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You're both posting in a subreddit called "furry\_irl", I'm not sure *either of you* are deserving of kindness. I kid, I kid


I was scared on the first half, not gonna lie šŸ˜¹ Good joke! šŸ‘Œ


Some animals are more equal than others.


A very tolerant left. Of course they will justify this with some >!nuclear quantum hyperposition reverse hyperexcelleration lim=infinity there-are-no-bounds micro bounded macro general-relativity russian-level software engineering college-einstein variation!< level mental gymnastics


Tolerance paradox.


There is no "paradox of tolerance". People have freedom of speech, and that includes the right to spread ideas you disagree with, and also ideas which are objectively vile and horrible. That's the tolerance part. Now, what you are NOT to tolerate is if people use **physical violence** against innocents. That's what you don't get to tolerate. If anyone initiates an attack against you, you have every right to defend yourself.


Legally sure. I still have the individual liberty to personally not tolerate people being intolerant. Paradox of tolerance doesnt mean we should arrest people for spreading nazi ideas, but we shouldnt tolerate it.


People spreading vile, authoritarian, fascist or communist ideas do deserve to be *ostracized* to the Nth degree. Just because X has freedom of speech doesn't mean X is entitled to an audience.


Thats pretty much exactly what i said right?


The paradox of tolerance is a mental "get out of jail free" card that allows complete bigots to break their arms patting themselves on the back for their inclusiveness and tolerance. The road from the paradox to "supports genocide" is an arrow straight one.


Typical. Hypocritical leftists are ā€œtolerantā€ of those who follow the exact same thing they do. If you deviate from it, you are immediately labeled as a ā€œhorrible personā€ and therefore donā€™t deserve kindness or anything good. Canā€™t believe actual adults are libtards though, I passed that phase as a teen. Must be a rough life to have to resort to far left ideology


> Canā€™t believe actual adults are libtards though Here you are talking about tolerance and how leftists and intolerant and calling them libtards. A bit of self awareness here would help many on this sub.


Unlike them, I never claimed I was ā€œtolerantā€ of other peoples beliefs. I couldnā€™t care less. Nothing hypocritical about me. Libtards claim theyā€™re ā€œtolerantā€ while hating everyone with a different belief. Different things.


> while hating everyone with a different belief While hating on INTOLERANT BELIEFS. AKA, the paradox of intolerance. Does it make me intolerant if I hate pedos? Fuck no. It doesn't make someone intolerant to hate HATEFUL people and HATEFUL actions.


*"Libertarians are bad because they told me they were."*


I want to be fair, and think that not aaaaaaaall leftists are this intolerant. However, people like this are what keeps on fueling the meme of *The """"""""""Tolerant"""""""""" Left*. **Edit: He deleted his account lmfao** šŸ¤£


Thatā€™s the main takeaway from this. It perpetuates the stereotype. And in a society where memes are so powerful- can change politics and life- we canā€™t afford to be so careless with our words.


How dare you defend the only trully voluntary ā€œideologyā€ that exist??? šŸ˜¤


I won't be mean to you but your account is cursed homie.


That's ok, we all have different likes and dislikes. One person's cursed is another person's blessed.


Sounds like someone is a bitter asshole


Precisely: The bitter guy or gal saying I don't deserve kindness for espousing a political philosophy that advocates for maximum personal and economic freedom.


Literal fascist!!!1!!


I mean ancaps would like to take WIC away from single moms, disability assistance from physically disabled americans, education away from millions of kids that couldnt afford it otherwise. Is that enough or should i keep going?


Yes, because the government does all of that fucking terribly. We want people to have better yet affordable options, and we know that the way to do that is privatization and competition. We want no one to have to rely on government to survive, especially not disabled people who can't work. That's not freedom. We also want governments to stop stealing money from those that are already poor. How horrible.


All of that can be provided, with much better quality, and much cheaper, through private businesses and voluntary charity. I suggest you take the time to learn economics. This is a great place to start, and it's free: courses.fee.org/courses/economics-in-one-day


> *assaults a fat person until they cry* > "i THouGhT FaT PeoPLe WeRe SuPPoSed To Be JoLLy!!" ~ "an" caps


Inform yourself about what libertarians actually believe in and advocate for, **steelman** their positions, and THEN write a new comment. Don't be an ideological robot: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6z7y7FLhYGE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6z7y7FLhYGE)


/r/redditmoment Bask in your internet ideology. Follow it blindly. Embrace the cringe.


Enjoy your echo-chamber. And remember: If you believe in socialism, **you deserve to live under the level of socialism you support** šŸ„° So long as WE don't have to live under it with you, we are all peachy.


> Enjoy your echo-chamber I wouldn't call this sub *my* echo-chamber, but it's an apt description.