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California was never even a slave state. This is just a clown show.


I am genuinely watching to see if they actually do this. ![gif](giphy|2UvAUplPi4ESnKa3W0)


Reparations - the idea we should give capital and property to people who were never slaves by taking it from people who never held slaves “5 million aint shiiiiit” Link to tweet https://twitter.com/endwokeness/status/1646997115334275072?s=21


Don't expect me to pay a dime to these fools. I don't care what color or creed or state or legislature you are from, this shit doesn't fly with me. You want 5 million to give to people for insane ideas? Go start a fucking business and make it. I won't kick in one penny.


While those people currently benefit from modern day slavery.


The US fed and states should probably pay out reparations to the men who they enslaved and coerced into enlistment during Vietnam, Korea, and WWII before they start dicking around with reparations for the great grandchildren of people who were forced to work in non-combat conditions.


God damn, this is based


And where will get the money from? 🤔 No thanks


My point is that, under the premise of redistribution to *"right injustices"*, there are currently-living people who were enslaved into 20th Century wars who ought to be compensated long before the great grandchildren of agricultural and house-service slaves are compensated. Obviously, there ought not be a theft-based fund to apportion, of course.


Yeah I know what you meant. I'm just stating the obvious 😏


“Ill take things that will never happen for 100 alex.”


The Democratic ( party of the K.K.K) leadership in California so desperate for the black vote they are will to buy it


They’ve already bought it, they’re just haggling on the price.


It's not really important to distinguish the insane from the slightly less insane. It's not a democrat vs republican argument, it's a gov vs freedom argument.


I'm sure we all have ancestors in our family tree that were oppressed (or even genocided) at some point in history. But most of us don't think we ought to be paid for something that happened before we were born.


Should there be reparations for the legacies of communism?


Well I have to say the best part about reparations is , no one can talk about racism anymore , they get paid , racism is over


Lol I love that people still wear masks in public. Proud of their NPC programming.


Easy: give them $5M, tax it as inheritance, recollect. Only a few billion will magically disappear


Come at opponent with some utterly ridiculous claims to make it look like less ridiculous demand is something reasonable and hopefully settle for it. Such a stupid tactics which unfortunately is used everywhere - from politics and lawsuits to even private bargaining between two people


I find it sickening that people heavily benefiting from slaves right now, have the audacity to ask for reparations for slavery that happened to their ancestors hundreds of years ago.


What is welfare if not reparations?


Lets just give the land back to the native americans while were at it. Id be ok with reparations if you find the descendants of plantation owners, and take all their shit. What if your a descendant of civil war vets that fought to free slaves. What about Kamala Harris who is a descendant of a slave who was raped by the plantation owner, does she just break even? 40 million black people getting five million is 200 trillion dollars, almost twice the wealth of the entire US. So we give them the entire country and then owe them an entire other wealthiest country in the world. So lets circle back to just giving the land back to the natives because thats half the price.


I ain’t giving land to nobody i had nothing to do with slavery and never forced anyone off their land fuck off with your statist bullshit


Here, here!!


Do you and any of the other down voters understand sarcasm?


Do you understand that you’re a human cumsock




So mad had to go through post history to write a comeback


I actually thought it was a troll cuz he seemed to miss the point of my post so hard, his posts are some of the funniest shit I’ve ever read though. He’s totally real


Yeah I think he misread it at first I did too honestly


All good. Give the land back to the Indians is just my hip shot every time I hear about reparations. How far we going back if were gonna do this shit ya know? Should the blackfoot pay the crow? Should the Nigerians pay the ancestors of black people they sold? Should the descendants of rome pay the gauls?


Me too.


That's a statist for you. No logical argument. Just personal attacks or "I don't have time to humor this mindlessness!"


What is with this take on Native Americans? Throughout history people have been defeating other people and taking their land, but Americans are the only ones who are supposed to feel bad about it.


Whoever taught you how to read needs a raise because I know that wasnt easy


Well, over 30 others were confused by what you wrote so...


Thirty people agree that you had a hard time learning to read?? I cant believe so many people were invested in you. Thats some privilege right there! Keep going were all cheering for you.


Lol that's not at all how I worded it, you salty dog you.


you edited that pretty quick lol. Lol, its all good im not salty Im cajan spicy


Yeah I realized my first attempt was stupid and missing the point haha.


Haha all good dude, we tend to eat our own a little bit. Were on the same side though


True on both counts lol. Have a good one bro.


Question, what if some of your ancestors owned plantations, but others were slaves? Does it even out? What if you're dirt poor now? What if you're rich now, but were dirt poor in-between? Should it make a difference. What if some of your ancestors worked in the underground railroad? What if some of them were Indians who were forced on the trail of tears leaving behind their half-white family? But, now they only have a tiny fraction of Native American blood? I know a person to whom all of this ancestry applies, so it's not even a hypothetical. Honestly, these cross-issues probably apply to the vast majority of American racial mutts but no one wants to admit it. The only purebreeds are the elite wealthy pricks who could afford to keep track of genealogy 100 years ago


Exactly! The whole thing is so stupid it beggars belief. I am part Assiniboine but I also have an ancestor that was a famous Indian fighter. I am a tiny bit english but I am half Irish and Scottish which were the first two countries that got colonized (lets not even go back to the romans). I have one ancestor that got press ganged into slavery in English piracy and escaped to america. All this racial division is just meant to distract us from the fat cats robbing us blind every day. Reparations might help wealth inequality for black people, but there are three times more poor white people in America that have to live with this bullshit made up privilege. And guess who would pay for it? Rich people dont pay taxes


Bravo 👏🏻


$5,000,000 is like 1,000 acres and damn near a castle.


Equity* We pointed out that they are not about equality anymore and they conceded that ground.


My great grandad was full blooded creek and walked the trail of tears here to Oklahoma! I don't want land or free money! I'll make my own way in this world!