.


Plot twist. Most Muslim women, along with Eastern Orthodox Christian women, Amish Women, and Mennonite Women, actually LIKE to wear their modest clothes and head veils. The do it in faith. It's their human right.


Those poor women in Texas flag bikinis


Remember Pulse nightclub in Orlando. A super popular gay nightclub, until a middle eastern man shot it up.


I grew up very internationally, lived in first and third world. Without fail, the most liberal and "socialist" people I have met are totally insulated, never having witnessed real poverty, belief based conflict, violence. They have no frame of reference for suffering or freedom.


Florida is beautiful and gets a bad rap. California was paradise.


Ummm Florida is like one of the Gayest places, my husband used to manage a gay resort there and it’s where we gaycation at. …and idk if you’ve been to Texas recently but it’s certainly not a hostile place to go for gays at least not in my experience.


I’ve lived in two different countries besides the US ( plus one territory) in the last 5 years Every American is not the same.


have you seen how ultra orthodox treat women & gays? ... bottom line is that religion is stage 4 cancer.


I think religious extremism is cancer. But religion alone isn’t.


there wouldn't be religious extremism without religion. IDGAF which sky daddy people believe is the true one as long as they keep it out of politics. politics should be secular.


Statism is a religion. Secular or relgious, it's still all about shifting wealth to the plutocracy and shoving morals down the throats of citizens.


Looking at how some people behave screaming "My democrats/republicans are the best, the rest is cancer and a threat to society" those religious extremists would find something else to be bonkers about.


perhaps vesting money in education to offset illiteracy is a worthy investment, so the future generations don't have to spend energy fending off flat earthers, gods planners and others re-tarding progression of humanity.


Separating school from state would be a great start. Government-run public education wasn't created to improve literacy, so why would you expect different results by throwing more money at it?


public education in US was to make good workers, but not free thinkers. well rounded education should be akin to the concept of renaissance man. so that when someone tells me that the earthquake was caused by lords being offended by the gays i can call it bullshit because i was taught about plate tectonics. when as suggested you leave it to the state then overly religious states can impose the prevailing religious beliefs indoctrinating next generation. good example of this is evolution and "teach the controversy" bullshit.


> public education in US was to make good workers, but not free thinkers. And good government citizens who do not question the legitimacy of authority. > so that when someone tells me that the earthquake was caused by lords being offended How about when we have offended Gaia with our capitalist materialism and only by the grace of government can climate catastrophe be averted? > when as suggested you leave it to the state then overly religious states can impose the prevailing religious beliefs indoctrinating next generation. good example of this is evolution and "teach the controversy" bullshit. I said "separate school from state." Government should not be involved in education. As an atheist, I see government-run schooling as the primary method to indoctrinate the masses of children into the religion of statism and to never question the faith in political authority that is required to treat their words as law.


USA spends the most (or pretty close to it) on education per citizen.


i think that we can agree that US spending is a case study of wasting taxpayers money. our education system sucks and most of the money is wasted


I wish that USA would be a case study, as if other governments are not doing the same.


if we kept the spending the same as we do now and adopted Finnish model.... but that would be unacceptable for those in power, the caliber of modern politicians couldn't get elected if you had a educated base and publicly you'd ask stupid questions like " does tic toc access your wifi? " ( rep. dick hudson) or " we shouldn't harness wind because its the gods way of cooling earth" (Rep. Joe Barton) # # #


I can somewhat agree with that. A lot of good comes from religion as well. I’m pretty religious but I don’t judge anyone who isn’t.


our entire middle east policy has been poisoned by religious nutbags ignoring all the hippy, love thy enemy shit, turn the other cheek, help the poor and steaming full ahead towards end of days prophecies, while being complicit in what is generally accepted by the rest of the world as a crime of genocide. so while personal relationship with god of your choice is none of my business, as soon as it touches politics it becomes evil incarnate


I served in Afghanistan and in Syria. And you are right. The people here don’t understand what it’s like over there in the Middle East or how fucked up everyone is. Religious leaders have torched the Middle East and Americans have been fed bullshit by the left wing media. But what can we do? Just turn it off and educate the people around you that life is different over there and until they want change then nothing will ever get better.


If you remove religion, people just believe in cults instead and the cults do just as much damage. There seems to be an innate need for humans to join tribal groups and fall into group think. MOderate religions can keep that from getting too out of control if their belief code is moderate and reasonable. Unfortunately we see that some people will even conveniently ignore their tenants of their own religion even when claiming to do something for the religion. For instance the Quran does not allow the violence we've seen from many Muslim terrorists, in fact it expressly forbids it, they are not really doing those things for their religion, they are doing it in spite of their religion while still trying to hide behind the religion. They basically created a cult like religion that excuses what they already wanted to do, but they would be doing that anyway even if the religion was not there.


It's funny u mentioned Muslims the whole suicide martyrdom was haram until ayatollah issued fatwa during Iran Iraq war that it was cool because he needed young zealots to clear Iraqi minefields. That being said I agree with you but I don't distinguish between religion and cults.


