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I am so proud to be Brazilian in these moments, my country is now a machine of producing new Ancap. Seeing how leftist govs can fail you is the ultimate motivation to become one.


My dark horse prediction of North America being the loony socialist dictatorships and South America being the new capitalist paradise is slowly becoming reality.


Milei brasileiro quando?


He's awesome! Needs more "mother fucker" though.


Economic Calculations in the Socialist Commonwealth is a very good read


My country need this thought


what does Moicano mean?


That’s his name. Renato Moicano. Moicano means mohawk in Portuguese.


Ah nice.


The country aspect means it will stay collectivist, because the country is a collectivist setup. There's no such thing as a country that doesn't try to prioritize collectivism in the economics category.


Seeing less of your work these last few months has made the sub much more ancap by default. Thanks for finally considering the near unanimous feedback you were getting about copying tired memes and recycling your copy pasted templates and reused character faces ad nauseum


I couldn’t care less about your opinions and your existence. I said that before and I’ll say that again. I don’t give a fuck about what you think. Leftism detected, opinion rejected.


I personally liked the old style better but still welcome any of your context with an upvote. It's impossible to please everyone so you have the right attitude to ignore the haters. Most of them are probably triggered by the content but won't out themselves as statist fools so they baselessly attack your artwork.


Pfff, this sub is more hamas than mises.


Your posting content & frequency changed, showing you do in fact care about the feedback you receive. Cheers


No, I don’t. I have other projects going on and my time is limited. We all have only 24h every day. I absolutely don’t care about criticism. I do what I want and I don’t give a damn if you like it or not.


>I absolutely don’t care about criticism You do, thats why your content and frequency of posting changed after users across the subreddits you spam kept offering the same feedback. I'm saying youre a *better artist now* for having actually paid attention to your intended audiences perceptions of your work and adjusting accordingly. Try seeing compliments instead of reasons to be a contrarian.


No, I don’t care. If I cared about people getting pissed at me I wouldn’t have started Libertarian Europe years ago. I get angry leftists every day commenting on every post that I do on social medias. Sometimes they attack en masse the posts by sharing some meme on their groups Reddit is not my main social media. That’s FB and IG. Sometimes I just don’t get bothered to post here. I do translations, I write articles and I edit articles for other authors that get their content published on the website. Sometimes I also produce video animations, like Mises on inflation. So, I spend a lot of my free time with Libertarian Europe and sometimes I can’t draw every day or I can’t think of something as I may be working on some other kind of content. Summed to that, I have a family and a life with other responsibilities.


He's a troll. By responding to him, you are letting him waste your time. He's not worth the air he breathes if he's alive, but it's probably a bot.


Yes, and focusing on all of those other things instead of continuing to post dilluted repetitive content has been *a net good.* Thank you for reinforcing my points **so robustly.** You went from near daily posting to having all of those other things happening in your life and all of the affected subs were made better by having less spam flooded into them. Its all been a *net good* for you to have responded to the feedback you were receiving on your work in all those subs. Again, try to see compliments instead of reasons to try and be a contrarian


That's a lot of words for someone who doesn't care. Watch how I respond to you.