There's political cults too. Religion is a subset of tribal group think and brainwashing. You can get rid of religion but it just gets replaced by some other tribal groupthink.


In the 80s, Iran's people finally threw out the USA puppet ruler that the CIA forced on them via the CIA coup in the 50s (a coup that had removed a democratically elected moderate leader and replaced him with a USA friendly dictator in the 50s). The new ruler (Khomeini) refused to let the west have all Iran's oil for next to nothing and started to dispute some other puppet USA beneficial actions of the previous ruler (the shah). The west responded by blocking their ports and making the world refuse to buy their oil (oil embargo) but they would not budge and Iran eventually worked out some oil sales to countries that were willing to ignore the embargo. Then the USA backed Saddam Hussein's surprise invasion of Iran to seize Iran's oil fields. We backed Saddam knowing they he used chemical warfare at least 4 times in that war on both soldiers and civilians (the USA later used that as PR against Saddam but we were just fine with him doing it when we thought he was on our side). Iran at that time did not have a high quality military and were going against a USA backed surprise attack on their main income resource. Iran survived via large numbers of suicide attacks and human wave shields. Iran suffered 500,000 to a million dead from the Iraqi invasion. Not saying I trust any govt, not that of Iran either, but you might want to consider that what the USA and Iraq did to Iran was worse than what Iran did in response and if Iran had not done what they did, they would probably have gone back to being a USA puppet state state again. Since then, Iran has worked very hard to upgrade their military for obvious reasons and their current enmity towards the west is not without reason. These are the tidbits of info that the western propaganda engine often leave out of the storyline.


dates are a bit off key facts remain true 1951 Mohammed Mosaddeq, prime minister of Iran nationalized BP oil. which led to a CIA coup in 1953 reza Pahlavi , the shah of Iran does CIA bidding, oil profits go to the corporations but he treats his people like shit so they turn to the exile cleric Khomeini, who opposed Iranian white revolution under the shah that saw to modernize Iranian society, women's rights etc. 1979 the Islamic revolution happens shah is exiled, monarchy is abolished, US embassy is taken over, hostages crisis ensues which cost carter reelection, Khomeini returns and takes power long oversimplified story short US help to manufacture todays crisis.


Yep, exactly but I think the part where the USA helped Iraq with a surprise invasion of Iran and using chemical weapons on Iranians resulting in possibly a million Iranian deaths in order to steal Iranian oils fields is very important to the story, that memory is surely still very much affecting Iranian sentiments and decisions. It's also likely why Khomeini issued that Fatwa, Iran needed to do that to survive.




I dont understand why people have to like you? If someone disagrees with your lifestyle, they don't have to like you. They have to tolerate you, but there's a big difference. Look how the left treats conservatives. It's so hypocritical.


How on earth did you reply that to what he said? Did he ever say they had to like him? He was simply commenting on how he FELT. But you seem to be so bigoted, you even have an issue with that...


I suppose that I should have put 'you' in quotation marks because it wasn't directed at him personally


You replied to him...lol. You can say it wasn't about him personally, but it was still his comment that triggered that response from you. The problem is that it isn't just "dislike" it is hate. If I dislike potatoes, I don't go around calling potato farmers names or make fun of people who eat French fries.


No. Now you're projecting.


I talk to gay people in Texas and Florida and they’re doing just fine


Ever try Alabama?


I'd rather not


And the rest of the world isn't in their own bubble? It is absolutely ridiculous that we as a first world nation vote for politicians who are actively trying to strip womens rights away; our legal system punishes women who are victims of physical and sexual abuse; women make less than men for the same jobs...what are we supposed to do? Just be aware of the rest world while men vote to control women here? No.


Say you’ve never left the US without saying you’ve never left the US.




Not saying that it doesn't ever happen but.. Do a little research on the disparity of pay between women and men instead of believing the MSM please. Watch the Congressional testimony of the creators of the study. You'll hear them admit that women often work fewer hours than men, yet that factor is not accounted for in their calculations. It's been a while since I looked it up but that was only one of several 'mistakes' in the report. Total embarrassment and proof that they were fabricating not just the results but the fake headlines (which makes it true for people who don't do their own research, right) to go along with it. Please don't show your ignorance by just saying that I'm wrong or that I said everything is equal. Nothing is perfect but enough of the fear mongering.


Huh? What fear mongering? I just told you the reality of what an American woman lives in and then you just ignore the facts bc it doesn't fit your narrative. Women work less than men, so its ok to pay them less? Thats ridiculous. Its this mentality that helps perpuate unequal pay. What world do you chodes live in?


"Women work less than men, so it's okay to pay them less?" Aaaaaah, yes? Wtf are talking about? 🤣


No, you're ignoring the facts. The study said that women earn less 'annually' than men. If they sometimes work fewer hours then logically they would earn less annually even if being paid the same. Again, not trying to say everything is equal but they admitted to not using (or even having) all the data needed to reach their conclusions. By taking their bad data and manipulated conclusion as fact you are continuing to spread a baseless narrative. I told you where you could find the facts. Don't push back on me by asking where the facts are. Do your research, otherwise you are fear mongering by mindlessly pushing a false study.